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What is your unpopular Fire Emblem opinion?

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4 hours ago, LJ_Tenma said:

I mean tbh, Sakura could get married to Azama and Elise could get married to Arthur and if that ain't weird 💀 That wasn't even the worst part of Fates' choice of possible supports too LOL.

very young character (below 15 y/o at maximum maybe?) is like a staple of JRPG, you will always find it. no problem there. but there are young only in biography descriptions , and actually young from the way they act and looks. i just focused on the latter.

3 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

Then people are welcome to just, you know, not do that? It's not like it even has to be romantic since some characters' paired endings can be platonic instead; case in point, if you pair Lysithea and Hanneman in Three Houses their ending card is completely platonic. I'm pretty sure that in Fates, Elise can't have kids with say, Ryoma. And again, if anyone feels uncomfortable with the sole concept of pairing them, they're welcome to just not go for it and pair the characters with someone else.

first, im not including 3H in my case, since i know they actually put "limited support" (whatever it was called) that maxed out at B. thats not pairing at all, friendship at best.
second, since its about kids mechanic how come the pairings not romantic, did they just get r*ped ? or did someone secretly stole their DNA
third, correct me if im wrong elise can be paired and have kids with Ryoma though... in revelation
fourth, i dont consider Ryoma as my example of old man. unless ryoma secretly been 40+ year old which we cant know for sure without actual canon biography

in other words, my comment seem like a complaints when the last 2 point of your original post get combined. possible pairing with almost everyone + kids

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8 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

-I didn't really like the presentation of 3H's supports tbh. I don't mean the dialogue or the character interactions because those were great (although, there were some blunders tbh), I mean the production values in them. The characters having the same 4 or 5 animations made it kinda awkward when they tried to convey something important at times, and the backgrounds were just... yeah. I honestly hope they improve the supports' (and the story cutscenes as well tbh) presentation for the next game.

Truthfully, I don't understand why the backgrounds were so atrocious for support and dialogue conversations. Most of them were set in the monastery, and when you talk to people there, you don't have those background issues. It seems like they could have reused the explorable monastery and set the conversations there, so they would look as natural as Explore conversations. This technically doesn't apply to outside-the-monastery conversations, but even then, it doesn't seem so absurd to create a 3D "monastery-like" setting for the dialogue to take place in.

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1 hour ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Truthfully, I don't understand why the backgrounds were so atrocious for support and dialogue conversations. Most of them were set in the monastery, and when you talk to people there, you don't have those background issues. It seems like they could have reused the explorable monastery and set the conversations there, so they would look as natural as Explore conversations. This technically doesn't apply to outside-the-monastery conversations, but even then, it doesn't seem so absurd to create a 3D "monastery-like" setting for the dialogue to take place in.

It seems they stitched together screen shots of the monastery into a background texture for the conversations. Simply set them all in a blank void and apply the appropriate texture for the correct room. Actually using the 3D space would probably have meant significantly longer loading times when viewing a support. Consider how long it takes to fast travel or even to run from the main area to the cathedral. Though they might have been able to reduce it by just copying the assets into a smaller area (it seems a pretty large portion of the monastery loads at once), but well that would have meant more work and more memory. And in theory what they did was a very elegant and efficient way to use the supports. Or at least it would have been if it didn't look like shit. My guess is that it was considered "good enough for now" for much of the development the intention to fix it later, but as we know the release date just kept getting pushed back and back with more work to do, so "good enough for now" eventually became just "good enough".

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47 minutes ago, Jotari said:

It seems they stitched together screen shots of the monastery into a background texture for the conversations. Simply set them all in a blank void and apply the appropriate texture for the correct room. Actually using the 3D space would probably have meant significantly longer loading times when viewing a support. Consider how long it takes to fast travel or even to run from the main area to the cathedral. Though they might have been able to reduce it by just copying the assets into a smaller area (it seems a pretty large portion of the monastery loads at once), but well that would have meant more work and more memory. And in theory what they did was a very elegant and efficient way to use the supports. Or at least it would have been if it didn't look like shit. My guess is that it was considered "good enough for now" for much of the development the intention to fix it later, but as we know the release date just kept getting pushed back and back with more work to do, so "good enough for now" eventually became just "good enough".

