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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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Yes i mean that, i way to basically donthe kenshin thing in a way that does not feel Corrinesque. For magic is easy enought, just have them cast sleep and the like instead of fire and thunder. And historically mercenary preferred ransoming to killing, so Saber should be already trained in nonlethal takedowns. It could be done imo.

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23 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I haven't played the game myself, but maybe they meant pacifism as a way to win battles? Undertale favorsĀ nonviolent victories over fighting.

Celica's enemies don't really deserve a nonviolent end considering they have a habit of gloating about how they'll sell her into slavery. I guess it could have been interesting if they are just bandits due to the famine and that fixing it makes them lay down their arms, but so far it are just the typical Fe bandits who employ the rape, pillage and burn approach to banditry.

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10 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Celica's enemies don't really deserve a nonviolent end considering they have a habit of gloating about how they'll sell her into slavery. I guess it could have been interesting if they are just bandits due to the famine and that fixing it makes them lay down their arms, but so far it are just the typical Fe bandits who employ the rape, pillage and burn approach to banditry.

You don't do pacifism forĀ your enemy, you do it for yourself. You do so because you want to proveto both yourself and the world that going on your pact whitout killing, if not whitout fighting, is possible, even if everyone else reject the idea. Once captured and brought to the authorities those people would end on the gallows anyway, but it's the law's job to make this call, not random people's.Ā 

Usually pacifist character are not pacifist because they think everyone deserve to live.


Edited by Flere210
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19 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I don't know, telling someone you're about to prank them kind of weakens the effect. Surprises like that might not even be possible these days, though. Not to say I don't like this idea- it could be properly amazing.

As legendary as Metal Gear Solid 2's misdirecting advertising was, I believe it was part of the reason why the game ended up so polarizing. Now I love the games plot, but I wouldn't say it's the kind of story you trick people into viewing. On a similar note, Fates got a lot of backlash for how overhyped certain element of the game were in marketing, and I'm pretty certain IS doesn't want to go through that fiasco again. It might spoil the surprise, sure, but in such aĀ case it wouldĀ be better to be safeĀ than sorry.

16 hours ago, Tediz64 said:

Im a little familiar with history during certain eras like with the Han dynasty, the Greek and Roman battles, and etc. But what I really wanted to put an emphasis on was the fantasy setting of flying mounts. How do they not hit their wings? As well as all those little acrobatic stunts. It just blows my mind. I remember seeing the crit for Pegasus Rider on Fates with the front flip and spear extended. That looked so unreal. Or on the Kinshi Knight (the bird promotion). Some stunts look a little more realistic but the part of cleaving thru your enemy and flying past them also seems to unreal.

Simple; the spear clips through the wings, and nobody bats an eye.

On a more serious note, though, while the spinning and flips are simply crits being over the top, charging at theĀ enemy while on a flying mounted isn't that far fetched. It's the point of cavalry charges, after all, and being able to fly while doing so would come with its own advantages and disadvantages. Sure, the Pegasus rider would be limited to thrusting, but when a flying or mounted opponent is charging towards you, there's not a whole lot of defenses against that (that don't require being in a formation with the right weapon, at any rate).

37 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

Yes i mean that, i way to basically donthe kenshin thing in a way that does not feel Corrinesque. For magic is easy enought, just have them cast sleep and the like instead of fire and thunder. And historically mercenary preferred ransoming to killing, so Saber should be already trained in nonlethal takedowns. It could be done imo.

30 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

You don't do pacifism forĀ your enemy, you do it for yourself. You do so because you want to proveto both yourself and the world that going on your pact whitout killing, if not whitout fighting, is possible, even if everyone else reject the idea. Once captured and brought to the authorities those people would end on the gallows anyway, but it's the law's job to make this call, not random people's.Ā 

Usually pacifist character are not pacifist because they think everyone deserve to live.


