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Does IS care too much about new players and neglect long-time fans?

Prince Endriu

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I don’t think they care ‘too much’ about new players as a lot of the rewards they’ve give out have been as a thank you for playing.

I think the game itself rewards longer term players anyway in its difficulty, as the greater array of characters and skills available to me now as opposed to when I started allows me to finish off even infernal difficulty levels with much more ease and that’s partly because I have a counter for everything just through the sheer volume of units I possess now as opposed to when I started.

What I do feel is that IS doesn’t really ramp up the difficulty options for longer term players, other than the lunatic chain challenge which has its difficulty, I don’t find anything a major challenge anymore, clearing the recent squad assault on the first attempt and the Infernal GHB Berkut map without even breaking into my stamina potions, whereas on first release I couldn’t beat it.

I also thought the re-release of the Warriors maps with no additional content or quests was lazy. They’re great for grinding and I’d accept them if they were a long term thing. But I quickly got excited when I read they had returned only to be disappointed when I realised that they were the ones I’d already completed.

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22 hours ago, Gebby said:

I'd say the rewards from TT are enough to call them content, yeah, especially considering there's a (free!) new unit each time, barring the mini TT. VGs maybe not so much, but they're still something to do and come with quests to complete.

Arvis being the only new GHB recently is a fair point, but we did just get the 2.0 update. If that's not new content, then fuck, I don't know what is. We must be getting neglected really badly, thanks for opening my eyes to this.

Perhaps the disconnect is just in what we consider content.  For me, content is something that has to be actively engaged in over an extended period of time.  Not necessarily all at once, but something that takes more than a few minutes to complete and then be done with basically forever.  I compare the "story" here to the story in FGO, for instance.  Here it's maybe 2-3 lines of text with a short map battle, and then you're done.  FGO's story (especially the later stuff, but even the earlier stuff) is basically a visual novel with a turn based RPG attached to it.  So being able to complete a new chapter in FEH in 10-15 minutes, within a single stamina bar, just feels like it's an alternate way for them to give out orbs without making it a timed thing.

Arena and VG feel like dailies in WoW, where it's not really content, but rather just something to do for a few minutes before being done for the day.  Something to bide you over until the next content comes out/becomes available (in the case of raids and weekly resets in WoW).

TT could be considered content to some extent, if they were either more varied or more rewarding for doing the higher difficulties.  As it is, unless you want to compete for maximum rank scores, you can do the top Lunatic twice and then just auto-battle through hard and still complete the normal reward ladder.  This is definitely the closest thing FEH has to what I consider content though.

The other 2.0 updates, like weapon upgrades, are just time gated grinds, not really content.  You're basically getting the materials for it while doing normal things, so it doesn't change much beyond who you might use/put currency towards.

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1 hour ago, GinRei said:

For me, content is something that has to be actively engaged in over an extended period of time.  Not necessarily all at once, but something that takes more than a few minutes to complete and then be done with basically forever.

Training a new character is something that takes more than a few minutes to complete and then be done with basically forever, so even by your definition, each new character added to the game is also new content.

One huge difference between Heroes and F/GO on this side is the fact that leveling a character in Heroes requires you to actively use that character, whereas leveling a character in F/GO does not (even leveling up a character's Bond level can be done by leaving the character in your party as a sub-member).


1 hour ago, GinRei said:

FGO's story (especially the later stuff, but even the earlier stuff) is basically a visual novel with a turn based RPG attached to it.  So being able to complete a new chapter in FEH in 10-15 minutes, within a single stamina bar, just feels like it's an alternate way for them to give out orbs without making it a timed thing.

I treat F/GO's story as an alternate way for them to give out Saint Quartz that just requires you to read a shit-ton of text (or skip through it) and that gates certain event content (fuck Babylonia). It's amazing just how many times they simply throw three waves of wyverns at you (to the point where I now just have one of my parties permanently set to three Assassins).

