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I have pretty much no incentive to pull in this banner. The only character I want is Titania, but I'd rather hoard my orbs. I'm glad these guys are in, though, since I know they're popular ^.^ Good luck to those that want them!

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aaand once again, the little sisters are dumbed down to being...the little sister. i dunno, i know theyre just a staple of the series, but one day i hope the imoutos can be more than just imoutos. 

im definitely going to roll for soren though. i was saving for the possibility of echoes!boey being added, buuuuuuuuuut im gay

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I'm probabbly the only person who isn't hyped about this banner because I didnt play the Telius games.

But if Ike is as badass as he was in his game then take my money.

It's right on my payday as well damnit.

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2 minutes ago, OKigen said:

I'm probabbly the only person who isn't hyped about this banner because I didnt play the Telius games.

But if Ike is as badass as he was in his game then take my money.

It's right on my payday as well damnit.

There are plenty not hyped, like for all banners. I'm lucky in that I played all games. These just happen to be four charries that don't catch my interest xD

Here's hoping they finish the Greil Mercs and give me my Rhys! :D

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"The Hero she's contracted is said to be the strongest in all the worlds".

...Let me guess. The Japanese text is nothing like that, right? At least, I figure that it being anything of the sort is highly unlikely.

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Can't say I'm particularly hyped about this banner. Then again, I haven't played the Tellius games.

I love Titania as a character, and her art and voice look great here... but her skills are very disappointing. None of the seem very good. We'll see what her stats are. Maybe she'll end up as a mounted tank? Gaurd as her unique skill is very underwhelming. Increasing an enemy's special counter? In a certain situation? I can't see it making much of a difference.

Ike looks pretty great. Distant Counter built into his weapon, and a unique skill that makes hes special counter tick down faster. I assume he will have high attack but low speed.

Ike's going to be a real pain to face off against in the arena...

Not sure if I'm going to pull on this banner. I love Titania as a character but her skills look very underwhelming. Ike might end up quite good, but I don't have any attachment to his character at all.

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2 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

"The Hero she's contracted is said to be the strongest in all the worlds".

...Let me guess. The Japanese text is nothing like that, right? At least, I figure that it being anything of the sort is highly unlikely.

Actually, that's pretty universal. Intelligent Systems hasn't exactly kept it a secret that they view Ike as the strongest character in FE.

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Wow, I'm suprised by the lack of hype for this banner despite all the "Where tf is Ike" I've seen. I would've much preferred the Celica banner over this but I'm okay with this. More greens.

Also, is Ike the first to have a breaker skill with no weapon advantage, not counting colorless?

Edited by KongDude88
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4 minutes ago, KongDude88 said:

Also, is Ike the first to have a breaker skill with no weapon advantage, not counting colorless?

... Wow, I think you may be right about that. Ike is such a special snowflake Gary Stu -- *shot*

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9 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

There are plenty not hyped, like for all banners. I'm lucky in that I played all games. These just happen to be four charries that don't catch my interest xD

Here's hoping they finish the Greil Mercs and give me my Rhys! :D

Hm... no, Ike has distant counter so I do care :D

But with the way this gacha goes, I'm pretty sure it will just throw Eirika to me again.

I heard good things about the Telius games. What is the best way to play it now, do I need to buy a gamecube?

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If I got anyone, it would be Soren.  Yes, he's redundant, but I don't care.  His art is gorgeous.

EDIT: @OKigen , if you're independently wealthy, then disc + Gamecube is the way to go.  You can also emulate (but don't ask us where to find the ROMs).

Edited by eclipse
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10 minutes ago, OKigen said:

Hm... no, Ike has distant counter so I do care :D

But with the way this gacha goes, I'm pretty sure it will just throw Eirika to me again.

I heard good things about the Telius games. What is the best way to play it now, do I need to buy a gamecube?

Buy a wii since RD is on that and it can play Gamecube games... but the games are expensive. Might be worth waiting for it to come out on virtual console of some kind.

Edited by Cute Chao
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16 minutes ago, RedEyedDrake said:

"The Hero she's contracted is said to be the strongest in all the worlds".

...Let me guess. The Japanese text is nothing like that, right? At least, I figure that it being anything of the sort is highly unlikely.

Pretty much the same thing in Japanese

"The strongest hero? Don't tell me..."

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21 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

Actually, that's pretty universal. Intelligent Systems hasn't exactly kept it a secret that they view Ike as the strongest character in FE.

Really? Now there's something you wouldn't expect. Wonder how much flak they got when they first unveiled this grand idea of theirs.

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22 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Buy a wii since RD is on that and it can play Gamecube games... but that games are expensive. Might be worth waiting for it to come out on virtual console of some kind.

Just looked at them on Ebay. Are they originaly that expensive? £100 is quite a high price.

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