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Which of the potential Druids do you prefer?  

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  1. 1. Which of the potential Druids do you prefer?

    • Rei
    • Sofiya
    • Niime

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Doesn't stop people from somehow thinking she has "Nino syndrome" in the sense she has actually good stats

shocking, but they DO exist. I know, I thought the same thing when people actually tried to argue Sirius down because "he has low luck lol"

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Only time I could see his luck being an issue is when being argued against his nextdoor neighbor Paula. Otherwise yeah, his luck's a non-issue.

People like Meg? At least Est could be good in one of the games she's been in, thanks to Miracle Sword+Star and Light Orbs+Arenas in FE1 let you chose your weapon+her having nothing better to do for a whole chapter. Meg...she never has a time of being even remotely usable....She has fans? If I remember correctly, her class even stops her from being usable later.

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Lilina, Sophia, Lakche, even MEG....

...Why aren't there any Est fanboys yet?

Hi there! (sort of fond of that archtype, even if they aren't technically that swell)

Anyway, I like 1/2 of those characters you listed (Lilina and Sophia), but I'm not crazy enough to think they're good.

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sadly enough, yes

Some people always think weak start=strong finish for whatever reason.

No even thinking ahead? Just fans? Despite the fact she isn't even allowed to be good due to her class and...unfortunate bases? No personality on top of it other than girl from country, a role Nephanee already fills and plays 10 times better?

...Show me these people because I don't believe you. I'd expect a Beowulf alliance before Meg.

To keep on topic, druids rock, but the ones they give you suck. I vote Niime because you don't have to train her to use her.

Edited by Grandjackal
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No even thinking ahead? Just fans? Despite the fact she isn't even allowed to be good due to her class and...unfortunate bases? No personality on top of it other than girl from country, a role Nephanee already fills and plays 10 times better?

...Show me these people because I don't believe you. I'd expect a Beowulf alliance before Meg.

To keep on topic, druids rock, but the ones they give you suck. I vote Niime because you don't have to train her to use her.

With your logic, Yodel is a good unit too.

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there you go

Trust me. I didn't want to believe me either.

And...what's wrong with a Beowulf alliance? The man's pretty awesome. He's got great all-around stats, start, finish, and end, he's mounted which already qualifies him for w1n status, he has access to the best weapon in FE4, swords, he's smart enough to catch on that Lachesis is doing the nasty with Fin, and not to mention his ordinary steel sword becomes a godly weapon for Fergus, who is made of even more win than Beowulf.

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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And...what's wrong with a Beowulf alliance? The man's pretty awesome. He's got great all-around stats, start, finish, and end

No, they aren't. His Atk is low and he's locked to swords, so he has the most competition possible for good weapons, and his 2-range will always suck. He comes underleveled in both level and stats, so he has to play catch-up before he's remotely decent. Pursuit + access to swords + mount is good, but it's not auto-win.

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Um, what? 14 base str+40% growth is hardly what I call low. Besides, starting with a Steel Sword isn't bad.

locked to swords, so he has the most competition possible for good weapons

didn't stop Holyn any

Granted Holyn isn't locked to sword [At least I don't think so] but he might as well be since Axes fail in FE5.

He comes underleveled in both level and stats

It's not like he's Sophia or anything. Holyn doesn't have THAT much of a head on him, and he gets some decent arena time at the next possible castle.

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Granted Holyn isn't locked to sword [At least I don't think so] but he might as well be since Axes fail in FE5.

You're thinking Fire Emblem 4.

Anyway, Beowolf doesn't seem that bad. Then again, what's the harm in using everyone when you can?

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Um, what? 14 base str+40% growth is hardly what I call low.

It's what Sigurd has at base level, with a worse growth. Try using base level Sigurd without a Silver Sword or acces to lances in Ch2 with pretty much equivalent stats and tell me that's any good. It's worse atk than anyone in Mid tier or above.

didn't stop Holyn any

Granted Holyn isn't locked to sword [At least I don't think so] but he might as well be since Axes fail in FE5.

wtf are you on? we're talking about fe4 beowulf. yes, holyn being locked to swords is a disadvantage to him. but he has huge stat leads across the board.

