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Question about the CGs of Radiant Dawn.


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Well, if Pelleas is dead, there won't be that conversation in Part 4 - Chapter 5.

But there will be one in the prologue either way.

...Wait, what am I tring to prove?

Have I lost the main theme?

You were trying to prove this statement: there's just no way that a conversation between Micaiah and Sothe could be replaced by 2 people in Tibarn's team Wrong. That link doesn't help you on that though.

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i don't agree with the main character part. It is obvious that Ike was to appear again as a main character in the sequel, since his tale wasn't over yet. The whole ending of PoR SCREAMED IkeinSequelIkeinSequelIkeinSequel.

Yes, I was expecting him to appear as well. But more like Skrimir is in the finished game, beeing a NPC for most of the part and joing the actual team rather late. Ore that he and the Greil Mercenaries, (Ore at last a few of them) are working more in the background and having a few single missions spread arround the other parts befor they join the rest of the brawl.

And I think his tale was kinda over. Not over enough to not enter the battle again but after he went from beeing a small mercenarie to becoming an charismatic leader and great hero of the Laguz and Beorc he just couldn't grow anymore characterwise.

He should have been an important character of course but not the "sole true" main character of Radiant Dawn.

...oh my, I wrote a bunch of nonsense here...

Edited by BrightBow-User
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You were trying to prove this statement: there's just no way that a conversation between Micaiah and Sothe could be replaced by 2 people in Tibarn's team Wrong. That link doesn't help you on that though.

Sorry. Just forget it. I'm sick and tired and I simply don't understand what I'm writing...

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If Ike were the "sole true main character of radiant dawn", then he would've been Part 1 and not appear at the very end of part 2 in the story.

Micaiah is playable in Part 1, Part 3 and Part 4.

Ike's is playable in Part 3 and Part 4

Elincia is playable in Part 2, Part 4 (don't recall her being playable in part 3)

Ike isn't the main character, he just gets the most attention cause he's a pretty uber unit in this game.

Sorry. Just forget it. I'm sick and tired and I simply don't understand what I'm writing...

It happens. Who knows? Maybe you were on the right track and I was wrong on that comment...

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What I meant is that the story seems like a whole mess to me, because it has been thrown arround to give Ike more screentime but because time was running out... well parts didn't really fit together.

Thats of course just my theorie but it would explain a few things, like Tormod and his gang joining incredible late but not with Est-like state grows. I wondered why they just didn't join the Laguz Allianz. I think they might have been part of the diplomats who traveled to Sienne and then the Senators try to assasinate them ore something like that. I mean when Ranulf said a war against Begnion has started I was like "Why did nobody tell me. Why does this appear from on secound to another. And why is everyone so eager to throw 4 years of diplomaticy into the trash-can". Of course they had a good reason to go to war but I would have expected theme to hesitate at last a bit. And why does something like this happening offscreen, anyway. There would have been quite some room for additional missions to even things out between the characters... (In terms of balancing and not in terms of story)

Well this was quite Off-Topic now, I am sorry. :(

But I guessin the end I don't have enough information about these things to come to a real conclusion ore whatever Ranulf said to Ike after they safed the prisoners in Crimea in PoR so I guess I quit now with the hypotheses.

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It happens. Who knows? Maybe you were on the right track and I was wrong on that comment...

Heh heh. Maybe...

But now I just checked it.

The conversations aren't replaced. I just depends on what have happened earlier in the game. Just like some other base conversations.

If Pelleas is not being killed, he'll have his base conversation with Tauroneo in chapter 5.

Also, Micaiah and Sothe won't mention him in their conversaion.

But if he's dead, Sothe'll mention Pelleas in his conversation with Micaiah.

He says something about that he thought Pelleas was a coward, but not anymore. Sothe has kinda changed his mida during the time that has past since Pelleas died.

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If Pelleas wasn't killed, he'll have his base conversation with Tauroneo in chapter 5.