  1. None of the games set in Archena establish that sleeping magic is a thing.
  2. Celica attempted to reason with the first pirate crew, which didn't go anywhere.Ā Saber himselfĀ said they were better off just fighting them, so he wasn't interested in taking them down nonlethally.
  3. Act 2, with the exception of the shrine battle, the assault on Barth's fortress, and Conrad's first appearance in the remake, all take place on boats to the point it's a meme. Even if they only spared part of the enemy crew, Celica's forces would be outnumbered pretty quickly, making a mutiny among the captured pirates all but inevitable.
  4. What government? Zofia was in the middle of a civil war in Act 1, and for the rest of the game it is brought up several times that they still need to establishĀ a new king after the war with Rigel is over. Several people assume Alm will take charge after the war, while Alm is hoping they can find the missing princess and give her rightful position back.
  5. Even before the events of the game, Greith states outright that the only reason his empireĀ grew as powerful as itĀ did was because the king and Mila were too lazy to deal with the bandit problem.
  6. Celica only goes to Zofia castle to get confirmation that Alm was the leader of the Deliverance. Otherwise,Ā she is intentionally trying to avoid drawing unwanted attention to herself, which bringing in captured bandits would most certainly do.
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11 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

As legendary as Metal Gear Solid 2's misdirecting advertising was, I believe it was part of the reason why the game ended up so polarizing. Now I love the games plot, but I wouldn't say it's the kind of story you trick people into viewing. On a similar note, Fates got a lot of backlash for how overhyped certain element of the game were in marketing, and I'm pretty certain IS doesn't want to go through that fiasco again. It might spoil the surprise, sure, but in such aĀ case it wouldĀ be better to be safeĀ than sorry.

Simple; the spear clips through the wings, and nobody bats an eye.

On a more serious note, though, while the spinning and flips are simply crits being over the top, charging at theĀ enemy while on a flying mounted isn't that far fetched. It's the point of cavalry charges, after all, and being able to fly while doing so would come with its own advantages and disadvantages. Sure, the Pegasus rider would be limited to thrusting, but when a flying or mounted opponent is charging towards you, there's not a whole lot of defenses against that (that don't require being in a formation with the right weapon, at any rate).

  1. None of the games set in Archena establish that sleeping magic is a thing.
  2. Celica attempted to reason with the first pirate crew, which didn't go anywhere.Ā Saber himselfĀ said they were better off just fighting them, so he wasn't interested in taking them down nonlethally.
  3. Act 2, with the exception of the shrine battle, the assault on Barth's fortress, and Conrad's first appearance in the remake, all take place on boats to the point it's a meme. Even if they only spared part of the enemy crew, Celica's forces would be outnumbered pretty quickly, making a mutiny among the captured pirates all but inevitable.
  4. What government? Zofia was in the middle of a civil war in Act 1, and for the rest of the game it is brought up several times that they still need to establishĀ a new king after the war with Rigel is over. Several people assume Alm will take charge after the war, while Alm is hoping they can find the missing princess and give her rightful position back.
  5. Even before the events of the game, Greith states outright that the only reason his empireĀ grew as powerful as itĀ did was because the king and Mila were too lazy to deal with the bandit problem.
  6. Celica only goes to Zofia castle to get confirmation that Alm was the leader of the Deliverance. Otherwise,Ā she is intentionally trying to avoid drawing unwanted attention to herself, which bringing in captured bandits would most certainly do.

1) good thing that Valentia use a different magic system then. There is nothing in the system that make "sleep" impossible.

2)i never said she should talk whit the bandits, i said she could defeat them nonlethally or evade them.Ā 

3) kenshin does not go around whit 300 defeated enemies either. Usually he just leave them unconscous where they are. As long as the leaders are caught, the organizzation would crumble anyway. Or she coul leave them on an island whitout a boat. Basically Batman Begins logic of "i would not kill you, but i don't have to actively keep you alive".

Another option is that she has a bunch of extras following her. Every lord is implied to lead much more than the 50 people you play, except for.maybe the FE7 crew.Ā 

4)it was more a general thing rather than something about Echoes in particular. But i don't think that even the local authorities disappeared. There should be mayors, local garrisons or things like that.

Also, there is a simple out of those problem. Just have a person in Celica group act like Saito and kill the defeated enemies being Celica's back. It does not necessarily undermine her mission, especially if this person change along the way.

5)so lazy to not capture people in chains that were left in front of the door? If they have been paid by the bandits to let them go then we have a problem, but in that case we would have an entire subplot about it.

6) Mae, Boey and Saber can bring in the bandit whitout her. The money for thebounties would go on Saber's paycheck anyway.



