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Micaiah is here and I have no orbs *cries* Oh well, at least she isn't limited. Sothe's dagger is looking really nice, but I have no idea if I would replace Kagami Mochi on my Ny!Takumi for it. Also they really shouldn't have spoiled Zelgius wtf. I want him, but the armour looks terrible like this. I'm also still waiting for a laguz to show up.

And Oliver... why. I'll only do the GHB for his skills. I know people like him for memes and stuff, but he disgusts me. He is a walking sex offender joke and it's creepy.

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Finally, Micaiah! That just leaves Leif as the only lord to be missing from the game.

She looks gorgeous, and Sothe looks great. They're the two I want, sooo...please let the gods be on my side.

I had to laugh at Zelgius. They just completely spoiled his identity, but then again, RD has been out for years now, so anyone who doesn't know is a bit late. Also, it was spoiled for me before I watched an LP of RD, so I'm not even mad.

Oliver is truly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen and I love it.

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7 minutes ago, Lau said:

I had to laugh at Zelgius. They just completely spoiled his identity, but then again, RD has been out for years now, so anyone who doesn't know is a bit late. Also, it was spoiled for me before I watched an LP of RD, so I'm not even mad.

Sure it's old, but with the massive influx of new fans and how hard it is to get a copy of the Tellius games, there's plenty of people who never had access to it. They probably won't like getting something spoiled in that way,  in case we ever get a remake or easier availability via virtual console.

Edited by Nanima
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14 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Micaiah is here and I have no orbs *cries* Oh well, at least she isn't limited. Sothe's dagger is looking really nice, but I have no idea if I would replace Kagami Mochi on my Ny!Takumi for it. Also they really shouldn't have spoiled Zelgius wtf. I want him, but the armour looks terrible like this. I'm also still waiting for a laguz to show up.

And Oliver... why. I'll only do the GHB for his skills. I know people like him for memes and stuff, but he disgusts me. He is a walking sex offender joke and it's creepy.

No + mark by Sothe's dagger so it's unique. Your mochi is safe.

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2 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

No + mark by Sothe's dagger so it's unique. Your mochi is safe.

Ah right, good to know. In that case I can safely focus on Micaiah and maybe Zelgius.


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9 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Sure it's old, but with the massive influx of new fans and how hard it is to get a copy of the Tellius games, there's plenty of people who never had access to it. They probably won't like getting something spoiled in that way,  in case we ever get a remake or easier availability via virtual console.

But then you have to consider how the fandom makes little to no effort to keep it a secret. BK's true identity is as well kept as Sigurd's fate.

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10 minutes ago, Lau said:

But then you have to consider how the fandom makes little to no effort to keep it a secret. BK's true identity is as well kept as Sigurd's fate.

Not every heroes player is running around in all corners of the fandom, and from my experience unless you deliberately walk into Tellius fancircles you won't really come across it.

Also this is Intsys we are talking about, they have an obligation to try not to spoil big reveals, unlike the average internet joe. I wouldn't have minded had they done some *wink wink nudge* hinting and gotten the same voice actor, but to come right out screaming "YES, HE IS THE BLACK KNIGHT, FOLKS!" went too far.

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2 minutes ago, Nanima said:

Not every heroes player is running around in all corners of the fandom, and from my experience unless you deliberately walk into Tellius fancircles you won't really come across it.

Also this is Intsys we are talking about, they have an obligation to try not to spoil big reveals, unlike the average internet joe. I wouldn't have minded had they done some *wink wink nudge* hinting and gotten the same voice actor, but to come right out screaming "YES, HE IS THE BLACK KNIGHT, FOLKS!" went too far.

No, IS absolutely does not have an obligation to pander to peoples spoiler phobia. It is their game, they can disclose any information that they want. 

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27 minutes ago, Hardin said:

No, IS absolutely does not have an obligation to pander to peoples spoiler phobia. It is their game, they can disclose any information that they want. 

Oh yeah sure they can. Doesn't mean it's a good and considerate move on their part. I wonder, if you ever picked up a 10+ year old book and I came over to spoil you the ending because "Oh, it's fine, it's ten years old already!" you wouldn't be too pleased either. People wanting to play Tellius at some point will be groaning if they ever see the BK appear on screen, because the mistery surrounding him went out of the window. There's different sensibilities on this of course, but to people who actually care for this it is not fair at all. There was nothing preventing them from giving him his Begnion armour and imo it would have looked a lot better too. 

Edited by Nanima
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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

And Oliver... why. I'll only do the GHB for his skills. I know people like him for memes and stuff, but he disgusts me. He is a walking sex offender joke and it's creepy.

The thing with Oliver is that at worst he'll lock you up, but he'll tale care of you like a pet. The only living things that have a free will he sees as beautiful are the heron laguz and gender doesn't really matter to him cause they'd just be objects in his eyes. They're like pieces of art.

Edited by silveraura25
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I’m digging Oliver’s art, especially his special and injured ones. The first thing I thought off when I saw Shine+ was to give it to Lucius but then I remembered he’s a healer.

 Can’t say I’m particularly excited about anyone here but Micaiah’s tome is sweet.

49 minutes ago, Lau said:

I had to laugh at Zelgius. They just completely spoiled his identity, but then again, RD has been out for years now, so anyone who doesn't know is a bit late. Also, it was spoiled for me before I watched an LP of RD, so I'm not even mad.


31 minutes ago, Lau said:

But then you have to consider how the fandom makes little to no effort to keep it a secret. BK's true identity is as well kept as Sigurd's fate.

