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Fire Emblem Echoes sold less on its first week in Japan than either Shadow Dragon or New Mystery did.


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21 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

"financial failure"

just fucking lol

i have a feeling that you are not privy to how much budget they spent and how much profit they are currently making especially at such an early time

There is a very good reason I said that. Remember, it was after New Mystery of the Emblem that Nintendo told IS that the next FE game would have to sell a certain amount (250 k I believe) in order for the FE series to continue. And guess what, Echoes in its first week sold less than the game that Nintendo decided was the breaking point and finally told IS that their next game would be their last should it sell similarly. 


So yes, financial failure is a completely adequate way of describing Echoes.

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16 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

There is a very good reason I said that. Remember, it was after New Mystery of the Emblem that Nintendo told IS that the next FE game would have to sell a certain amount (250 k I believe) in order for the FE series to continue. And guess what, Echoes in its first week sold less than the game that Nintendo decided was the breaking point and finally told IS that their next game would be their last should it sell similarly. 


So yes, financial failure is a completely adequate way of describing Echoes.

New Mystery sold just over 270k only in Japan in lifetime sales. They wanted Awakening to keep reaching that mark. And hey, it was a great success that surpassed it.

If anything, the series was in the hole because of the poor sales of the Tellius games (coupled with what was likely bigger production costs at the time as a result of being console games + Radiant Dawn's scale). The remakes were on par in sales with the GBA games that had sustained the series for years. This perception that the DS remake games sold poorly is bogus. Echoes is more or less on track to be on par with the DS remakes and the GBA games.

If it is really a side project before they are moving on/having another team working on FE Switch, then it is/was probably very worth it.

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16 minutes ago, Harvey said:

If that's the case, then why did it sell 66 million? And why are there still a lot of games coming from the system? 

Because the 3DS has been out for 7 years now. And obviously the 3DS is still getting games. Just nowhere nearly as much.

8 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

There is a very good reason I said that. Remember, it was after New Mystery of the Emblem that Nintendo told IS that the next FE game would have to sell a certain amount (250 k I believe) in order for the FE series to continue. And guess what, Echoes in its first week sold less than the game that Nintendo decided was the breaking point and finally told IS that their next game would be their last should it sell similarly. 

See, that was back then. That was back when Fire Emblem was barely known. Fire Emblem sales were constantly declining back then. Now, Nintendo considers FE to be one of it's major IPs. One game in the series selling low (for FE standards) isn't gonna kill FE. Also

8 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

So yes, financial failure is a completely adequate way of describing Echoes.

Did you not read what AzureSen said?

8 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

131,000 copies sold with an 80-100% sell-through rate is a financial failure only if you don't know anything about game sales. At this point, the only people who think Echoes is a financial failure are the people who are invested into making it one, ignoring facts and logic in favor of doom and gloom mongering.

And adding to that, look at why Tryhard said

3 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

New Mystery sold just over 270k only in Japan in lifetime sales. They wanted Awakening to keep reaching that mark. And hey, it was a great success that surpassed it.

If anything, the series was in the hole because of the poor sales of the Tellius games. The remakes were more or less on par in sales with the GBA games that had sustained the series for years. This perception that the DS remake games sold poorly is bogus.

Besides these two, several people here, myself included, have already explained why Echoes isn't actually failing.

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I think people from both sides are exaggerating. This game is underperforming, but it's not the end of the world, it's actually probably fine if we take everything in consideration. At the same time, seeing people desperately trying to spin these sales numbers as positive (many of them posting fake or misleading numbers, which i made sure to correct whenever i saw them here) is also ridiculous.

in other words, this game is not a sucess at all in Japan, but i wouldn't call it a failure either, and it probably will have no effect at all on Fire Emblem's future unless its sales go massively one way or the other in the west, and even then the already confirmed FE Switch's performance would still eclipse this game's.

so yeah, you all should chill a bit, on both sides. Game is not a success and the sales aren't great, but it's not a failure either.

oh, and before someone point out the sell through while trying to make this game seen more successful than it is, games stores are the ones that order games, nintendo can't ship them as many games as they want, but rather the amount the stores ask for i.e. Japanese game stores were the ones that expected the game to sell the amount it did (they order their shipments based on that and also pre orders), not necessarily nintendo.

