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Your Squad Assault Lineup?


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You're building teams. You know it and I know it, more than likely it will be basically Tempest Trial Lunatic/GHB Infernal with inflated units and you likely aren't getting to see the units you have to face. That being said what are your 4 teams if you even have that many units? For now it goes like this for me.

Soren - Xander - B!Caeda - Wrys (*4): My TT Team A. Wide coverage over the WTA with a healer. Xander's got Vantage, can probably handle anything that comes their way except maybe a monocolor team. Caeda's got SwordBreaker, Soren's got Lancebreaker, Xander's got Vantage, we're good here.

Athena - Lukas - Kagero - Sakura (*4): Athena wrecks greens and reds (Swordbreaker) and Lukas wrecks everything else. Kagero bombs mages. Cavalry mages pose an issue, but Sakura's there to keep things stable.

Nino - Tharja (*4) - B!Cordelia - Olivia (*4): I found for a single battle, this team works fine as long as I don't run into Jaffar or Felicia. Nino and Tharja bomb things just fine once in Desperation. Olivia dances to keep things afloat. Cordelia acts as a buff bot and snipes when needed.

Hinoka - Palla (*4) - Cherche - Camilla (*4): Makeshift Flyer emblem, it's really just Brave Axe+ Cherche destroying everything with Hone and Goad. She's holding Fortify so others can survive however and Hinoka is there for the reds. The 4th is really variable, could be a dancer or something, but Camilla is a filler.

5th Team - I really have no idea.

I've got a Y!Tiki and Cain in my barracks along with Frederick (Normal and Summer), Another B!Cordelia and 2 Takumis. I'm also building a Raven Sophia and if I forgo Cherche's Brave Axe then I'll be promoting Marth during the Tempest Trials for Falchion (Bonus unit). Of course there's also Masked Marth. The 5th team would likely just be some thrown together units and prayer though.

What's your planned lineup? Who are you raising for these new challenges?

Edited by Zeo
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Is it confirmed to be 4 teams?

At any rate, my viable teams are:




I don't know if I have enough good characters for a 4th team, but as Nino says "I'll do my best!".


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5 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

Is it confirmed to be 4 teams?

At any rate, my viable teams are:




I don't know if I have enough good characters for a 4th team, but as Nino says "I'll do my best!".


It says you need at least 20 units, which is five teams.

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Hah, goodness. Well... Hopefully I can still get those rewards.

Maybe it will be like the Tempest trials where te first few matches are easier by comparison

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This is the best I could come up with, though I can't say these 5 teams are equally powerful. Gotta know if these maps come at you with increasing difficulty like in Tempest.

Xander (5*) - Titania (5*) - Ursula (5*) - Elise (5*): This is the full SI'd cav team that carried me through Tempest Trial. Only it used to have Camus in place of Ursula who I just finished promoting and leveling. I have no cav buff for her and only basic blarblade, but Xander and Titania are rocking Fortify and Hone Cav, and I'd prefer a magic user over Blue!Xander. Camus is just so well rounded he'll add to any team, vantage killing nerds with counter. I hate to have so much star power on one team, but this will be perfect if the final map is supposed to be the hardest or something.

Aphonse (5*) - Sharena (5*) - Anna (5*) - Reinhardt (5*): This was my old go to team with some goofy skills, with Klein being replaced by this 5 star +Atk Reinhardt I pulled this week. Brave user goes in for a kill, Alphonse uses draw back, Anna shoves him in a perpendicular direction to complete the extraction. With Reinhardt, I no longer have the issue of everybody being physical. Anna rocks Desperation 3 and Defiant Atk 2. Sharena I only gave Draconic Aura. Alphonse has Swordbreaker 1. 

Olivia (4*) - Narcian (4*)- Subaki (3*) - Wrys (4*): A team full of gem weapons and a healer to ensure they survive engagements with the enemies they need to. I gave this +Atk/-Res Olivia a ruby sword because I'm kind of jealous of everybody that has an Azura. I may replace Subaki with a 4 star Sully if I have time to raise her. Her native swordbreaker should come in more handy than Subaki's native Quick Riposte and wet noodle Atk stat. And Sully has a decent nature while Subaki is just the free neutral kind. The healer is flexible. I have three others to choose from (not counting Elise)

Masked Marth (5*) - Bride Cordelia (5*) Catria (5*) - Michalis (4*): None of these guys have SI currently, but since this isn't a timed event like TT, I've got time to work something out. Michalis is a flexible slot, as I'm out of green units already, but still have viable swords, lances, and archers.