You're comparing two very different game systems here and trying to use the same metric for both. F/GO is designed to be a hybrid visual novel and turn-based RPG, whereas Heroes is designed to be centered on its turn-based strategy game play.


1 hour ago, GinRei said:

TT could be considered content to some extent, if they were either more varied or more rewarding for doing the higher difficulties.  As it is, unless you want to compete for maximum rank scores, you can do the top Lunatic twice and then just auto-battle through hard and still complete the normal reward ladder.  This is definitely the closest thing FEH has to what I consider content though.

I don't see how this is not "something that has to be actively engaged in for an extended period of time". I don't mean the auto-battling through Hard part. I mean the two Lunatic 7 runs every day for 14 days.


I think you're being arbitrary in where you are setting the cutoff for "content".

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1 hour ago, GinRei said:

Perhaps the disconnect is just in what we consider content.  For me, content is something that has to be actively engaged in over an extended period of time.  Not necessarily all at once, but something that takes more than a few minutes to complete and then be done with basically forever.  I compare the "story" here to the story in FGO, for instance.  Here it's maybe 2-3 lines of text with a short map battle, and then you're done.  FGO's story (especially the later stuff, but even the earlier stuff) is basically a visual novel with a turn based RPG attached to it.  So being able to complete a new chapter in FEH in 10-15 minutes, within a single stamina bar, just feels like it's an alternate way for them to give out orbs without making it a timed thing.

Arena and VG feel like dailies in WoW, where it's not really content, but rather just something to do for a few minutes before being done for the day.  Something to bide you over until the next content comes out/becomes available (in the case of raids and weekly resets in WoW).

TT could be considered content to some extent, if they were either more varied or more rewarding for doing the higher difficulties.  As it is, unless you want to compete for maximum rank scores, you can do the top Lunatic twice and then just auto-battle through hard and still complete the normal reward ladder.  This is definitely the closest thing FEH has to what I consider content though.

The other 2.0 updates, like weapon upgrades, are just time gated grinds, not really content.  You're basically getting the materials for it while doing normal things, so it doesn't change much beyond who you might use/put currency towards.

As far as the story is concerned, I never followed it - just skipped through it.

I think the developers are quite limited as far as content is concerned. Small maps and teams only give that many options.

I hope they will release a FE Heroes 2 one day - with bigger maps, teams and more options.


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12 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Training a new character is something that takes more than a few minutes to complete and then be done with basically forever, so even by your definition, each new character added to the game is also new content.

One huge difference between Heroes and F/GO on this side is the fact that leveling a character in Heroes requires you to actively use that character, whereas leveling a character in F/GO does not (even leveling up a character's Bond level can be done by leaving the character in your party as a sub-member).


I treat F/GO's story as an alternate way for them to give out Saint Quartz that just requires you to read a shit-ton of text (or skip through it) and that gates certain event content (fuck Babylonia). It's amazing just how many times they simply throw three waves of wyverns at you (to the point where I now just have one of my parties permanently set to three Assassins).

You're comparing two very different game systems here and trying to use the same metric for both. F/GO is designed to be a hybrid visual novel and turn-based RPG, whereas Heroes is designed to be centered on its turn-based strategy game play.


I don't see how this is not "something that has to be actively engaged in for an extended period of time". I don't mean the auto-battling through Hard part. I mean the two Lunatic 7 runs every day for 14 days.


I think you're being arbitrary in where you are setting the cutoff for "content".

How would you rate the content of this game? Are you satisfied with it?

Based on own experience - the game is lots of grinding, like TT, which I remember you complete until 40k to get the seal. Since you own the best units the game has to offer, probably around +10 level, what kind of an incentive do you have for playing this gaming other than collecting?

- To be honest, I suppose collecting is the main content here and grinding is one of the means for me to get an extra merge now and then. If I already had most units at +10 I think there wouldnt really be too many incentives for playing that much as most content can be finished quite fast.

And thats basically why I am a little bit discontent with what IS has been offering as content.

