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Antihero Anonydraft Mafia (Game Over)


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6 minutes ago, Rick said:

@Lapis Lazuli The answer is a resounding no. I said in a earlier post (I believe in response to Kokichi) that I think meta goes against the spirit of anonymous games and that while I am generally ass at guessing who people are, I'm pretty sure I know who Titania is. It's not the sole reason why I am feeling she is town, as explained in the entirety of my post.

it came off like you were implying you knew who Batter was, which is why I quoted that part of your post. I apologize if I assumed wrong.

(Some of my aggressiveness is roleplaying. Let me know if it goes too far.)

I'm going to content more tomorrow. My mind is all frazzled right now.

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@Dr. Crowler I don't want to sound dismissive (I for one, respect that you have a Ph.D. in Dueling), but I stand by everything I've said and I don't think I contradicted myself, so dear professor, I think you're just misconstruing my words. I disagree with you, I don't think voting patterns matter in RVS; it's only the reactions that lead into the non RVS situation that do (i.e. Kokichi's reaction testing and subsequent reveal). I never backtracked on my point; I thought Kratos didn't substantiate why they felt the way they did (which they did), so I acknowledged that and I stand by my points. Feel free to ask me if you have an issue with anything I've said post page 3.

@Lapis Lazuli Oh, no, I don't think I'd be confident enough to hazard a guess at other people. Batter has had a few choice remarks, and I feel that he's been on the more ruthless side wrt to investigating people. Also you're definitely not the most aggressive in terms of the whole table. I just realized how mean this table is (probably because we're all antiheroes trying to roleplay).

That's all for tonight, folks. Good night. Maybe see you in the morning if time allows.

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Sorry guys if there is bad grammar, on mobile. 

First thing that strikes me off is endeavors vote onto batter page 3. I agree with kratos that it seems like endeavor should have moved his vote earlier. His reasoning for moving onto batter seems flimsy to me considering it was so early into d1. Why couldn't it just be batter wanting to pressure kokochi? Along with kratos point it comes off to me that he tried to distance himself from kokochi now that he had been called out for not commenting.

Kokichis vote on endeavour confuses me somewhat though. Where did he talk about anyone else more and say that they were scummy?

Faye's reasoning for endeavour is good imo however a lot of her vote is a sheep. I have the same reasoning for why I disliked endeavours vote. Although I do think that kokichi reasoning is actually really significant, not giving an actual opinion on nagito combines with a lot of the vote being a sheep seems like an attempt to just jump on the endeavour wagon. I wouldn't be bothered so much by the sheep( I sheep most of the endeavor case outside kokichis bit) but the lack of opinion on nagito leads me to think this has scum intent.

## vote faye

Beasts case is very vague, maybe he too is finding this game very hard to read but eveb then it just seems like a bunch of buzzwords. His follow up post seemed similar to me.

Rick calling the faye votes a wagon strikes me as a bit weird considering its only like 3 votes? He mentioned he doesn't sit right with it, so are the olayers on it scummy? 

I thought mellos initial case was alright but I do think his new post was not very committal. He calls nagito post weird but confused where the scum intent is. 

Faye is the scummiest to me because I feel like her actions seem to have the most scum intent.


Beast is next, I know the game is hard to read but their vote seems like it's just voting just to look good.

Mello and endeavor are tied for me, endeavor stuff happened early day 1 and mellos other reads post seems weird to me but can't find exact scum intent.



I'll try to read more of the game in depth tomorrow, skimmed a lot.of the game so don't have conclusive thoughts on a lot of.people.



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Alright class, I have finished actually grading your papers now. Nothing too spectacular, but nothing too terrible. Let's get to it.

Looking at Rick again, I have to admit that their content outside of what I pointed out earlier has been passable. I wasn't a huge fan of how they dropped Kokichi, given how strongly they seemed to feel earlier, but I suppose it isn't all bad. 

I'm not convinced on the Faye votes at this time: One post and it's only ED1, and the post isn't even the worst thing I've seen in the thread. It'd be nice if they actually had a vote that wasn't a complete duplicate, and actually put their vote on Nagito to force a point, but at least they have some opinions in the rest of the post.

Mello's content is sparse, but also like some other players in the thread (Endeavor, Faye, Omar) I'd like to see a little more, since there's still thoughts to be compounded on.

Beast on the other hand, has 3 fluff posts and has one post with exceptionally limited opinions and very weak questions. Where's the pressure? Mello kind of suffers the same problem but at least they have tangible opinions.