This makes sense. I definitely wouldn't want the already-lengthy loading times to become more of an issue. I wonder, though - might integrating the support conversations into the monastery exploration have solved this? Wherein, two characters would be at their "support location", and by taling to either one, it triggers a conversation between the two of them. That way, nothing new has to be loaded. Unfortunately, it would have certain side effects - limiting the contexts in which a support can take place, and making the "Explore" session even lengthier and more vital. Not to mention, some supports occur outside the monastery. So while it could aid the aesthetics, it might present too-problematic limitations. 

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13 hours ago, Zavakar said:

What I like about Duo heroes is the interaction between two directly related characters (with directly related I mean that are from the same game and have something that "connects" them) like Halloween Hector with young Lilina, who are a father and daughter. Furthermore, I love Duo units' artworks, they look awesome. However, in Harmonized heroes' case, this isn't that impressive, at least for me. I don't really think that Harmonized heroes are bad, I only think that there's no point in having them when we already have Duo units that fulfill the same role and even better.

Well, Harmonics are meant to bring together characters who aren't directly related. Have there been a few that feel heavy-handed, out-of-place or forced? Sure, but I think the concept of bringing together heroes from  separate games works.

Anyway, to make this post worthwhile to the thread, map design aesthetics peaked in the DS games.

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49 minutes ago, X-Naut said:

Well, Harmonics are meant to bring together characters who aren't directly related. Have there been a few that feel heavy-handed, out-of-place or forced? Sure, but I think the concept of bringing together heroes from  separate games works.

Actually that's true, but what I meant (I know that I wasn't clear in explaining mi point) is that I don't like Harmonized heroes because some of them feel out-of-place, like Caeda and Plumeria or Mia and Marth, they have little or nothing in common and I don't see the point in pairing up completely different characters (one could argue that precisely, being completely opposites is what relates them, but personally I don't like this) and again, I don't think they are actually  bad, It's just that I prefer having two directly related characters paired up as a unit.

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9 hours ago, joevar said:

first, im not including 3H in my case, since i know they actually put "limited support" (whatever it was called) that maxed out at B. thats not pairing at all, friendship at best.
second, since its about kids mechanic how come the pairings not romantic, did they just get r*ped ? or did someone secretly stole their DNA
third, correct me if im wrong elise can be paired and have kids with Ryoma though... in revelation
fourth, i dont consider Ryoma as my example of old man. unless ryoma secretly been 40+ year old which we cant know for sure without actual canon biography

in other words, my comment seem like a complaints when the last 2 point of your original post get combined. possible pairing with almost everyone + kids

Can't really remember if Elise gets kids with Ryoma since it's been a long while since I've played Fates, sorry. But anyway, I wasn't really using Ryoma as an example of an "old man" tbh, simply put him there cause he is still way older than Elise. About the ages, I think I remember seeing someone make an age chart for the Fates characters and they did pretty intricate research for it, and it put Ryoma as being in his late twenties (same for Xander). Then again, it wasn't anything official, so who knows?

The point of my past comment was simply that if someone's not comfortable with pairing two characters due to age difference despite the pair being an option, then they don't have to.


On an unrelated note, here goes another unpopular opinion that may be more on the subjective end of the spectrum, or/and could also just be me seeing things wrong but...:

-I don't really like the way the fandom tends to portray Byleth, either in fan arts or fanmade stories. I mean, I get that they don't have much characterization in the first place due to them being an avatar, but I think the way they tend to be portrayed as kinda goes against what is actually established in the game of both their character and background. Byleth's supposed to be an  ex-mercenary who's been fighting battles for most of their lives, to the point that they've gained a bit of an infamous reputation as a really fearsome warrior; I really don't think they'd be this ditzy cloudcuckoolander who acts all cutesy (which normally seems to be the case with the female Byleth) or this Isekai Harem anime protagonist who acts like an awkward teenager (which normally seems to be the case with the male Byleth). And okay I mean, tbf, I don't know if people are actually serious when they portray them like that, or if that's actually the regular fan interpretation of Byleth, but from what is actually said/shown about them as well as their role in the game, I think they'd be more like say, Guts (from Berserk) or Claire (from Claymore).