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Kinda think of it, did they ever reported how Echoes: Shadows of Valentia was doing in China since this is a first Fire Emblem game was released in China? And plus, I did saw that New Nintendo 2DS XL trailer did show Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia along with Hey! Pikmin and Miitopia, I kinda wondered that will boost the sales for all over the world?

On 4/26/2017 at 9:26 PM, Nobody said:

Regardless of this game's sales being bad or not, people overestimate topping charts. There's nothing special about topping a weekly sales chart in a country where first week sales represent most of them. PoR and RD might as well have topped their release week's charts in Japan, and that wouldn't say anything about how they sold. The "it's in first place in this week's sales rank so it sold well" argument i've seen some people saying makes no sense, and i'm not talking about this situation in particular, but like, topping a sales chart doesn't mean much when you're competing against games that are from much smaller series or were released 2, 3, 5 or 10 weeks before and therefore have already sold most of what they would.

Similarly, a game can sell REALLY well and still not top charts, if it's released in the same week as something much bigger, as for exemple it happened with Horizon: Zero Dawn, which was a huge success but didn't top charts in most places because of how close it released to Zelda.

I did saw Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and other classic GBA Fire Emblem games was marked in the Best Selling category in the North American Wii U eShop. And plus, Ike from Path of Radiance did made it as #1 for Males and #3 for Overall in the Choose Your Legends Poll for Fire Emblem Heroes. I did heard from the Interview from Heroes that the developer did mentioned that he was surprised to see Ike was popular outside of Japan since I think I did saw he mentioned that Ike didn't enough votes from Japan.

On 4/26/2017 at 3:05 PM, Anacybele said:

As meh as I think the game looks, this is troubling. Though it's not ALL that surprising, since Gaiden was apparently not popular. But it does worry me that it could make IS hesitant to remake FE4 and 5 or even not re-release Tellius (regardless of Ike's popularity and all the people wishing they could play it but can't because of inaccessibility). :(

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia does have dungeon exploring, provisions, Arts Skills gets added and did brought some of the Skills from previous Fire Emblem games to Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Thunder has a 3 Range instead of 2 Range, GBA-like supports are back, third tier classes, Archers have more than 2 range and they can attack in 1 range unlike other Fire Emblem games, Snipers have 5 Range, Bow Knights have 7 Range, Clerics have Nosferatu, reclassing, Berkut is an additional interesting villain with a good villain plot, expanded the story plot that looks way better, new post-ending chapter was added that never appeared in any Fire Emblem games, Overworld Classes are going to be added in DLC, Mila's Turnwheel that can turn back into time and you can undo your progress when you make mistakes in the Battlefield, Prologue that shows Alm, Celica, and the other 4 villagers appeared as kids, and Grima & Risens from Awakening were added that explains more of how Grima and Risens were created. I don't know why people in Japan are missing out on these great changes and new features in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia?

And about the amiibo theory, I kinda think why they put all the 7 Fire Emblem characters as Illusory Heroes that Marth is still alive in Alm's time since Marth's & Alm's timeline are connected, Robin and Lucina were born sometime 2000 years later and Grima was involved in the remake + Naga did said in Awakening that if Robin with having the Fell Blood in his/her body and kills Grima, Grima will be vanished and never comeback, Corrin's world was heard outside Hoshido & Nohr as a Mythological Kingdom that Chrom did told Corrin during in Before Awakening + the good Anankos did heard about Grima was defeated, and I don't know about Ike and Roy though, I think Ike might going to be coming to Valentia sometime after the Radiant Dawn ending since Priam was in Valm. And the routes were splitted into two that it might be too hard to recruit them either Alm or Celica.

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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because the 3DS has been out for 7 years now. And obviously the 3DS is still getting games. Just nowhere nearly as much.

Maybe but its still getting games nonetheless.

24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

See, that was back then. That was back when Fire Emblem was barely known. Fire Emblem sales were constantly declining back then. Now, Nintendo considers FE to be one of it's major IPs. One game in the series selling low (for FE standards) isn't gonna kill FE.