So there's that, class. Beast was clearly the student with the lowest mark, so they're in consideration for demotion to the red dorm. Do you want to be a Slifer slacker?
##Vote: Beast

Should anyone have questions about their grade, please, by all means, talk to me. I wouldn't want any of you to be a slacker, no?

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I can't sleep and my mind keeps drifting back to this stupid game. However, my mood has notably improved, probably because I didn't spend the last 8 hours refreshing this thread.

Crowler's vote is bad. You have 7 pages of stuff to work with and you think the scummiest person is the guy who doesn't care, citing his bad posts and shit content. However, in that same post, you say that the Faye votes are bad because she's only made one ED1 post and give a free pass to other people with little/no content. What makes Beast worse than people who are giving bad or even contradictory opinions? He at least asked questions, Mello (your second read judging by your post) gave weak opinions and fucked off. What about Kokichi's Faye case is unconvincing to you in addition to them having the same problems as Beast?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Crowler

Toshio slot is weird. I don't agree at all with his defense of Mello, and I can't follow the logic at all unless he's... maybe scum defending a townie, but this doesn't feel like that sort of scenario at all. This post is another example of him doing something that I just find really weird, but I have to ask myself... would scum really do that?

@Rick I only made that post because I was angry at Kratos. The order from town to scum would be something like you+Kokichi+Nagato, then Beast, then Batter/Toshio, anyone I forget to mention, then no posters at the time (Lapis, Omar, Crowler), then Faye/Kratos/Endeavor/Mello


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I shall clarify. My intent was that I did not think that leaving my vote on someone with content that was not as questionable to be as worthwhile as putting pressure on someone early in the day to actually contribute properly. This day started less than 24 hours ago.
My angle is that Beast has minimal content and blames it being ED1 on why. That's not acceptable, since most of the other players have at least tried, in varying levels of usefulness. At some point, Beast has to do something or otherwise they'll be less useful in later days. It's not like the opinions of the other players are going to go away, no?
You don't need fullblown cases ED1, but you still need to have something to work with, otherwise we just won't have information to work with at a later time. Besides, I'm not expecting Beast to suddenly appear and give opinions, they specified as such. I just want something to work with so that we can find the truly fishy, since we have the time to do so.

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@Rick, sorry, but old people don't make very good pets! Every time I tell them to do a trick they look at me like I'm crazy... or they break one of their bones while doing it. Weird. I do understand where you're going with the Bitch read though. If they were mafia, this game would be years in the making for them, which is pretty exciting! ...But I doubt that. And the way they went about their argument with my favorite giraffe looks good as well.

I'm having a very hard time working out why the Bad Doctor is suspicious of the old guy. I actually think their opening post is totes suspicious, considering they called out Rick for taking RVS seriously but then don't understand Nagito's vote on me properly... Isn't that weird, coming from someone who just preached the importance of RVS? What's your answer to that one, huh? Oh, and does anyone else think that the Bad Doctor's read on Rick in their later post looks like they tried casing them and couldn't be bothered? Because it sure feels like that to me.

I also like The Bitch's vote here, it looks like she really caught him in a lie! For all their talk about lack of pressure, the Doctor himself (herself? They look kindaaaaa weird...) exerts almost none on The Beast! If you know that your vote won't affect how quickly Beast comes back and posts more, why would you vote there? Do you have something to hide, Doctor? Maybe that's a wig on your head, or a scum role pm in your pocket!

##Vote: Doctor Crowler  

The Beast himself is boring. I want a more in depth read on The Batter when you get back, or maybe I'll feed you to my giraffe! He's probably scarier than you, if your posts are any indication.

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I should probably say that I still want a Faye lynch, but sticking with that vote would be dull. There's no fun to be had there if they aren't responding, and isn't fun what games like these are all about?I forgot to say this as well but Omar's post is spooky! Not only do they have the wrong avatar, but their reads feel super out of sync with each other.

5 hours ago, Omar Little said:

First thing that strikes me off is endeavors vote onto batter page 3. I agree with kratos that it seems like endeavor should have moved his vote earlier. His reasoning for moving onto batter seems flimsy to me considering it was so early into d1. Why couldn't it just be batter wanting to pressure kokochi? Along with kratos point it comes off to me that he tried to distance himself from kokochi now that he had been called out for not commenting.

5 hours ago, Omar Little said:

Kokichis vote on endeavour confuses me somewhat though. Where did he talk about anyone else more and say that they were scummy?

