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Sonic and Tails playable in Brawl!


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As for Tails...he'd probably can't fight in SSBB...<_<

I'm sure all of Tails's attacks would involve summoning Sonic to do all the work for him.

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Down Special: Spin Dash (from: early Sonic games)

Side Special: Continuous Tail Whip Attack (from: Sonic Adventure)

Up Special: Fly (From: duh)

Standard Special: Throw Dummy Rings

Final Smash: Use the Tornado... for what? No idea.

All other attacks: They could consist of Punches, Kicks, and Tail attacks.

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Perhaps the Tornado would appear on the side of the screen. Then you could move it up and down, and press the attack button to fire homing missiles. Or Tails could just call down his mech to unleash mass havoc.

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  • 7 months later...
Wow... This brought back memories... Things that I had forgotten about until now.

But yeah, necroposting = bad. Don't do it, kids.

Except that members here always get annoyed if you start a topic similar to one started a year ago <_<

If you can't necropost, you have to let people start new, simialr threads.

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