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Does IS will release again special characters?


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Do you think IS will release again some special characters like those Easters or Bride or Brave or Summer?

I really hope they will use the same system as Overwatch. For example next Easter, new Easter 2018 characters + possibility to win Easter characters from 2017 easter but at 4 stars.

What do you think?

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5 minutes ago, Angous said:

Do you think IS will release again some special characters like those Easters or Bride or Brave or Summer?

I really hope they will use the same system as Overwatch. For example next Easter, new Easter 2018 characters + possibility to win Easter characters from 2017 easter but at 4 stars.

What do you think?

It would be very cool to get Bride Cordelia, since i missed her last time. But i can't tell about the chances, since i don't have any experiences with other gacha games. 

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42 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I think it would be stupid of them not to, especially with the Heroes catalogue now. Based on other gachas, there's no reason for them to keep them exclusive.

The reason could be to raise the pressure to pull on future special banners immediately, because it could be the only chance. 

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actually the braves are gonna be added to the regular summons after the focus ends

but anyway the limited units will probably come back eventually although there's really no telling when

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Just now, mampfoid said:

The reason could be to raise the pressure to pull on future special banners immediately, because it could be the only chance. 

I think being forced to wait a whole year for another chance to get certain characters is enough pressure for most people.

Giving people another chance to get these character would mean more money for IS while also making the players happy, so I highly doubt they won't do this.

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6 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

I think being forced to wait a whole year for another chance to get certain characters is enough pressure for most people.

Giving people another chance to get these character would mean more money for IS while also making the players happy, so I highly doubt they won't do this.

I would like another chance on some characters and what you wrote makes sense. But i doubt they will realize @Angous' idea of a 4* focus for last seasons special characters

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27 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I would like another chance on some characters and what you wrote makes sense. But i doubt they will realize ' idea of a 4* focus for last seasons special characters

Yup, I believe they'll be brought back again as 5*'s only. Some people say they should be given as prizes, free, 4*'red, etc, but all that would do, imo, is decrease the money made from future special banners.

I don't think the increase of pressure is worth people (especially the real collectophiles) becoming annoyed they can't get every unit and leaving the game. Plus, people like yourself who are eagerly hoping for a certain special unit are more likely to spend to get it the second time, rather than waiting however long it takes again.

I'm not sure if it'll be a year - could be more or less - but I would be incredibly surprised if they weren't re-released... especially with so many of the darn things now ^.^

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I'm curious if they will do another free summon event in the future. I doubt it reduced orb sales, since people like me had a realistic chance to pull all 4 characters from one banner. Usually i don't snipe for more than one character from a banner. In combination with potent special characters, this strategy could pull money from people who are usually put off by the low chance of getting all characters. 

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15 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

I'm curious if they will do another free summon event in the future. I doubt it reduced orb sales, since people like me had a realistic chance to pull all 4 characters from one banner. Usually i don't snipe for more than one character from a banner. In combination with potent special characters, this strategy could pull money from people who are usually put off by the low chance of getting all characters. 

I suppose 4* wouldn't be as bad, since they won't be in focus so it's just a chance.

If they were 4* and in focus... I would definitely be the kind that would wait for the next year if I couldn't pull a 5*, instead of dropping money like I currently do to get the seasonal units I want. I imagine I'm not the only one... Whereas if they were 4* and only with a chance of pulling, then since there's no guarantee, I'd not hold off. That's my own opinion, anyway ^.^''

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I'm expecting special characters to "return" on their yearly debut. So, the Spring variants will come again alongside a new batch of Easter heroes in April, while Brides should return in June (perhaps with Grooms instead, or just more Brides), and so on. As for how exactly they will be obtainable, I am unsure. They may be just "regular characters" with the new ones being the Focus, or they may get their own separate banner alongside the new seasonal variants.

Alternatively, I also see a "special character summoning event" as a launch anniversary thing (February). Maybe all the seasonal variants get thrown together in one banner and players can summon from that.

Otherwise, I don't know until it actually happens, so I'll just wait until next year. I'm hoping Bride!Cordelia and NS!Corrin will be available again, they are amazing units and I like the characters and their artwork. Still sad that I didn't get either of them...

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If there is a better way to get even a 1* Summer!Leo, I'll take it. It doesn't matter his rarity, I just want a better change to get him ! Using sacred coins? I'll take it! Using MyNintengo golden coins? I'll take it ! (specially because I don't know what to do with them!). Buying them for a small price? I'll take it! A price for playing 100 consecutive hours? I'll take it!

