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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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19 hours ago, Lautsuu said:

Alm is probably one of the best Lords in the series, being extremely down to earth, and feeling very human, alongside Marth and Roy.

Berkut was a fantastic villain and him and Rinea deserve more appreciation.

Totally agree on both parts. 

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New ones I've thought up:

  • I prefer Effie as a General; instead of a Great Knight
  • Route the Enemy objectives don't bother me because with my play-style I end up killing all the enemies anyways (most of the time)
  • I found Nino pretty fun to train up
  • Delthea is easily better than Luthier
  • Clair is best Pegasus Knight in Echoes
  • L'Arachel is easily worst character in the series for me
  • Started FE 6 not to long ago (just recruited Sue, Dorothy and Saul), I'm liking the whole Seize as the main mission objective.
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41 minutes ago, I'm a Spheal said:

New ones I've thought up:

  • Route the Enemy objectives don't bother me because with my play-style I end up killing all the enemies anyways (most of the time)

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame, tbh. I think I like seize the most as an objective though because it gives me complete control over when the chapter ends.

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  • I prefer Effie as a General; instead of a Great Knight
  • Delthea is easily better than Luthier
  • Started FE 6 not to long ago (just recruited Sue, Dorothy and Saul), I'm liking the whole Seize as the main mission objective.
  • Well, that's her canon promotion.
  • With those bases, growth-rates, and that spell list (PRO: She gets Ragnarok, CON: She doesn't get thunder).
  • Just like other games that the match doesn't end until you claim the base.

Other unpopular opinions:

  • They should combine the pair-up and rescue commands, well it's a bit complicated. Let's say a pegasus knight rescues a general, she should get bonuses in ATK & DEF but should lose SPD, cause of general, duh. Now, if the peg. knight had a myrmidon she would get a boost in SPD and a decrease in DEF because the myrmidon is so fragile she has to keep an eye on him, therefore losing DEF. Also you could choose who gets the boons and banes.
  • Daggers should only inflict the stats lowering thingy when they start the attack, or when they attack at close range (higher risk, higher reward)
  • Weapon arts and class skills should become a staple in the series.
  • Magic-users should be able to learn a personal spell which they can only cast by sacrificing HP, like in Gaiden/SoV.
  • Auto-saving like in GBA should return.
  • SInce Anna is/are all the sisters across the multiverse, they should be versed in different types of weapons, we need to get one of every weapon. (Canonicaly and playable, reclassing doesn't count).
  • If avatars were to return you should choose your starting class, unless it's a lord. Also, if it's able to use more than one type of weapon you would have to choose only one.
  • Samurai should replace the name of either myrmidon or swordmaster.
  • Most of the classes should receive the gender-neutral treatment, encountering both genders but the same class would be awesome.
Edited by George Reds
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2 hours ago, George Reds said:

Samurai should replace the name of either myrmidon or swordmaster.

Just no. Samurai instead of myrmidons worked in Fates because of Hoshido being so Japan-esque.
In all previous games myrmidons weren’t as heavily based on Japan, and that was fine.

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8 hours ago, George Reds said:
  • Weapon arts and class skills should become a staple in the series.
  • Most of the classes should receive the gender-neutral treatment, encountering both genders but the same class would be awesome.

Agreed on both fronts. I'd love to have weapon arts replace the activation skills and encounter female enemies once in awhile outside the designated girl classes.

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8 hours ago, George Reds said:

Most of the classes should receive the gender-neutral treatment, encountering both genders but the same class would be awesome.

I want a Female Fighter that's the one of the lords of a game. Just in general I want more Female Fighters. 

Here's a few more

Lukas is the better of the 3 knights

Pelleas is one of the better characters in Tellius

I never used the rest of the Deliverance outside of Lukas, Clive and Mathilda (she had to get left out of the last dungeon alongside Zeke sadly)

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  • Weapon arts and class skills should become a staple in the series.
  • Most of the classes should receive the gender-neutral treatment, encountering both genders but the same class would be awesome.

Agreed on both fronts. I'd love to have weapon arts replace the activation skills and encounter female enemies once in awhile outside the designated girl classes.

Maybe, have some skills be class exclusive (like the mastery skills or passive skills)

It's quite disappointing the female variants of the classes don't appear in SoV.