I think we can safely say that the blue ocean strategy is applying here. That's what happened for the first SNES games. Thracia sold the poorest and then Binding blade showed up and that game did well.

6 minutes ago, Nobody said:

I think people from both sides are exaggerating. This game is underperforming, but it's not the end of the world, it's actually probably fine if we take everything in consideration. At the same time, seeing people desperately trying to spin this sales as positive (many of them posting fake or misleading numbers, which i made sure to correct whenever i saw them here) is also ridiculous.

in other words, this game is not a sucess at all in Japan, but i wouldn't call it a failure either, and it probably will have no effect at all on Fire Emblem's future unless its sales go massively one way or the other in the west, and even then the already confiremed FE Switch's performance would still eclipse this game's.


Except that mindset doesn't always work for all IPs. Look at F-Zero. GX sold well atleast around 25k and yet Nintendo never made a new game since. 

Let's go off topic on Nintendo games then...what about Valkyria Chronicles? Because of how the second game bombed, we never got the third game localised and Azure Revolution pretty much bombed in Japan.

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5 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Except that mindset doesn't always work for all IPs. Look at F-Zero. GX sold well atleast around 25k and yet Nintendo never made a new game since. 

Let's go off topic on Nintendo games then...what about Valkyria Chronicles? Because of how the second game bombed, we never got the third game localised and Azure Revolution pretty much bombed in Japan.

Fire Emblem Switch is already announced, and nintendo of america talked about it. Nintendo tends to only talk about a game in the western directs if they plan on localizing it. So yeah, Fire Emblem Switch is happening any way, hence its sales being more important than Echoes's.

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Good grief, this thread.
With the sell-through rate the sales don't mean much of anything besides they sold what was expected. I hope by the end of the year we get an "SoV breaks one million" thread, as much to prove the doom-and-gloomers wrong as anything (though if my lurking of neogaf has taught me one thing, it's that the power of spinning things to your own narrative is massive and unstoppable).

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36 minutes ago, Nobody said:

I think people from both sides are exaggerating. This game is underperforming, but it's not the end of the world, it's actually probably fine if we take everything in consideration. At the same time, seeing people desperately trying to spin these sales numbers as positive (many of them posting fake or misleading numbers, which i made sure to correct whenever i saw them here) is also ridiculous.

You have given no evidence that Echoes' sales aren't good beyond "it didn't sell as well as these other games in the series!" and you have no proof that Echoes has failed to meet Nindendo's expectations. Your whole argument hinges on you personally finding that Echoes has underperformed, as far as I can tell.

@The DanMan, I think the high sell-through rate is pretty indicative that the stores and Nintendo underestimated demand for the game, given that Echoes has a sell-through rate comparable to Awakening which Nintendo also underestimated demand for.

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23 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

You have given no evidence that Echoes' sales aren't good beyond "it didn't sell as well as these other games in the series!" and you have no proof that Echoes has failed to meet Nindendo's expectations. Your whole argument hinges on you personally finding that Echoes has underperformed, as far as I can tell.

My whole argument comes from me comparing it to other games in the series, not only from how I personally feel. Again, i don't think these sales mean much either way, and i'm just stating my opinion, but I'm not even being too vocal about it. I mean, I obviously can't tell how Intelligent Systems feels about these sales, but one would expect a remake released after a series became bigger to sell better than the ones released before that, so I do think I'm being reasonable. I didn't expect the game to sell close to fates or awakening.

Most of my posts here are just me correcting incorrect data being posted or incorrect assumptions being made about japanese sales from people who are ignorant about how they work, not me stating opinions, btw. It's clear that there are people here who are desperate about making this game look sucessful and spining numbers as hard as they can to fit this narrative and there are also people who are desperate because they think this game failed badly. I'm in neither situation.


Also, that sell through ratio is normal. It doesn't mean it's being suply constrained.

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1 hour ago, Nobody said:

My whole argument comes from me comparing it to other games in the series, not only from how I personally feel. Again, i don't think these sales mean much either way, and i'm just stating my opinion, but I'm not even being too vocal about it. I mean, I obviously can't tell how Intelligent Systems feels about these sales, but one would expect a remake released after a series became bigger to sell better than the ones released before that, so I do think I'm being reasonable. I didn't expect the game to sell close to fates or awakening.