If you are new to the game there is lots of challenge - basically because you dont have too many good units but once you reach a certain roster the challenge is no longer there.  

I dont expect IS to ramp up the difficulty any time soon - other than a huge meta change which will require readjustments of units and lots of feathers.

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8 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

once you reach a certain roster the challenge is no longer there.  


Been playing since the start and the Infernal mode is always quite a difficult challenge. The last Bound Heroes Battle was very difficult for me to beat and I still haven't beaten all the Chain Challenges.

I'm f2p though and don't merge (have no merge above +1) so I suppose I can't speak for those that do.

If there ever comes a time where only whales can complete the most difficult maps, I might quit this game on principle.


Edited by Vince777
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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Training a new character is something that takes more than a few minutes to complete and then be done with basically forever, so even by your definition, each new character added to the game is also new content.

One huge difference between Heroes and F/GO on this side is the fact that leveling a character in Heroes requires you to actively use that character, whereas leveling a character in F/GO does not (even leveling up a character's Bond level can be done by leaving the character in your party as a sub-member).

Well, I did specify in an earlier post that I don't consider it content if you have to either pay (extra) or get lucky (in lieu of payment) to access it.  As for leveling, I don't really consider that aspect to be content in any game outside of traditional MMOs like WoW anyway.

1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't see how this is not "something that has to be actively engaged in for an extended period of time". I don't mean the auto-battling through Hard part. I mean the two Lunatic 7 runs every day for 14 days.

Must be my experience with WoW, but doing the same exact thing day after day for 20 minutes each day isn't really content to me.  Others may disagree, but that's just how I feel about the issue and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this considering the number of people who also say there's a severe lack of content in FEH.

1 hour ago, Prince Endriu said:

I think the developers are quite limited as far as content is concerned. Small maps and teams only give that many options.

A lot of that is their own doing by not having enough different currencies and the like to get people to farm.  They're slowly "fixing" that issue, which I give them props for.

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14 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

How would you rate the content of this game? Are you satisfied with it?

Considering I usually have two or three other games that I play at the same time, I'm fine with how much stuff there is to do in Heroes. My laundry list is pretty long and it's really only held back by my indecisiveness, not by how much the game has to offer me.


15 minutes ago, Prince Endriu said:

but once you reach a certain roster the challenge is no longer there.

All you need to do is stop using those units.


6 minutes ago, GinRei said:

Well, I did specify in an earlier post that I don't consider it content if you have to either pay (extra) or get lucky (in lieu of payment) to access it.

By that definition, no paid DLC content is ever considered content by your definition. Where do you draw the line between a paid DLC expansion (e.g. the upcoming Fire Emblem Warriors DLC packs, which add additional characters and History Map campaigns) and a "traditional" expansion (e.g. Brood War for StarCraft, Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void for StarCraft 2, or all of the old The Sims expansions)?


11 minutes ago, GinRei said:

Must be my experience with WoW, but doing the same exact thing day after day for 20 minutes each day isn't really content to me.

How "same" does "same" need to be to be considered "same"?

Back in Vindictus, I would consider running the same set of raid bosses and farming missions (even if you switch up the farming missions every now and then) every day to be "same" because the enemies never changed. I don't consider Arena, Tempest Trials, and Voting Gauntlet to be that level of same because there is enough variation in opponents and maps that you still have to put effort into it because situations change greatly.

Hell, I'd even consider farming the same mission in Monster Hunter to be sufficiently "not same" due to the less forgiving nature of the game where getting hit by a single stray attack can significantly change how any one run progresses.