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There are two Awakening supports that I quite like but seem to be getting quite a lot of flack. 

The first is Frederick x Cordelia. It gets criticized because Frederick is such an obvious second choice but just reading Frederick say ''You spent two hours describing in vivid detail your unrequited passion for Chrom. You also sobbed repeatedly and kept asking me "Why, Frederick?! Why?!" Then you devoured all the sandwiches and ran off with the picnic hamper.'' pretty much sold me on it.

The other support I hear isn't to popular is the father Support Morgan has with Walhart because the conqueror is quite the abusive dad. And I like Walhart being depicted as an abusive dad. Its amusing to see the generic dad lines be replaced by an exasperated Walhart threatening  Morgan because he doesn't know how to deal with him. Its the only time a generic dad conversation really came into its own. Its awkward but everything about Walhart x Robin is awkard, their past, their age difference of several decades and the cheery, dorky and puny Morgan probably being the last thing Walhart would picture as his kid. It comes off as a hilariously dysfunctional family. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Oh, here's another one.

Fates spoilers.


It makes sense that Lilith died against a Faceless and Corrin was unable to defend himself against it--the Faceless were presented as challenging, dangerous foes. And having to defeat all that he (and the rest of the army) came across while also trying to escape would wear one down; this is gameplay/story segregation. Just because the PLAYER might have had an easy time defeating them does not mean the CHARACTERS did. So I find it perfectly understandable that Corrin would not have the energy to fight one off after all that.

I will still agree that it's odd he wasn't able to HEAR it sneak up on him and Lilith's death was still out of nowhere and completely pointless, however. Definitely.


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17 hours ago, George Reds said:
  • Auto-saving like in GBA should return.
  • If avatars were to return you should choose your starting class, unless it's a lord. Also, if it's able to use more than one type of weapon you would have to choose only one.
  • Most of the classes should receive the gender-neutral treatment, encountering both genders but the same class would be awesome.

These opinions are not likely to be unpopular around these parts. I willing to bet that wanting more sex-locked classes to make sex matter on a mechanical level more would be more unpopular.

I remember the auto-save being possible due to the hardware of the Game Boy Advance, and I am not sure if it is possible with other systems with other systems.

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17 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

I have another one.

  • Broken weapons were a great idea and should be in any game that has some kind of repair utility (like Hammerne).

How would the attack animation for Blank Tomes work, since they couldn't do anything in the Jugdral games?  Would it just be a weak puff of smoke?

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2 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

How would the attack animation for Blank Tomes work, since they couldn't do anything in the Jugdral games?  Would it just be a weak puff of smoke?

They become melee-range only and the wielder just runs up and whacks the enemy with them.

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6 hours ago, Topaz Light said:

They become melee-range only and the wielder just runs up and whacks the enemy with them.

“Throw the book at them” became quite literal.

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Walking jogged my memory on this one:

Enemy phase reinforcements are not bad game design. Once you figure out the triggers (be it turn, proximity, or using a guide) you can alter your strategy to deal with them. Missing a high accuracy attack is more "bullshit" because 99% of the time you can predict reinforcements with prior knowledge but unless you hack the game* you cannot predict your attacks missing. If Mila's Turnwheel or an expy returns in a future game then I see no reason why they can't, since players now have a means to scout them without having to reset every time they claim a victim.

*Yes I am aware of the cursor pathing exploit in the GBA games but this was not intended and does not tell you the exact values.