Most of my posts here are just me correcting incorrect data being posted or incorrect assumptions being made about japanese sales from people who are ignorant about how they work, not me stating opinions, btw. It's clear that there are people here who are desperate about making this game look sucessful and spining numbers as hard as they can to fit this narrative and there are also people who are desperate because they think this game failed badly. I'm in neither situation.


Also, that sell through ratio is normal. It doesn't mean it's being suply constrained.

When Shadow Dragon (of which IS specifically said that "According to Horikawa, Intelligent Systems were satisfied with their sales in Japan") and New Mystery came out people stated that they thought the sales were great, I remember this. Maybe because they had just followed the Tellius games, that didn't do so well, and the situation may be the opposite in which it is seen as disappointing after Fates (which is even more convoluted on the account of it having three versions) and Heroes. 

I don't think I'm being defensive, if the game does poorly in the west it does poorly in the west and we shall see that, but if you are telling me that the game selling about as well in Japan as the DS and GBA games which have been around for ages is it failing badly then I think people are having a laugh. I'm not even saying that it is selling well but people branding it a financial failure when we don't even have all the details are being ridiculous. It's fairly evident that the game has a tighter budget and schedule when compared to Fates, immediately.

If you're referring to numbers being taken for three days, I was not aware that the other ones were, to be fair - it just seemed odd. I'm not sure if Japan always releases and has three day sales for their new games first weeks.

Although it may not have been your intention, the places you get this from stating that these are "bad sales" cause people to worry unnecessarily. At worst, it's slightly disappointing because of the proceeding games but otherwise mediocre to fairly good in terms of the entire series in Japan.

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12 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

I don't think I'm being defensive, if the game does poorly in the west it does poorly in the west and we shall see that, but if you are telling me that the game selling about as well in Japan as the DS and GBA games which have been around for ages is it failing badly then I think people are having a laugh. I'm not even saying that it is selling well but people branding it a financial failure when we don't even have all the details are being ridiculous. It's fairly evident that the game has a tighter budget and schedule when compared to Fates, immediately.

i never said this game was failling badly, and i think the people who are worrying are worrying to much. I don't even think it's a failure. By bad sales in the OP, I mostly meant comparitively.

I personally think those sales are in the range between disappointing but not particularly bad and okay, most likely on mediocre, maybe on the lower range of okay. 

But like, we've had people here claiming these sales are "great", which they clearly are not.

12 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

Tellius games, that didn't do so well, and the situation may be the opposite in which it is seen as disappointing after Fates and Heroes. 

that's exactly the situation. You can't compare sales without considering the state of a franchise.

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Bad sales comparatively to Awakening and Fates? In which case I guess yeah (along with pretty much the entire series sans FE3 and FE4) but I don't think they were the best standards to compare to begin with for this game, and I also don't think that's really fair.

Nothing wrong with saying it doesn't stack up to Fates and Heroes (and to be honest I still question if FE Switch will be able to carry that momentum even if it is more like Fates and Awakening), but I take umbrage with the fact that people say "lol didn't even do more than DS remakes sales" when they still think they did poorly or something.

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26 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

Bad sales comparatively to Awakening and Fates? In which case I guess yeah (along with pretty much the entire series sans FE3 and FE4) but I don't think they were the best standards to compare to begin with for this game, and I also don't think that's really fair.

Nothing wrong with saying it doesn't stack up to Fates and Heroes (and to be honest I still question if FE Switch will be able to carry that momentum even if it is more like Fates and Awakening), but I take umbrage with the fact that people say "lol didn't even do more than DS remakes sales" when they still think they did poorly or something.