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I just want more things to do in general. My own suggestions were posted in a topic I made some weeks ago, which I will paste into this spoiler:

On 11/13/2017 at 11:23 AM, Raven said:

Infinite Dungeon Run

- Use your whole barracks, including multiples of the same units. Got a 4*+10 and a 5*+1 Cecilia? You can use them both.
- Units are eliminated as they reach 0 HP, and cannot be used again for the rest of the run.
- Always replace fallen units between each map, so you always begin the next map as a 4-unit squad. Damaged units stay damaged between maps.
- Maps go on for as long as you have units remaining in your barracks, and the mode ends once all your barracks are defeated.
- The state of your barracks is saved when the run begins. You can pause the run between maps to do other things, so people with large barracks are not forced to quit early, and when you return everything will be the same as before you paused the run -  even if you leveled up units or got new ones outside of the mode.
- The maps become increasingly harder. Only the Wailords of whales will reach the highest of levels and earn the most rewards, but even they too will eventually fall.
- Cannot repeat the maps to re-earn given rewards. However, for example, beating map 50 and losing, then returning to beat 51 will continue to reward you.
- Rewards could be given out on a per-map completion. Maybe one Orb per 5 maps completed, with various amounts of Sacred Seals, Feathers, Badges, Universal Shards/Crystals in between.
- Rewards could be refreshed on a fortnightly basis, so you have incentive to come back and play it often to earn them. Bonus Feathers and Orbs can be rewarded between resets depending on a person's rank for that fortnight (based on how many maps a person cleared before quitting/losing all units). E.g. Top 1,000 earn 3,000 Feathers and 30 Sacred Coins, top 5,000 earn 2,500 Feathers, 25 Sacred Coins, etc.
- Units cannot earn EXP, SP, or increase support levels, for the sake of keeping the units in the run secluded from the rest of the game, as mentioned above. Hero Merit? Yeah, why not.


Guilds, and Guild events

I used to play a gacha card game on Kongregate, called Spellstone. Players could form guilds with max. 50 players per guild, and every other weekend - usually starting Friday and lasting 72 hours - there would be events where the guild fought against AI-controlled decks of players from opposing guilds. The highest-ranking guilds would earn the best/most rewards (since they were highly saturated with whales) and lower ranks would earn less rewards, but still respectable. The game has more than simply guild vs guild, like guilds vs raid bosses, and the guilds that reached the higher levels would earn the best rewards there.

I believe the same can be applied to Heroes. There are so many gachas these days that allow for guild/team creation, it's pretty crazy that heroes itself has still yet to implement it. We still can't interact with our friends list outside of using their lead units during Voting Gauntlets.

Considering the massive size of the active playerbase, even a maximum guild size of 100 would still be considered "small." But I think it's perfect for creating stiff competition in higher ranks. Any more and guild founders/managers are gonna have a hard time trying to take care of things between inactives, people not pulling their weight during guild events, etc. - several larger communities will probably have several guilds under the same banner with similar names.

With regards to actual guild game modes, the guild clash events would be most interesting. Every 8 hours or so, new rounds begin and guilds are pitted against other guilds based on rank, and rise and fall based on how much they have scored in total. Each player gets 10 random opponents from the opposing guild per round, and earn points from both killing enemy units, and having your own units survive a battle. So even if you lose all 4 of your units in a battle, you can still earn points by having killed at least one enemy unit. A player is able to see exactly who fought their defense team and how much they scored, and whether they won or lost. A player's offensive and defensive scores are tallied and adds to the guild's total score. The higher the guild's score by the end of the event, the higher they rank, the better the rewards for all players within the guild. Activity is also a huge factor since rounds refresh and new opponents come often.

A guild chat could also be implemented, for easy in-game communication between guild members. Of course people are still gonna use things like Discord (and in Eastern Asia, LINE, most probably) to chat between members.


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10 minutes ago, Raven said:

- Rewards could be refreshed on a fortnightly basis, so you have incentive to come back and play it often to earn them. Bonus Feathers and Orbs can be rewarded between resets depending on a person's rank for that fortnight (based on how many maps a person cleared before quitting/losing all units). E.g. Top 1,000 earn 3,000 Feathers and 30 Sacred Coins, top 5,000 earn 2,500 Feathers, 25 Sacred Coins, etc.

