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Characters You Want to Know More About

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Sorry if there's already a topic like this.. xP

But I'm sure all of us have characters that we just want to know more about.  Fire Emblem has a large cast of characters, but only a small percentage of them ever get the spotlight or character development.  This most likely applies for characters that came before the 3DS games, as I feel a lot of those characters actually do get a lot of characterization through multiple supports.  For a lot of the games, I'm not satisfied with their endings either.  As a person who wants and likes getting closure, there are some endings that are so open-ended that I just wish there was just little bit more just so I can get some closure.  Or maybe you just want more story about them and what they've done or will be doing.

For me, there's quite a bit of characters I want to know more about.

Palla: For one, I want to know why she loves Abel.  There hasn't been any sort of story for this, or at least none that I know of, and it would be nice to see why she fancies Abel so much.  And two, I just want to know more about her ending!  Yeah, you're loyal and serving Macedon...but what else girl?  Surely, you got more than just that.

Shiro: Shiro's one of the few kids, meaning like 3, children units in Fates that I'm willing to get and use throughout my playthroughs.  However, outside of his kinda angsty-ish attitude towards Ryoma, I want like a mini-series that lets us know what he did during his travels after the game before succeeding Ryoma's place as Hoshido's King.  I feel like Shiro would have some gnarly adventures.

Nils: I mostly want to know how his story continues when he goes to the other side.  What happens?  And how does he feel about Ninian staying since all we know is that he's sad.  And branching from this, I also would like to see the relationship him and Ninian have with Nergal before the game starts.  Since it's stated that Nergal wasn't always evil, so what was he like before the game?

Nino: Why did you abandon your kids?  I mean, I know why, but what ever happened to you?  Also, I feel like it's weird that Nino of all characters abandons her children even if it's in search of Jaffar.

Aran: He just doesn't have much in terms of anything in Radiant Dawn, so it'd be nice if we just knew something about this guy.

And there's probably some others that I can't think of at the moment.  So how about you guys?  Let's all discuss what we want to know more about 

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Some characters that (maybe) we want to know more:

Draug (FE1): Apart from the fact that he is extremely patriotic, there is probably nothing else

Leila (FE7): She dies too soon. (rip leila screentime)

Well... I'm trying to list more... but I'm stuck. Add more :)

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The biggest one on my list is Idunn.

We're told she was actively afraid of the Divine Dragons going to war against other dragons. This is literally the only aspect of how her personality that we know about that's from before it became how we see it in-game. Was she originally pacifistic? Did she have any friends before Fae? Were some of her friends humans? What we're told definitely shows that she has some understanding of just how strong her dragon tribe is. And if you ask me, the fact that she was mentioned to be unwilling to work with those that captured her after she got turned into a Shadow Dragon definitely implies that Incorruptible Pure Pureness applies to her, which has me even more curious.

Edited by Just call me AL
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I was trying to figure out why the fuck I like him so much despite being very much not my usual type when it comes to personality -- he's totally my aesthetic, but usually being pretty gets you noticed but doesn't last as far as favs go if personality is not up to par -- so I tried to dig into his character more. After reading everything there is to read about him, I think there's a huge potential for backstory for him. What did he do in the past that causes him see himself as an irredeemable sinner? What's the reason he won't fight women? Why is he so emotionally constipated and incapable of talking about his feelings properly like a normal human being? Are the last two related? Could his mom have been killed in front of him or something?

There's a lot that could be answered. I want backstory for this dude, IS.

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15 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

What did he do in the past that causes him see himself as an irredeemable sinner? What's the reason he won't fight women? … Could his mom have been killed in front of him or something?

In the anime, a woman close to him was killed in front of him. It doesn’t get explained who she was or why she got killed but still that’s something.
The anime is of dubious canonicity though, of course.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

In the anime, a woman close to him was killed in front of him. It doesn’t get explained who she was or why she got killed but still that’s something.
The anime is of dubious canonicity though, of course.

Yeah, I did see the anime, though it was a while back. Would be nice if we had more than like, 2 episodes at least.

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@StahlTheStall Is it bad that I kinda forgot Leila existed?  I mean, yeah poor Matthew, but your girl only shows up a bit..

6 hours ago, Just call me AL said:

The biggest one on my list is Idunn.

Yeees, Idunn is quite the mystery.  For being the "true" final boss for FE6, we don't know much and it'd be great if we did.