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14 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

I'm pretty sure that in Fates, Elise can't have kids with say, Ryoma.

Sorry, but you're wrong. The only S ranks in Fates that don't produce any kids are the ones between the 2nd gen units and the gay ones. That's why Fates has the "technically an adult" line.

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6 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

This makes sense. I definitely wouldn't want the already-lengthy loading times to become more of an issue. I wonder, though - might integrating the support conversations into the monastery exploration have solved this? Wherein, two characters would be at their "support location", and by taling to either one, it triggers a conversation between the two of them. That way, nothing new has to be loaded. Unfortunately, it would have certain side effects - limiting the contexts in which a support can take place, and making the "Explore" session even lengthier and more vital. Not to mention, some supports occur outside the monastery. So while it could aid the aesthetics, it might present too-problematic limitations. 

Some supports are also meant to be set at night as far as I can remember, which would be problematic. Making a night sky box for the Monastary wouldn't be too challenging, (and I think it's a massive shame they didn't do exactly that for the reunion scene prior to Battle Before Dawn, exploring a deserted slightly ruined monastary at night would have played into those scenes really well imo), but justifying night exploration would probably involve redesigning the flow of the game's explore time table entirely. That would also only fix the problem for Byleth supports. What about when Caspar and Ferndand support? Are we just going to have Byleth lingering in the background of every support spying on them?

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1 hour ago, Florete said:

Sorry, but you're wrong. The only S ranks in Fates that don't produce any kids are the ones between the 2nd gen units and the gay ones. That's why Fates has the "technically an adult" line.

I see. My mistake then, it's just been so long since I've played Fates that I really couldn't remember well, but I was pretty sure Elise couldn't have kids with Ryoma. Guess I let my mouth run.

Tbf to the "technically an adult" line though, while it could indeed be there as a justification for letting someone like Elise marry and have kids with someone, I'm pretty sure that's normally the case for medieval settings. 18 wasn't always the age of majority in our world either, one was considered legally an adult at a younger age way back when, given how medieval settings have different standards and one grows up way faster in that kind of environment; keyword there being "legally", like how in our times, one's considered only "legally" an adult when they hit 18, which I imagine is the case for Elise, only that she got there at a younger age cause of different standards.

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39 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Some supports are also meant to be set at night as far as I can remember, which would be problematic. Making a night sky box for the Monastary wouldn't be too challenging, (and I think it's a massive shame they didn't do exactly that for the reunion scene prior to Battle Before Dawn, exploring a deserted slightly ruined monastary at night would have played into those scenes really well imo), but justifying night exploration would probably involve redesigning the flow of the game's explore time table entirely. That would also only fix the problem for Byleth supports. What about when Caspar and Ferndand support? Are we just going to have Byleth lingering in the background of every support spying on them?

Love how Three Houses' worst chapter has co-opted the name of FE7's worst chapter. Haha.

Anyway, this reminds me of my "dream" version of Chapter 13: the Professor enters the Monastery, via the gate south of the Marketplace. It's nighttime, and vision is limited. From there, you go around the monastery, encountering your old students (and Gilbert on AM; Seteth and Flayn on SS). After reuniting with each of them, you go to the Goddess Tower, and face your respective Lord. The Chapter 13 battle begins afterward, but rather than your students showing up gradually, you can choose whom to deploy, and where (save for Teach and Dimitri/Claude/Seteth's reserved spots), from the start. Along with inventory management. 

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2 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Love how Three Houses' worst chapter has co-opted the name of FE7's worst chapter. Haha.

