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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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13 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

...But doesn't Robin literally look at their hand in the intro? We see it in a Robin POV shot. (Not to mention the other person would probably notice when you have sex.)

Even then, it's on their robes too.

Hey for all I know it’s a mistranslation. The exact wording is a tad weird. It basically reads as:

”on the other side of the coin, those who inherit the blood of the fell dragon Grima bear a mark known as the brand of the defile. But those born with that brand have no memory of it, nor even the knowledge that they possess the brand itself. For that reason, Chrom nor any of those who are with him when he meets the avatar take notice of the brand of the defile on the avatar’s left hand.” 

that is directly quoted from the artbook. I have it right here in front of me. Honestly this reeks of mistranslation. The wording is really weird. But I don’t own the Japanese artbook so yeah. I mean it’s not a big problem all things considered but that’s just my opinion.

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19 minutes ago, Samz707 said:

...But doesn't Robin literally look at their hand in the intro? We see it in a Robin POV shot. (Not to mention the other person would probably notice when you have sex.)

Even then, it's on their robes too.

Exactly it’s even on every outfit they promote too and Grandmaster has 2 on it. Even if you tried to say it doesn’t glow. It still way too unnatural to be excused as a birthmark 


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2 hours ago, Ottservia said:

That’s actually explained in the artbook. The brand part at least. It’s not a good explanation but it’s an explanation at least. Basically it’s because Robin didn’t know it was there so nobody questioned it. Like I said not the best explanation but it is at least an explanation.

It's other people questioning it that's more the issue than Robin to begin with. Conversations should really go down like "I don't know who I am" "Oh well you're wearing the symbol of that one group of Satan worshippers we oppressed a decade ago. You're probably related to them some how." The best explanation is probably just that in reality Robin doesn't actually wear that one robe he was found in all that often and has a varied array of clothing for casual and battle like a normal person.

Edited by Jotari
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12 hours ago, Ottservia said:

Hey for all I know it’s a mistranslation. The exact wording is a tad weird. It basically reads as:

”on the other side of the coin, those who inherit the blood of the fell dragon Grima bear a mark known as the brand of the defile. But those born with that brand have no memory of it, nor even the knowledge that they possess the brand itself. For that reason, Chrom nor any of those who are with him when he meets the avatar take notice of the brand of the defile on the avatar’s left hand.” 

that is directly quoted from the artbook. I have it right here in front of me. Honestly this reeks of mistranslation. The wording is really weird. But I don’t own the Japanese artbook so yeah. I mean it’s not a big problem all things considered but that’s just my opinion.

Maybe it was trying to say that, because of Robin's amnesia, they (Robin) didn't know what it was, and the group didn't take notice of it because the thing they're focused on is Robin's amnesia? I don't know.

In the prologue, once Robin's amnesia is made clear, Chrom decides that they'll discuss both the amnesia and what to do with Robin when they get to town. Of course, the town's being attacked by bandits when they get there, and Robin helping them stop the bandits proves (in Chrom's eyes anyway) that Robin's no enemy of Ylisse. So, presumably, by the time anyone might've noticed the brand, Robin's already part of the group.

The weird thing about the prologue is that Chrom and them observe that the bandits have Plegian accents, yet, by omission, they seem to not hear anything strange about Robin's voice. I know Robin was taken away from Plegia by their mother, but wouldn't they still have an accent from being raised by said mother?

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Still true enough this is why I said that they have too much of a background to be an Avatar. Hell to see if the developers really planned them to be an avatar or their own Character. I replay Awakening to the end along with Fates all 3 path and Crimson Flower as the Character themselves. Aka Robin Corrin and Byleth with no name change and made Byleth birthday the canon one of September 20 or Horsebow moon 20th. The story FLOWS way better this way so yeah they shoehorned that last minute in all 3 games 

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Well tbh, I have more than one of those, but I'll only leave a couple here. Please everyone, try not to flame me too much if I offend you (I apologize if I do).

-I see most people clamoring for a remake of Genealogy or the Tellius games, however, after how heavily Three Houses leaned into the whole tragedy and dark aspect of it's story (and it kinda overused it at times, to the point where sometimes it just came out feeling kinda forced if I'm honest), I think I'd prefer it if one of the more lighthearted games got remade instead. Can lead to some good variety of feel between games imo. 

-Corrin really isn't that bad of an avatar, or a character for that matter. Actually, I'd say they can be about as good as Robin or Byleth. Thing is, Corrin was essentially made into the central point of Fates' story and didn't have any character who could really act as a co-protagonist they could bounce off of, like Chrom is to Robin or the 3H lords are to Byleth, so Corrin's flaws as an avatar protagonist were made all the more visible. Had they actually had something like a deuteragonist, I believe they would've been more well-regarded.

