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Soul Calibur VI!


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II and III are good fun, got both still.

Will see how this one turns out, IV and V were offputting for me in the end. Seems to be a reboot of SC I, which isn't an easy title to access, is it?

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56 minutes ago, Tryhard said:

some details and art for Sophitia and Mitsurugi:


It looks like it's a reboot of the original Soul Calibur.

Thanks for the link pal.,

Let me make the sounds of me spiting the cola I was drinking. V was bad enough that it was not only retconned, but it caused a reboot of the entire franchise ! :p
More seriously, that's a bold move.

Hmm, we don't learn much,  it's a reboot, return two (great !) characters. What interest me, but don't understand, is this Reversal Edge thing, it's basically conter-attack, no ?

Ahaha, reminds me that Mitsurugi was supposed to be the main character of the games, nostalgia, then you take me.... Hey, Arthas-with-fleshy-eyed-sword come here, I want to see your artwork !

Hope the game won't be minimalist. I want my bread and butter !

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Ah, I just realized that this is effectively a reboot/remake of SC1 (and they probably don't mean Soul Edge since they specifically said "Soul Calibur").  Which means we'll likely at least see the following characters in the game:

  • Mitsurugi
  • Sophitia
  • Cervantes
  • Hwang
  • Seong Mi-na
  • Rock
  • Siegfried
  • Taki
  • Voldo
  • Inferno
  • Astaroth
  • Edge Master
  • Ivy
  • Kilik
  • Lizardman
  • Nightmare
  • Maxi
  • Xianghua
  • Yoshimitsu

That leave up in the air/deconfirms:

  • Cassandra (SCII)
  • Raphael (SCII)
  • Amy (SCIII as Bonus/SCIV as a full-fledged character)
  • Talim (SCII)
  • Yun-Seong (SCII)
  • Necrid (SCII)
  • Setsuka (SCIII)
  • Tira (SCIII)
  • Zasalamel (SCIII)
  • Hilde (SCIV)
  • Algol (SCIV)
  • Any bonus characters from the sequels
  • All the new characters in SCV

That is, unless this is actually gonna be a total revamp of the story.  We of course know that there will be some new characters, so it clearly won't be the same game with just revamped graphics and gameplay.

47 minutes ago, B.Leu said:

Let me make the sounds of me spiting the cola I was drinking. V was bad enough that it was not only retconned, but it caused a reboot of the entire franchise ! :p
More seriously, that's a bold move.

Hmm, we don't learn much,  it's a reboot, return two (great !) characters. What interest me, but don't understand, is this Reversal Edge thing, it's basically conter-attack, no ?

Hope the game won't be minimalist. I want my bread and butter !

- I know.  Drastic measures just to avoid having to deal with that game ever again.  Quite crazy, but we're living in an age of reboots and remakes.

- If it was just counter-attacking, they wouldn't make such a big deal about it that it was the first revealed feature of gameplay.  Sounds like it'll be a lot of cinematic glitz, but it'll be nice if it's actually integrated into the gameplay well.

- Yeah, I'm really hoping to get some alternate singleplayer mode beyond the main story and the standard fare, but I'm unsure of what they'd do.  Weapon Master Mode and Chronicles of the Sword are vastly different modes.  If nothing else, I'd like the story to be better fleshed out and for it to be funner to play through than SCV's.  And if it isn't too much to ask, let me play different characters.  Not just, like, three or four throughout the story.


Man, now I wanna go and play SC II and III again.  Relive the days of beating the ever-loving shit out of Inferno with Link or Cassandra, or murdering a bastard king with some Japanese TV show executive and KOS-MOS.

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10 minutes ago, Hylian Air Force said:

>No Switch version

Come on, having Link come back with many more outfits would've been awesome. Granted, Nintendo rarely donates their characters anymore, but that's still quite disappointing.

The Switch version was included in the rumors (with an Xbox One version up in the air). It's possible that they're waiting to announce it at a later date; I'd wait until the January Direct before writing off the chances of it happening.

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3 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Hmm alright

You seem to know about 5

Did Nightmare get even slower in 5? 

Like seriously, SC II Nightmare and SC IV Nightmare are like 2 different people. He is a fricking slug smh. 

Nightmare is a slug in III too. I still like playing as him (my main is Siegfried, and I remember the times when I could play as Raphael, although today I have no idea how I managed that).