5 hours ago, Omar Little said:

Faye's reasoning for endeavour is good imo however a lot of her vote is a sheep. I have the same reasoning for why I disliked endeavours vote. Although I do think that kokichi reasoning is actually really significant, not giving an actual opinion on nagito combines with a lot of the vote being a sheep seems like an attempt to just jump on the endeavour wagon. I wouldn't be bothered so much by the sheep( I sheep most of the endeavor case outside kokichis bit) but the lack of opinion on nagito leads me to think this has scum intent.

I think it's strange how they criticise Endie, then my vote on Endie, and then says they agree with Faye about but their vote looks scummy. There are so many different stances here I think it's weird that one person has them all. Don't you think it's weird @Endeavor?

Also, since one of these is actually addressed to me... Endie posted that they didn't like The Bitch or The Batter's votes, but even though she was more precise with their criticisms on the former, they voted for the latter! They voted for The Batter! It's like trying to push a round peg through a square hole!


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Right, since I forgot I was playing with civilians instead of profesionals, my motives seem to have been missunderstood. Thus, I'll be expaining things better from now on:

I'm going to start with responding to questions people asked me. So no, I'm not ignoring everything else that happened in the thread, I'm simply helping you guys get along before reading through 5 new pages of content.

14 hours ago, Mercenary Kratos said:

Your post was initially RVS.  Then you came back after some small amount of content had happened and made a post that amounted to nothing.  Neither moving your vote or commenting on the situation.  If you had indeed been paying attention and reading along at that time, then normally I would take that as an implication that you believe in your vote on Kokichi.  Seeing as you have moved it now, you obviously didn't.  Yet you comment on asking why I felt it should be moved, you would think that it would be obvious and I feel it's pointless that you would ask this.  Either you felt your vote should stay on him because he was scummy, or you should move it because you feel you should pressure elsewhere, which you have know done.

I hadn't fully collected my thoughts about the bandwagon at the time I made my second post, but I noticed someone failed at counting, so I wanted to make sure the good man was not missunderstanding the situation before I looked into things in better detail. The only reason I'd have moved my vote away at that time was if there was an immediate threat of a quick hammer, but I already explained this wasn't the case.

Your earlier post implied me not moving my vote was bad. You're now saying the reason for that is because I should have been seeing scum intent on the wagon, but what made you so sure about that at the time?

13 hours ago, Kokichi Ouma said:

##Vote: Endeavor

Surprise! I dont think that your vote matches up with your words at all. Are you a liar, Endie? Because I hate liars. It's true! If you're irritated by The Batter and The Bitch (although Rick is probably still shooting way above his level), why did you vote for the former while going into more detail on the latter? Isn't that disingenuous?

I would appreciate it if you didn't jump to conclusions like this. I never mentioned not liking the good lass, only that I didn't understand her reasoning. I don't think asking her to explain this to me is going into details. Are you sure you're not a liar yourself?

13 hours ago, Faye Valentine said:

##Vote: Endeavor

I've dealt with you fiery types before, literally and metaphorically. I won't say much since Rick has already clarified for the most part why our friend Endeavor's actions were scummy, but I also ask why people need justification for the first wagon of the game. We need reactions for God's sake, and being picky about the early content that is created limits potential interactions, giving us fewer chances to find scum.

I agree with us needing interactions miss, but calling for a quick hammer after the game hasn't been going on for a full hour is taking it a bit far don't you think? At the time he made that comment, there were already 5 votes on the good man, and keeping in mind the game likely contained a mayor (which has now been confirmed), his actions were overdoing it.

12 hours ago, Nagito Komaeda said:

@Endeavor Since you might have missed it the first time around, I'll summarize my doubts about you.  Your Kokichi read was weirdly dismissive and your vote on Batter read as you trying to get scum intent from posts where there obviously wasn't any.

About my unvote: I felt I had seen how Kokichi reacts under pressure, so there was no real reason to keep my vote on him. releaving him of some pressure and see how he'd approuch the game like that felt more relevant to me.

About Batter: All of his content was sreaming for a Kokichi turbo lynch. Even if it was unlikely to happen, I can certainly see scum intent in hiding behind that joke.

And with that, I hope I have educated you beginners in the way profesionals handle this. If you have anymore questions for me, let me know while I'm analyzing new content.