Let's suppose Shadow Dragon or New Mystery of the emblem released now, after the awakening boom. Wouldn't you expect them to sell more than they did back when they were released? I certainly would, if only because of the boost the Fire Emblem brand got. Back when they happened, SD's and NM's sales were without a doubt good, because the fire emblem brand didn't mean much and they recovered the sales lost with the tellius games. 
Echoes' sales being lower than SD's and NM's in Japan means either one of two things: The Fire Emblem brand as a whole didn't receive any boost there, and Awakening and Fates sold as well as they did only because the games in itself (and not their brand) were appealing and their appeal and sales didn't affect how consumers see the series as a whole; or that the Fire Emblem brand in itself did receive a boost in popularity, but Echoes is a less interesting product than FE11 and 12. If the former hypotesis is the correct one, then Intelligent Systems has to make sure their next game is as appealing as FE13 and 14 were. I personally believe the later, though, which is way less worrying.

You know what sales numbers i'd find undoubtedly good for Echoes's first week (or first 3 days if you want to be specific)? 175000 copies. Significantly lower than Fates and Awakening, but still showing an increase over remakes that were released (and sold well, considering the state of the franchise) back when the franchise was at its lowest.

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Gee, it's almost as if there was never any real overlap between the majority of people buying the new games and those who bought the old ones! How on earth could a game lacking in a stupid self insert, extensive shipping/dating sim mechanics, groping/petting minigames, and pandery/highly sexualised character designs possibly have not appealed to the fans of neo-FE? Remember, all they actually cared about was casual mode and accessability guys, it had nothing to do with the overall tone of the series!

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7 hours ago, eclipse said:

Again, why does the world need to know this?

Because if Nintendo stated that FE is an important IP to them, the fans can be assured that FE won't die out easily..that and its odd how sales of games that are far far older than Awakening and Fates are still being showed instead of Awakening and Fates.

There's a reason why sales figures are revealed. Its just that consumers who adore brands would wish for the best of the brand so they can get better products from the brand and if sales are bad, then it simply means that the brand will end.

8 hours ago, Nobody said:

Let's suppose Shadow Dragon or New Mystery of the emblem released now, after the awakening boom. Wouldn't you expect them to sell more than they did back when they were released? I certainly would, if only because of the boost the Fire Emblem brand got.

I never understood the comparison of this game to shadow dragon and new mystery of the emblem considering that they sold better than the tellius games and that the latter sold the exact same amount as Awakening with the only difference being the first week being underwhelming compared to Awakening.

If you ask me, the only games that have bombed hard is Tharacia 776, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. the latter of the two that were released before Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the emblem. But then again, I don't have an idea of sales figures so I digress.


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Yikes. Do other series' fandoms analyze their games sales this much?

Really, this thread shows that the fandom as a whole needs to stop trying to be sales experts, because the grand majority of us (aka pretty much all) don't really know how good or bad certain sales numbers actually are.

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18 minutes ago, Florete said:

Yikes. Do other series' fandoms analyze their games sales this much?


go to neogaf and you will see 35 page threads discussing sales all over the place 

there's nothing special or remarkable about the fire emblem "fandom"

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2 hours ago, Ranger Jack Walker said:

I hope people aren't still believing the falsehood that Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem were financial failures, especially the former which gets wrongly blamed?

Exactly. I don't get why people think that its because of Shadow Dragon that caused New Mystery of the Emblem to be region exclusive.

Well now....i guess this might be the beginning of the end of FE if people think sales like this are terrible to begin with. Now might be a good time to beg Shouzou Kaga for another tear ring saga I think.


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I'm not saying that the FE series is in danger of dying, all I'm saying is that IS literally has no financial incentive whatsoever to implement old mechanics not constrained to just Awakening and Fates. This is undeniable.

Heck, IS has been treating Chrom and Lucina as mascots more that Marth as is (while Chrom is my fav lord, him replacing Marth, the OG, is sacrilege)

Now, while I personally wouldn't mind, since I loved Awakening, I still do like mechanics and the thematic structure from older games as well, and for the sake of appealing to as many fans as possible, I would prefer FE Switch to be a blend of old and new. 

 I know Gaiden is far different from any of the other pre-Awakening games, but to see it do as it did despite its high Famitsu score, is a shame. 


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38 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

I'm not saying that the FE series is in danger of dying, all I'm saying is that IS literally has no financial incentive whatsoever to implement old mechanics not constrained to just Awakening and Fates. This is undeniable.

Except not really.