5 hours ago, Thor Odinson said:


It's funny because it's obvious that Navarre has more than just the myrmidon influence on Lon'qu.  But yeah, give us more backstory IS.  Navarre has the presentation of a really cool character, yet we don't get much of him when it comes to development.  It sucks too considering he was in FE 1/3 where if you're not a royal person, you don't get much.  But more Navarre story would be way nice.

Edited by MediocreLee
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Kliff would be up there. Why is he seemingly the only one who went to school? His outfit is much fancier than the rest of his friends', so is his family wealthy? How is his relationship to the rest of the villagers, seeing as he's very cranky and claims to not like people? Where does his wander lust come from? 


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To be honest, most characters are in need of some backstory and anything more that can be added to them is appreciated. I'm not asking for a whole bunch, either. But I'd like enough to where I can reasonably understand why a character acts and thinks the way that they do. Some names to some faces in the backstories would also be nice to have. Tying up a few loose ends is also appreciated.

I'd also like to know more about Aran. The guy would be completely forgettable if he hadn't been one of the better units in the Dawn Brigade (in my opinion). The dude was an army of one in comparison to the others with that defense and strength. That said, we know nothing about him other than he grew up with Laura in a church, I believe, and she also doesn't get that much characterization.

Actually, a majority of the characters introduced in the DB chapters need to be fleshed out. I hate Fiona not just because she's a garbo unit, but also because she had potential to be interesting and it was squandered. Her father was a member of the Four Riders, and she has fuck all to say about it. Ugh.

Shura would be nice. His backstory is a bit more meat than some of the characters but more elaboration would be welcome. Hoshido denied him for some reason. I can't remember if the reason was mentioned but, if it wasn't, some information as to why would have been nice. Was he the only one driven away? They were other Kohga survivors. Then, Yukimura had the audacity to hire him for a kidnapping mission, yet the kindgom couldn't be assed to offer him a home? WTF? Perfect way to give some moral ambiguity to the game, but I won't start on that.


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14 minutes ago, Hero_Lucina said:

I know this sounds stupid but I want to know more about Anthony. We get 2 minutes of screen time then oh noes... He's evil.... Corrin do something. We don't even know if he was doing this out of fear, or for family. 

Leave, and never come back.

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kliff would be the big one for me

i really liked what little dialogue he had, and I think he could've been really interesting if he had more

i still like him, but I think he could've benefited a lot from having more dialogue

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Like others have said, Kliff would be a nice character to have fleshed out too.  Kinda a shame since he's not a mandatory recruit in SoV.

Thought about this at the gym and thought of another character.  Barst.  He was a personal favorite of mine during remake Shadow Dragon and all we know is that he was a pirate turned into a woodsman..  I want to know about your adventures man!

2 hours ago, saisymbolic said:

To be honest, most characters are in need of some backstory and anything more that can be added to them is appreciated. I'm not asking for a whole bunch, either. But I'd like enough to where I can reasonably understand why a character acts and thinks the way that they do. Some names to some faces in the backstories would also be nice to have. Tying up a few loose ends is also appreciated.

True.  Generally if a character isn't the main character, antagonist, a noble, or close to the main character, they don't get much which is a shame.  Like Aran, I honestly really like Aran because he's such a solid unit.  But my God, we need more about this guy. And Fiona too for the reasons you stated.  Dawn Brigade...get yo shit together.

And I would've loved more about Shura.  I really like Shura, but we need to know more about him and his ninja clan and stuffs.

2 hours ago, Hero_Lucina said:

I know this sounds stupid but I want to know more about Anthony. We get 2 minutes of screen time then oh noes... He's evil.... Corrin do something. We don't even know if he was doing this out of fear, or for family. 

The whole Anankos thing was kinda a mess to begin with.  If it was more fleshed out, like with Anthony, it'd be soooooo much better.

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I'll go with the obvious for me: Homer. His intro is him being a perceptive, laid-back dude, who could obviously see Shanam wasn't Shanan, but pretty much all of his characterization after his intro is him partying and sleeping with a bunch of women. He's largely a Lewyn-lite, so I'd like to see more.

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As part of my philosophy that "characters should be a gateway to world-building", I'd like to know more about Scarlet, Keaton, Kaden, Rinka, Flora and Shura in regards to how their cultures work and their history.

IS, please don't make any more Avatar-sexuals.

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Garon. Nohr siblings claim he was once a different man, but there's no evidence to support this within three full length games. 