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I can't be the only one bothered Batter's Kratos vote, right? Its fine, I'm going to get to that. First, a defense:

@Nagito Komaeda Your suspicion is misplaced, I promise. I'm not dissuading anyone from changing opinions on Kokichi, its clearly your reaction only.  I didn't like you using the claim as an excuse for switching votes, am I not supposed to say anything about this? I actually have a read on batter because Batter's post on Kratos had a lot more meat to it than Endeavor's vote on Batter did. So there's more reasoning to look at wrt Batter's case. Its so clear if you compare their two posts at that time.


@The Batter @Titania Andersen You're absolutely wrong about me having no commitment to my reads. Nitpicking the part where I said "might be scum" doesn't matter when I say in the same post that I'd be fine with voting Faye if I had a second vote. What more conviction do you expect from town just 3 hours into the game?I also gave reasons as to why I was unsure on Nagito. Sorry, but your cases fall apart here. They're trash. Absolutely atrocious. That's ok though, you can't beat the best.


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Right, I spent so long just trying to parse the logic behind your argument, but here goes: I'm assuming that your reason for voting Kratos is that he could've voted Endeavor earlier but didn't, and that he thought he couldn't keep his Titania vote? Here's the thing: when I look at your original post voting Kratos, the only thing I see is you take issue with him voting Titania over Endeavor at a point in time. The only way I could understand this thought process is by drawing it our of you, you can call my vote weak and taking your actions out of context all you want, but I only understood your reasoning after the elaboration.


From my perspective, I found it weird that you didn't just state the obvious thing, keeping it simple, that Kratos literally voted Titania out of pressure from other posters and instead harped over how he could've voted Endeavor earlier. That's like, something I struggle to imagine coming from a townie's POV. I'm overthinking this though. I still think that you should be voting Kratos now, if those have been your issues with him. If you're not having issues with him, what about his play is NAI to you, or what makes you think it isn't likely to come from scum?


##Unvote ##Vote: Kratos

Toshio's case on him is solid, would sheep 10/10.

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9 hours ago, Rick said:

##Vote: Mercenary Kratos

I actually thought your responses to Toshio's questions were all right up until the last couple. It's this and the Titania post that rub me the wrong way; I feel like you're projecting Batter's distaste with Titania in your voting post, and then this post here I disliked because you start off saying you're neutral about the wagon, and that you would sheep it (saying that just because Nagito's reasoning was good is silly). For ex. I think Komaeda has made good cases on people so far, but I don't agree with all of their cases b/c I follow my own reads first and foremost. I feel like that's a scummy thing to say and you're leaving your options open in case you need to consolidate and get a wagon off yourself and onto someone else who is reasonably scummy to most of the voting members ("anyone but me"). 

Apparently I need to clarify something here. I started off saying I was neutral BECAUSE I HAVENT PAID TOO MUCH ATTENTION TO IT.  If I haven't read the cases on it really before my post where I went to specifically go and look at who was voting Mello, then I would have no way of knowing if there were good cases or not on it.


Now @Mello What about Toshio's case is good on me exactly?  Your entire post seems focused on a response to someone else yet you come in at the end and drop a vote on me with just a sheep.  Nothing at all of your own thoughts, especially since across your most two recent votes it seems to heavily imply that you think Batter is suspicious because of his vote on me.  This a pretty scummy post I feel.

Also gonna start rereading the thread and posting anything that I happen to see.

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4 hours ago, Dr. Crowler said:

I shall clarify. My intent was that I did not think that leaving my vote on someone with content that was not as questionable to be as worthwhile as putting pressure on someone early in the day to actually contribute properly. This day started less than 24 hours ago.
My angle is that Beast has minimal content and blames it being ED1 on why. That's not acceptable, since most of the other players have at least tried, in varying levels of usefulness. At some point, Beast has to do something or otherwise they'll be less useful in later days. It's not like the opinions of the other players are going to go away, no?
You don't need fullblown cases ED1, but you still need to have something to work with, otherwise we just won't have information to work with at a later time. Besides, I'm not expecting Beast to suddenly appear and give opinions, they specified as such. I just want something to work with so that we can find the truly fishy, since we have the time to do so.

Mr. Dr:

Your vote on me is exactly the kind of read I don't like making ED1. It's circumstance-based instead of content-based. Not being able to make good cases ED1 is to be expected, it should not be surprising that I do not have one. While I have opinions on almost everybody at this point, I don't really see the point in posting them because I haven't observed anything multiple others have not already pointed out. 

I can find scum later in the game, but without flips, there's nothing I'm very sure of, and I don't like stating absolutes when there are no absolutes to be found. 

I'm keeping my vote on Kratos, but I'm not completely sold on the Toshio logic.