The banners said that they can come back in the future, in a lower or higher (god plz no) rarity, so... I really hope they come back!

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1 hour ago, Ozil said:

I missed out on Sacred Stones banner.  I'd pay to go through colorless hell for Innes

He's in the summon pool. He'll likely be on another banner some time or other, so no fear there :)

This thread is for the seasonal units who say they 'may or may not' appear sometime in the future.

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I believe they will reappear in one of two ways:

1) Their banners will run again at the appropriate seasons, with only the regular pool changed, alongside new banners (whether seasonal or otherwise), OR

2) New seasonal banners will show up, and the older seasonal heroes will be added to the regular pool for those banners only (possibly with some dropped to 4*, like when regular banners are added to the summoning pool).

I think it's vanishingly unlikely that they'll be released any other way, let alone for free, as some people are hoping.

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The seasonal event characters will probably return when we get back around to that time of year. We will probably get the new banner for that event, and then a returning banner at the same time for you to try and role for the previous year's characters. At least that would be the most logical way to go about it.

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On 9/7/2017 at 0:20 PM, Ozil said:

I missed out on Sacred Stones banner.  I'd pay to go through colorless hell for Innes

Don't get me started on that one, I spent 60+ orbs on that one sniping for amelia, and I got two 5* boeys within 24 hours.

Colorless hell does not compare to getting bartre and barst over and over and over again, for me at least. On that topic, screw saizo, matthew and virion, next time I play their respective games they will be the only casualties.

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On 9/7/2017 at 0:20 PM, Ozil said:

I missed out on Sacred Stones banner.  I'd pay to go through colorless hell for Innes


8 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

Don't get me started on that one, I spent 60+ orbs on that one sniping for amelia, and I got two 5* boeys within 24 hours.

Colorless hell does not compare to getting bartre and barst over and over and over again, for me at least. On that topic, screw saizo, matthew and virion, next time I play their respective games they will be the only casualties.

I try to think positively. If you do not need them for Skill Inheritance or merging wise, at least they are a source of Hero Feathers if nothing else.

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Just now, XRay said:


I try to think positively. If you do not need them for Skill Inheritance or merging wise, at least they are a source of Hero Feathers if nothing else.

Don't get me wrong, I used them both to put renewal on Y!Tiki and Celica, but I still wanted amelia and I swear that this game has a higher likelihood of giving you units you already have, it may just be a coincidence but after I got fredrick for the first time about two months ago, my chances of getting a frederick seem to have shot up and now I never want for wings of mercy fodder. I already had a 4* boey before I get two 5*s, coincidence? Possibly, but I won't rule out the possibility of devious RNG.

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1 hour ago, thecrimsonflash said:

Don't get me wrong, I used them both to put renewal on Y!Tiki and Celica, but I still wanted amelia and I swear that this game has a higher likelihood of giving you units you already have, it may just be a coincidence but after I got fredrick for the first time about two months ago, my chances of getting a frederick seem to have shot up and now I never want for wings of mercy fodder. I already had a 4* boey before I get two 5*s, coincidence? Possibly, but I won't rule out the possibility of devious RNG.

Yeah, when I first started, I never got Cordelia. After I got her first copy, the rest just came pouring in.

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We will see them again.  There's way too many units to justify not repeating them.  I mean think about it - 4 new characters and entries into the catalog per season (roughly 24 heroes a year if we have 2 more by the end of the year), that's a lot of data to force everyone to download for units they cannot obtain.  And the time/money they spent creating those assets would be wasted if they don't repeat it.  

I don't think they will be available as 4*s however, that would be a slap across the face to anyone that got them the last season.  

I know a lot of people say "No its not, you got to play with them sooner" but that's really a stupid reason.  

IMO, they should have a 5* focus that includes all the new heroes and move previous heroes into the 5*, removing all the others.  This way, as seasons go on and more heroes are introduced per season we will have more units in the nonfocus pool which will make them rarer and rarer which makes sense.  

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I hope so, I missed out on pretty much all of the seasonal units. I need the bunnies, Bride!Caeda and Bride!Lyn, the Summer Nohrians, Summer!Tiki and Summer!Robin.

Please IS, I only cared about the Lords, Royal Siblings and a select few favourites. Don't treat me like thissss;(

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