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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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14 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

I wasn't trying to "give you a sermon"

I apologize for not being clear when I said that. I meant that to mean, "I don't want everything I read, watch, play, etc. to be a sermon as to how I should behave based on the values and morals of the authors."

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30 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

Just to hop in, Aversa's issues were an almost direct result of Validar's tampering, it was pretty obvious to most players I talked to that her case wasn't her fault and that she was more to be pitied(though that does require you to complete The Wellspring of Truth so I understand if not everyone got that), and she actually does end her story rather normally if my memory of her unmarried Ending serves.
As for Tharja, it can be argued that that isn't technically her fault either since as far as we can tell it was carryover from Rhajat's relationship with Corrin. If you want to pick on someone, I'd say Rhajat is the better choice - even considering Corrin saved her life, her exact words are “I owe you my life. All of it. Every hour, every day, until the end. You've got my full attention. I'll watch you like a hawk on a mouse. Forever and ever—until one of us is no more. And maybe then some.” which could reasonably be stated to be overdoing it a little. Ignoring the weird Robin thing, Tharja's actually pretty normal - or even overall a good person - all things considered if you read her Supports, especially when you look at her conversations with Gregor or Libra, though there is that one Support chain where she's talking to thin air so I guess that is a little weird, and you have the moronic Father-Noire Support chain that someone should have been fired for.
Loki, meanwhile, is just plain weird - I'm still trying to cope with the fact that I say Loki and think Marvel Loki but I'm seeing Fire Emblem Loki on my screen, it's weird to me that this Loki is female even though it's technically still an accurate portrayal of Loki in his original form - he is the mother of Thor's horse, after all. I'm also not entirely certain Loki won't turn out to be a guy after all at some point, since that would be a suitably disturbing plot twist for the end of Book 3 or even Book 4, then there's the fact that I think Loki just has a serious hard-on for the Summoner and that's part of her weirdness when talking directly to you.

Not trying to get on your back or anything, I just happen to disagree with your examples and thought I'd explain my point of view. Sorry if you find any of this an offensive way to look at it for whatever reason. I will say Camilla is definitely a mishandled character with an actual mental issue, though, especially after watching the video ghaast did covering her Supports.

Thanks for that bit at the end, by the way. It's so nice when people can respectfully give their viewpoints, even if it's in direct contrast with the one they're talking to. :) (Not that Ice Dragon was being disrespectful, to clarify.)

That said, I've never played Fates or watched anyone play Fates, so I don't have much reference for Fates characters. Regarding Aversa, I never said that she had the particular issue I was describing, but rather that she has mental issues at all. In that case, IS did a good job clarifying that in her DLC and supports, as well as in her conversations in the recent Forging Bonds. She's a classic case of trying to overcome mental issues, and maybe falling back into old habits, but then trying again. In this way, she's a good example of what those with such issues should do. She's not one I'd call a positive role model, but in this area, specifically, she sets a good example. It'd be even better imo (though a pain for the artists, I know) if she progressively wore more and more modest clothing as she recovered, too, changing her look to something classier and self-respecting. I fully expect people to get mad at me for this, but it's my actual opinion... Well, anyway, moving on.

I know what you mean about the Marvel Loki thing, and you're right that this version (FEH version) works just as well canonically. Also that she's strange, though I'd replace that with "chaotic." The summoned version seems to have a legit thing for Kiran, while the enemy one I think is more just amused by him, and maybe intrigued. She's confirmed a goddess, though, I think, and goddesses going insane isn't anything new to FE. Usually, FE's solution to insane people is to kill them, actually. Anyway, in Loki's case, she's likely always just been crazy, and even if she's not actually a dude, she'd totally become one just to freak her prey out once they felt secure. 'Course, whether or not it fits the Norse mythology doesn't seem to matter much to IS; they're clearly just using the names and themes at this point. The summonable one, however, clearly has obsession issues, however she got them and for whatever reasons she has, which was more what I was trying to say on that front.

I won't comment on Tharja since, while she also clearly has unhealthy obsessive tendencies, obviously there's more to her story that I don't know.

17 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I apologize for not being clear when I said that. I meant that to mean, "I don't want everything I read, watch, play, etc. to be a sermon as to how I should behave based on the values and morals of the authors."

Fair enough. I'm coming from a background of objective truth and morals, and was already looking for things that I figured everyone could agree on for the betterment of humanity on the whole, but I also understand the frustration of people trying to tell you how to live when you're just looking to relax. Still, there are ramifications to certain behaviors and ideals that are played down, exemplified, etc., and that's a concern of mine. I don't want people to look at other people as objects to be used for their own enjoyment, for example, and sometimes that mindset seems to be encouraged unconsciously through things like books, shows, and games. So, to me, it's unhealthy and objectively bad, not to mention that it's usually handled unrealistically. Various mindsets will be encouraged, whatever you play/read/watch, and usually it's not blatant, or even intended by the author. But that doesn't mean it's not there. Anyway, that's what I see. I hope that made sense and didn't come across as offensive or anything.

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14 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Thanks for that bit at the end, by the way. It's so nice when people can respectfully give their viewpoints, even if it's in direct contrast with the one they're talking to. :) (Not that Ice Dragon was being disrespectful, to clarify.)

That said, I've never played Fates or watched anyone play Fates, so I don't have much reference for Fates characters. Regarding Aversa, I never said that she had the particular issue I was describing, but rather that she has mental issues at all. In that case, IS did a good job clarifying that in her DLC and supports, as well as in her conversations in the recent Forging Bonds. She's a classic case of trying to overcome mental issues, and maybe falling back into old habits, but then trying again. In this way, she's a good example of what those with such issues should do. She's not one I'd call a positive role model, but in this area, specifically, she sets a good example. It'd be even better imo (though a pain for the artists, I know) if she progressively wore more and more modest clothing as she recovered, too, changing her look to something classier and self-respecting. I fully expect people to get mad at me for this, but it's my actual opinion... Well, anyway, moving on.

