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Defesnive teambuilding


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Can defensive teambuilding work in this meta? I really want to try out Eirika, Ephraim, Gronnowl Boey, and Ninian or maybe Takumi or Celica?

Obviously staff users got buffed with the new banner and we have another Mage tank that isn't Robin. Owl tomes seem cool though.

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@JSND Bonfire/Quick Riposte/Killer Lance is a fun build. I want to try it on Lukas but I haven't pulled him yet.

@NekoKnight That's actually pretty surprising, but yeah.


I just really want a crowd emblem team, but idk if I want Ninian or another owl tome user.

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5 hours ago, tumut said:

Can defensive teambuilding work in this meta? I really want to try out Eirika, Ephraim, Gronnowl Boey, and Ninian or maybe Takumi or Celica?

Obviously staff users got buffed with the new banner and we have another Mage tank that isn't Robin. Owl tomes seem cool though.

Do you mean building an arena defense team or building a defensive arena offense team?

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I think defensive teams can work for cavalry and fliers.  Armored emblems lack mobility unless you give everyone Distant Counter.  Even then, you've got 4 physical units so good luck. 

Essentially you'd want a team full of units that have high def AND high res.  Buff their def/res up enough such that they only take <10 damage from everyone and it could be pretty effective.  The issue is it's so much easier to build speed teams right now who benefit off +atk and +spd rather than separating your stats to cover two situations (physical and magical).

The best defense team I can imagine is a bunch of blade mages.  You could buff their def/res up by 10-14 which would consequently buff their attack 10-14.  You could even throw a hone in there and buff up to +10def/res, +6sp, +18atk which would be pretty effective.

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Personally, I don't find enemy armor teams scary at all even with Distant Counter. As long as you have strong enough units to kill them through their bonuses when engineering advantageous matchups, it's hard for things to go wrong because you can always set up advantageous matchups.

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I feel like I'm the only one who likes Armor Emblem. Lol

Yes, they lack range but they can usually survive a ranged hit and then kill on the player phase (best synergy with Dancer support). Even with 1 DC user (Hector is best because of Armads), you can bait and remove most ranged targets before they even get to your other characters. The only problems I had running offensive armor was fast Red mages (let Effie take the hit) and Blade tome users (but who doesn't have trouble with those).


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4 hours ago, Lushen said:

I think defensive teams can work for cavalry and fliers.  Armored emblems lack mobility unless you give everyone Distant Counter.  Even then, you've got 4 physical units so good luck. 

Essentially you'd want a team full of units that have high def AND high res.  Buff their def/res up enough such that they only take <10 damage from everyone and it could be pretty effective.  The issue is it's so much easier to build speed teams right now who benefit off +atk and +spd rather than separating your stats to cover two situations (physical and magical).

In a season with fortification tiles, armor teams work extremely well on offense.

The biggest challenges with armor teams is not how well they perform, but the fact that they are expensive (at least three Distant Counters and merges preferred to squeeze out 1 more bonus point of defenses from the fortification tiles) and the fact that they have a higher skill ceiling to play (1 movement range means you need to be able to predict and manipulate the AI's moves to your advantage).

Low Res is typically not even an issue. Zephiel's 24 Res becomes a respectable 41 with 2 stacks of Ward Armor and the fortification bonus.

Sheena, the best mixed wall in the game, has 62 / 58 defenses at +10 with 2 stacks of Ward Armor (or at +0 with 3 stacks of Ward Armor) while on a fortification, meaning she can cover virtually any magic user in the game that isn't a Triangle Adept red tome or Raudhrblade+ user.

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22 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Do you mean building an arena defense team or building a defensive arena offense team?

Arena offense, I don't really enjoy building defense teams.

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On 5/17/2017 at 7:57 AM, tumut said:

Can defensive teambuilding work in this meta? I really want to try out Eirika, Ephraim, Gronnowl Boey, and Ninian or maybe Takumi or Celica?

Obviously staff users got buffed with the new banner and we have another Mage tank that isn't Robin. Owl tomes seem cool though.

Yes, though it requires you to have some rather exacting set ups.

You need to have a lot of tanky units, often with pretty specific IVs.

Units like Julia, Zephiel, Hector, Effie, Xander, Felicia, etc. are all amazing tanks in most situations.

The key weakness is that they are all weak against specific types of offenses. Phys tanks are weak to magic, and magic tanks are weak to phys. Also, "effective against" bonuses can often wreck your set ups.

You need to have a good balance to make it work, which can be hard to get intentionally.

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