@Mello and Rick (sorry I can't seem to get the pinger to work): What is it about his case you find to be strong?

I'm slightly worried about all of this RP. I feel like scum could probably post something fishy, and then double back and say it was just role play. Plus it's just plain confusing. I know Death Note, but... nothing else here.

I have to work now, but I'll have time to post later today.

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Yeah basically I thought Batter was voting Kratos for reasons I couldn't see instead of reasons that I could see only to find out that he was voting him for reasons that I agree with.


Toshio's case on Kratos is good because Kratos ED1 is actually bad- he unvotes Titania at a point where he still sees her as doing things that scum do but votes Endeavor over her wunder circumstances where I can't see Endeavor being way more scummy than her. Also, he throws shade on the Kokichi wagon but doesn't take action without being needled by other posters. The defense from his end wasn't satisfactory IMO./

Crowler is a good vote at this juncture because the Beast vote isn't pushing the game in any direction and that's taking the lazy stance here, clear scum intent over here.

Didn't like Omar's Faye vote. Yeah I'm scumreading Faye but that feels like the laziest hop on to a wagon that I've seen in a while, and it is a vote on an less active poster so it isn't pushing the game anywhere either.


@Titania Andersen Why are you townreading Nagito? What about his play do you feel comes from town? Nice tits, btw.


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3 hours ago, Endeavor said:

I would appreciate it if you didn't jump to conclusions like this. I never mentioned not liking the good lass, only that I didn't understand her reasoning. I don't think asking her to explain this to me is going into details. Are you sure you're not a liar yourself?

Me? A liar? No way, I'm the truthiest person here! You didn't state that, sure, but if you mention a person in the same breath as the guy you're actually voting, why wouldn't I suspect that you held similar feelings for them? Unless you had some kind of ulterior motive, that is. Your catch up better be good, I'll have to say that you're a liar. Liar liar pants-and-the-rest-of-your-body-as-well on fire!

I feel like I should reread my giraffe because there are a lot of votes on him but I don't really feel enthusiastic about their lynch. Maybe they''re all just jealous of his neck.

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Never mind, you guys were totally right! Kratos the giraffe really is mafia!

##Vote: Kra-

Just kidding! He's still town.

I think that my giraffe is a little lost but I don't think they're scum. Hey, you better not be scum, or I'm not feeding you! I think they're too stubborn to be scum here and they're just awkwardly stuck on their defense - I've been stuck in a similar place before at town, and it really sucks!  But he's still fighting in his own way, with his overly long neck, and I think his interaction with The Bitch does not look staged at all. Usually that kind of stuff is town/town or town/scum at worst.

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Sorry kokichi, I wasn't criticizing your vote, I was just confused by your reasoning and wanted clarification. Who is "the bitch"? Titania?

Some of mellos latest post bothers me. The whole "not moving the game forward" feels as if he's trying to limit who one can vote. We have quite a bit of time left and thus a lot could change. This especially bothers me because I'm pretty sure crawler just didn't focus on beast and provided input on other things too so they are giving content on active posters. Also what do you think of lapis lazuli mellos? Finally you mention that batters and titania's cases are straight trash! What do you think of them in terms of alignment?

Endeavor opinion has not really changes for me. Still feel like they are making too much out of a joke post but they say plan to post new stuff.

I'm not actually too bothered by kratos Ed 1. If I understand the case on him properly, what I see differently is that he actually did have a reaction to the wagon " this wagon pertubes me" whereas endeavor didnt say anything. Only thing that I do find a bit weird though is why is someone who is "serious" most likely to be scum on the wagon? @Mercenary Kratos However kratos vote on Titania bothers me a lot because it feels like he forced himself to make a read here. As Titania pointed out later his whole case is basically a misrep which he says so himself, (not having ANY reads vs not having strong reads). It feels like he realized that he had defended himself a ton( most of his posts before this were defense) but hadn't really been on the offensive so he forced a read. Rick also has a good point about him saying nagitos vote was good but not elaborating why (until prodded by Rick) which opens up an option for him. Also he says mello made a scummy post but doesn't vote them (their Titania case hinges on the fact that they have no reads but post a lot which was proved false and he even admits this himself so shouldn't his case on Titania be void)

Actually Don't really get the crawler votes in general. Yes his vote can be construed as "easy" I suppose but he is commenting on other slots. What do you think of crawlers defense @Kokichi Ouma? I like crawlers case as well. Also it's not so much the lack of strong reads from beast that bothers me, it's the feeling that when he does vote, it feels super forced and the rest of his content comes off as fluffy. Titania feels more organic to me despite initially being similar to beast with lack of strong reads. Titania read doesn't bother me because her post felt more natural compared to mellos


IMO kratos beast and Faye are the most scummy. Yes Faye has had just one post but I think lapis said it best in that it was a scum post. Only thing that bugs me is that if beast was scum trying to bus kratos it would be a bad bus.

