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Voting Gauntlet: The Blood of Dragons!


Voting Gauntlet: The Blood of Dragons!  

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52 minutes ago, JJ48 said:


Here's the doc I'm using.

Wouldn't it be great if every match ended up being an upset? 


...and by "great", I of course mean "proof beyond all doubt that the multiplier system breaks the gauntlets".

EDIT:  <sigh>  Looks like Fae's on track to win it, unless everyone on that team suddenly runs out of flags.  Maybe instead of "Voting Gauntlet", they should rename these events "If You're a Popular FE7 Character, Don't Even Bother"

My only hope now is that somehow Sophia pulls off an upset, so that at least I can have SOMEONE to support in the semi-finals.  -_-;;

Ninian just needs to spend flags!

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3 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

Honestly, VG is probably the worst feature of this game. I wish they'd just replace it already rather than continue to make the system worse with every change.

Feather dispenser idea is good, implementation is so very bad.

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Go Fae. :D Ninian sucks, imo.

Young Tiki is on pace to win too if she can keep staying ahead of all these freaking male Corrin multipliers. But if she were to lose, I'll go to Team Fae (if she really does win).

Edited by Anacybele
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5 minutes ago, JJ48 said:

I think our best hope is actually that Fae overvotes this hour, and ends up without a multiplier at 11.

If Fae does not have a multiplier in the final hour, Ninian so far outnumbers Fae that she will pull back ahead easily.

I'm still against the multiplier on principle, but I'm jaded at this point I just don't care anymore.

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Honestly if Ninian loses to the multiplier, I'm just doing VG for feathers at this point. Elise nearly lost to it, Leo got screwed over, Ike v. Lyn never got to happen... the multiplier has just been getting worse and worse for me.

Not to mention if Ninian loses I'm only leaving this round with 500 feathers because I didn't have the chance to play during ANY multiplier we had. That's just rubbing salt in the wound at this point.

And besides,  I have like 20 people I want to 5* eventually, more feathers would be much appreciated.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

I'm still against the multiplier on principle, but I'm jaded at this point I just don't care anymore.

Welcome to the "just wanna watch the world burn" club.

This new multiplier system seems to put things even more up in the air for who will win than before.

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2 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

"Is Fae winning? Fae didn't notice. Fae was having fun."


I mean, I'm on Team Lone Guy, and I think this is exciting!  If y'all don't, that's fine, too.

I'm actually in this for my ending score.  I don't care if I spend every last flag, I want my top 5000 finish!

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4 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

"Is Fae winning? Fae didn't notice. Fae was having fun."

Meanwhile, on team Ninian:

"I wish for a world where humans and dragons can live in peace... Except for this small fluffy dragon. This dragon in particular needs to die."

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So if the numbers continue as predicted the two characters who have received the most votes in the first hour of the multiplier will have lost.   That doesn't sit right with me.  If Nowi and Ninian are gone to this I'm going to be a little upset, but it's not like I can do anything.  I need these feathers since I spent mine on my recentest project of beauty to be my perfect Brave!Lynn and Reinhardt counter who I just finished.  So if both of my teams lose I'll be a merc for feathers.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Voting Gauntlet seems to REALLY favor "underdogs" now... basically, teams with huge playerbases compared to teams with smaller player bases are just so much more likely to lose now. The factions with the lower number of players not only get the multipliers but are also more likely to score the victory feathers on top that as well as get points for cumulative score. How is that even fair to the more popular teams? It seems that whoever gets the lead first this time is to lose the round. So now, players are being punished even harder for "bandwagoning" even if they genuinely like the character.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I think multiplers are sucking the fun out of this for me. Not only will my current team Nowi lose, but my backup team Ninian will lose. That's not even including previous gauntlets like Leo or Lyn. I think I need to become less invested in these battles and just focus on the feathers now. 

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Honestly, as much as I joked about the Lucina and Camilla juggernauts in the first two gauntlets, I didn't mind when they won, because they were the more popular characters. It was just interesting to see how others matched up and realize that so-and-so was more popular than we could've imagined. And even when you sided with them, you still had the chance of a decent ranking/feather winnings as long as you played often enough.

The multiplier punishes people on popular teams by not only making ranking infinitely harder for them as they get few multipliers (meaning less chances for higher scores/more opportunities to miss it), but now it is getting increasingly more likely for the more popular to lose because they "were winning too hard". There is no benefit in siding with the winning side anymore, and that just pisses me off.



Sorry for rants, I'm pretty sure this forum has seen enough of these, especially regarding VG. But this is the 4th time a major upset has happened (and the 2nd time it happened to me) and I'm only going to be walking away with 500 pity feathers at this point.

I feel like I have the right to vent a little.

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8 minutes ago, eclipse said:


I mean, I'm on Team Lone Guy, and I think this is exciting!  If y'all don't, that's fine, too.

I'm actually in this for my ending score.  I don't care if I spend every last flag, I want my top 5000 finish!

Ditto here. 500 flags for three more rounds of potential non-stop multiplying goodness.

6 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Meanwhile, on team Ninian:

"I wish for a world where humans and dragons can live in peace... Except for this small fluffy dragon. This dragon in particular needs to die."

"Why are you being so mean, Aunty Ninian?"

Alternatively: "Why are all those people grabbing their big forks? Fae is scared of the big forks."

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2 minutes ago, SageOfAnys said:

Sorry for rants, I'm pretty sure this forum has seen enough of these, especially regarding VG. But this is the 4th time a major upset has happened (and the 2nd time it happened to me) and I'm only going to be walking away with 500 pity feathers at this point.

I feel like I have the right to vent a little.

I hardly see it as a rant - I see it as a legitimate complaint/criticism since for a gamemode that rides on the idea of which character is more popular, it's pretty much false advertising at this point.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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This is just insane. Why does there have to be a multiplier EVERY SINGLE HOUR? I’d think of all things they’d make them less prevalent, not more. I wish in the future the multipliers were stuck to specific times (like 4-6 times within the two days) and made more potent to compensate.

We still got this, Team Nowi!

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2 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Voting Gauntlet seems to REALLY favor "underdogs" now... basically, teams with huge playerbases compared to teams with smaller player bases are just so much more likely to lose now. The factions with the lower number of players not only get the multipliers but are also more likely to score the victory feathers on top that as well as get points for cumulative score. How is that even fair to the more popular teams? It seems that whoever gets the lead first this time is to lose the round. So now, players are being punished even harder for "bandwagoning" even if they genuinely like the character.

Ninian got more than 6 times as many votes as Fae in the first hour, which may have been like the only one without a multiplier effective.  Fae may very well win due to a last hour multiplier.  That's just not right.

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Sigh... People will never be satisfied with the gauntlet, will they?

First two gauntlets: Too many curb-stomps and obvious winners, this is boring!

Later gauntlets: Matches are too close now because multipliers, this is unfair!

I just think the gauntlet needs a different name and that the multiplier needs a bit more tweaking. It doesn't need removed and I would MUCH rather not go back to almost every single match being an obvious boring curbstomp and there being an obvious winner.


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21 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Sophia is basically about to be executed now that Corrin has a second to last hour multiplier.

Yeah, Team Sophia overshot badly.

But her even having had a chance to win over the protagonist of a most recent FE game is hilarious.

The multiplier was a mistake. Bring back the Lucina and Camilla gauntlets.

Edited by Vaximillian
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1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

"Why are you being so mean, Aunty Ninian?"

Alternatively: "Why are all those people grabbing their big forks? Fae is scared of the big forks."

Kilvas Fried Crow has a new limited time item on the menu. Introducing Nabataen Absolutely Divine Chicken Nuggets! 

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