Young Tiki (5*) - Klein (5*) - Camus (5*) - Cordelia (5*): Tiki and Klein have their base kits. Camus rocks Dragon Fang and Vantage 3. Cordelia is +Atk/-Res, but I'm still working on her skills.

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1) Reinhardt, Xander, Azura, B!Cordelia

This is my standard Arena team.

2) Reinhardt #2 (in training), Camus, Olivia, B!Cordelia #2 (+Spd, -Res; not yet built)

Yeah, pretty much the same thing.

3) Reinhardt #3 (in training), Cecilia, Ninian, Celica (in training)/B!Cordelia #3 (Neutral; not yet built)

I have a lot of Reinhardts and B!Cordelias... If I still have 11 of her bad copies left, I might merge either the neutral one or the +Spd one to +10.

4) & 5)
Eirika, Ephriam (in training), Azura #2 (not yet built), Azura #3 & #4 (bad nature; not yet built),
Linde, Julia, Sanaki, Nino (in training),
Ryoma, Ryoma #2 (in training), Lucina, Chrom (in training), Ike (not yet built), Lukas (in training),
Takumi, Takumi #2 (not yet built), Kagero (in training), Jaffar, B!Lyn,
Hector, Hector #2 (not yet built), Hector #3 (not yet built), Zephiel, Effie,
Cecilia #2, Eldigan, Abel,
Michalis, Narcian, Cherche, Cordelia (in training)

This is my junk pile. I will do the mix and match later. None of these teams are set in stone anyways.

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This is all I could come up with quickly:




Felcia 4*

Ursla 4* 

It's probably not good enough, but we'll see I guess...I tried to space out my good characters but ran out for the last two.  My hope is dagger units can help make up some of the pitfalls with careful strategy.

edit:  I'd actually probably move Ninian to a team w/ one of my good attackers (Camilla & Bride!Cordelia).  Because dancers with attackers are just that good.


Edited by Lushen
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While I easily have 5 different team compostions, most generally have overlapping characters...

The best I could come up with for now:

1) Camus, Hector, Ike, Elise

2) Ryoma, Nino, Sharena, filler

3) Reinhardt, Tharja, Olivia, Klein

4) and 5) some composition out of

Alphonse, Roy, M!Corrin, Marth, Lilina, Anna, Linde, Takumi and B!Cordelia.

Of course, the filler spot on team 2 also has to be filled with one the guys in the last row. It seems I can only make 3 teams of mostly SI'd units, and I'm even lacking in color variation for the last two teams. Hopefully the first two battles won't be to hard, so I can get away with using a somewhat shaky team for those.

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1. Luke/Nino/Camus/Priscillia+1


3.M Corrin/Lachesis/Raven/Katarina

Beyond here are 4*s and 3*s



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Wow... This is actually a really good opportunity to see how many teams I can actually make. I know most of my teams tend to overlap as well. So I'll probably just list out my main options: 

1. Mage Team: M. Robin, Nino, Sanaki, Olivia

2. Alternate Mage Team: Julia*, Celica, Olwen*/Spring Lucina*, Lucius

3. Cavalry Team: Xander, Titania, Ursula, Peri*

4. Alternate Semi-Cavalry Team: Luke*/Eldigan*, Camus, Reinhardt, Cecilia*/Hector

5. Misc. Team: Nowi*, Katarina*, Michalis, Azura

Others 5*: Lucina, Ninian, Raven, Jeorge, Klein, Jaffar, Kagero

Others 3/4*:  Laslow, Hana, Effie, Donnel, Catria, Arthur, Camilla, Merric, Lissa, Wrys, Maria

I tried to divide up some of my more powerful teams, so I wasn't left with one powerhouse team and another kind of crappy version of that team. Some of these characters aren't fully trained/need SI. I've also got other combinations that I can play with. 