Mello shot up a bit after that last post although will admit idk why scum mello would vote scum kratos. Especially because the bus would just be a sheep.







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Votals 1.3

Mercenary Kratos (4): Toshio Ozaki, Beast, Rick, Mello
Dr. Crowler (3): Titania Andersen, Kokichi Ouma
Mello (2): Nagito Komaeda, The Batter
Faye Valentine (2): Lapis Lazuli, Omar Little
The Batter (1): Endeavor
Endeavor (1): Faye Valentine
Titania Andersen (1): Mercenary Kratos
Beast (1): Dr. Crowler

Not Voting: Nobody

A little over 49 hours left in the phase. 8 votes to hammer.

I've also added links to day start and each votals in the second post.

Edited by BBM
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21 hours ago, Rick said:

np babe xoxo

I don't see anything wrong with anything else you said, but this line just rubs me the wrong way. I'm trying to take it at face value/not play off of vibes, but I think most of us realize half of them haven't, so it fills weird you felt the need to point it out/that you weren't set 2 hours into the game?

This was in response to The batter's early post and frankly after looking over stuff happening in the early parts of the game, why didn't you vote Batter here at this point in time?  You said you felt weird by it but didn't really seem to actually care that much about it.  I don't think you really even commented on Batter for a bit of time after this so it stands out to me that you brought this up but then never followed up on it. I don't even think Batter responded to this.

21 hours ago, Titania Andersen said:

Batter's comments about Kokichi bug me. He's very critical of them, but explicitly is not scumreading them. Considering that's Batter's first memorable post I don't like how waffle-y it is.

Nagito, do you have any thoughts that aren't related to the Kokichi wagon? Also if you think Rick's logic was weird and are voting Kokichi, what do you think of their relationship? A Kokichi/Rick scumteam seems unlikely to me at this juncture (it would have to be a heavy distancing/bussing from the word go)

This post further makes me feel more confident in my vote on Titania. I dislike this because at this point in time Titania's vote wasn't doing anything but it felt like they were just judging the waters.  They commented with plenty of reasoning to drop a vote on Batter then proceeded to move away to elsewhere.

21 hours ago, Titania Andersen said:

Why does this damned forum software save a copy of my posts in the editor after I make them? I already posted it.

Anyway, @Faye Valentine, Batter's post bothers me not simply because he pointed out bad logic, but because the way he worded his posts it's as though he's trying to say it's something scummy but he's not scumreading for it? Like he's trying to shade or look like he's doing stuff without really committing to any opinion yet. Strong opinions are usually foolish to have this early on so it's odd that he makes a big deal about it.

The scummiest thing about Endeavor is that he was clearly around but didn't say anything worthwhile or try to get involved. That said, votes on him for other reasons (like Faye's) are graspy and weak

Followed by this once again with her further pressing the point as to why Batter bother's her and no real conclusive follow up on the situation. No vote to put her money where her mouth is.

20 hours ago, Kokichi Ouma said:

I'll take that as a yes. Here it goes!

I'm a Mayor! Wow, betcha didn't see that one coming! That was the joke I was getting at when I said that Rick had miscounted... before realising that he was actually just a moron.

How does that shake up your reads?

For what it matters I think this claim doesn't indicate alignment at all.

19 hours ago, Titania Andersen said:

Who is this last paragraph referring to? Faye?

In any case. Originally, Kokichi being Mayor didn't mean much to me, since I had assumed Mayor wouldn't show up in votals. This would mean scum could quickhammer people secretly and sow mistrust if they picked Mayor, which makes it a good pick that will get mislynches and later sacrifice itself when it gets narrowed down. However, this doesn't work as well when it's public and quickly obvious who is the Mayor, so it would only get one mislynch and instantly reveal the Mayor as scum.

However, the Mayor claim gives an explanation for Kokichi's weird early actions other than lolcatting scum. It's annoying that that's all he's done but it's not quite as egregious as I originally thought.

Looking at other people, the way Kratos responded to Toshio's case is bad. He disappeared for two hours and only came back to defend himself when voted without any other content, and his Endeavor vote was a sheep on Rick's logic (note Rick himself didn't vote Endeavor). However, I think his latest defense is decent, so I don't know what else to think.