It's already a pain in the fucking ass to keep placing in the top tier of Arena Assault every week for the maximum number of Sacred Coins and gold rocks. I don't think this game needs more competitive modes for limited-quantity rewards.

I'm glad the Sacred Coin and gold rock rewards from regular Arena are just tied to participation.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's already a pain in the fucking ass to keep placing in the top tier of Arena Assault every week for the maximum number of Sacred Coins and gold rocks. I don't think this game needs more competitive modes for limited-quantity rewards.

I'm glad the Sacred Coin and gold rock rewards from regular Arena are just tied to participation.

Of course it's just an idea; the ranking system for the mode could be just an extra for those who care to take it seriously and have their efforts rewarded. Or it could simply be not implemented at all. Put time/effort in = get rewards out. And it's something extra for players to do when everything else has been exhausted.

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45 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

By that definition, no paid DLC content is ever considered content by your definition. Where do you draw the line between a paid DLC expansion (e.g. the upcoming Fire Emblem Warriors DLC packs, which add additional characters and History Map campaigns) and a "traditional" expansion (e.g. Brood War for StarCraft, Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void for StarCraft 2, or all of the old The Sims expansions)?

If you can pay a set amount and are guaranteed to get it, then you can consider it content.  Slot machine rewards from a gacha are the opposite of that.

And before you claim it's arbitrary again, find me a definition/cutoff of what qualifies as content that ISN'T arbitrary.

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49 minutes ago, GinRei said:

If you can pay a set amount and are guaranteed to get it, then you can consider it content.

The thing about characters in Heroes is that you can pay a set amount and you are guaranteed to get something and those somethings are guaranteed to be new for quite some time. You are very unlikely to get a large share to duplicates in your first 50 pulls from this game. At the very least, your first pull is guaranteed to be something new.

So what makes the result of your first pull count as content and not the next pull because, after all, the next pull is not guaranteed to be something new (unless you pick a different color)?

Furthermore, given how probability works, you're effectively guaranteed to get something new every once in a while while making your free or paid pulls (as long as you don't keep pulling for stuff you already have). How is this different from other time-gated content? Despite the fact that the content you got was random, it's still something you can put time into.


55 minutes ago, GinRei said:

And before you claim it's arbitrary again, find me a definition/cutoff of what qualifies as content that ISN'T arbitrary.

"Anything that is created that you can spend time on that increases your progress is content." You don't have to set an arbitrary bar where everything below is not content and everything above is. The only criterion is that it increases your progress.

The only thing to argue about in that case is whether or not your 5,000,001st Great Badge from running the Training Tower with characters with capped SP and HM counts as progress.

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3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

The thing about characters in Heroes is that you can pay a set amount and you are guaranteed to get something and those somethings are guaranteed to be new for quite some time. You are very unlikely to get a large share to duplicates in your first 50 pulls from this game. At the very least, your first pull is guaranteed to be something new.

So what makes the result of your first pull count as content and not the next pull because, after all, the next pull is not guaranteed to be something new (unless you pick a different color)?

Furthermore, given how probability works, you're effectively guaranteed to get something new every once in a while while making your free or paid pulls (as long as you don't keep pulling for stuff you already have). How is this different from other time-gated content? Despite the fact that the content you got was random, it's still something you can put time into.


"Anything that is created that you can spend time on that increases your progress is content." You don't have to set an arbitrary bar where everything below is not content and everything above is. The only criterion is that it increases your progress.

The only thing to argue about in that case is whether or not your 5,000,001st Great Badge from running the Training Tower with characters with capped SP and HM counts as progress.

Touche on the definition part, but the first part is just ignoring context.  Using a new player's experience in a discussion about what there is for long-term fans to do goes completely against the discussion itself.  By your argument, FEH could opt to never release anything new ever again, yet it will always have 100% new content because if you start from scratch it'll progress your new account.

