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I wish people would stop talking about Obama/McCain.

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My mom is driving me to the point of the dimensional hiatus of insanity where your mental stability starts being sucked into a black hole into everything at once

Politics are not my forte

I am most tired of this redundant racism dammit! Especially the horrible jokes. Oh my pixie sticks flying from the moon

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McCain himself said he isn't going to spend the next four years saying he told us so, and dreaming about what could of been, so why don't the rest of us follow his example?

I wholeheartedly agree!

With fervent passion of added ardence!

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I don't see what's wrong with Obama winning. I would of been fine with either of them winning the election. Let's just hope racist folk don't try to assassinate him. It's likely, but security is bound to be super tight and prepared.

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