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Tempest Trials Mini: To Die on the Battlefield!


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24 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Brash Lyn killed a Jagen on the final map. Brash Lyn is a monster.

(granted, he was chipped by Celica, and Lyn fired off a Luna, but eh, details)

Hah, I used my Ninian to kill a Jagen on the final map (after beating him to 1 HP with Klein). Does that mean I win?

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1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

You definitely want some form of physical damage on your team, lest you be walled by Jagens and Nileses. I'd personally recommend replacing Elise with an archer or physical Blue attacker, since Julia can just use Breath of Life (and combined with the Seal too) for healing purposes.

Might do that, Elise was used in the last TT and I am noticing the problems.

Tried Azura. Things did not go as planned, especially when I got 4 ranged units at once. Stupid me. Probably shouldn't bother with Fury on either dancer, any suggestions? (Fair is fair, Ninian is fine with Fury 1, but Azura is not working out, even with Sol)

Edited by Dayni
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CYL!Lyn pretty much handles most enemies on each map. She can do it faster now that she has the Quickened Pulse sacred seal. She needs an assist skill though. I'm thinking Swap so she can tank an occasional hit that she can't reach. I'm definitely giving her Luna later.




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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Might do that, Elise was used in the last TT and I am noticing the problems.

Tried Azura. Things did not go as planned, especially when I got 4 ranged units at once. Stupid me. Probably shouldn't bother with Fury on either dancer, any suggestions? (Fair is fair, Ninian is fine with Fury 1, but Azura is not working out, even with Sol)

Well, Azura is hardly a good attacker in the inflated world of Tempest Trials. She doesn't have the stats to keep up. Do you have anyone else?

Fury is alright on the dancers because they shouldn't be fighting too much, so it' should be easy to heal off their recoil with Breath of Life.

@tobuShogi Honestly Draconic Aura is fine on CYL Lyn, especially with Mulagir and Swift Sparrow pumping up her Atk. Saves the grind for 450 SP. Reposition is a great Assist for her since she won't have to take a hit, but it's up to you.

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12 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

@tobuShogi Honestly Draconic Aura is fine on CYL Lyn, especially with Mulagir and Swift Sparrow pumping up her Atk. Saves the grind for 450 SP. Reposition is a great Assist for her since she won't have to take a hit, but it's up to you.

I personally think Draconic Aura is underwhelming as a skill unless your unit has crazy high attack. I have Serra as my healer so with Hone Atk 2 buff, CYL!Lyn reaches 54 Atk with Swift Sparrow; that's only 16 extra damage when she activates Draconic Aura. Now that she has the seal, I might actually give her Dragon Fang to handle bulkier units like Donnel or to severely damage Hector on the final map. I'll keep DA as her special for now since I only have one Frederick/Catria.  

As for the assist skill, I just might go with Reposition so she can take advantage of her 3 move.

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Just now, tobuShogi said:

I personally think Draconic Aura is underwhelming as a skill unless your unit has crazy high attack. I have Serra as my healer so with Hone Atk 2 buff, CYL!Lyn reaches 54 Atk with Swift Sparrow; that's only 16 extra damage when she activates Draconic Aura. Now that she has the seal, I might actually give her Dragon Fang to handle bulkier units like Donnel or to severely damage Hector on the final map. I'll keep DA as her special for now since I only have one Frederick/Catria.  

As for the assist skill, I just might go with Reposition so she can take advantage of her 3 move.

16 damage from a 3-charge proc isn't bad at all. Luna only outdamages against enemies with more than 32 Def.

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19 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

16 damage from a 3-charge proc isn't bad at all. Luna only outdamages against enemies with more than 32 Def.

Yeah, it's not bad but I feel like it's not cutting it in TT with the inflated stats. Sure, for Luna to match that damage, she'll need to face units with 32+ defense but her offense is good enough to do decent damage against bulky units before any special skills, which means(at least to me) higher defense enemies aren't that big of a deal since I can always use another unit to move her out of the way or have someone else move in for the finish.

Merged Hector takes 8 damage from TA3 Roy after buffs


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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Well, Azura is hardly a good attacker in the inflated world of Tempest Trials. She doesn't have the stats to keep up. Do you have anyone else?

For Physical blues, there's Peri (whose bane's not great and who'd prefer getting mounted boosts), Camus (again, better with a horse team), Sharena (who could probably work, though she doesn't have a support skill besides Rally Att), Hinoka (-Att and flier reliant) and the rest are 4* (Donnel, Oboro, Wendy, Catria, Clair) or Clive. Any of those options work you think?