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For this next one, I'm running:

Alm - Mostly for bonus, as he's pretty useless otherwise, I haven't invested any SI on him, but also for Falchion's incidental healing. Renewal is a huge boost in TTs.

Hector - Swapping his normal vantage for renewal 3, hector is all tank all the time. Getting back 10 hp every other turn, means I can continually run him as a tank to absorb any hits and keep everyone else at full health.

Ryoma - +Att, -Spd, he runs a defiant attack/vantage build. Once he drops below 50% hp, he has a whopping 60 base attack, and I threw draconic aura on top to add a little extra. Mostly used to take out Ninos, Celicas, Lilinas, Sorens, etc, all the glass cannon mages that he can one shot with his massive attack.

Reinhardt - The final piece. Basically used to snipe anything Ryoma can't kill. He's stuck with attack +3, as I haven't gotten a single deathblow unit other than Ursula. (no Hawkeye or Klein, what?!?)

There are no set teams after that. The initial team is designed to take us through at least the first five maps. Everything else is just a pool of units to specifically adapt to whatever took out the main team, but key players are:

Tsubaki and Narcian - Triangle adept fliers. They can get around any terrain, and can be used to wipe out all blue or all red teams.

Ursula - Hugely important last time around, due to the fact that Veronica always brought mage cavalry. Massive resistance, death blow, and effective against cavalry made her a great choice for clearing out veronica's teams.

Lloyd - Another hugely important unit last time around, due to being able to one shot veronica (fury 3 + Glacies proc) Probably not as useful this time.

Julia - Super tanky mage, with incidental healing to boot. Dragon fang proc let her do 44 damage to veronica, making her a solid back up.

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1 hour ago, dragonlordsd said:

For this next one, I'm running:

Alm - Mostly for bonus, as he's pretty useless otherwise, I haven't invested any SI on him, but also for Falchion's incidental healing. Renewal is a huge boost in TTs.

Hector - Swapping his normal vantage for renewal 3, hector is all tank all the time. Getting back 10 hp every other turn, means I can continually run him as a tank to absorb any hits and keep everyone else at full health.

Ryoma - +Att, -Spd, he runs a defiant attack/vantage build. Once he drops below 50% hp, he has a whopping 60 base attack, and I threw draconic aura on top to add a little extra. Mostly used to take out Ninos, Celicas, Lilinas, Sorens, etc, all the glass cannon mages that he can one shot with his massive attack.

Reinhardt - The final piece. Basically used to snipe anything Ryoma can't kill. He's stuck with attack +3, as I haven't gotten a single deathblow unit other than Ursula. (no Hawkeye or Klein, what?!?)

There are no set teams after that. The initial team is designed to take us through at least the first five maps. Everything else is just a pool of units to specifically adapt to whatever took out the main team, but key players are:

Tsubaki and Narcian - Triangle adept fliers. They can get around any terrain, and can be used to wipe out all blue or all red teams.

Ursula - Hugely important last time around, due to the fact that Veronica always brought mage cavalry. Massive resistance, death blow, and effective against cavalry made her a great choice for clearing out veronica's teams.

Lloyd - Another hugely important unit last time around, due to being able to one shot veronica (fury 3 + Glacies proc) Probably not as useful this time.

Julia - Super tanky mage, with incidental healing to boot. Dragon fang proc let her do 44 damage to veronica, making her a solid back up.

This is Squad Assault, not TT. New game mode that's being added in the 1.5 update, just with some similarities to TT. (Along with the new TT around the same time.)

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2 hours ago, Othin said:

This is Squad Assault, not TT. New game mode that's being added in the 1.5 update, just with some similarities to TT. (Along with the new TT around the same time.)

Lol... totally messed that up.

Huh. Still probably will use a variant of that though, as I'm too lazy to make that many new team sets.