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33 minutes ago, GinRei said:

Using a new player's experience in a discussion about what there is for long-term fans to do goes completely against the discussion itself.

You're completely missing the third paragraph. All three of those paragraphs were part of one argument.


33 minutes ago, GinRei said:

By your argument, FEH could opt to never release anything new ever again, yet it will always have 100% new content because if you start from scratch it'll progress your new account.

No, because everything you do between when you reset your account and you reach a similar progress point as your old account doesn't increase your progress. You're just playing catch-up with the amount of progress you previously made.

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21 hours ago, GinRei said:

Perhaps the disconnect is just in what we consider content.  For me, content is something that has to be actively engaged in over an extended period of time.  Not necessarily all at once, but something that takes more than a few minutes to complete and then be done with basically forever.  I compare the "story" here to the story in FGO, for instance.  Here it's maybe 2-3 lines of text with a short map battle, and then you're done.  FGO's story (especially the later stuff, but even the earlier stuff) is basically a visual novel with a turn based RPG attached to it.  So being able to complete a new chapter in FEH in 10-15 minutes, within a single stamina bar, just feels like it's an alternate way for them to give out orbs without making it a timed thing.

Perhaps. I'm not familiar with this 'FGO', but I consider even minor things (like Oblivion's horse armor add-on, or Diablo III's Rise of the Necromancer) to be content so long as they add something to do/acquire, as those are the reasons I play video games to begin with. That's why I consider new maps content, as it extends the (admittedly shitty) gameplay and nets me a reward.


21 hours ago, GinRei said:

Arena and VG feel like dailies in WoW, where it's not really content, but rather just something to do for a few minutes before being done for the day.  Something to bide you over until the next content comes out/becomes available (in the case of raids and weekly resets in WoW).

I believe TT and VG would fall under adding "something to do/acquire".


21 hours ago, GinRei said:

The other 2.0 updates, like weapon upgrades, are just time gated grinds, not really content.  You're basically getting the materials for it while doing normal things, so it doesn't change much beyond who you might use/put currency towards.

I'd  consider things like new weapon effects content, as they can potentially rework a character and allow them to be used differently. The healer buffs are definitely substantial as they enable an entire unit class to be more effective.

In the end, regardless of whether or not you consider it content, IS is not neglecting older players, as there are consistant updates and additions to the game. While they're not targeted specifically at older players, they're done for the playerbase as a whole, and it's rather ignorant to claim that they're neglecting a very large number of people while these updates are being made.

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2 minutes ago, Gebby said:

In the end, regardless of whether or not you consider it content, IS is not neglecting older players, as there are consistant updates and additions to the game. While they're not targeted specifically at older players, they're done for the playerbase as a whole, and it's rather ignorant to claim that they're neglecting a very large number of people while these updates are being made.

I agree with that overall.  My only claims were that IS failed to properly plan for longevity and that reruns of BHB and the like give older players basically nothing.

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1 hour ago, Gebby said:

Perhaps. I'm not familiar with this 'FGO', but I consider even minor things (like Oblivion's horse armor add-on, or Diablo III's Rise of the Necromancer) to be content so long as they add something to do/acquire, as those are the reasons I play video games to begin with. That's why I consider new maps content, as it extends the (admittedly shitty) gameplay and nets me a reward.


I believe TT and VG would fall under adding "something to do/acquire".


I'd  consider things like new weapon effects content, as they can potentially rework a character and allow them to be used differently. The healer buffs are definitely substantial as they enable an entire unit class to be more effective.

In the end, regardless of whether or not you consider it content, IS is not neglecting older players, as there are consistant updates and additions to the game. While they're not targeted specifically at older players, they're done for the playerbase as a whole, and it's rather ignorant to claim that they're neglecting a very large number of people while these updates are being made.

A lot of people say there could be more to do in the game. It would be ignorant to dismiss that. White we can speak about new weapon upgrades as content, it would be.nice to do more with the upgraded units. And its basically older players who have less to do than never players.

