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Xander or Ryoma


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I would still go with Xander. Your team seems pretty week against magic and that's not something DS counter alone can solve. Xanders cavalry movement can allow kill pesky green mages even before they do real damage.

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Have you already upgraded Xander to 5*? If not, how much do you value the feathers it would cost?

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2 hours ago, Thienphu said:


i have a +def/-res Ryoma. My team is Hector +def/-res, takumi +spd/-res, azura +res/-def. Should i put Xander in my team instead of Ryoma or not?

You do lack a good hard counter for Hector (other than another hector), and Xander is better at that than ryoma. On the other hand ryoma is much more versatile and has generally better stats.

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I would argue cavalry units in general (Xander included) are more versatile than infantry (again, Ryoma included). If Xander get skill like reposition he can easily became team playmaker.

Edited by Tenzen12
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Ryoma unless you're going to upgrade to a horse team.

Ryoma has more attack, speed and more res even with a -Res IV (but only by 1 point), without sacrificing much in comparison. Right now you got absolutely nobody who can safely bait any kind of mage without taking some pretty bad damage. Ryoma can bait the rather common greens and come out okay at least, his significant speed advantage means he's getting doubled less. Slap the speed seal on him, and it takes a mage with at least 41 speed to double him.

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