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It really depends on how this thing is structured but I probably do it this way 

Team 1: Lyn, Sharena, Leo, Cecilia

Team 2: Narcian/Michalis(4*), Est, Xander, Ursula(4* Blade Tome) 

Team 3: Hector, Effie, Olivia(*4), Jaffar

Team 4: Elise, Camus, Marth/Alfonse, F Robin (4*)

Team 5: "Masked" Marth, Kagero, Anna, Bunny Lunica

That was hard I didn't realize how few five star for this mode I have this is all of them only excluding Corrin who I never use  and Alfonse who I need to upgrade next.  I ended up having to use four 4 star units and splitting up my horses a lot.

Edit: Finally found a combination that balances out all the teams.

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3 minutes ago, Locke087 said:

That was hard I didn't realize how few five star for this mode I have this is all of them only excluding Corrin who I never use.  I ended up having to use four 4 star units and up splitting up my horses a lot.

So far, every GHB has been completed with only 4* teams.  Should work for this mode too if you have the right ones.

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11 minutes ago, Lushen said:

So far, every GHB has been completed with only 4* teams.  Should work for this mode too if you have the right ones.

I wasn't saying this is impossible for me I was saying that coming up with teams was actually more difficult than I thought it be I'm actually editing more of my teams again right now I have a lot of possibilities I have to consider so it was actually interesting to try to come up with five teams.

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5 teams, I wonder if I have enough units trained for that, well let's see what I can come up with:

  1. Ike, Hector, Nowi, B! Lyn
  2. B! Caeda, Nino, Lukas, Olivia
  3. Minerva, Caeda, Hinoka, Catria
  4. Eldigan, Reinhardt, Priscilla, 4* Cecilia
  5. Lucina, Y! Tiki, 4* Effie, B! Lyn

I think these will be good enough to hold during the squad assault (although Cecilia, Eldigan, Effie and the 2nd B! Lyn are vanilla and not very good)

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Xander (5*) - Cecilia (4*)(40+1) - Frederick (4*)(40+1) - Reinhardt (4*)(40+1): The classic Horse Emblem team. I messed up Frederick's SI because I didn't realize Hone Calvary was all the way at the bottom, so I ended up buying Hone Atk and Fortify Def like an idiot. At any rate, Cecilia and Reinhardt generally blow through everything with Xandy and Freddy cleaning up should they not.

That's my only team. If they die, I'm screwed.


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From the website, it sounds like you won't be able to use a team after they clear a map, so you'll probably need to make 5 teams that are all sufficiently strong. Doesn't sound like you can simply just use one strong team to bulldoze the series.

Fortunately for me, I've tried to at least do some skill inheritance on most of my 5* characters. As a preliminary attempt:

  1. Xander, Reinhardt, Cecilia (4*+3), Priscilla
  2. Est, Catria, Cherche, Palla (4*)
  3. Camus, Gunter (4*), Ike, Celica
  4. Hinoka, Camilla, Masked Marth, Sanaki
  5. Tharja, Nino (4*), Azura, Summer Tiki

Still have plenty of units leftover to play with (e.g., Hector, Roy, Sharena, adult Tiki, Olivia). I'll wait until the thing starts to think about it some more.

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I've got a Horse Emblem team of Titania, Ursula, Xander, and Elise,  I also have Reinhardt, Abel, Olwen, Camus, enough for a second Horse Emblem team, though that's a bit Blue heavy.  I never really realized how many Blue Horses I had.

I've got my team of Nino, Eirka, Azura, +Filler that was my initial team for much of tempest.

I've also got Julia, Takumi, Tiki, Abel, which was my Arena Team until I embraced Horse Emblem.

I've got a Bridelia and Effie with heavy SI.  I've also got Ike, Ryoma, Leo and a few other 5* 40s, but they are a bit untested for team synergy.


I have Alm and Boey, who I'm getting ready for Tempest Trials, but they need a bit more SI before they're up to speed.

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1 hour ago, Bartozio said:

It's a new game mode coming with the new 1.5 version of the game. It's mentioned on the official site:


Huh, interesting. Thanks.

In that case:

1) Ryoma, Takumi, Nowi, Mist

2) Sanaki, Nino, S!Lucina, Olivia(*4)

3) Reinfart, Cecilia, Xander (*4) , Gunther (*4)

4) Eirika, Tharja, Linde, Kagero/Lissa (*4)

5) Palla (*4) , Hinoka, Cordelia (*4) , Cherche(*4)

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