Also, we should remember that Celica ideal are supposed to be flawed. Both she and Alm are supposed to be wrong and to need each other, so it's tottaly fine and thematically correct that she face issue because she refuse to kill. It's suppose to happen because eventually she need to realize that sometimes violence is necessary as Alm need to realize that violence is not always the only option.Ā 


The problem whit Celica current arc is that she talk about peace but leave behind a bodycount as large as Alm while at the same time achieving nothing. There is no synthesis, there is just Alm being right all along.Ā 

To make her work you need to either make her outright a non-action hero, or a pacifist warrior a la Kenshin.

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9 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

The problem whit Celica current arc is that she talk about peace but leave behind a bodycount as large as Alm while at the same time achieving nothing. There is no synthesis, there is just Alm being right all along.Ā 

I think gameplay and story segregation applies here. As far as gameplay is concerned Celica faces about the same number of opponents as Alm does but in the story its very different. Alm leads a large army and he fights even larger armies in his story so its a safe assumption that Alm's bodycount very high. Celica meanwhile tends to fight much smaller opponents like bandits and crazy cultists. Alm is the typical Fire Emblem story where thousands die in a large war but Celica's tale is more akin to Blazing Sword in that a small company has skirmishes with small foes. Killing citizens drafted into a war and killing bandits who go out of their way to be as evil as possible is also a little different. Fighting a war is something of a tragedy but fighting Fire EmblemĀ  bandits leaves no real victims, it merely saves victims from people that insists on tormenting them.Ā 

And while Celica ultimately fails and mostly because she's being a dummy I wouldn't say she achieves nothing. Dismantling the many bandit clans terrorizing Sophia certainly counts for something.Ā 

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In Celica's case, she does have an "invisible, implied army" I would think, up to Duma Tower at least, not sure if any of them survived with her into Duma's underground litterbox.

Nonetheless, like her spiritual successor Eirika, I'd think her invisible army is on the smaller side. Alm and Ephraim are fighting big bad empires by contrast, and thus would have a larger invisible army. Albeit I haven't a clue exactly how much larger, but Celica's > Eirika's in size I would think.

She does? I don't think there's any indication of that.

I could almost say the same about Eirika; but King Hayden does mentions she has a "retinue of knights", even if we only see Seth and Franz at that point; and, well, the supply convoy he gives her would also qualify as "invisible, implied" followers. Even if they wouldn't be fighting.


27 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

1) good thing that Valentia use a different magic system then. There is nothing in the system that make "sleep" impossible.

Adding to this, I'd like to point out the Freeze spell exists. Paralysis rather than sleep; but it would do the same thing here, basically.

That said, if we take Spell Lists at face value, then only Kamui can potentially learn the spell among Celica's followers... but he doesn't use magic to begin with, anyway.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In Celica's case, she does have an "invisible, implied army" I would think, up to Duma Tower at least, not sure if any of them survived with her into Duma's underground litterbox.

Nonetheless, like her spiritual successor Eirika, I'd think her invisible army is on the smaller side. Alm and Ephraim are fighting big bad empires by contrast, and thus would have a larger invisible army. Albeit I haven't a clue exactly how much larger, but Celica's > Eirika's in size I would think.

MoreĀ than an invisible army,Ā i was thinking on a large group of pilgrims and other Mila faithfuls, not necessarily all armed, but at least able to deal whit a bunch of chained bandits.

26 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think gameplay and story segregation applies here. As far as gameplay is concerned Celica faces about the same number of opponents as Alm does but in the story its very different. Alm leads a large army and he fights even larger armies in his story so its a safe assumption that Alm's bodycount very high. Celica meanwhile tends to fight much smaller opponents like bandits and crazy cultists. Alm is the typical Fire Emblem story where thousands die in a large war but Celica's tale is more akin to Blazing Sword in that a small company has skirmishes with small foes. Killing citizens drafted into a war and killing bandits who go out of their way to be as evil as possible is also a little different.

It was an hyperbole to say that ultimately her path fail 5 minute after she start because she can't find any other way to push forward than to murder who stand in her way.Ā 

I see pacifism as a rejection of the concept of "kill or be killed." If good people kill bad people the only result is that they are going to be killed by the next group of bad people in an endless spyral of death and mysery. Killing bad guys is not enought.Ā You also need to strike the core of the problem and show the world that there is an alternative to kill or be killed. It's a difficult path, because as the best grandpa Gosha said "pacifism has meaning only when the strong uphold it".Ā 

When people think that there is no way to achieve what you want whitout prevarication, they become desentisized to it. That how bandits are born. If people think they can have a decent life whitout harming other people, they are way less likely to turn to banditism in the first place. And this is one of the great failing of the Zofian dynasty.Ā 

The way how i see gaiden is that Alm should phisically create a country whitout war, and Celica should inspire the people into living whitout harming other human being. This is also what in theory happen in the ending, bjy imo fall flat.