I'd rework the whole team around Eliwood, but he's 4* and the difference is staggering (I need to get round to promoting the guy)

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And once again team Magical Girls destroys everything in their path... except for the second run where I goofed up unit placement. Anyway Julia returns for her second tempest run, Celica and Linde for their third, and Azura has been replaced by Ninian. Ninian is currently the weak link unfortunately because I haven't had the time to grind up the rest of the SP she needs. She still needs Hone Atk3 and is still stuck at Fury 1, but just being on the main team will probably take care of that fairly quickly. 

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9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

For Physical blues, there's Peri (whose bane's not great and who'd prefer getting mounted boosts), Camus (again, better with a horse team), Sharena (who could probably work, though she doesn't have a support skill besides Rally Att), Hinoka (-Att and flier reliant) and the rest are 4* (Donnel, Oboro, Wendy, Catria, Clair) or Clive. Any of those options work you think?

I'd rework the whole team around Eliwood, but he's 4* and the difference is staggering (I need to get round to promoting the guy)

Camus is good enough even without a horse team, really.

If you're really struggling still, then you could just put a bonus unit on your first team, quit out, then steamroll all of the maps with your second fully stacked team.

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Hit my 8k target for today. Some matches have been amusing. Last round, Xander had died so I had to face the final map of Ike, Gray, Hector, Reinhardt and Abel with just Soren, Ninian and Reinhardt.

I killed off the reds with Reinhardt. Killed off the Reinhardt with Soren. Chipped away at Hector with Soren, who had his special built up (currently he still has the default one). Soren died. Checked with Reinhardt and he wouldn't do much damage. Killed Abel with Reinhardt, which brought up his Luna special. Suicided Reinhardt on Hector, which left him with 7HP. Ninian was in Hector's path, so he went to her and couldn't kill her on the first attack. She did 9 (I think) damage to him and killed him xD

Fun times!

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I'm at 6k with the goal of finishing today at 10k. I found that vantage Hector is a monster with the buffs (he tanked a Tharja and killed her on the counter), I'd like to use Hector+ my Flier Emblem team but I can't pull an Odin to give my S!Corrin Blarblade+. I suppose I'll keep playing with different teams+Hector until I find one I'm comfortable with.

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I am using this as a chance to train up Lloyd since I never have I will worry about score after I finish training him and Anna.  I am glad I am getting a second chance at the seal and 5* Masked Marth because the highest reward I was able to get the first time was 4* Masked Marth.  Right now I am using Lloyd, Ursula, Anna and Masked Marth to train everyone except Ursula up.

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8 hours ago, mcsilas said:

Azama liked having more resistance against mages. +Spd/-Atk Azama wit Fortress Res already survives everyone except Brave Lucina, so adding Distant Def on top of that will annoy ranged units even more.

Actually, if you give the same Azama the Def+1 seal, he even survives Brave Lucina- and cannot be one-shotted by any neutral unboosted unit! (Although he has less unfavourable matchups if using HP+3 instead)

Other than that, maybe Hector himself would like Distant Def since he is mage bait? Or maybe even Distant Counter Berkut's Lance Effie. Actually maybe even Berkut himself likes that seal.

@TheTuckingFypo A step closer to the imprenetable Azama build!

But yeah, my +HP Hector with HP+3 seal reaches 60 HP. Neat.

Hells to the yeah!

I second Berkut on that seal, if you want him to have more bulk. 

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So glad I get the second chance to unlock quickened pulse and "Marth" now that I actually have the time for this Tempest Trial. Also thank Naga I can ORKO big boss Hector with (S):Attack+1 Celica :B):

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1 hour ago, FiyaaEmburem said:

i was sick and bored af so decided to burn my stamina potions on TT ! i am currently at Rank 2,979 and got 5* Marth i think i dont have a life

Lol.  I'm sick as well, and prepping for the Category 5 hurricane that will in all likelihood shut off my power for 3-4 days.  I think I have a problem with this game too: my CYL Lyn has almost 2500 merit points already, and i'm about rank 5000 in Tempest Trial.  With the way we're going, we'll have maxed out our rewards by Monday.  With 3 days to go. lol

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Running 2 teams for this TT:
Lyn, Ninian, Brave Lucina, Brave Ike
Brave Roy, Brave Lyn, Eliwood, Ursula

Both teams can pretty consistently make it to the final map but horse emblem obviously has an easier time. Only Ninian has maxed HM and I don't think I'll max HM for anyone else this TT as it's only a week so I shouldn't need to change team comps, but we'll see.

Definitely enjoying this TT more than the others so far 

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