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Got about 10k points yesterday with no stamina pots, and I'm at 17k already after this morning's stamina, so I might not need to blow them like I expected to hit max rewards as long as I can be patient.

Had a hilariously bad moment today on one map. On the map with a ledge on each side (Henry's join map from Awakening) I accidentally moved my Cordelia to a spot I didn't mean to instead of attacking, so she was in range of an enemy Cordelia. The enemy Cordelia moved up, killed her, activated their Galeforce, moved over and killed my Tharja, then the Olivia who was on the other side of the ledge could reach her and danced, so she killed my Sakura too. All that was left was S Camilla who couldn't kill the Olivia or other red unit that was still alive so I had to surrender and get the next team.

That might be the dumbest thing I've ever had happen in this game. Made me realize how the AI must feel against my own Cordelia.

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There was a green tomebreaker Hector on 7 that fucked up my run once since my mages were TA3 Robin and Nino

it was not great

I died and brought my cavsquad which consists of Raudrblade Leo and got my revenge

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14 minutes ago, Whistle said:

I clear this event ~ 


Think gonna grind my marth next. Sp grinding will be a pain tho @+@

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Man, I'm swimming in Hero Merit from this. m!Robin hit 500 HM yesterday and he's already at 783 now. If a character can survive about 5-6 battles per run, that's like 25 HM each time: only ~20 runs per 500 feathers, and only ~80 runs for a full 2000. I don't have any capped HM yet, but I think I'll have at least five by the time this is over. (Marth/m!Robin/Anna/Priscilla as my main team and Olivia because she's only 110 away and usually gets fielded for the final map.)

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This event really feels like it is separating the pansies from the spartans of Heroes, given how many of us are able to clear the seven-battle trial while there are still those of us who can only barely get through, if at all...

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

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Man, I'm swimming in Hero Merit from this. m!Robin hit 500 HM yesterday and he's already at 783 now. If a character can survive about 5-6 battles per run, that's like 25 HM each time: only ~20 runs per 500 feathers, and only ~80 runs for a full 2000. I don't have any capped HM yet, but I think I'll have at least five by the time this is over. (Marth/m!Robin/Anna/Priscilla as my main team and Olivia because she's only 110 away and usually gets fielded for the final map.)

Oh i think my image size is prob too large sorry X.X


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1 minute ago, Whistle said:

Oh i think my image size is prob too large sorry X.X


holy shit. I had a feeling that was what you meant. Damn dude, got it out of the way early huh?

What kind of teams did you use? Was it the same team or did you mix it up and try a bunch of different teams?

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Just now, Hawk King said:

holy shit. I had a feeling that was what you meant. Damn dude, got it out of the way early huh?

What kind of teams did you use? Was it the same team or did you mix it up and try a bunch of different teams?

I mix it up . Got many emblems like horse/ armour/ flier. But my main team is hector/tharja/azura/faye. :D. cos i rarely die in this team. and yer time to lv my marth lucina :D.

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2 minutes ago, Whistle said:

Oh i think my image size is prob too large sorry X.X


Now it's showing up. Congrats!

So it does track scores above 99,999, then. In that case, scores well over it will probably be necessary to get into the upper rankings, which takes away a lot of my enthusiasm for going for all the rewards since I'm more interested in the ranking feathers but I don't think I have the patience to get them all. I'll see if I can get a decent rank regardless, though.

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7 minutes ago, Othin said:

Now it's showing up. Congrats!

So it does track scores above 99,999, then. In that case, scores well over it will probably be necessary to get into the upper rankings, which takes away a lot of my enthusiasm for going for all the rewards since I'm more interested in the ranking feathers but I don't think I have the patience to get them all. I'll see if I can get a decent rank regardless, though.

The rest one the top 1000 i will jsut spend my stamina on grinding lower character there. I found that the lv 35 one is so good HM wise. It drop like a joke and better than training tower so i might just farm there. 