-I think Byleth's relationship with the students works better if it stays as a mentor and protegee/close friends one rather than becoming something romantic (that said, romancing the students is still cool and perfectly valid, and I ain't gonna judge anyone if they want to see those relationships become something more).

-The Byleth/Rhea pair isn't actually anywhere near as weird as people make it out to be and it's pretty valid to choose it imo. Nothing that people say about the pairing was actually said by the game or even portrayed in such a way. I mean, I understand if someone feels odd about it and I can't force anyone to think otherwise, but people shouldn't just automatically discount the option simply based on assumptions that the game itself never actually confirmed (the story certainly never said that Byleth is Rhea's "grandchild" or even portrayed their relationship like that, and it outright says/shows that Byleth isn't Sothis, and therefor not Rhea's "mother").

-The My Castle/Monastery function isn't actually tedious or boring imo. I mean, sure it's got some issues that it should really refine (giving more things to do in it rather than just mundane tasks would be a good starting point), but overall I personally never found them a chore as some people say, and I hope that IntSys keeps on using it in the next original games while gradually improving it. 

Edited by Cosmic_Dragon
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2 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

-I think Byleth's relationship with the students works better if it stays as a mentor and protegee/close friends one rather than becoming something romantic (that said, romancing the students is still cool and perfectly valid, and I ain't gonna judge anyone if they want to see those relationships become something more).

This opinion isn’t super unpopular. It’s in the minority but I wouldn’t call it unpopular. And I might agree, but the time skip throws any mentor-ness out the window imo.

2 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

-The Byleth/Rhea pair isn't actually anywhere near as weird as people portray it as and it's pretty valid to choose it imo. Nothing that people say about the pairing was actually said by the game or even portrayed in such a way. I mean, I understand if someone feels odd about it and I can't force anyone to think otherwise, but people shouldn't just automatically discount the option simply based on assumptions that the game itself never actually confirmed (the story certainly never said that Byleth is Rhea's "grandchild" or even portrayed their relationship like that, and it outright says/shows that Byleth isn't Sothis, and therefor not Rhea's "mother").

Ehhh the Byleth and Rhea being related argument is unsupported at best, it more so stems from the fact that their supports and events in game portray them as more of a mom and son/daughter type relationship, plus the fact that she really only liked Byleth for so long because she wanted to see her mom. But I mean, I’ve just seen that argument more, there might be more people claiming they’re related.

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3 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

Thing is, Corrin was essentially made into the central point of Fates' story and didn't have any character who could really act as a co-protagonist they could bounce off of, like Chrom is to Robin or the 3H lords are to Byleth, so Corrin's flaws as an avatar protagonist were made all the more visible. Had they actually had something like a deuteragonist, I believe they would've been more well-regarded.

I think that's who Azura was supposed to be, but she ended up being far more...expository than anything else. Byleth, Robin, and Kris (from what I know) play second-fiddle to their respective lord, whereas Corrin and Azura's roles are reversed. The story actually should center around Azura more, since she's the one with all the knowledge, the most clear connections to the characters and the lore, but that never happened. I'd like to think that IntSys learned from this...lesson when making 3H. 

3 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

-The Byleth/Rhea pair isn't actually anywhere near as weird as people make it out to be and it's pretty valid to choose it imo. Nothing that people say about the pairing was actually said by the game or even portrayed in such a way. I mean, I understand if someone feels odd about it and I can't force anyone to think otherwise, but people shouldn't just automatically discount the option simply based on assumptions that the game itself never actually confirmed (the story certainly never said that Byleth is Rhea's "grandchild" or even portrayed their relationship like that, and it outright says/shows that Byleth isn't Sothis, and therefor not Rhea's "mother").

I think it's pretty weird, but I like it anyways. 



On to today's unpopular opinion - many preplanned ships in the franchise aren't that good. The only ones that are good are the ones that tie into the story, and even then they can be suspect.  The only one I think I actually like are Sigurd/Deirdre. (Eliwood/Ninian is a close second, but it's not strictly canon, and for every Eliwood/Ninian, there's a Chrom/Sumia or Micaiah/Sothe.) 

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Fe4’s story really is not that good. It’s one of the better Fire Emblem stories but overall it’s... eh? Gen one is kind of all over the place imo, and gen two is normal Fire Emblem. Of course the moment that makes everyone praise the game is good, but other than that gen one seemed to lack a central focus. And gen two really is just generic.

