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Merged a few Ests together earlier today to make barracks space. Saw I had a Roderick missing skills. So I though I would give him seal spd. With Firesweep I figured he could wack something that he can't actually hurt to let a archer/mage score a finish with a double. Rather niche, but B Slot wise I didn't have much I wanted to give. Pull up inheritence to grab seal spd. See a highly merged Est as an available source . . . . . REALLY?! I just did that a couple hours earlier while thinking who could possibly want seal spd 2! AT least it wasn't a HUGE mistake since it wasn't super important. That and I had a spare Virion laying around.

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ARGH. So mad.

I was planning to upgrade Lightning Breath to my +Atk/-Res Nowi to the Res Refined weapon.

But my tablet's screen is acting up and it double clicks when I just do a single click....and I accidentally did the +Atk version of Lightning Breath+.....

I mean I guess +2 Atk is nice for the +Atk boon....but the Res one would have nicely patched her -4 Res....

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giving heavy blade to my delthia, I could have merged that ike or given the skill to someone who could better rely on it, delthia didn't really need it either because I use her almost exclusively for buffs and killing swords that BK can't handle. I could have given it to legion who could run it better IMO.

happy I feel no regret in giving steady breath to Y!Tiki, she uses it better than most, almost guaranteed aether is great.

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This isn't that recent, but it still slaps me in the back of the neck subconsciously.

1. Foddering off my only Neutral Minerva to give Life and Death 3 to my -Atk/+Spd B!Cordelia

2. Foddering off my only Olwen just to give Reposition to another 5 star unit.

3. Giving Death Blow 3 to my Nino by sacrificing a 5 star Hawkeye.

As for my most recent one

- +8ing Nino even though I just started 5 starring the Askr Trio, now Anna is all left out.

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26 minutes ago, Logos said:

2. Foddering off my only Olwen just to give Reposition to another 5 star unit.



Man I alsways seem to forget to lv my promoted 5*'s to lv40 to unlock the confessions before I fodder off their skills.

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  • 4 months later...

I just built this Lyn not thinking I already have a bunch of sword units and how strong of a defensive option that -Atk+Def Nephenee would have been with that brazen and a Def refinement. 34 damage Bonfire from 41 + 7 defense and Wrath.


Edited by LoneStar
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I guess this isn't recent, but when I first got Narcian I was impatient and merged the lower-rarity ones together for more SP (much later I decided to 5* him). If I'd not been in such a hurry I would have a +6 Narcian instead of +4.

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I recently wanted a Brave Bow on my Lyn, so I thought "who has a Brave Bow? Oh, right, Setsuna".

...Or not. So now Lyn has an Assassin's Bow.

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And I almost blew an Assault run. I entered a battle with only three units: M!Grima, Deirdre, and PA!Shigure. A!Tiki was ready to go for the kill, thankfully Shigure had TA3 so he held on and blasted her with a Moonbow.

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+10 5Staring Roy with special refine. He is kinda utterly useless outside of Dragon killing and axe checkers.

This might change tough with more sacred seals down the road, but for now his performance is meh at best compared to my other +10 units Clair Saizo Bike Gunnthra Raven Bride Lyn Lukas Micaiah Sigurd Deirdra Soren Sonya and Azama. Even Azama performs better in Arena.

I just havent found the right Team/Role for him, he just doesnt excell at anything particular :(

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Got a 3* Selena fodder and realised my Camilla wanted both Triangle Adept and Reposition. 

As triangle adept is just that rare a skill to me I decided to spend the feathers to promote her all the way to 5* for skill inheritence.

After that, I remembered I couldn't pass Triangle Adept 1-2-3 and reposition all at once and ended up wasting very rare reposition fodder. :(


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I forget the last 3*Oboro I got had perfect iv, so I lv her up with crystals while thinking: lv her up and merge her with my 5* +4 Oboro

Why is that bad? Because I wanted to lv her up via training for her to win lot of sp and be able to learn the skills I wanted for her quickly... But I lost that option by upgrading her at lv 20 after using the crystals.

Now I have a low sp 5*Oboro , that is going to take a while to win the sp she needs!

So good I realised my mistake before merging her because if not...

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