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Ursula grudge match live now!

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Just now, Arcanite said:

BTW I have a strat of my own, but Frigid beat me to the punch scrub

If his way doesn't work, we can always try my idea ;)


My apologies, but I don't think I saw it? I'll look again.

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Just now, TheTuckingFypo said:


My apologies, but I don't think I saw it? I'll look again.

No no I didn't post it yet!

I only got the chance to even look at your roster and make a plan now, but Frigid already gave his idea

Im just saying if his doesn't work, I have a plan for you :)

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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

No no I didn't post it yet!

I only got the chance to even look at your roster and make a plan now, but Frigid already gave his idea

Im just saying if his doesn't work, I have a plan for you :)

I see. I wouldn't mind hearing your plan now. I may try yours first, since with Frigid's plan, I have to level some peeps. 

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:


*cries in the corner*

1 hour ago, TheTuckingFypo said:

I see. I wouldn't mind hearing your plan now. I may try yours first, since with Frigid's plan, I have to level some peeps. 

Sharena's worth leveling, though, right =P ? I guess Ursula kinda is too, depending on your goals in life...and at least she was lv. 36 already. Sorry about any inconvenience there, though.

9 hours ago, Kaden said:

Regarding the Setsuna thing, I did mention that you needed Olivia or anyone with Hone Attack for a 4* neutral Setsuna to ORKO the thieves. And yes, Reciprocal Aid can put her back up, but the issue is that you need to do those things. What if someone didn't know or that didn't click in their head or just saw "use Setsuna" and not with who or exactly why. That could lead to some troubles. Which happened to me when I saw a Navarre strategy using Sharena. What didn't occur to me was that Sharena needed to be a 5* so her defense and speed would be high enough to survive against both Navarre and the Silver Dagger thief. So, I'm just really cautious and pessimistic about everything. Helps with being careful, but probably misrepresents a lot of what I say about unit. "Oh, Setsuna is that bad for the Ursula GHB?" No, she's fine, just be sure you know exactly what you're doing with her.

Just to make sure I'm not misinterpreting the bit that I bold-ed here...you're not claiming that there's an issue with needing to know how your units work, right? Taken in context with the rest of it, it seems more like an issue with people just saying "oh yeah, just use x and y and you'll be good" instead of giving complete advice (which is a pretty reasonable thing to take issue with); but...not 100% sure.

Also, congratulations on beating the map!

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2 hours ago, LordFrigid said:

Just to make sure I'm not misinterpreting the bit that I bold-ed here...you're not claiming that there's an issue with needing to know how your units work, right? Taken in context with the rest of it, it seems more like an issue with people just saying "oh yeah, just use x and y and you'll be good" instead of giving complete advice (which is a pretty reasonable thing to take issue with); but...not 100% sure.

Also, congratulations on beating the map!

Yeah, the latter is my problem. Vaguely telling people to use X, Y, Z, whatever isn't exactly helpful. Some people might catch on, but others might not. So, to save trouble, complete advice like step-by-step instructions or more thorough advice like have a Hone Attack buffed Setsuna bait the thief in the lower left corner and remember to use her Reciprocal Aid is much more helpful where if they need more help, then more can be provided.

Also, thanks, but it was probably a more sensible thing to do than trying to take out 3 objectives with one battle. It could have been done as evident with your demo, but hey, sometimes the slow and steady path is better... even if it costs a lot of stamina.

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On 5/10/2017 at 10:01 PM, LordFrigid said:

@TheTuckingFypo I think I have it, I have to tinker with the specifics a little more, because my Reinhardt is +Atk/-Spd with a +2 merge lol...but Reinhardt, Ursula, Sharena, Olivia should work.

Alrighty, I have a demo video now. Note that unlike the last ones, you won't just be able to copy/paste the strategy because of the unit differences, but it's a good reference and is mostly accurate. You just need to stick in a Rally Attack once or twice. I'll also go ahead and stick a proposed action-by-action breakdown below that.

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Strategy breakdown:

You'll need to do the following: train Sharena (she can survive one Ursula shot as a 4*) & Ursula (she actually lives with 1 HP. ONE), give Reinhardt the HP +3 seal (1 less Def on Sharena's Fortify and 1 less HP from not having a merge hurts, unfortunately, but the HP +3 seal should cancel it perfectly). Do not run Steel Lance on Sharena. I just did that to get her to match a 4* Sharena's 41 Atk.

Team order is Olivia, Sharena, Ursula, Reinhardt.

  1. Reinhardt E1. Sharena D1, Rally Attack Reinhardt (very important, as you'll see later. You need him to match the 45 Atk that mine has without buffs). Olivia C1. Ursula C2.
  2. Ursula stays in place, attacks the Axe Knight. Olivia dances her up to A1. Reinhardt B1.
  3. Sharena D2, poke Ursula. Ursula C2, KO Ursula. Olivia D1, Dance Sharena. Sharena C1, Rally Attack Reinhardt. Reinhardt D2, KO Axe Knight. (Busy turn, there).
  4. Ursula stays in place, KOs Sword Cav. Reinhardt D4, KO upper Thief. Sharena D2. Olivia stays in place, Dances Sharena. Sharena E3, KO thief (perfectly...and now you know why buffing Reinhardt was required before =P ).

Let me know if the enemies do anything unexpected. I doubt they will, but I'll be happy to try cooking up something else if they do.

It worked perfectly the way you described. Thank you!

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Well Xander ended up doing nothing helpful for me in that ursula battle XD but effie and female robin helped alot. horray for +1 ursula.

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