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  • I feel story isnt that important to FE. While it should make sense, it does not need to be really amazing. FE's popularity is gameplay and character interaction based. 
  • Celica is not an asshole, and in the context of what she knows, her reasoning makes sense despite being flawed. Shes a human being. 
  • Berkut its a lot of fun due to his voice actor. 
  • If avatars happen again, marrying shouldnt have to be a thing. 
  • The lore of the series could connect even without Outrealms. Outrealms are a copout. 
  • I hate hate hate single rng. 
  • Im bothered af that every single lord in the series is between the ages of 15 and 20. And mostly male. Why cant a lord be a lady over 30 who's children are too young to fight, but are in danger, so she goes out to kick some ass in war. I mean, come on, the a mount of literal children that lead armies in that verse, is getting fucking ridiculous. 
  • I find Peri appropriate for her universe. A girl who is raised in a nation where nobility can obviously get away with murder. It makes sense bloodthirsty tropes would show up in FE. It makes more sense than someone like Soleil who is a trope right out of ecchi. 
  • I like Rhajat. 
  • I dont like Hinoka that much. 
  • I despise Cordelia. 
  • Im ok with weapon durability not being a thing. 
  • Mila's Turnwheel type thing is bomb and should come back. 
  • I was willing to forgive the amount of damseling that happened in SoV due to the age of the original story. 
  • I like Delthea. 
  • I feel Sonya is better than Deen in every way. 
  • The only thing holding Shadow Dragon back for me, is the prerequisites to get certain guys and chapters being murdering other guys in your army. 
  • Elibe has the weakest OSTs out of the lot. 
  • Down with Emmeryn forever. I sided with Plegia. 
Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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3 hours ago, Loki Laufeyson said:
  •  If avatars happen again, marrying shouldnt have to be a thing. 
  • The lore of the series could connect even without Outrealms. Outrealms are a copout. 
  • I'm bothered af that every single lord in the series is between the ages of 15 and 20. And mostly male. Why can't a lord be a lady over 30 who's children are too young to fight, but are in danger, so she goes out to kick some ass in war. I mean, come on, the a mount of literal children that lead armies in that verse, is getting fucking ridiculous.  
  • I dont like Hinoka that much. 
  • I despise Cordelia.  
  • Mila's Turnwheel type thing is bomb and should come back. 
  • I was willing to forgive the amount of damseling that happened in SoV due to the age of the original story.  
  • I feel Sonya is better than Deen in every way. 

I more or less agree with these points.

I have never picked Deen in my playthroughs (I just like Sonya). I also found most of the characters in Awakening and Fates either obnoxious or dull (Cordelia is the former while Hinoka is the latter).

The casts in general could use a bit of aging up with just about if not the entire cast being over 20, but I think the older cast may not do as well with Japanese audiences, who are the most valued customer base by Japanese companies (there would be the bonus of allowing everyone to drink alcohol, though). Granted, I am one those people who do not consider teenagers children (they are neither children nor adults; the whole age-group binary is rather arbitrary).

Unrelated, but I find it fascinating how none of Kaga's games have a female axe user.

Edited by KoimanZX
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Yeah, but like, im well over 30 and consider teens to be kids. It happens the older you get. Especially when teens arent mature yet, even in medieval settings. Its always been a little more than just kinda unsettling how much Japanese culture and media is obsessed with youth. But, honestly? They are making FE to appeal to international audiences as well. So it wouldnt hurt to stop having armies of literal children to play as. When Randal, who looks 25, refers to himself as an old fart, i feel things have gotten out of hand. O_o

I dont mind most of the Awakening and Fates casts. I find it funny that its the opposite with me. Cordelia is the dull (yet Actually Rather Unpleasant) one, while Hinoka is obnoxious and really negligent. The way she treats her siblings bothers me.

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5 hours ago, Loki Laufeyson said:
  • Berkut its a lot of fun due to his voice actor. 
  • If Avatars happen again, marriage shouldn't have to be a thing.
  • I hate hate hate single RNG. 
  • ...Why cant a Lord be a lady over 30 whose children are too young to fight, but are in danger, so she goes out to kick some ass in war?  I mean, come on, the a mount of literal children that lead armies in that verse is getting fucking ridiculous. 
  • I like Delthea.

I agree with most of these, though I would like to add my own thoughts on them.

The problem I see with marriage is that it is almost wholly intertwined with children when it doesn't need to be.  Let's face it, scarcely anyone marries Camilla for the sole purpose of making a baby with her.  Surely we can marry our waifus without having Child Units that do nothing for the story.

The reason we don't have any such Lords is that unless you make them real MILFs, they're probably not going to be as popular as younger, more attractive ones.

1 hour ago, KoimanZX said:

Unrelated, but I find it fascinating how none of Kaga's games have a female axe user.

There's Machyua in Thracia 776, but that's only after she promotes.

I'm pretty sure it's easy to see Kaga hates Axes.  We're talking about the man who changed Jamke from a Fighter to a Bowman because he started to like him.


