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I'm shocked about Heroes

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... in a positive way.
Seriously I was very sceptical about this game because I have a despise towards mobile games. However since I managed to have an own internet connection finally, I just said to myself: Why not? 
I still like FE despite my interest took a little nerf in the past few years due to the release of not so great FE parts lately. Nevertheless I should try out this game too even if it's not an official FE part. 

When I saw the main menu already, I already noticed how much this game has to offer. It represents lots of different challenges, some of them still unlocked yet. And I just noticed yesterday that there are three different difficulties you can choose. So I can start on normal with your first summoning team till they have reached a certain level to replay the main story maps on a higher difficulty and continue with a new team on lower difficulties. It's great that I have unlimited access for training, and I can get orbs pretty easy to summon new allies. It's cycle which makes fun.

The maps are simple but fun and somewhat challenging on higher difficulties thanks to the skills. The Arvis map kicks my ass so far.
Funnily this game has more different mission objectives than FE13 and more text plot between the chapters than FE11 what I didn't really expect. 

An other very nice mechanic is the skill system. An unit can get SP for each level up. With this stat skills can be purchased. I really like it that this game gives me the choice between different skills. Since each player has different preferences, it's a very nice feature, a feature I would like to see in future regular FE parts. 

Although I have played this game for a week already, I still have to explore lots of things like all the modes and skills. I don't know what some of they do, so I was very surprised - shocked tbh - that an ally died simply because the enemy could swap position with me and gave everyone the chance to attack and kill me. I still have to learn a lot regarding this. 

So far I really enjoy this game and it was a good introduction for me into mobile games and has a few interesting ideas for future main FE parts.

So thumps up for this game.


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well if you had played Fates you would have known about the skill that lets enemies swap places with you lol!!

Glad you enjoy it. You should definitely head to the Heroes section to chat and stuff. There are also resources lying around, such as the Grand Hero Battle Arvis topic where people share their strategies and help each other out with the map. If you're still struggling, won't hurt to go there.

All things considered, FEH is basically the most consumer-friendly gacha-based mobile game out in the market right now, so it's good as an entry so you don't get frustrated. Though, if you got thrown into a harsher mobile game first, you'd be facing reality sooner...

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Glad you're enjoying it!  I was skeptical about it when I first heard that they were going to be releasing a mobile FE game, and I'm glad I gave it a chance because it has provided me with many hours of fun.  I started playing on Day 1, and it was pretty much my first mobile game.  :^_^:

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Oh man, welcome to the club~!

This is one of the most F2P-friendly games out there.  One day, I'm going to drop money on it, as thanks to the developers.  Stats are somewhat balanced, somehow.  The art ranges from WUT to absolutely gorgeous.  The various little lines that are spoken through the game are pretty good, especially when fleshing out some of the older characters.  If you ever need help with the game, "Ask a FE Heroes Question" thread is for short answers!

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Thanks for your helping offer!

I already took it.

Also I won't post in the Heroes section frequently, probably only in FAQ thread for any questions. Otherwise rather only read the one or other thread for researching.

The skill inheritance thread is probably the most important one for me to be prepared for all the upcoming chapters.


Also yeah, I know that swap position was the ninja skill in Fates, just was surprised to see it in Heroes. Didn't check out the enemies's skill here because I didn't expect that much deepness in a mobile game. The better skills do exist here on both sides.

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Glad to hear you're having a good time.  I'm pretty active on the Heroes board, so I'll try to keep an eye out for you there, if you have any questions.  Feel free to tag me so I don't miss it, since some threads can move pretty fast there.

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