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Serenes Presidential Poll


Who will be our president  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Obama or McCain

    • Obama is yo mama
    • McCain is down for pain

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Yes they do. They still have their own opinion though. The people do matter.

not so much, Only a slight portion matters, they only take in about half of what the people want and take 50/50 chance

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not so much, Only a slight portion matters, they only take in about half of what the people want and take 50/50 chance

Who says? EC needs to go through on other's opinions and decide their own after they looked at the people's. Depending on the people, the EC can have a range of chances...

25/75 80/20

Its based off the people. Pretty much the only part of government to take part in the people's ideas, besides props.

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Nah. Me and Doom are good friends outside of polotics. We get out all our agression here. Then we're friends again.

You forgot the part were I try to assasinate you

Lyle is awesome were buddies on all other fourms but here it's it's WAR! XD

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I am not ignorant sir.

If the government wasn't so bad, our votes would matter. Our government sucks, so the votes don't matter.

YOU UNDERSTAND OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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People matter. You just matter more in states with less population, because your vote directly represents and electoral vote at a higher rate.

States Rights vs. Federal Rights. The electoral college is a combination of the two, so it works as intended by the founding fathers to keep larger states from squashing the rights of smaller states.

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Assuming nothing troublesome happens which delays the process (like during the 2000 election), about how long would it be before an announcement of the election results can be expected?

Edited by Wist
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Although, it's pretty much either of those two folk's game. I imagine both of them will do their best, so whoever wins is the winner. I just hope folks will finally stop the ever annoying Bush bashing.

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So who here can and will actually vote? I know I already did.

I voted.

The way things seem to be going, we're headed for an entirely democratic country, where the republicans will have to go into hiding.

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