Edited by Flere210
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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In Celica's case, she does have an "invisible, implied army" I would think, up to Duma Tower at least, not sure if any of them survived with her into Duma's underground litterbox.

She does? I'm under the impression she very much doesn't have an implied army like the other lords. Its a pilgrimage and when she chats with Mae, Boey and Saber at the start of her journey they never give the impression that other people are there. Maybe she could get one after leaving Mila's temple but they never really imply that.

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39 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

Also, we should remember that Celica ideal are supposed to be flawed. Both she and Alm are supposed to be wrong and to need each other, so it's tottaly fine and thematically correct that she face issue because she refuse to kill. It's suppose to happen because eventually she need to realize that sometimes violence is necessary as Alm need to realize that violence is not always the only option.Ā 


The problem whit Celica current arc is that she talk about peace but leave behind a bodycount as large as Alm while at the same time achieving nothing. There is no synthesis, there is just Alm being right all along.Ā 

To make her work you need to either make her outright a non-action hero, or a pacifist warrior a la Kenshin.

Where does Celica state that sheĀ is a pacifist?Ā She may not like violence, and isĀ opposed to a war between Rigel and Zofia, but she's not averse to killing in defense or attacking when thereĀ is a fort in their way. Wishing to minimize conflict does not mean she tries to avoid it at every turn.

23 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

And while Celica ultimately fails and mostly because she's being a dummy I wouldn't say she achieves nothing. Dismantling the many bandit clans terrorizing Sophia certainly counts for something.Ā 

In a sense, she confronts the negligence of her father and of Mila by getting rid of Zofia's criminal empire. It's an element of the game that people tend to forget about. Sure, it's mentioned in the ending that the unified kingdom still faces rebellions and brigands, but it's not like the game paved the way for a smooth transition towards both nationsĀ becoming one.Ā And it's why I think there's potential for an expansion/sequel to SoV, but I've already stated that opinion before.

18 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In Celica's case, she does have an "invisible, implied army" I would think, up to Duma Tower at least, not sure if any of them survived with her into Duma's underground litterbox.

Um, where in the game is this implied? The only place this would make sense is at the end of Act 3, when Celica stops hiding that she's a princess, but even then nothing in the game states she suddenly gains a loyal following of priestesses and saints.Ā If anything, it would lead to more complaints since they would have been a huge help on the swamp maps.

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1 minute ago, Hawkwing said:

Ā And it's why I think there's potential for an expansion/sequel to SoV, but I've already stated that opinion before.

I think a short style story ala Elincia's tale would work really well in Valentia. Just 6 or so chapters detailing the struggles of the new kingdom with a small event quickly spiraling in a big rebellion.Ā 

It could also be a bit of a redemption for Celica. It would be an interesting idea of the writers played around with the idea of Celica being a damsel in distress. The big nasty rebels lure Alm from the capitol to launch a surprise attack and take Celica hostage, but when Alm returns it turns out Celica had Saber put the old gang back together and is managing just fine.Ā 

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She does not states it, but iirc the narrative of the game is that Alm follow the path of war and Celica the path that does not require it. Except that most of what she does is warlike anyway. I am not saying she has a strict no kill polocy, just that it would fit her character better than what she got innthe game imo.

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3 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I think a short style story ala Elincia's tale would work really well in Valentia. Just 6 or so chapters detailing the struggles of the new kingdom with a small event quickly spiraling in a big rebellion.Ā 

It could also be a bit of a redemption for Celica. It would be an interesting idea of the writers played around with the idea of Celica being a damsel in distress. The big nasty rebels lure Alm from the capitol to launch a surprise attack and take Celica hostage, but when Alm returns it turns out Celica had Saber put the old gang back together and is managing just fine.Ā 

It would also be a good opportunity for Alm to shareĀ his thoughts about being forced into leadership, since several people assume that he's going to be Zofia's next king once the war is over, and Alm... is never really given the opportunity to stateĀ what he thinks about that. I canĀ understand that the full responsibilities of being handed power over a nation haven't had time to fully sinkĀ in yet, andĀ I do enjoy that his first actions as emperor will be to work with the people and help with farmingĀ once he hears that slaying Duma will cause the lands to be infertile, but both of those points are overshadowed a bit by the task of defeatingĀ Duma. It would also be an opportunity to show more of his flaws, since they're largely glossed over or not given much of a chance to have consequences in the main story.