Gosh dang it. XD

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21 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

Maybe cause they were aware that the whole Deeprealms concept was already pretty ridiculous, so they decided to not introduce even more magic shenanigans into the mix? I mean, there's only so many times one can go "it's magic, I ain't gotta explain anything" before it gets completely outlandish (nevermind the fact that magical creation isn't the same as conceiving, unless maybe if some of the 1st gen unit's DNA was somehow involved there I guess). And tbh, I think that if they were to bring back the child units, I'd prefer them to do so in the most logical, non-magic including way possible so that they can legitimately feel like a part of the story and not just something thrown in there for the sake of matchmaking.

That's fair, and yeah like I said, I would definitely prefer child units to be woven into the story smoothly if they were ever to come back. But honestly, when it comes to Fates, the story is already outlandish enough that letting same-sex pairings have children somehow wouldn't even be surprising LOL.

21 hours ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

I'm pretty sure that in Fates, Elise can't have kids with say, Ryoma.

Unfortunately, as others have already mentioned Elise and Ryoma do have a support chain and Ryoma getting married to anyone leads to Shiro HAHA. But to be fair, Elise is probably the last mother anyone would think of for Shiro because her stats don't complement him at all.

Tbh tho I've done some weird-ass pairings for the sake of optimizing the children, like Elise+Odin and Azura+Ryoma (I just really wanted a Pegasus-Shiro LOL). But it was solely for gameplay and not because I shipped them HAHA

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1 hour ago, LJ_Tenma said:

Tbh tho I've done some weird-ass pairings for the sake of optimizing the children, like Elise+Odin and Azura+Ryoma (I just really wanted a Pegasus-Shiro LOL). But it was solely for gameplay and not because I shipped them HAHA

another side that i often see, pairing for the sake of meta gameplay. thats why i dont think the dev actually put some deep thought about pairing possibility when there was kids mechanic. they just giving you option for the sake of optionss. just like reading a harem story where theres no clear indication whos going to win the race if you based it on compatibility and taste/personality of the Male lead, since it doesnt matter that much.

14 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Unfortunately, it would have certain side effects - limiting the contexts in which a support can take place, and making the "Explore" session even lengthier and more vital. Not to mention, some supports occur outside the monastery. So while it could aid the aesthetics, it might present too-problematic limitations. 

yep, always thought that its going to be awkward depending on the context of the support if they happen at the actual monastery rather than a vacuum pseudo-3D space. like what if they become emotional, and you see nameless npc student sit in the background or even passing.. ruining the mood

i would not mind  it if they just go for 2D background for support, and actual monastery for story conversation

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My unpopular opinion?  Lysithea and/or Mercedes should've been overweight after the time skip.  Lysithea dislikes anything physically strenuous, and Mercedes dislikes exercise.  Plus they both have an affinity for sweets (especially Lysithea), and neither are ideally physical units.

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4 hours ago, FailWood said:

My unpopular opinion?  Lysithea and/or Mercedes should've been overweight after the time skip.  Lysithea dislikes anything physically strenuous, and Mercedes dislikes exercise.  Plus they both have an affinity for sweets (especially Lysithea), and neither are ideally physical units.

Ha XD I have no arguments against you. More fat diversity in Fire Emblem! Less lolis and more beautiful Olivers.

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7 hours ago, FailWood said:

My unpopular opinion?  Lysithea and/or Mercedes should've been overweight after the time skip.  Lysithea dislikes anything physically strenuous, and Mercedes dislikes exercise.  Plus they both have an affinity for sweets (especially Lysithea), and neither are ideally physical units.

Sickly people like Lysithea tend not to put on much weight though. 

Personally my pick for a more overweight lady in the cast would be Manuela on account of all that heavy drinking. 

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8 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Personally my pick for a more overweight lady in the cast would be Manuela on account of all that heavy drinking. 

She is supposed to be an opera star, correct? That would fit the stereotype perfectly.

16 hours ago, FailWood said:

My unpopular opinion?  Lysithea and/or Mercedes should've been overweight after the time skip.  Lysithea dislikes anything physically strenuous, and Mercedes dislikes exercise.  Plus they both have an affinity for sweets (especially Lysithea), and neither are ideally physical units.