I, for one, am completely bummed out that IS did that. I just recently started PoR (currently ch.10) and I can’t believe they spoiled the BK’s identity. :sob: Also the Tellius games aren’t exactly accessible and BK’s id isn’t as well known as Sigurd’s fate, Masked Marth’s id, or the fact that Oliver exists. (probably because it’s not meme-worthy)

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1 minute ago, silveraura25 said:

The thing with Oliver is that at worst he'll lock you up, but he'll tale care of you like a pet. The only living things that have a free will he sees as beautiful are the heron laguz and gender doesn't really matter to him cause they'd just be objects in his eyes. They're like pieces of art.

"At worst, he'll lock you up and treat you like a pet" isn't a good argument in his favour. He sure respected Reyson's free will by locking him up and not letting him go. Also I seriously don't see what gender has anything to do with this. I am not getting any further into an argument on this btw, Oliver is a seriously creepy guy even if the games' rating prevents him from getting too explicit.

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I don't care how much money it takes. I'm getting both of them. Zelgius is....an odd addition. At least it's not Ike. That much is comforting, but I'd have rather seen Pelleas or...literally anyone else from RD. Like...I dunno'...the Dawn Brigade. lol Maybe I can hope Leo, Edward, and Nolan will appear on a banner. I'd even be okay with like...Leo, Edward, Laura, and Jill. Actually... I'm surprised Zelgius got in over Jill. She seems pretty popular, and while she's not super plot important, when has that stopped IS? 

I. Want. Them. 

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30 minutes ago, Nanima said:

"At worst, he'll lock you up and treat you like a pet" isn't a good argument in his favour. He sure respected Reyson's free will by locking him up and not letting him go. Also I seriously don't see what gender has anything to do with this. I am not getting any further into an argument on this btw, Oliver is a seriously creepy guy even if the games' rating prevents him from getting too explicit.

I'm not saying that he wouldn't go to jail. I'm saying that he's extremely devoted to protecting art. I mean literally, he loves art so much that even the beautiful herons in his opinion need to be kept safe from the outside world because of how endangered they are. I'm not saying that's good, it's just his way of showing care, although locking up somebody is bad.

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6 hours ago, C. Turtle said:

Honestly, to me, the most surprising thing about this banner is

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that it's a three-character banner weighted towards males rather than females. Never thought I'd see the day. What's next, non-3DS seasonals?



6 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

My thoughts as well. Among New Heroes and Seasonal banners, only one has ever had more males than females, and it's Celica's Army. But I don't count it as it's clearly one half of six new characters that, together, would be 50/50 ratio. Maybe we're seeing a reformed Fire Emblem Heroes.

Children of Fate (which was actually the most recent non-seasonal new heroes focus) was Shiro, Siegbert, and Soleil.

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1 minute ago, Florete said:

Children of Fate (which was actually the most recent non-seasonal new heroes focus) was Shiro, Siegbert, and Soleil.

Oh yeah, Rhajat wasn't on that banner, was she?

Still, from the characters they added at that time, four were added, two males and two females, even if one wasn't on the same banner. This case is different, in that we're getting four new characters, three males and one female, even if one isn't pullable, and that still seems surprising to me, considering it's pretty much always been either even or female focused.

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52 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:


I don't care how much money it takes. I'm getting both of them. Zelgius is....an odd addition. At least it's not Ike. That much is comforting, but I'd have rather seen Pelleas or...literally anyone else from RD. Like...I dunno'...the Dawn Brigade. lol Maybe I can hope Leo, Edward, and Nolan will appear on a banner. I'd even be okay with like...Leo, Edward, Laura, and Jill. Actually... I'm surprised Zelgius got in over Jill. She seems pretty popular, and while she's not super plot important, when has that stopped IS? 

I. Want. Them. 

Maybe Jill will be in the third PoR banner?

It seems like she's more important in PoR anyway

I mean Oliver had more presence in PoR but I guess you can actually use him in RD

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8 minutes ago, Hilda said:

the update is not downloadable yet for me?! I see none of the changes that are in the german FEH news

Maybe try the app store and update it that way? That's what I did :)

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

 I wonder, if you ever picked up a 10+ year old book and I came over to spoil you the ending because "Oh, it's fine, it's ten years old already!" you wouldn't be too pleased either. 

Eh? Why should they be “considerate” to people that never bothered to play the game? If they haven’t played it nor even looked up plot info on it, they never really cared in the first place. 

As for the book part, I’d still read the book anyway. It’s my own fault for picking it up so late. You think a mere spoiler would “ruin” my enjoyment of said book? Pathetic. 

1 hour ago, Nanima said:

People wanting to play Tellius at some point will be groaning if they ever see the BK appear on screen, because the mistery surrounding him went out of the window. There's different sensibilities on this of course, but to people who actually care for this it is not fair at all. There was nothing preventing them from giving him his Begnion armour and imo it would have looked a lot better too. 

Let them groan at themselves. Neither IS or the older fans have any obligation to be some kind of “anti-spoiler police”. It’s their own fault. If they actually truly cared, they would have found the means to play the game years ago or...at the very least look up info on a wiki or watch a LP video of said game. There will always be people “wanting” to play any of the main FE games and this could apply to any other sort of media. As for Zelgius’s armor, it was most likely cheaper to just reuse BK’s assets and give it a “battle damaged” look to them. This is IS’s way of giving whales a rollable BK. 

Edited by Lord-Zero
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