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26 minutes ago, Othin said:

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Man, I'm swimming in Hero Merit from this. m!Robin hit 500 HM yesterday and he's already at 783 now. If a character can survive about 5-6 battles per run, that's like 25 HM each time: only ~20 runs per 500 feathers, and only ~80 runs for a full 2000. I don't have any capped HM yet, but I think I'll have at least five by the time this is over. (Marth/m!Robin/Anna/Priscilla as my main team and Olivia because she's only 110 away and usually gets fielded for the final map.)

My problem is that a lot of my top characters are already maxed out (M!Robin, Lucina, Cordelia, Cherche, Young Tiki, Nino). Camus, Lissa, and Bride Lyn are getting good amounts at least.

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2 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

My problem is that a lot of my top characters are already maxed out (M!Robin, Lucina, Cordelia, Cherche, Young Tiki, Nino). Camus, Lissa, and Bride Lyn are getting good amounts at least.

I'm probably going to try rotating out some of my characters as others get maxed, especially as I get most of the way through the rewards I'm going for. Although I can't really replace m!Robin aside from like my 4* Tharja. That'd be a big downgrade, but would be interesting to try.

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1 minute ago, Othin said:

I'm probably going to try rotating out some of my characters as others get maxed, especially as I get most of the way through the rewards I'm going for. Although I can't really replace m!Robin aside from like my 4* Tharja. That'd be a big downgrade, but would be interesting to try.

I'm not confident I could beat it with many other units, and score comes first for me. I guess I'll just go until those are maxed out. I usually grind HM when nothing's going on anyways. That or level...which also grinds HM.

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Yesterday I finished the first Lunatic trial, but it took me a lot... Like a lot, to beat it. I'm going to try the hard one, but really, I feel that I'm going to lost pretty bad lol

That 5* Lucina sounds impossible for now, still gonna try.

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30 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

My problem is that a lot of my top characters are already maxed out (M!Robin, Lucina, Cordelia, Cherche, Young Tiki, Nino). Camus, Lissa, and Bride Lyn are getting good amounts at least.

Same here. My main team for this (Tharja, Cordelia, S Camilla) is literally my core arena team + Sakura, and they've all been maxed for a while now. At least my Sakura's on her way to maxing out too with this.

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I've been running Xander, Nino, Ephraim and Nowi for... decent results. I have had two "deathless runs" (Eph and Nowi die to Veronica and Xander/Nino kill her) but it's been quite inconsistent. I have a backup team of Hector and ATiki (TA2/GTB3) with whoever else I need to clear Veronica's map. Currently on about 10k, after 1 stamina potion, so I should be able to get there (I hope). Nowi is there to tank reds with TA3, but is mostly there with Renewal 1 and Reciprocal Aid to act as a makeshift healer, because TA3 Eph doesn't take much damage from reds anyway.

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51 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


You surpassed my very ability to can.

This is glorious.

thx dude. :D half way along the way i jsut experiment other team composition mainly. Very challenging and fun imo. :D. time for a break tho. 

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No, this is actually my best score!


I wasn’t expecting the A rank in speed at all. Soren and Lilina both had their Icebergs fully charged, which let Soren one-shot Effie (with help from Lancebreaker, of course). Olwen then pathetically suicided into Soren. Lilina blew up Frederick, Reinhardt zapped Virion. Veronica deleted Reinhardt, Lilina dealt massive damage and then retreated. Soren finished the big bad princess. Stage clear!

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Just cleared Lunatic for the 2ns time, got a score of 676 - I am really pleased with that seeing as its bout double my average score lol, getting slightly better at manipulating units in the final battle (slightly*) ...also luck...alota luck lol

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Alright, got a perfect AND deathless 7-Lunatic run! (Veronica's teammates: Effie, Jagen, Reinhardt, Tharja)

Same team used (Bride Lyn, Olivia, Tharja, and Reinhardt).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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