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Special Heroes - Nohrian Summer

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Did a summon. Got absolutely nothing. I don't want to waste all of my 100 orbs on this, but I'm not going 3 banners without getting any of the signature characters from it. 

Edit: just did another one and got brought down to 81. And nothing but 3 stars. 

Aiming for Corrin for the flyer buffs. I have a good bit of them sitting around but no real reason to make a team out of them like I did Cavs due to Camus and Berkut. 

Edited by Tolvir
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I find it funny when people are complaining for the summer banner to sexualize women, and the people who talks about the males in swimsuit are all  eating the eye candy when in-universe, the females are the ones who enjoyed the summer events the most and the males are the ones who complains with the lack of clothes. 

Also, Anna is totally me when she said "fine specimen of manhood" 

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Got him in 3 rolls.  This happened in Spring too, I guess Xander really likes me.  I'll still be trying to get the rest though, the great thing about these summer focuses is that they last over a month.


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Most interesting units to me are,

Leo because Leo is awesome
Su!F!Corrin because she is a blue flier.

Leo is kind of disappointing.  Considering he is a very important character and the original Leo is not the best, I would have thought they would have tried to make him a lot more useful.  Oh well, I don't have a single red mage right now (other than regular Leo who is not great either.

IMO, they should have made Leo the flying blue mage, but we got Corrin instead.  I really want Corrin because she is a resistance based magic damage dealer.  
Su!F!Corrin and Sp!Camilla could not compliment each other more.  Camilla is more defensive, Corrin is more resistive, they are opposing colors, they are both fliers, gronnraven Camilla can also kill all the nocolors.  Seriously, these two should be able to win a lot of matches by themselves if you give Corrin a blade tome.


Su!Xander is also interesting because his C slot looks OP.  But, he's paired with Elise who I'm not interested in, so I'll go for him last.

Waiting till the 7th so all my misses go to 4*s instead of 3*s

Edited by Lushen
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33 minutes ago, Sayyyaka said:

Got him in 3 rolls.  This happened in Spring too, I guess Xander really likes me.  I'll still be trying to get the rest though, the great thing about these summer focuses is that they last over a month.

Hone Xander when?

25 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Su!F!Corrin <..> Sp!Camilla <..> Su!Xander

Just stop being lazy and type out the whole thing.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

Just stop being lazy and type out the whole thing.

Uhm...no?  You're welcome to type out the whole thing, but I think it's a lot more confusing saying "Summer Female Corrin" than "Su!F!Corrin"  Maybe that comes from my programming though I don't know.

I don't tell you how to type :unsure:

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4 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Uhm...no?  You're welcome to type out the whole thing, but I think it's a lot more confusing saying "Summer Female Corrin" than "Su!F!Corrin"  Maybe that comes from my programming though I don't know.

I don't tell you how to type :unsure:

I wasn’t really serious, you know. It gets amusing how many qualifiers preceded by exclamation marks one can add to a character’s name.

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2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I wasn’t really serious, you know. It gets amusing how many qualifiers preceded by exclamation marks one can add to a character’s name.

Oh, apologies.  Don't know why I took it seriously xD

It is vastly annoying to me that we now have two S prefixes. 

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In other news...

Mathilda and Leon are added to the 4 and 5* pools.

Saber, Gray, Sonya, and Delthea remain in the 5* pool.

43 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Su!Xander is also interesting because his C slot looks OP.  But, he's paired with Elise who I'm not interested in, so I'll go for him last.

Waiting till the 7th so all my misses go to 4*s instead of 3*s

Problem is that the appearance rate change applies only to banners released on August 7th and onwards, so appearance rates for the Nohrian Summer banner will remain unchanged.

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Just now, Roflolxp54 said:


Problem is that the appearance rate change applies only to banners released on August 7th and onwards, so appearance rates for the Nohrian Summer banner will remain unchanged.

Is this confirmed?  I guess now that you mention it, it makes sense because they would probably have to reset the banners to put the new odds in which would screw up everyone's multiplier.  Shame...

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Just now, Lushen said:

Is this confirmed?  I guess now that you mention it, it makes sense because they would probably have to reset the banners to put the new odds in which would screw up everyone's multiplier.  Shame...

It's been stated directly in the video.

"4* and 3* Appearance Rate Change

This applies to summoning events beginning from August 7th."

It's possible that all banners may receive the change or only banners that get released on 8/7 onwards.

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18 minutes ago, Lushen said:

Oh, apologies.  Don't know why I took it seriously xD

It is vastly annoying to me that we now have two S prefixes. 

Maybe we can use two letters. SF and NS should clear up any confusion for Xander.

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I'm confused. What's the point of doing another cringeworthy swimsuit banner, and then focusing it around the game with the fewest attractive characters, and then not including the one character designed almost purely around sex appeal?

How do you miss the point this badly? And didn't we just have a Corn banner, anyway?

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2 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

They released Serenes Forest Xander?

Spring Festival. I would not mind a Serenes Forest Xander as a dancer cavalry with Hone Buff Xander +7.

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2 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

So what is his weapon type? 

Castanets staff. He can be grey to complete the colour composition!

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5 minutes ago, Iridium said:

I'm confused. What's the point of doing another cringeworthy swimsuit banner, and then focusing it around the game with the fewest attractive characters, and then not including the one character designed almost purely around sex appeal?

Because they already did awakening and Fates is the only other game the mainstream fanbase plays.  I'm just surprised they didn't do another Camilla.  Considering this crowd already wasted their orbs on the last banner, a Camilla with two other units of the same color would have made them a fortune.  

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2 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Only Fates-Awakening got seasonal units ? U guys mean just Awakening-Nohr, right ?

We should just rename Fire Emblem Fates to Fire Emblem Conquest.  

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27 minutes ago, Iridium said:

I'm confused. What's the point of doing another cringeworthy swimsuit banner, and then focusing it around the game with the fewest attractive characters, and then not including the one character designed almost purely around sex appeal?

How do you miss the point this badly? And didn't we just have a Corn banner, anyway?

Why would they ever want to follow your point and make less money? Just because you do not like it does not mean other players dislike it too.

22 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

Dancer Xander. what. am I smoking the wrong weed or my eyes is right

So what is his weapon type? 

First Dragon Bow+

Mt: 20
Range: 2
Attack quance [I had to look this word up] when in combat. Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. Unit counterattacks first when attacked. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-5). Grants +20 to damage when Special triggers. Adds double of total bonuses on unit to damage dealt. If weapon triangle advantage does not exist, weapon triangle advantage will be implemented. Enemies cannot use counterattacks.

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17 minutes ago, Lushen said:

We should just rename Fire Emblem Fates to Fire Emblem Conquest.  

B-But.... My summer isn't complete if I'm not retiring temporarily from all of life's business to a fine beach, with a fine drink, and a certain pineapple haired young boy with some fine bu-bucket of ice... 


(I guess nobody will get the joke, I changed a lot of the original line) 

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13 minutes ago, XRay said:

Why would they ever want to follow your point and make less money? Just because you do not like it does not mean other players dislike it too.

First Dragon Bow+

Mt: 20
Range: 2
Attack quance [I had to look this word up] when in combat. Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. Unit counterattacks first when attacked. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-5). Grants +20 to damage when Special triggers. Adds double of total bonuses on unit to damage dealt. If weapon triangle advantage does not exist, weapon triangle advantage will be implemented. Enemies cannot use counterattacks.

Also don't forget his C skill,

Fortify/Hone/Ward/Goad Xanders
Grants +6 def/res/atk/spd to adjacent Xanders
Grants +4 def/res/atk/spd to Xanders within two spaces during combat

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