16 Holyn

15.2 atk, 18.2 spd -- 38.2 avo, 44.4 hp, 12.2 def

10 beowulf

14.4 atk, 11.3 spd -- 25.8 avo, 38.8 hp, 10.3 def

And Moonlight Hit >>>>> Charge.

It's not like he's Sophia or anything. Holyn doesn't have THAT much of a head on him, and he gets some decent arena time at the next possible castle.

Just because he's not Sophia doesn't make him anywhere near good. The same could be said for lolilina. For Beowulf in the arena, he can hardly clear more than 4 stages before getting pwnt in both Ch2 and Ch3, and unlike Holyn he has nowhere near enough cash to borrow Elite Ring.

Kindly stop using Inui-level arguments with no back-up and stop being a douche to people.

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Niime actually has time to be used. Yodel is there truly just to make the chapter he joins in that much harder by being another target. Niime at least has the option to not get her ass handed to her there. Does his job better too. Yodel is just redundant to all hell, at least Niime can be a spare staffer while Ray is captain slow with brigadier general Sophia Suckballs. Yeah, Yodel can be too, if Niime didn't do the same job better for longer.

As for Beowulf...What Mekkah said, add in being outclassed by others as a father. Noish gives down swords as well with the same skill plus critical (A nice option for Aira if Lex is busy sexing someone else and since Bridget's banging Holyn...), while Fin passes down generally the same growths plus luck, and prayer along with relative support in the next generation. Beowulf is...busy failing first generation along with robbing Sigurd of 10,000. Throw in no personality and there's nothing to like about this guy. Lachesis finds interest in Dew faster than in Beowulf. Talk about desperation. I bet she doesn't find interest in him, but rather in his horse since her brother rides a horsie, anything reminding her of her brother is a major turn on .

Too bad Fin's horsie is bigger than Beowulf's...

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As for Beowulf...What Mekkah said, add in being outclassed by others as a father. Noish gives down swords as well with the same skill plus critical (A nice option for Aira if Lex is busy sexing someone else and since Bridget's banging Holyn...), while Fin passes down generally the same growths plus luck, and prayer along with relative support in the next generation. Beowulf is...busy failing first generation along with robbing Sigurd of 10,000. Throw in no personality and there's nothing to like about this guy. Lachesis finds interest in Dew faster than in Beowulf. Talk about desperation. I bet she doesn't find interest in him, but rather in his horse since her brother rides a horsie, anything reminding her of her brother is a major turn on .

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dew is worse than Beowulf. Beowulf is getting Lachesis as a lover, since Fin leaves after Chapter 3 and Dew sucks hard.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dew is worse than Beowulf. Beowulf is getting Lachesis as a lover, since Fin leaves after Chapter 3 and Dew sucks hard.

I was trying to make a point -_- She wants to talk to Dew first before Beowulf. Shows how big a loser Beowulf is. He's better than Dew. Not by much though.

Fin can still sex up Lachesis before leaving.

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*h8s on Beowulf*

One may argue that a mount > Holyn's stat leads. Especially after promotion with that 3 (!) move lead.

Holyn has better defenses, but Beowulf can gtfo to a more safe location after he attacks if you need to do so. Thus, sometimes Beowulf is the one better at living.

On offense, Beowulf gets there much faster, and the differences aren't that big to begin with, so he's actually winning that.

Edited by Reikken
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What do mounted enemies have to do with it?

Is it worth training Sophiya?


Even if it's between using Sophia and having no dark magic user at all, the latter is the much better choice.

Magic attacker, that is. You need someone who can use a staff, even if it has to be Sophia.

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What do mounted enemies have to do with it?

Beowulf: I charge to attack! *attacks* Retreat with Canto! haha!

Mounted enemy: *reaches him anyways thanks to mount and roads*

Beowulf: Good thing my allies wall me off!

Mounted enemy: *runs around the wall anyways*

Beowulf: S***

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