Add in character interactions not present in the base game, some better maps, and maybe an extra class/unit or two, and IS could make a decent buck off of the idea.

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11 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Since you all were talking about Echoes, i wanted to add another Point...

Alm x Celica...

just.... why? It really is like ''we met back, we are now lovers''. They should've either fleshed it out more, or changed the romance in the game...

Now, i am not really big into echoes, so i don't care that much, but it makes me afraid that when FE4 echoes comes around they won't flesh out Sigurd X Deidre at all and make it the sameĀ 

I just met you
and this is crazy
but i have Castle
So have my Baby

Because i really wasn't a big fan of that ship either, and if it stay the same i think i am gonna be a bit mad.

Then again, Kaga was never good at romance. Not a bad thing though, since they aren't really the focus of the older games, but in FE4 it's extra important

As much as I dislike Alm x Celica, I can credit Echoes for trying their best to flesh it out a bit. Namely by actually showing them together as children for a little bit. But also showing Celica's premonition which, while existed in Gaiden, was just a throw away line at the end. Knowing it from the outset recontextualizes her entire story so her feelings for Alm are put at the forefront. And then lastly having a scene between them during Alm's weird ass promotion moment. There's not a massive tonne they could have really done beyond that. It was an uphill battle to begin with given how in Gaiden they only interact twice (though removing Alm's autocrit from Celica proximity is a bit of a disappointment imo). Genealogy of the Holy War also faces a bit of an uphill battle in terms of relationship development, but at least Sigurd and Deirdre are actually together for a period of the story so I'm sure they'll add a few more scenes in Chapter 2 to make things more believable.

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I like Alm X Celica and kinda think that the writing did the pairing a little dirty. Their respective personalities would make for some very good chemistry. Alm being the lovably dork and Celica playfully admonishing him for it while very clearly being amused by it would make for some very cute interaction. But since they spend the entire game separated that interaction can never happen. Its partly why I'm glad they got a Valentine alt together.Ā 

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I hate seeing Awakening lumped in with Fates in terms of conversations about how one note and fanservicey the 3DS games were. In reality, I think Fates was really the only bad one with that.

Granted Awakening had a few of its silly designs and some one note characters, but every game has had those. We've always had our Illyana's and our Peri's and Nowi's, etc. But I also think Awakening does a good job of fleshing out the characters who arent so one note. Characters like Tharja, who unfortunately get mistaken for one note due to their presentation outside of Awakening, or Frederick, or Libra, Cordelia, etc.

Its not perfect, but its not nearly as bad as Fates was. And from a design standpoint, I think Fates stands out way more as fanservicey than Awakening. Sure Awakening had, again, Tharja, but at least that could be explained somewhat. Unlike characters like Camilla or Orochi who had it all hanging out for the hell of it. From an actual design standpoint, Awakening probably game us some of our more modest designs in the series with characters like Lucina, Sully, Maribelle, etc.

It was there, but it wasnt nearly as bad and as blatant as Fates was.

I also dont like that Fates gets hit with a broad stroke with its cast because despite a lot not being great, there were also quite a few that were good. Besides the obvious ones like Leo and Takumi who are regarded as some of the best from Fates, I think there's several characters like Nyx, or all 3 of the Ninja, Kaze, Saizo, Kagero, who were all decent characters. Not perfect, but still quite good and deserve some recognition.

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3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I like Alm X Celica and kinda think that the writing did the pairing a little dirty. Their respective personalities would make for some very good chemistry. Alm being the lovably dork and Celica playfully admonishing him for it while very clearly being amused by it would make for some very cute interaction. But since they spend the entire game separated that interaction can never happen. Its partly why I'm glad they got a Valentine alt together.Ā 

I think a lot of people would agree that Alm x Celica works as a concept, but in practice was wasted potential.Ā 


1 hour ago, Tolvir said:

I hate seeing Awakening lumped in with Fates in terms of conversations about how one note and fanservicey the 3DS games were. In reality, I think Fates was really the only bad one with that.