Also, if I may come out and say it, I believe this thread has pretty much degraded into a basic opinion thread since I'm starting to see fewer and fewer controversial opinions (e.g. Child Units should be DLC) being expressed.

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15 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

The reason we don't have any such Lords is that unless you make them real MILFs, they're probably not going to be as popular as younger, more attractive ones

We could have them as normal units, not necessarily as a lord.


16 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

There's Machyua in Thracia 776, but that's only after she promotes.

I'm pretty sure it's easy to see Kaga hates Axes.  We're talking about the man who changed Jamke from a Fighter to a Bowman because he started to like him.

Axes generally suck in the Kaga games (except for some few gems like the Pugi and Brave axe). Really, Kaga may hate axes, but he should have not make them so inferior to the other weapon types.



- I like using Armor Knights, even if they're slow and have low movement. As long as they have got good stats, I don't mind (and things like Speedwings and Boots exist so...)

- I was fine with FE3 book 1 cutting some chapters and units (especially the units, since they weren't that important anyways).

- The archers in the GBA games aren't actually that bad and I often use them (with the exception of Wolt, who was so average he just fell behind. Also I don't think Neimi is counted as one of the bad archers...? She seems to be the best one anyways).

- Dancers should be able to use swords again instead of spears. Also, they should able to boosts some stats like how Ninian could with her bracelets.

- I find reclassing unnecessary. But I'm fine with Heart Seals I guess.

- Troubadours wield swords again.


That's about it for now.

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24 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

There's Machyua in Thracia 776, but that's only after she promotes.

I'm pretty sure it's easy to see Kaga hates Axes.  We're talking about the man who changed Jamke from a Fighter to a Bowman because he started to like him.


Also, if I may come out and say it, I believe this thread has pretty much degraded into a basic opinion thread since I'm starting to see fewer and fewer controversial opinions (e.g. Child Units should be DLC) being expressed.

I guess I did not look hard enough. My mistake.

To be fair, there is a reason why axes were not used that much historically. Axes are awkward as weapons due to their shape and the fact that they leave the user particularly vulnerable during a miss (although axes are lighter than swords). Maces simply do the job better.

Seeing the same opinions posted repeatedly does grow tiresome.

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I'd like to see a game featuring every single lord in the series, and just them, no side characters, just the lords. This paves the way for Sigurd to meet Seliph, a younger Eliwood to meet Roy, Marth to meet Chrom and Lucina, so on, so forth.

I feel like Chrom and Robin had equal spotlight in Awakening.

There should be a proper commoner lord, Ike didn't cut it for me. They could lead a small army of like, 10-15 units. Who knows?

Lloyd should've been recruitable.


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I'm a female gamer and I don't think the female characters are badly written for the most part. Some are questionable but these days people just get easily offended from my personal experiences. It doesn't help fandoms tend to judge female characters far more harshly than male ones. For example I can understand why people dislike Camilla's design but I've seen some really nasty criticism where people reduce her to a "walking pair of tits" a "blow up sex doll" and call her a bitch or a slut. I'm not a fan of her either but still. If anything I find the fandom to be more misogynistic than the writers.

The fan service in Awakening and Fates doesn't bother me. While I roll my eyes at some of the really oversexualized design choices (female cavaliers wearing thongs is the worst. I'm not a horse expert but I'm pretty sure thongs are the last thing you want to wear when riding one,) it doesn't offend me at all.

I have a very soft spot for characters that tend to be overlooked and gimmicky with their personalities such as Miriel and Setsuna. Maybe because they had so much potential for character development but never got it.  

I think a Fire Emblem game set in the modern era would be interesting.

Shadow Dragon was more fun than I thought it would be.

The capture mechanic in Fates was good. I liked making up little stories for the generic units and in some cases had more fun with them than the canon characters.


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On 07/05/2017 at 7:32 AM, Loki Laufeyson said:

Im bothered af that every single lord in the series is between the ages of 15 and 20. And mostly male. Why cant a lord be a lady over 30 who's children are too young to fight, but are in danger, so she goes out to kick some ass in war. I mean, come on, the a mount of literal children that lead armies in that verse, is getting fucking ridiculous. 

Sophitia in Soul Calibur is like this.

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