@The Batter At that point I thought that Kokichi was scum posting nonsense. I didn't (and don't) think that Nagito is scum, I was asking him that question to pick his brain. I did consider voting you but I wanted to keep up pressure on Kokichi and see what would happen, and if I voted you it would be for the same purpose--to make you post more. Although, to throw the "Why didn't you vote this other person" question back in your face, why did you vote me over Mello?

For what it's worth in general, I agree with the observation that Endeavor was reading the thread but choosing not to get involved.

Mello's first post is weak. Half of his Battler vote relies on a misunderstanding of Battler's post that was already cleared up (although not by Battler himself, but I still think it's a weak point)

One of the bigger posts by Titania.  But realistically most of it is talking about the Mayor claim and I don't think that benefits town.  Then the opinion Titania has on me seems extremely waffly, making it really seem as if they can swing either way to saying if I'm town or scum.  Bolded for importance on why I say it is waffly.

Also the comment here WRT batter says she considered voting but wanted to keep pressure on Kokichi, which really stands out to me because she wasn't actually pressuring Kokichi at all.  All of her posts outside of her Kokichi vote were mostly all focused on batter and I don't like this.  I feel there is scum intent behind this by leaving options open to themself.

Also I would like to state that there is only one line in this whole post regarding Mello.

19 hours ago, Titania Andersen said:

I forgot to move my vote

##Unvote, ##Vote: Mello

I don't have any strong or good scumreads right now, I just want people to talk.

This was the post in which I apparently misrepped Titania to a small extent but honestly I feel like this is still important.  At this point in time she really hadn't stated any sort of actual scum reads or town reads.  Most of her reads have also sounded very 'on the fence' one strong example is her case on me and her case on Batter. Both are left in a way that it really implies that she could swing either way in her read towards them.  I felt this Mello vote was actually extremely weak and most of Titania's posts overall up to this point aren't all that strong.


There was a post from batter as well that isn't quoted here but it talks about Titania as well and I agree with mostly all of the logic stated in it. I have actually posted some very similiar things WRT what he said.  It's on page 5 if you want to find it.

Still reading a bit but I wanted to go ahead and post this part of my re read which goes over parts of pages 1-5.  Looking back though I don't actually feel there was much strength in a lot of the other Endeavor votes, I may still be biased but I felt that my vote at the time did have some substance of an argument in it whereas I felt some other people were just dropping fairly easy votes on someone who really wasn't posting that much at all.

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I'm having a hard time sorting my thoughts out this game because I can't easily associate content with a user like I would be able to do in a normal mafia game.  I know I'm scumreading Mello/Endeavor/Faye, but I can't remember exactly why other than vague details.  Perhaps this is the extent of my mafia skills...

@Toshio Ozaki What exactly about Mello's content is good?  Why is my case on him weak?  Maybe I am biased here, because it bothers me when people take issue with my slot but don't actively try to pursue a read on me.  Even someone as useless as me has a lot of content, which is prime material for any cases.

@Dr. Crowler Why is [me] voting someone over RVS shenanigans right after RVS bad?  Even a reserve course teacher such as yourself should be able to reason better than that.  Honestly, all you people without talent are good for is being stepping stones.  But enough talk about worthless trash like me, let's talk about you instead.  Why does having minimal content and no vote make Beat the most likely to be scum?  Why are you voting someone who, by your own admission, is unlikely to respond in a favorable way?  It seems...too convenient.  Unlike other people who are convinced that you're scum, I'm still making up my mind because...your case would be beneficial from a scum PoV, but it doesn't mean you have a scum PoV.  What bothers me the most is how you dropped your decently substantiated Rick case for this.  I'm very interested in you response to Kokichi.

@Mello Can you explain what you meant by "Your suspicion is misplaced, I promise. I'm not dissuading anyone from changing opinions on Kokichi, its clearly your reaction only.  I didn't like you using the claim as an excuse for switching votes, am I not supposed to say anything about this?"  I don't quite follow.  Well, I'm not expecting much from someone who couldn't even become L, but do your best to keep me entertained, you hear?  I don't like your later posts as well, as it reads as you nitpicking individually scummy actions without taking them in context of the slot as a whole.

Endeavor's defense post is inadequate.  Don't get me wrong, the actual logic itself is fine, but the way he just defends himself without getting any reads off of it (or even remarking on the cases made on him) reads like a scum defense.  Quite frankly, this is more of a gut read than one based on logic, but that's just how I feel at the moment.