Granted Awakening had a few of its silly designs and some one note characters, but every game has had those. We've always had our Illyana's and our Peri's and Nowi's, etc. But I also think Awakening does a good job of fleshing out the characters who arent so one note. Characters like Tharja, who unfortunately get mistaken for one note due to their presentation outside of Awakening, or Frederick, or Libra, Cordelia, etc.

Its not perfect, but its not nearly as bad as Fates was. And from a design standpoint, I think Fates stands out way more as fanservicey than Awakening. Sure Awakening had, again, Tharja, but at least that could be explained somewhat. Unlike characters like Camilla or Orochi who had it all hanging out for the hell of it. From an actual design standpoint, Awakening probably game us some of our more modest designs in the series with characters like Lucina, Sully, Maribelle, etc.

It was there, but it wasn't nearly as bad and as blatant as Fates was.

I also dont like that Fates gets hit with a broad stroke with its cast because despite a lot not being great, there were also quite a few that were good. Besides the obvious ones like Leo and Takumi who are regarded as some of the best from Fates, I think there's several characters like Nyx, or all 3 of the Ninja, Kaze, Saizo, Kagero, who were all decent characters. Not perfect, but still quite good and deserve some recognition.

I think most would agree that Fates is way worse in the fanservice category than Awakening, but Awakening in many ways started a lot of the things that Fates would then take up to eleven; that's the reason it usually gets lumped in.Ā 

To be honest, a bit of fanservice was definitely to be expected with Awakening since it was supposed to basically be a Fire Emblem Greatest Hits. I personally just wish itĀ  had been handled a bit more... tastefully; is that the right word?

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4 minutes ago, vanguard333 said:

To be honest, a bit of fanservice was definitely to be expected with Awakening since it was supposed to basically be a Fire Emblem Greatest Hits. I personally just wish itĀ  had been handled a bit more... tastefully; is that the right word?

The only distasteful part of awakeningā€™s fanservice areĀ Tharja and Nowi and if you REALLY wanna stretch it the beach and hot springs DLC(but those are 100% optional)

Now of the non sexual variety, Priam is really the only one I found intrusive to any capacity. Everything else was either integrated well(Valm) or could be ignored entirely (Erinjar cards and DLC)

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3 hours ago, Ottservia said:

The only distasteful part of awakeningā€™s fanservice areĀ Tharja and Nowi and if you REALLY wanna stretch it the beach and hot springs DLC(but those are 100% optional)

Now of the non sexual variety, Priam is really the only one I found intrusive to any capacity. Everything else was either integrated well(Valm) or could be ignored entirely (Erinjar cards and DLC)

Sorry; bad communication on my part. Yeah; tasteful was not the word I was looking for, since, as you said, it only really applies to Tharja and Nowi. I guess a closer word to what I'm looking for would be... subtle, perhaps?

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4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

The only distasteful part of awakeningā€™s fanservice areĀ Tharja and Nowi and if you REALLY wanna stretch it the beach and hot springs DLC(but those are 100% optional)

Now of the non sexual variety, Priam is really the only one I found intrusive to any capacity. Everything else was either integrated well(Valm) or could be ignored entirely (Erinjar cards and DLC)

Tbf in Tharja's Awakening picture she actually covers her chest with a tome.

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On 2/3/2020 at 4:17 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

Celica's enemies don't really deserve a nonviolent end considering they have a habit of gloating about how they'll sell her into slavery. I guess it could have been interesting if they are just bandits due to the famine and that fixing it makes them lay down their arms, but so far it are just the typical Fe bandits who employ the rape, pillage and burn approach to banditry.

I wish FE would do this more. Outside of the odd bandit like Garret or Gonzales, I don't think any other FE besides Thracia goes into why so many people have resorted to banditry.

It's just a bunch of bad people doing bad things.

Which is weird, since pirates are more often presented in a decent light.

5 hours ago, Ottservia said:

The only distasteful part of awakeningā€™s fanservice areĀ Tharja and Nowi and if you REALLY wanna stretch it the beach and hot springs DLC(but those are 100% optional)

Now of the non sexual variety, Priam is really the only one I found intrusive to any capacity. Everything else was either integrated well(Valm) or could be ignored entirely (Erinjar cards and DLC)

I'm not a fan of Chrom's family being descendants of Marth. A royal dynasty ruling for over three thousand years, with two thousand of them tracing back directly to one guy, is insane.

At least with Walhart, it's not made clear if he's a descendant of Alm and Celica.

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