Also, Micaiah and Sothe won't mention him in their conversaion.

But if he's dead, Sothe'll mention Pelleas in his conversation with Micaiah.

He says something about that he thought Pelleas was a coward, but not anymore. Sothe has kinda changed his mind during the time that had passed since Pelleas died.

As far as I remember, this is true. also, grammar correction

The base conversation with Tauroneo is where Pelleas gets a new Fenrir (a Verrine would've been nicer, but the general's doing his best)

As for the off-topic at hand, I'd say the story was good but the game suffered from bad scripting at some points. I wouldn't blame that on Ike, though.

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As far as I remember, this is true. also, grammar correction

The base conversation with Tauroneo is where Pelleas gets a new Fenrir (a Verrine would've been nicer, but the general's doing his best)

"a Verrine would've been nicer, but the general's doing his best"


Remember he actually got it from Almedha?

"Grammar correction"?

Please tell me what is wrong. I want to improve.

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"Grammar correction"?

Please tell me what is wrong. I want to improve.

Allow me. *puts on his robe and wizard hat*

"If Pelleas is not being killed, he'll have his base conversation with Tauroneo in chapter 5."

The present continuous tense is not applicable here. This sentence implies that Pelleas is either dying or talking to Tauroneo, as if both events transpire simultaneously in their respective timelines.

It should be "If Pelleas hasn't been killed", a present perfect, to stress that Pelleas' death is an event in the past that has results in the present (Sothe making a clever note, a BAWWWWing mum etc)

Also, you can say "his/her conversation with" only when referring to a conversation after it was had. Considering you put the part before in the future tense... Actually, now I'm just nit-picking and trying to sound smart.

"Sothe has kinda changed his mida during the time that has past since Pelleas died."

First of all, you misspelled "mind" (I think?) and the past participle of "Pass" is "Passed", not "Past".

Now, you have two clauses, one of which takes place in a different time period than the other, yet they both have the same tense. The second part should be written in a past perfect, because it's an event that transpires even before the event you describe in your main clause. Pelleas dies before Sothe changes his mind on his death, so it should be "during the time that had passed since Pelleas died".

That wraps up my lessons for today. Calill will replace me tomorrow, but I expect you to hand in all your assignments regardless!

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Allow me. *puts on his robe and wizard hat*

"If Pelleas is not being killed, he'll have his base conversation with Tauroneo in chapter 5."

The present continuous tense is not applicable here. This sentence implies that Pelleas is either dying or talking to Tauroneo, as if both events transpire simultaneously in their respective timelines.

It should be "If Pelleas hasn't been killed", a present perfect, to stress that Pelleas' death is an event in the past that has results in the present (Sothe making a clever note, a BAWWWWing mum etc)

Also, you can say "his/her conversation with" only when referring to a conversation after it was had. Considering you put the part before in the future tense... Actually, now I'm just nit-picking and trying to sound smart.

"Sothe has kinda changed his mida during the time that has past since Pelleas died."

First of all, you misspelled "mind" (I think?) and the past participle of "Pass" is "Passed", not "Past".

Now, you have two clauses, one of which takes place in a different time period than the other, yet they both have the same tense. The second part should be written in a past perfect, because it's an event that transpires even before the event you describe in your main clause. Pelleas dies before Sothe changes his mind on his death, so it should be "during the time that had passed since Pelleas died".

That wraps up my lessons for today. Calill will replace me tomorrow, but I expect you to hand in all your assignments regardless!

Thanks you so much! I really appreciate this!

Now when you've written down how it actually should have been, I can see how wrong my sentences were.

And yes, I did misspell "mind". And you're right, it should have been "passed". I clearly didn't read the text before I posted it. I guess I was too tired.

Also, heh heh, it was pretty fun to read this. You wrote it like a school teacher and in the left hand top corner, there was a picture of Izuka. And on that picture, he kinda looks like a damn angry schoolmaster!

Once again, thank you! XD

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