III is my favorite (and, well, I only played III and V, so...), it blends difficulty and fun in a way that fits in my preferences. I'm anxious for SC 6.

I also miss the Chronicles of the Sword mode. It was fun and reminded me a lot of FE (well, it's the other way around since I only learned about FE later).

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I thought we passed the time of silly reboot to be honest, so I'm pretty surprised.
Man, it reminds me just how many good characters were added in III, and that we'll probably won't see them.

It sounds kinda silly said like that, a singleplayer mode in a fighting game, and but man, II and III had the best mode, and I was like 'if only they could make it better in the next game, it would be cool', then IV came out with some cool features, but it was kind of drop out of quality.
Then, there is V. Those only good thing was... could have been the story mode. If they didn't cut most of it. And if the characters replacements weren't such annoyance.

There's a reason why Siegfried was in III. :p
Thought I was bummed to see my beloved Nightmare being slowed down. Oh well, I suppose he was too powerful.

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My favorite 3D Fighting Game is coming back? Sign me in.

I'm hype for this. I still don't really get how the Reversal Edge works though but it looks pretty.



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3 hours ago, Ertrick36 said:

Ah, I just realized that this is effectively a reboot/remake of SC1 (and they probably don't mean Soul Edge since they specifically said "Soul Calibur").  Which means we'll likely at least see the following characters in the game:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Mitsurugi
  • Sophitia
  • Cervantes
  • Hwang
  • Seong Mi-na
  • Rock
  • Siegfried
  • Taki
  • Voldo
  • Inferno
  • Astaroth
  • Edge Master
  • Ivy
  • Kilik
  • Lizardman
  • Nightmare
  • Maxi
  • Xianghua
  • Yoshimitsu

That leave up in the air/deconfirms:

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Cassandra (SCII)
  • Raphael (SCII)
  • Amy (SCIII as Bonus/SCIV as a full-fledged character)
  • Talim (SCII)
  • Yun-Seong (SCII)
  • Necrid (SCII)
  • Setsuka (SCIII)
  • Tira (SCIII)
  • Zasalamel (SCIII)
  • Hilde (SCIV)
  • Algol (SCIV)
  • Any bonus characters from the sequels
  • All the new characters in SCV

That is, unless this is actually gonna be a total revamp of the story.  We of course know that there will be some new characters, so it clearly won't be the same game with just revamped graphics and gameplay.

Man, now I wanna go and play SC II and III again.  Relive the days of beating the ever-loving shit out of Inferno with Link or Cassandra, or murdering a bastard king with some Japanese TV show executive and KOS-MOS.

I have a feeling they might include at least some SCII characters - I'd have a hard time believing they wouldn't want Talim or Raphael. The reboot of Mortal Kombat for example, spanned the first three games. (which would be perfect)

SCIII Chronicles of the Sword is still incredibly fun.



So for the people not familiar with the leaks that may or may not be true, but accurately predicted Soul Calibur 6 would be announced at either Game Awards or PSX, the leaker said that a Switch version would be announced at a later date. For the full part of what he said from the following:


The leaker also talked about a new character with a "dual blade" weapon, which is pretty much what we saw at the end of the trailer, so I think there's credence to believe it.


Soul Calibur VI:

I was told it'll be for PS4, PC, and Nintendo Switch. There was no Xbox One version mentioned to me yet at least. The game should be revealed by the end of the year and make its 21st anniversary. One trustworthy source told me it would be revealed at PSX. But I have since heard back from them that for whatever reason they might be pulling out of revealing it at PSX. As you may know, Bandai Namco is not listed as part of PSX as of this moment, but Sony themselves saying the list "is not final, as to not ruin surprises."

So they may be doing this to bait-and-switch people regarding SCVI, or even revealing it at The Game Awards the day before PSX, which they think might have happened for some reason (in hopes of getting even more eyes on it maybe?) If not either The Game Awards or PSX, then they will simply do it some other time in December in general like I originally heard before I heard the PSX thing being the plan. But I feel it is either happening at The Game Awards or PSX due to all the hype surrounding a game that does exist and people are very excited for since my leak especially.