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1 minute ago, Prince Endriu said:

A lot of people say there could be more to do in the game. It would be ignorant to dismiss that. White we can speak about new weapon upgrades as content, it would be.nice to do more with the upgraded units. And its basically older players who have less to do than never players.

There always could be more. The question is, what amount of "more" is reasonable to ask for, given the game's business model?

I do think it'd be nice to have more of a use for all the upgrades like the refinery, but that's not so much a question of the amount of content as its difficulty ceiling.

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As someone who couldn't give two bowel movements about competitive play, I think that Heroes caters to both sides.

Honestly, it's getting a bit stale. I only stay for the daily bonuses and the chance to summon someone I like.

My gripes are: lack of old character seasonals, lack of love for the Archaneans, and the overcrowded summoning pool. They need to do something about that...maybe separate the characters into categories?

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3 hours ago, Othin said:

There always could be more. The question is, what amount of "more" is reasonable to ask for, given the game's business model?

I do think it'd be nice to have more of a use for all the upgrades like the refinery, but that's not so much a question of the amount of content as its difficulty ceiling.

Thought about that too. You are right the business model pretty much limits everything. You cannot do anything to enhance your army besides some petty hero merit. Arena score is based upon your team roster - I guess many of those who sway between tier 19 and 20 every week could manage a 7streak run against evem tougher oponents if the game would let them. So once you are in the situation where all missions have been completed - new quests are done in a couple of minutes - there just isnt really too much to do. Guess we will have to deal with it. Wonder how the game will fare next year if nothing changes and how long whales are gonna support this.

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On 12/18/2017 at 2:52 PM, Prince Endriu said:

Thought about that too. You are right the business model pretty much limits everything. You cannot do anything to enhance your army besides some petty hero merit. Arena score is based upon your team roster - I guess many of those who sway between tier 19 and 20 every week could manage a 7streak run against evem tougher oponents if the game would let them. So once you are in the situation where all missions have been completed - new quests are done in a couple of minutes - there just isnt really too much to do. Guess we will have to deal with it. Wonder how the game will fare next year if nothing changes and how long whales are gonna support this.

I'd imagine whales are going to support it as long as there's a shiny new character for them to min/max.

I was curious today so I went through the 5 star roster, and there are currently 98 characters. Cutting all the ones that are 4-5 star or probably shouldn't be due to being bad-meh overall (Alm, MIST, etc), it could probably be cut down to about 30. I got 25, but I was being rather liberal in whom I'd be lowering. While it might hurt sales, e.g. getting people to pay to get say Karel, some, I think it would keep people from getting annoyed with pity-breaker characters, which we're kind of inundated with at this point. Yay, another 5 star Chrom.

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Some of the game's biggest issues with stagnation (summoning pool, GHBs, etc.) arguably screw over new players even worse than old ones. I'm mostly surprised that a dev team as self-aware as Heroes' is still has troubles with managing content.

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2 hours ago, a bear said:

Some of the game's biggest issues with stagnation (summoning pool, GHBs, etc.) arguably screw over new players even worse than old ones. I'm mostly surprised that a dev team as self-aware as Heroes' is still has troubles with managing content.

They are leaning more towards p2w players atm. Recent development are blessings. You get one blessing with every fjorm but only one fjorm for free. Blessings should be earned in game otherwise p2w who pulled 10 fjorms have another advantage over f2p. Blessings also come with a higher arena score, so  again p2w.


Edited by Prince Endriu
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10 hours ago, Prince Endriu said:

They are leaning more towards p2w players atm. Recent development are blessings. You get one blessing with every fjorm but only one fjorm for free. Blessings should be earned in game otherwise p2w who pulled 10 fjorms have another advantage over f2p. Blessings also come with a higher arena score, so  again p2w.


I don't think you're understanding the premise of this game. Paying more has always allowed distinct advantages, and personally, as a free player, blessings aren't one I really mind missing out on.

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