I feel like Bernadetta could have fit this too, given her reclusive nature. Maybe she secretly ate too much cake in the last five years?

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1 minute ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

She is supposed to be an opera star, correct? That would fit the stereotype perfectly.

You know I'm just imagining a hilariously stark change in model for her and I really think it'd work.

1 minute ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

I feel like Bernadetta could have fit this too, given her reclusive nature. Maybe she secretly ate too much cake in the last five years?

Of course all this fattening over the years assumes these people are still treated to the most indulgent of resources during war time.

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20 hours ago, FailWood said:

My unpopular opinion?  Lysithea and/or Mercedes should've been overweight after the time skip.  Lysithea dislikes anything physically strenuous, and Mercedes dislikes exercise.  Plus they both have an affinity for sweets (especially Lysithea), and neither are ideally physical units.

dude, thats actually very hillarious, and i would support it to become canon if i could

3 hours ago, Jotari said:

Of course all this fattening over the years assumes these people are still treated to the most indulgent of resources during war time.

oh they are, i mean you can still have tea party after time-skip right? they are noble afterall

i dont think Byleth appearing later affect their logistics that much for sweets to appear again assuming they stop making it when byleth absent (correct me if im wrong tho)

12 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Sickly people like Lysithea tend not to put on much weight though. 

Personally my pick for a more overweight lady in the cast would be Manuela on account of all that heavy drinking. 

theres truth to that, many diabetes people tend to "look" or become skinny actually.

and young people sometime just dont look fat, but they could secretly have flabby tummy under their outfit especially if they are a bit taller. Manuela tho, heavy drinker without heavy exercise at that age will get you fatter fast

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12 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

Sickly people like Lysithea tend not to put on much weight though. 

I'd believe that if she were more like Path of Radiance Ilyana.  Unlike her, Lysithea's an overachiever, constantly trying to do things her body's not built for.  It happens in some of her supports; passing out from overexertion, dropping things that are too much for her to handle.  Unless my mind is failing me, there's never a point where she's outright "sickly".

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love me some hot takes, lemme show mine since these would be considered "unpopular" by the community

Fates isn't as bad of a game as people say it is

Heroes is a complete cash grab like it or not

Putting tomes in the weapon triangle is absolutely pointless

Echoes is absolutely boring and is the reason why Fire Emblem has been on a massive decline since catering to dorks who only want generic and usual Fire Emblem plots

Jason Adkins will always be Ike and it's absolutely criminal that they recast him, I can't stand Greg Chun's take on him

Three Houses is a complete mockery to what the series has come far to


That's really what comes to mind rn but I'll probably be back with some more since this forum will never go away

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2 minutes ago, DarkSage861 said:

Echoes is absolutely boring and is the reason why Fire Emblem has been on a massive decline since catering to dorks who only want generic and usual Fire Emblem plots

You literally only have one example of a game since then.


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1 minute ago, Jotari said:

You literally only have one example of a game since then.


What do you mean? Since then it's been this weird trend of mediocre games since then, Heroes as I said before is a cash grab (the moment it was revealed it was a gacha game it was heading for disaster as it's been a trend for popular video game to go the FGO route), Warriors was just a lie to our faces and Three Houses...that was just depressing. And IS themselves know it's mediocre because they're not even trying anymore because they know these nerds are gonna buy it regardless so it's not just a mainline game, it's the same with the spinoffs too

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4 minutes ago, DarkSage861 said:

What do you mean? Since then it's been this weird trend of mediocre games since then, Heroes as I said before is a cash grab (the moment it was revealed it was a gacha game it was heading for disaster as it's been a trend for popular video game to go the FGO route), Warriors was just a lie to our faces and Three Houses...that was just depressing. And IS themselves know it's mediocre because they're not even trying anymore because they know these nerds are gonna buy it regardless so it's not just a mainline game, it's the same with the spinoffs too

Heroes was released before Shadows of Valentia and Warriors had been in development since before the release of Fates.

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