"Avoiding calling it New Gaiden is something we had in mind from the start of development. At the same time, we wanted a title that the rest of the world would also use, so wanted to settle on an English word. Somewhere in that conversation, the word “echoes” surfaced. We imagined it was fitting as older games could now “echo” to the modern players. We were very pleased with the choice, and, if there were to be more remakes in the future, we figured we could use the Echoes title again.."

Of course, it's already been established that the name "Echoes" is referring to the game itself and not a series of remakes like everybody thought, and whether any remakes would happen after that would happen, it's simply an "if". But still, it wouldn't surprise me if they are open to the idea of more remakes. Will we see one soon? No, because FE Switch needs to happen first. But I can definitely see them going back and remaking Binding Blade, for instance. And since Binding Blade has Roy and Roy's in Smash, a Binding Blade remake will definitely outsell SoV. Roy himself is pretty popular in Japan too, ranking as the most popular Binding Blade character in an official poll over there.

And yes, if SoV is any indicator, a Binding Blade remake wouldn't feature an Avatar or Pair-Up. Maybe S-Supports since there are some character endings that should've been paired (see: Noah x Fir). Because as of right now, the only paired endings in Binding Blade are Roy x whichever girl he reached an A-Rank Support with. And even then, it wasn't technically paired. And of course, there won't be any Child Units.

48 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

Heck, IS has been treating Chrom and Lucina as mascots more that Marth as is

  1. Chrom and Lucina are from the game that saved the series. It's only fair. Plus, they are Marth's descendants after all.
  2. Chrom and Lucina actually aren't being treated as bigger mascots than Marth. They're just on the same level at this point. Heck, Anna is about as much of a mascot as Marth, Chrom, and Lucina, since she has appeared in literally ever Fire Emblem game except Gaiden/Echoes (unless DLC happens).
52 minutes ago, Dandee Leone said:

I know Gaiden is far different from any of the other pre-Awakening games, but to see it do as it did despite its high Famitsu score, is a shame.

You're like the only one here who thinks that at this point. Pretty much everyone here has basically agreed that Echoes' sales aren't that bad in the grand scheme of things. Plus, you forget, the game hasn't even reached America yet, a.k.a, the country where Fire Emblem gets most of it's sales from. Even if SoV also sells low in America, it'll still likely sell more than it did in Japan, simply because the market is bigger, plus, for many Western players, SoV is entirely a new game for them.

The only possible thing that can stop that is if the game gets bad reviews but considering that impressions of the game have been positive from the people who have played them at events, i don't think we really have to worry.

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2 hours ago, Dandee Leone said:

Heck, IS has been treating Chrom and Lucina as mascots more that Marth as is (while Chrom is my fav lord, him replacing Marth, the OG, is sacrilege)

Hey I love Chrom too but saying that he's gonna be a new mascot is an understatement...we all know the mascot for FE has always been Anna as she has appeared in every game BUT gaiden(wonder if she's gonna appear in echoes though...)

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

You're like the only one here who thinks that at this point. Pretty much everyone here has basically agreed that Echoes' sales aren't that bad in the grand scheme of things. Plus, you forget, the game hasn't even reached America yet, a.k.a, the country where Fire Emblem gets most of it's sales from. Even if SoV also sells low in America, it'll still likely sell more than it did in Japan, simply because the market is bigger, plus, for many Western players, SoV is entirely a new game for them.

The only possible thing that can stop that is if the game gets bad reviews but considering that impressions of the game have been positive from the people who have played them at events, i don't think we really have to worry.

If everyone has agreed that the sales aren't bad, then why is this thread exaggerating further on the sales department? And just how on earth do you even know that SoV will do better in the west when the west besides the niche audience are not aware of the game being a remake of gaiden? Unlike Fates, none of the SoV media showed up in Smash nor were any trophies and what not which is funny seeing how Nintendo puts the Tellius characters in smash despite them being major bombs.

As for west sales being better than others, that's obvious for most of the games really especially in the case of many IPs like Mario. 

Again, IGN can give crappy reviews for this game as well as Gamespot. I think I can trust Gamexplain enough since they are dedicated to FE. 


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