The series' anniversary is in December, as December 20th is its console anniversary in particular, as it will be its 21st anniversary (its arcade anniversary is its 22nd next month, but they strangely do not observe the arcade anniversary) so December as far as I know is still the plan for its reveal to make good on not doing so last year and having enough ready to present via trailer. I think it'd be dumb if they pulled out of a reveal at PSX, but if they are doing it the day before at The Game Awards, it doesn't matter. Though they could simply confirm another character just to have something to show if they are in fact part of PSX after revealing it at TGA. They would be at one or the other, probably not both. Not unless they reveal the PS4 exclusive character at PSX. I haven't heard anything about one yet, but it would probably be foolish to think it wouldn't wind up having one if my Switch source for Soul Calibur VI is in fact correct because that will have a guest. Either way, I have more reason to believe that console exclusive characters are happening again rather than not due to all of this.

I feel I'm rambling at this point, but am personally going to go with it revealed at either The Game Awards or PSX, likely not showing up at both unless it is announced at The Game Awards first then revealing a PS4 exclusive character at PSX. Otherwise, it is probably only showing up at one of them, then they revealing something else (character or characters, particularly classic ones tied to its legacy) on its anniversary for or around December 20th.

If the Switch version is not announced in a matter of fact way alongside it like multiplatform games do when revealed at a specific console's events, then it should be announced during the Nintendo Direct in January that I keep hearing about. The source who told me about the Switch version is different from the one who originally told me of the game's existence, I might add. They also told me that Link would return as a guest character on that version. I have since met someone else who is aware of Soul Calibur VI's existence in detail who says it might be a Fire Emblem character instead. Unless.... the Switch version is getting two Nintendo guest characters? That does make me wonder. I doubt it. But that is food for thought for now.

One of the reasons that Soul Calibur VI was never revealed for its anniversary last year in December, even though they were building up to a reveal even as late as the fall of last year was because they ran into technical issues that sent the game into a mini development hell of sorts. The game was still in the motion capture stage even back in May of this year. The thing I heard that was the cause or most likely cause for the delay was the implementation of some kinda moveset or style switching thing in particular (like having multiple movesets per character, weapons even for some from my understanding). Since that not working out how they wanted was such a big deal to its direction and draw to the game, delaying it until they either figured it out or decided to ultimately nix it was something they went back-and-forth on but was retained in a certain capacity, however. You will understand what I mean by this eventually.

Some other things concerning the game itself that I know about and can say is that Kilik is back and uses his staff moveset again, not the Weapon Master thing that everyone hated on SCV. He will have a new rival too. Gameplay and mechanically, Supers are back and as far back as July, there was some kind of universal mechanic like V-Triggers. It will have a huge focus on story elements too.

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Oh, I think one thing that I should point out to @lyscalibur or anyone else who doesn't know much about IV or V...

From what I understand, some people did really enjoy them.  The thing is, though, that they were oriented much more towards online play.  If you're like me and mostly preferred playing against friends or the AI (which I would like to say is actually pretty friggin' tough anyway) and staying away from competitive online, those games were definitely not for you.  But if you like online competitive fighting games, IV and V were great.

My points still stand, though.  They were big enough issues to warrant negative reception.  And I think it proves that if you're working on a franchise that's about two decades old, you can't just forget about the offline components of your games.


@Tryhard I heard about this leak, but never saw it for myself.  Thanks for reposting here.

Seems a bit more plausible than the leaker for FE Switch.  They supposedly are getting their information from another source, and they don't seem to know everything.  It isn't this reckless developer/intern/whatever who apparently knows everything about the game and doesn't care about getting fired.  And given that they seem to have predicted approximately when the news would drop, there might be some actual validity to this source.  Though as always, grain of salt until official outlets reveal more.

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Cool news.

Soul Calibur has always been one of my favourite fighting games; its "vertical attack beats horizontal attack beats sidestep beats vertical attack" is a simple, elegant, intuitive triangle, and beyond that the game just appeals to me aesthetically: I prefer weapon combat to kicks and punches and I like my playable characters, men or women, to be pretty (both things Soul Calibur shares with Fire Emblem, amusingly). I'm pretty excited for a new game. I skipped over 5 since it got meh reviews and cut many of my favourite characters, so I'm happy to see that my fave, badass mom Sophitia, is making her return. Not super-eager about the idea of a reboot but it's not like I play these games for story, and it's probably the safest way to retcon away SC5 killing some characters off. I do hope that it's not just the SC1 roster, though.