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On 3/7/2021 at 6:05 PM, Sooks said:

This opinion isn’t super unpopular. It’s in the minority but I wouldn’t call it unpopular. And I might agree, but the time skip throws any mentor-ness out the window imo.

Yeah, that's why I also said "close friends". Still though, I just like better the narrative of Byleth being that good companion that his friends still look up to because of how much they guided them throughout their school year. Although, I guess maybe I just don't really have a grasp on what's actually considered "unpopular", but I think it's definitely not a common opinion.

On 3/7/2021 at 6:05 PM, Sooks said:

Ehhh the Byleth and Rhea being related argument is unsupported at best, it more so stems from the fact that their supports and events in game portray them as more of a mom and son/daughter type relationship, plus the fact that she really only liked Byleth for so long because she wanted to see her mom. But I mean, I’ve just seen that argument more, there might be more people claiming they’re related.

From my experience, the main reason that some people dislike the pairing is cause they just unanimously accepted the theory that they're related somehow, even when the game never actually said so. Still, I think I have seen that other argument you say, but, I don't know, I just never saw it that way? I mean yeah, Rhea certainly acts motherly sometimes, but I always thought/felt that was just her, well, acting as the Archbishop. Bishops' and Priests' role is basically that of acting like a parental-like figure for their followers/disciples, and that's what Rhea's attitude always struck me as, it never felt like outright motherly to me; I think that's just the way she is (kinda like how Mercedes acts like a mother/big sister with many others); I never felt a mother/child relationship from them tbh, and she does kinda act way more intimate in her A and S-supports (and also gets flustered and bashful if you have Byleth say they liked her caress in their A-support). Then again, that might just be me.

And I guess she could have been more interested in Byleth simply due to their connection to Sothis, but she clearly gets over that in part 2 (and hell, that's actually what her S-support is all about). Still though, I do think there should've been more build-up on that (one of the many reasons I believe that Rhea should've been the lord of Silver Snow).  

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On 3/7/2021 at 8:06 PM, Use the Falchion said:

On to today's unpopular opinion - many preplanned ships in the franchise aren't that good. The only ones that are good are the ones that tie into the story, and even then they can be suspect.  The only one I think I actually like are Sigurd/Deirdre. (Eliwood/Ninian is a close second, but it's not strictly canon, and for every Eliwood/Ninian, there's a Chrom/Sumia or Micaiah/Sothe.) 

Unpopular opinion: I actually quite like Micaiah & Sothe. I don't think it's anything amazing, and it does have some problems, but I still like it. People say they're too much like brother & sister and, well, speaking as someone who has a sister: I don't see it. The dynamic that the two of them have is not a sibling one, and it's obvious that they care for each other in a way that's unlike that of siblings. Even Ike suspects as much in a base conversation with Micaiah in part 4.

Plus, I like the banter between them in part 1 whenever Sothe mentions Ike:

Sothe: “Entering Gallia by yourselves would be nearly impossible. The man you need to get you into Gallia actually resides in Crimea. That man, Ike, is in contact with King Caineghis and his advisors. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s the man you need.”

Micaiah: “Right. Lord Ike, hero of the Crimean Liberation, leader of the Greil Mercenaries, and father of Sothe’s children…”


On 3/7/2021 at 8:40 PM, Sooks said:

Fe4’s story really is not that good. It’s one of the better Fire Emblem stories but overall it’s... eh? Gen one is kind of all over the place imo, and gen two is normal Fire Emblem. Of course the moment that makes everyone praise the game is good, but other than that gen one seemed to lack a central focus. And gen two really is just generic.

I can't comment on the quality of its story as I haven't played it, but I think the main reason most people like it is that it is a deconstruction & reconstruction of an FE narrative. 

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1 minute ago, vanguard333 said:

I can't comment on the quality of its story as I haven't played it, but I think the main reason most people like it is that it is a deconstruction & reconstruction of an FE narrative. 

I couldn’t disagree with that thought about the narrative more, but it might be why. I personally thought it was because of gen one’s ending.

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28 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I couldn’t disagree with that thought about the narrative more, but it might be why. I personally thought it was because of gen one’s ending.

Gen one's ending is part of the deconstruction; liking the story for that moment and liking it for being a deconstruction & reconstruction are not inherently different reasons as one is part of the other.

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2 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

I can't comment on the quality of its story as I haven't played it, but I think the main reason most people like it is that it is a deconstruction & reconstruction of an FE narrative. 

Pardon me, but could you elaborate? I never interpreted the story of FE4 in that manner.

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59 minutes ago, Murozaki said:

Pardon me, but could you elaborate? I never interpreted the story of FE4 in that manner.