Not game relevant:


Kokichi's posting style is my favorite so far; as is to be expected of someone with such talents!


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11 hours ago, Titania Andersen said:

I can't sleep and my mind keeps drifting back to this stupid game. However, my mood has notably improved, probably because I didn't spend the last 8 hours refreshing this thread.

Crowler's vote is bad. You have 7 pages of stuff to work with and you think the scummiest person is the guy who doesn't care, citing his bad posts and shit content. However, in that same post, you say that the Faye votes are bad because she's only made one ED1 post and give a free pass to other people with little/no content. What makes Beast worse than people who are giving bad or even contradictory opinions? He at least asked questions, Mello (your second read judging by your post) gave weak opinions and fucked off. What about Kokichi's Faye case is unconvincing to you in addition to them having the same problems as Beast?

##Unvote, ##Vote: Crowler

Toshio slot is weird. I don't agree at all with his defense of Mello, and I can't follow the logic at all unless he's... maybe scum defending a townie, but this doesn't feel like that sort of scenario at all. This post is another example of him doing something that I just find really weird, but I have to ask myself... would scum really do that?

@Rick I only made that post because I was angry at Kratos. The order from town to scum would be something like you+Kokichi+Nagato, then Beast, then Batter/Toshio, anyone I forget to mention, then no posters at the time (Lapis, Omar, Crowler), then Faye/Kratos/Endeavor/Mello

I feel this vote on Crowler is actually really weak.  Also I dislike the Toshio read.  A lot of Titania's reads and thoughts seems like they could easily just go in any direction as if there isn't really that much of a firm standing on where she sits on people.  I dislike this because I feel that as town, even if your confused or partially biased, or PISSED at someone like you seem to imply you are with me, you should have strong enough reads that not everything should feel waffly.  

5 hours ago, Mello said:

Yeah basically I thought Batter was voting Kratos for reasons I couldn't see instead of reasons that I could see only to find out that he was voting him for reasons that I agree with.


Toshio's case on Kratos is good because Kratos ED1 is actually bad- he unvotes Titania at a point where he still sees her as doing things that scum do but votes Endeavor over her wunder circumstances where I can't see Endeavor being way more scummy than her. Also, he throws shade on the Kokichi wagon but doesn't take action without being needled by other posters. The defense from his end wasn't satisfactory IMO./

Crowler is a good vote at this juncture because the Beast vote isn't pushing the game in any direction and that's taking the lazy stance here, clear scum intent over here.

Didn't like Omar's Faye vote. Yeah I'm scumreading Faye but that feels like the laziest hop on to a wagon that I've seen in a while, and it is a vote on an less active poster so it isn't pushing the game anywhere either.


@Titania Andersen Why are you townreading Nagito? What about his play do you feel comes from town? Nice tits, btw.


WRT bolded, I unvoted Titania early on because I didn't see my vote going anywhere there, I didn't have strong enough reason for my vote to stay on Titania at that point in time to really apply pressure, I know I've already commented on and explained my entire thought process behind unvoting Titania and voting Endeavor.  I do not feel like it was wrong and I felt my Endeavor vote was by far stronger and a better vote to place than voting Titania at that point in time.  Realistically had I left my vote on Titania that early in the phase how do you think things would have actually turned out?  My vote would have been a weak vote that I 'sat' on someone during RVS over an RVS wagon. Her reasoning for voting during that time was sound enough that there wasn't any logical strength behind it outside of a gut feeling that I didn't like the RVS vote wagon accumulating that fast.  "I threw shade on the Kokichi wagon but didn't take action"  That seems weird to me considering I did vote two people that were on that wagon. Both Titania, AND ENDEAVOR, were on that wagon.  Endeavor's first vote was obvious RVS but when he came back and chose to not move his vote while still commenting on other parts of the thread, that means he CHOSE to leave his vote on the wagon.  I voted for 2 people on the wagon and questioned both of those people for their actions so this is a blatant misrep of me.

Overall I heavily dislike this Mello post and he quickly became a suspect for me in my reread.

Current reads are Titania > Mello > Endeavor > beast.

All my other reads are either town or null reads.  Leaving my vote on Titania though because from my perspective they aren't doing much actual scum hunting.  I've seen them ask questions but it all seems weak, contrived, and forced.  Her opinions are worded in a way that they can swing in either way which is what scum or a third party would want and not how town want to look.  Town want to have more firm scum reads so that in case they die by ANY means, their reads might give town more information.

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