Don't care too much about 1P modes in fighters but I agree that SC4 (the last one I played) wasn't super-impressive about that. Definitely hope character creation returns with more options than ever, that's an underrated aspect of the games. I've lost track of how many Fire Emblem characters myself and my friends have built for SC3 and SC4, among others.

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Some gameplay in the background with HUD courtesy of PSX.

They seem pretty determined to only show Mitsurugi and Sophitia currently.

It does look like it is retaining meter and Guard Impact at the very least.

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I heard PSX sucked.  Then again, all these shows and whatnot are lame anyway.  I'm only in it for the news.

Anyway, I'm just gonna copy-paste something someone on GameFAQs said about the vid:


Some things that I noticed from the new video.

Guard Impact is no longer tied to meter, but is instead tied to your guard gauge. Utilizing it too often will result in your guard meter draining quickly.

Lethal hit is a new mechanic that allows you to use iconic character moves with an interesting twist. The moves will gain new properties. This can range from increased damage to a ground bounce. This can also break character clothing. This seems to be a random mechanic. Similar to how Clean hit worked in V. This means getting hit by signature character moves is much more dangerous.

Meter is back!

Characters have something called a Soul Charge mode. Their attacks gain new properties. This can range from extra juggle potential and attacks becoming break attacks etc. Some attacks even become Brave edge versions.

Reversal Edge can start a weapon clash animation. If it does the characters clash until there is a winner in the clash. It seems like Verticals beat horizontals, Horizontals beat kicks, and kicks beat verticals,, but I haven't seen the kicks yet. They said in the interview it balances it self(Need more research). Reversal edges also seem to eat every hit, but can whiff if not attacked. They can be dodged even after you attack someone who activated a reversal edge.

Health bars are segmented for some reason. It may just signify when certain mechanics can be used. Soul charge was only used at lower health and costs a meter. Reversal edge was used at full health and can be used over and over, but it eats away at your guard meter. I am unsure.

JP and ENG VA both confirmed.

Movement resembles SCII but game play looks like V.

Run Counters are back.

Quick step seems to be gone.

Did not see JG at all.

Edit: There is no telling if the Omni Guard Impact from V is back. If it is GI got a net buff. For those who don't know. Guard impact parried all strikes except unblockables. If this is the case there is no need to worry about choosing the correct Guard impact.

Didn't fact check any of this, nor did I watch much of the vid.  If someone else could confirm if this is an accurate analysis, I'd appreciate it; otherwise, I'll remove it (or parts of it, depending).

Though I can confirm the stuff regarding guard impact.  I would much rather it be tied to the guard gauge instead of the soul gauge, though I have a feeling that will only make defensive play all the more punishing compared to the games from before IV.  But it might at least encourage folks to use sidestepping more.

14 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I love the HUD. I was so sick of basic looking HUDs in some of the more recent fighting games.

I did see it, and I agree.

It's not very intrusive, yet it still manages to look nice.  The aesthetic fits well with the setting.  And I think I prefer the gauges going yellow instead of red when health gets low... although the transition from green to cyan to yellow is a bit odd (I would think it'd be cyan>green>yellow instead, as that's the natural transition of color).

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We have some other information from an interview for Famitsu.

Since the source is supposed down for now, I will just quote the OP from r/SoulCalibur, uugui.

Here are highlights from the interview:

The “Reversal Edge” can be performed with a single button. While pressing the button it blocks all attacks from high, middle, low, and grabs. When you let go of the button the character will slash and enter a scene.

There are some moves that you can only pull off by consuming your Soul Charge and powering up.

The “Lethal Hit” is an advanced system where landing certain moves in the right condition will send the opponent flying.

Since there wasn’t any 3D fighters on current generation consoles, the team felt that they needed to make a new SoulCalibur.

The setting will take us back in time, into the year 1586. The keyword here is “reboot.”

Please look forward to collaborations with other works!

The team is focusing on making enjoyable sword fights with the press of a button using Reversal Edge. Some commands that were difficult to pull off up until now have also been made to activate with just one button.

The Guard Impact no longer consumes your meter.

The team is getting help from a surprising amount of outside developers.

Character creation is something appealing that can’t be taken away, so keep an eye out for that.

Development is currently 70% complete.

Here a link to the reddit page : 


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4 hours ago, Ycine said:

Development is currently 70% complete.