Panne. Has Panne ever met other Taguel? She must have been raised at least partly by them. And if her parents died while she was an infant, how in the world did she survive and sustain herself into adulthood? How can she know anything about her culture if it was destroyed when she was a baby? Also, why does she save Emm? The PannexHenry support reveals he tipped her off. But that doesn't reveal her motivation to help, or how and why Henry sought out such a mythic race to save her. Apparently the first exalt saved the Taguel a thousand years ago, but how did she learn that with no knowledge of Taguel culture?

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Sety. I mean, his adventures seem to be on par with Seliph and Leif's. It would be interesting to see everything he went through until Seliph reached him. Same about Cyas (I refuse to call him Saias).

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Ronan. Specifically Id like to know what kind of reaction he has to Leif signing on the man that's been raiding his village and unrepentingly killing people.

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15 hours ago, MediocreLee said:

Like others have said, Kliff would be a nice character to have fleshed out too.  Kinda a shame since he's not a mandatory recruit in SoV.

Thought about this at the gym and thought of another character.  Barst.  He was a personal favorite of mine during remake Shadow Dragon and all we know is that he was a pirate turned into a woodsman..  I want to know about your adventures man!

True.  Generally if a character isn't the main character, antagonist, a noble, or close to the main character, they don't get much which is a shame.  Like Aran, I honestly really like Aran because he's such a solid unit.  But my God, we need more about this guy. And Fiona too for the reasons you stated.  Dawn Brigade...get yo shit together.

And I would've loved more about Shura.  I really like Shura, but we need to know more about him and his ninja clan and stuffs.

The whole Anankos thing was kinda a mess to begin with.  If it was more fleshed out, like with Anthony, it'd be soooooo much better.

EXACTLY! I'm planning on rewritting Fates so that my avatar (who's taking place of Corrin) doesn't seem like a Mary Sue and giving more focus to the part that matters: Valla. Over half of the game isn't even in Valla. We get the one instance in Chapter 7, and then 18- Endgame. 10 chapters at most out of 27. This is counting the prolouge. What is the other 17 on? OMGGETMOREALLIESKILLOFFMORECHARACTERSCORRINISGOD. If you can read that, I'm proud of you. Plus, we needed more Vallite allies. Why is there like one kid out of a lot of dead people still there? There has to be some village still alive.

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2 minutes ago, Hero_Lucina said:

EXACTLY! I'm planning on rewritting Fates so that my avatar (who's taking place of Corrin) doesn't seem like a Mary Sue and giving more focus to the part that matters: Valla. Over half of the game isn't even in Valla. We get the one instance in Chapter 7, and then 18- Endgame. 10 chapters at most out of 27. This is counting the prolouge. What is the other 17 on? OMGGETMOREALLIESKILLOFFMORECHARACTERSCORRINISGOD. If you can read that, I'm proud of you. Plus, we needed more Vallite allies. Why is there like one kid out of a lot of dead people still there? There has to be some village still alive.

Pointless meta speculation. But can an OC really replace an avatar?

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I'd be interested in learning more about Hinata's backstory. I genuinely like the dude because of his carefree attitude and his interactions with his peers, but he definitely could've had a more fleshed out backstory. All we know is that he came from a family that served the Hoshidan royal family for generations. I want to know how Hinata and Takumi first met. It's clear from their interactions with each other the two are close, so something tells me they could be childhood friends of some sort. I'd need confirmation from Hinata otherwise.

The same could also be said for Arthur. He's another lovable character, but he is the only one out of all the Nohrian retainers that has no backstory regarding how he met Elise or came into her services. I want to learn more about that. 

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Azelle: Azelle has a lot of potential but the limited amount of text his game had to work him ensured he couldn't really make the most of it. We know what sort relation he has with his brother but we never see it in action. Its easy to guess what role he fills in the noble amigo's but they never appear on screen at the same time. His fate might also be one of the more interesting ones considering his relation to Alvis.

Garon: Garon, not Gooron. Just a single scene would have done, be it a flashback or some parting words to his kids. It would be interesting to see both the differences and the similarities he has with Gooron. Its implied the real deal kidnapped Corrin so at least we know he was evil too.


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I would really like to know more about Emmeryn and her time ruling Ylisse; she seems like a pretty cool character. I would also like to know more about dark future Shigure's past and how tragic his life must've been. I would also finally like to learn more about both Azura's and (uncorrupted) Robin's pasts.

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Faye. I want to know more about Faye because I really like her design as a character. She's been my favorite character in Echoes ever since I first saw her. And I know her personality could definitely have been expanded more if she had like 10+ supports like those in Awakening and Fates had.

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