It's just what I keep hearing about it; that the 1st gen story deconstructs the typical Kaga-era FE formula and then the 2nd gen reconstructs it.

As I said, I haven't played the game so I don't know much about the story beyond the plot summaries I've read and what I've seen people say about it on this forum. 

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3 hours ago, Murozaki said:

Pardon me, but could you elaborate? I never interpreted the story of FE4 in that manner.

Forgive me for meddling in the conversation, but I can give you my 2 cents for why:

On 11/12/2020 at 4:52 PM, Maof06 said:

Sigurd is the deconstruction of the Lawful Good protagonist archetype that is present in most of the works out there. All his decisions, although made in good faith, backfire on him and costs him everything. He is as if the Prince Charming was placed in the world of Game of Thrones, not unlike Ned or Robb Stark.

To offer a little more context: the story of FE4 begins when the protagonist's country is invaded. All right, just your standard FE story, right?. But then when his friend is kidnapped, Sigurd takes action and goes to save her, conquering Verdane in the process. So far things are going well, and Sigurd even got married. The events of Chapter 2 then proceed, and in the way that he helped Aideen he goes to help Lachesis. However, while he was doing good deeds like saving Lachesis, protecting the villages and removing a tyrant from power, he hands over Agustria to the officers in Grannvale who begin to take advantage of the population. This is the first that the protagonist's actions have (non-favorable) consequences.

Things will only go downhill from now on. Sigurd is forced to kill his best friend, his wife is kidnapped and he is left alone with his 1 year old son, he is framed by the greedy nobles of Grannvale and is forced to flee, culminating in Arvis' betrayal and the barbecue. These events of the first generation provide context for the events of the second, which makes them more impactful. Without them, the second generation would be just a slightly edgier Shadow Dragon.

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On 3/7/2021 at 5:06 PM, Use the Falchion said:

On to today's unpopular opinion - many preplanned ships in the franchise aren't that good. The only ones that are good are the ones that tie into the story, and even then they can be suspect.  The only one I think I actually like are Sigurd/Deirdre. (Eliwood/Ninian is a close second, but it's not strictly canon, and for every Eliwood/Ninian, there's a Chrom/Sumia or Micaiah/Sothe.) 

Well, my unpopular opinion in contrast: Sigurd/Deirdre sucks and is the 2nd worst canon or semi-canon relationship in the series ("losing" only to Berkut/Rinea). They share, what, 3 lines together? I believed Chrom/Village Maiden more than the two of them. The fact that Sigurd and Deirdre's romance was so integral to the story just dragged it all down for me.

Micaiah/Sothe, on the other hand, is one of my favorites in the series.

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Personally an I would like to have Fates remakes on switch. The game story was too focused on being Corrin centric otherwise the world dies. Hell the avatar could be a childhood friend that isn’t Silas.That remake could expand on world building and why are dragon gates or veins such a rare thing. Also by not having the story relied too much on Corrin as the plot. BlazingKnight on YouTube has a video fixing Fates Story. Hell if Anankos want to capture Corrin for its army they could go DBZ where Manakete hybrids are like Saiyan hybrid like Or in Corrin case a battlefield changer which is why Anankos wants to control them. To prevent his downfall.

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13 hours ago, Florete said:

Micaiah/Sothe, on the other hand, is one of my favorites in the series.

THANK YOU. I've seen so many people complain about that pair for one reason or another, and it makes me soooo sad. It's one of my favorites as well.

Like, while their time in RD wasn't the most romantic, I still could feel how much they cared/loved one another.

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13 hours ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

Personally an I would like to have Fates remakes on switch. The game story was too focused on being Corrin centric otherwise the world dies. Hell the avatar could be a childhood friend that isn’t Silas.That remake could expand on world building and why are dragon gates or veins such a rare thing. Also by not having the story relied too much on Corrin as the plot. BlazingKnight on YouTube has a video fixing Fates Story. Hell if Anankos want to capture Corrin for its army they could go DBZ where Manakete hybrids are like Saiyan hybrid like Or in Corrin case a battlefield changer which is why Anankos wants to control them. To prevent his downfall.

Corrin is integral to the story though. Are you saying Corrin should be removed, or that they should stay and the avatar should be someone like Silas? Because that’s actually a good idea. Corrin could really benefit from just the ability to actually have a character.

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15 minutes ago, NaotoUzumaki said:

Im saying the avatar SHOULD BE SOMEONE LIKE SILAS. Silas and Corrin are still around but having a background for that second childhood friend would help Corrin a lot

The three routes are predicated on Corrin's decision, though. Does that just... not happen now?

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