This has me really excited. If this comment is accurate we could be playing this game by the summer of next year! Granted there's always the possibility that they need go back and polish up the game some more or they have to rebalance a few characters or game mechanics, but I wouldn't be too worried about it. As long as they don't commit to a release date too early they should be fine. It truly is a great time to be a Soulcaliber fan!

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I'm a little skeptical of that, considering the random select isn't shown visibly and there is only twelve stages supposedly available on the next screen, which seems very low in comparison to the other games (even Soul Edge had more) and that there is currently no alternate costumes, and just seems to be recolours currently (which I really hope is not the case). I'm not expecting too much more, maybe around 22-24, but I do think 20 is a little on the low side.

For comparison, MK9, which I think is a good game to compare considering it was a reboot in the same way SC6 is, launched with 27 characters (28 including Kratos). This might be a little bit higher considering development changes since 6 years ago. Either way, I would like to see a decent DLC upkeep down the line.

Might be a little optimistic since the game is apparently 70% complete, but I don't think this is the accurate final reiteration of the character select roster. I like the look of it, though.

Oh yeah, and here's a video since there was a closed event. We get to hear game audio.

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3 hours ago, Tsunami922 said:

20 slots seems a bit low, but DLC is a thing.

20 does seem a little small, but they are advertising this as a soft reboot of the franchise so I can understand why, but DLC is absolutely going to happen so I don't think the roster will be just 20 characters for long. Street Fighter 5 launched with only 16 characters in it's base roster and now it has 34 characters(If you include season 3) thanks to DLC. If this trend is actually good or bad for modern fighting games is a question that's a little up in the air for me, but as long as the gameplay is good and there's enough content to keep me playing for a long time I'm not complaining.

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7 hours ago, Tsunami922 said:

20 slots seems a bit low, but DLC is a thing.


4 hours ago, TheGoodHoms said:

20 does seem a little small...

Am I the only one that still thinks 20 characters is A LOT? I remember back in Smash 64, 12 characters was more than enough to sustain long-term gameplay. In fact, I think most fighting games would greatly benefit from a reduction  in characters - most have so many that balance flies out the window and you're lucky if even 30% of the roster is playable.


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There was like 13 characters in Soul Edge if I recall. But that game came out 22 years ago. Street Fighter 2 was even older and had only 8. Most fighting games from big publishers come out these days with 22+ characters, while smaller budget games like Skullgirls usually settle for less.

The other thing is that a lot of fighting games franchises have been going for a while and thus can afford to work on additional characters every iteration.

20 is good, but if this is a reboot there is going to be a decent amount of Soulcalibur fan favourite characters that aren't going to appear, at least initially. Tira (who's one of my favourites) or some of the other SC2/3 characters may not be so likely if that's the case. I'm more concerned about apparently 12 stages than anything. 

It was a big sticking point for Street Fighter V that there were only 16 characters at launch (considering Capcom wanted to pad the way for seasons of DLC characters).

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20 characters seems fine for the kind of soft reboot feel they're going for. I'd imagine most of the cast for this game will come from Soul Edge and Soul Calibur 1, plus Talim and Raphael. I'd love it if Hilde was also in the starting lineup but I'm not going to hold my breath.

The only characters I'm not sure on are some of the characters who replace others/were replaced by others in later games, like Li Long vs. Maxi or Song-Gyeong vs. Yun-seong. Similarly I don't expect we'll see Cassandra in the base roster, although nothing should be ruled out for DLC.

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Please look forward to collaborations with other works!

It'll be interesting to see what this could lead to. I assume it means guest characters from other series. Might be a long shot, but if 2B were to get in that would probably make the game an instant buy for me.

On 12/13/2017 at 12:09 AM, Ycine said:

Character creation is something appealing that can’t be taken away, so keep an eye out for that.

But this is probably the biggest deal for me. I spent a hell of a lot of time with SC3's character creator, it was the first really robust one I'd ever seen (though by today's standards it's probably fairly simple). I really hope they go all in with this.

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For what it's worth, a French preview said they were told "the amount of character slots does not represent the size of the roster in the game," and in another video that there would be some characters from 2 and 3. The most likely for these would be Talim, Raphael, Tira, Zasalamel and perhaps Cassandra or Setsuka in my opinion. This would assumedly imply no Hilde/SCV characters.


I do hope to see someone other than Mitsurugi and Sophitia soon, though.

I'd like the creation to be a little more based on SC3 classes while having the options of SC5 (because the SC3 one was quite limited).

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