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What was the biggest disappointment for you?


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I also hated how the laguz gain very little experience for killing and hurting enemies, even if they do less damage than beorc. They only gain experience while untransformed and their incredibly weak in that form. The transformation guage goes down a little too fast (especially for cats) so you have to use olivi grass every couple of turns. It also takes a really long time to upgrade their strike level which is the only way to make their attacks stronger without leveling up strength. They only have one attack and they can't counter ranged attacks without certain skills (even then, they don't counter much damage). I think someone on the development team really hated laguz.

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Tormod and friends, Tauroneo, Jeff and Elincia being dragged into the pit of no play time.

Ugly characters.

No special mode at the end.

Terrible voices for cutscenes.

In cutscenes, characters talk WAAAAY too slow, and they sound extrememly calm, even during a battle.

Lack of cutscenes

Sothe's chin

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Hi. This is my first post in the forums (though I've been an FE fan for a while).

Meg not being Meg Griffin... actually I hate her being in the game at all.... I always kill her on purpose. XD

Zihark not being the best Swordmaster.

Pelleas not joining early in Micaiah's chapters.

No supports.

Ike and Mia aren't a couple.

No demi-band.

Titania is actually decent (I don't want to use her..... I want her to be a worthless jeigan.) Geoffery and Kieran ftw.

Brom not dead.

Makalov and Astrid (wtf!? why does she want.... that creature?)

Astrid being a horrible unit.

Illyana being a horrible unit.

Tormod being an even worse unit.

Stefan not being recruitable until part 4.

Sanaki being a required unit.

Laguz units (with the exception of Kings) still being as much of an epic fail as ever... now its even worse due to the lack of a demi-band.

Tanith losing the re-enforce skill.

Most of those are minor flaws, but the biggest flaw is the epic failure that is most of Micaiah's party.

Despite those problems, Radiant Dawn is just so fun... its my favorite game.

Edited by Chris Lionheart
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Meg not being Meg Griffin... actually I hate her being in the game at all.... I always kill her on purpose. XD

Zihark not being the best Swordmaster.

:mellow: Well I could argue Zihark being the best swordmaster haha

I agree on the Meg point.... she should have been made at all... I would not minded losing a few characters if it meant support conversations...

and to add on to that point Id like the potential for more paired endings.... their pretty much non existent...

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+All of the voice actors, other then Shinon.

+Lack of Supports

+Lack of endings

+Inconsistent difficulty [The Dawn Brigade being the hardest section, mostly]

+Lack of Character Devolpment

+Practically useless units

+Characters coming in too late in the story [Tormod's re-recruitment, Stefan,


, Sanaki, etc]

+Black KNight's personality change


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