I know what you mean about the Marvel Loki thing, and you're right that this version (FEH version) works just as well canonically. Also that she's strange, though I'd replace that with "chaotic." The summoned version seems to have a legit thing for Kiran, while the enemy one I think is more just amused by him, and maybe intrigued. She's confirmed a goddess, though, I think, and goddesses going insane isn't anything new to FE. Usually, FE's solution to insane people is to kill them, actually. Anyway, in Loki's case, she's likely always just been crazy, and even if she's not actually a dude, she'd totally become one just to freak her prey out once they felt secure. 'Course, whether or not it fits the Norse mythology doesn't seem to matter much to IS; they're clearly just using the names and themes at this point. The summonable one, however, clearly has obsession issues, however she got them and for whatever reasons she has, which was more what I was trying to say on that front.

I won't comment on Tharja since, while she also clearly has unhealthy obsessive tendencies, obviously there's more to her story that I don't know.

It's all good, I usually try to not jump on people about their opinions on stuff, though it sometimes looks like it.

If you're interested in looking at characters in a slightly more in-depth view than Heroes gives, I'd recommend the whole series ghaast did on YouTube, he has videos for Tharja, Cordelia, Olivia, Camilla, Xander, Peri, Nino, Eliwood, Gerik, two for Xander, probably a couple others I haven't got to, and one on the best retainer in all of Fire Emblem(in his opinion of course). Each video runs through the Supports of the featured character in fair detail and he runs up a pretty solid review of the character themselves, so it's a pretty cool way to get a better view of a character without doing all the Support grinding in-game.

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21 hours ago, Coolmanio said:

Ch. 53


 Oh dear Linde, are you alright?

Umm... you forgot to put the H in Gharnef in that last panel in the manga page.

Also, that I'm kinda surprised that Lon'qu managed to recognize through Linde's disguise to know about her actual gender.

Edited by King Marth 64
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To this day, whenever you put Linde on a forest tile, she starts checking the bushes for Charlie Gharnef. Poor girl.

But seriously, through all the laughs this series provides, there are some chapters that just... hit you. Hard. Like this one or the Spring Lucina one.

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On 28.11.2018 at 1:45 PM, Glennstavos said:

Is it pronounced Linda or Lind-aaaaayyyyyyeeeee

If this is a serious question: the E is silent according to Warriors.
If this is a humorous question: yes.

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1 hour ago, DefyingFates said:

Thanks as always for these!

And Elise will always be an oba-chan from now on xD

P.S. What does Siegbert initially call her in Japanese?

It’s likely “obasan” which is aunt in Japanese. 

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How cute! I've never played Fates, but I at least understand the relations. What an enjoyable comic! ^_^ Heh, I often refer to characters interacting with others by their familial relations (like, "They KO'd Kana. Garon, avenge your grandson!" etc.), so this was especially pleasing for me. The play on Japanese titles was great, too! X3

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That's just precious. It seems like Siegbert would really do in canon too.

Its such a waste that the second gen royals were forbidden from supporting with their aunts and uncles. Forrest and Elise were already depicted as the best of friends so a support between those two would be natural. Siegbert and Camilla would also have worked nicely since Siegbert is the type to get flustered around her. 



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This was adorable. A bit of a tricky translation though. Honourifics are tricky little things aren’t they. Oh well at least this one can be translated unlike the riddle one. Great job though to the translator. The joke lands as intended.

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On ‎2018‎-‎12‎-‎04 at 8:26 AM, Etrurian emperor said:

That's just precious. It seems like Siegbert would really do in canon too.

Its such a waste that the second gen royals were forbidden from supporting with their aunts and uncles. Forrest and Elise were already depicted as the best of friends so a support between those two would be natural. Siegbert and Camilla would also have worked nicely since Siegbert is the type to get flustered around her. 

As usual, Fates sets itself up for something that would be amazing and fails to follow through. You're right, a Forrest and Elise support could've been great, I certainly would've enjoyed it. And I would've liked to see Shiro interacting with his aunts and uncles. Now that it's mentioned it feels like such a huge disconnect having the child characters not interact with the first generation ones at all unless it's Corrin or their parents. The same problem exists in Awakening, honestly.

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16 minutes ago, Stercus said:

As usual, Fates sets itself up for something that would be amazing and fails to follow through. You're right, a Forrest and Elise support could've been great, I certainly would've enjoyed it. And I would've liked to see Shiro interacting with his aunts and uncles. Now that it's mentioned it feels like such a huge disconnect having the child characters not interact with the first generation ones at all unless it's Corrin or their parents. The same problem exists in Awakening, honestly.

Well in awakening the issue isn’t as glaring considering the parents of the children there are largely disconnected for the most part. Still doesn’t excuse the lack of LucinaxLissa or OwainxChrom supports though. 


Edited by Otts486
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36 minutes ago, Stercus said:

As usual, Fates sets itself up for something that would be amazing and fails to follow through. You're right, a Forrest and Elise support could've been great, I certainly would've enjoyed it. And I would've liked to see Shiro interacting with his aunts and uncles. Now that it's mentioned it feels like such a huge disconnect having the child characters not interact with the first generation ones at all unless it's Corrin or their parents. The same problem exists in Awakening, honestly.

I would say Lucina and Nah are different but thinking back it's Tiki who's actually treated more as a 2 gen robin-exclusive than amything. Other than Robin and Say'ri her other supports are all kids.

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