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How do you name weapons in games with Forging?


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I just go with "cool but not legendary-sounding" names that sound more like titles or descriptions. Using some that I used in SoV...

Cupid Lance

Tempest Bow

Lion Bow

Serpent Bow

Champion's Blade

Angel Sword

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I tend to base it off the characters personality, or I just plain go for an easy reference (or both). For Example:

Alm's Sword in Awakening is "Excalibur."

Python's bow is "Solid Snake."

The first time I killed Deen for his brave sword, I accidentally renamed it "Deans Memory," so in a morbid sense I ****ed on his grave trying to respect his death.

Kamui's Steel sword is "Kamui's Katana."

The Blessed Sword is given it's original name of "Holy Sword."

When I reclassed Gaius into a hero, he was extremely effective but burned through weapons very quickly, so quite fittingly I named it after candy. Stuff like "Jawbreaker, Kit-Kat, Skittles, Candy Crush and the like."

I never actually upgraded the weapon, but I vowed to rename the lighting sword as "Pichu," "Pikachu," and Rikachu" every time I upgraded it.

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I try to make weapons personally for the characters that get them. At least in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn I've done that, though it's probably because the colouring mechanic allows the weapons to appear more individualistic.

In Awakening and Fates I just try to name a Sword "Shadowdarkness" for Owain and always complain that it's something HE suggests that you can't do.

At any rate the names are sometimes simplistic and sometimes grandiose. I never really have a theme.

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In Tellius I'd kinda use the weapon's color.

Diamond Lance (light blue)

Topaz Axe (orange)

Etc, I had a gemstone theme going on there. Once I made a pink axe for Boyd called Squeaky and a green sword for Makalov named Shamrock. My very first forged weapon was also in Tellius, a white (I think?) axe in PoR named Bone Crusher.

I've started not really bothering with forge names now, since you can't change the color, I just leave them at their default names.

@Hawkwing Solid Snake is the best thing ever. I headcanon that Python was named that because when he was born, he stuck out his tongue and the midwife said he looked like a "little snake" lol. And newborns fresh out of the womb can do that. Two of my second cousins did.

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i usually make references to previous fe weapons, or weapons from other games/anime/manga

for example, i called a lance "Byakko" and a sword "Sakuya", a lance and a sword respectively (duh), both from Shinmai Maou no Testament

but when i feel particularly creative, i make original names, like "Bad Boyd" for Boyd (surprise!), Max Aether (reference to pokemon's Max Ether) for Ike, or OOOSCAAAAARRR for Kieran (lmao)

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I like giving things cheesy names, because cheesy names are all I can do.
Anything that got changed from one game to another gets their name reverted to their old name at the forge. They're killing edges, not brave swords, FE15!

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I like silly, memeish, and sometimes vulgar names.  Fates was the first game where I toned down my names because of the my castle functionality.  In all honesty if my niece was born and looking over my shoulder back when I was playing the Tellius games I would have probably named Titania’s axe something other than ‘B++++Slap’.

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Some of the weapons in Fates just look straight up like legendary weapons. I named Effie's Lance Gradivus, Selena's Blade to Eirika's Blade, Laslow's Blade - Balmung...etc.

Nohrian Blade also looks like Ragnell/Alondite in t's design so it name it Ragnell.

Brave Weapons: Brave Sword: Sieglinde, Brave Lance: Siegmund, Brave Axe: Armads (references to Heroes)

Also if I build up a weapon that I'm really going to give to a specific character then I assosciate it with a legendary weapon that would fit that character, regardless of whether it be a Fire Emblem legendary weapon or not. For example, Bolt Axe - Jarnbjorn (for Camilla) Iron Sword+7 - The Odinsword Thunder+7 - Dusk Tome (Ophelia).

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My brother and I had a file on Awakening with tons of named weapons for the StreetPass shop. I think this is all of them:

Crunch Punch
Mister Sword
Risk Sword (the sword from Risk!)
Good Times
Ms. Forks
Lil' Stinker
The Stinga!
Baaad Hammer
Mr. Sensible
Hot Shot Jr.
Rockin' Ron
Milky Way
Nasty Jazz
Mario Party
Hot Lava
Cool Jets
Mordant Rime

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I name them based on my mood,  give weird names to them, biblical names, and names of loved ones, and governmental names. I'l give a list I gave to my weapons: 

Felicia's Pikmin, Aye, Hungry Man, Yoshi bomb, Megaton, Garon, CIA, FBI, Link AFS, Flora, God, Jesus, James, JDF, Holy water, Ganon, Ganondorf, IAF, USAF, and Moses

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I don’t name mine, but when I do, I make the most boring and bland names ever.

Taking my current Conquest run as an example, forged Fire became Elfire, forged Thunder became Elthunder, forged steel lance became steel pike (steel greatlance is too long even when shortened). Forged Odin’s Grimoire became Rauðrblade++ though because why not. Oh, and forged Nohrian Blade became claymore.

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Takumi's Shinai? Betrayal.

I wish I had my 3DS to hand to check what else. I did rename a bunch of other weapons in Fates and Awakening.

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For me I often have weapons that have names based on the wielder for example I named Brady's Brave Sword, Violin. And I named Odin's thunder tome Shadowdarkness as it was indeed a fitting name.

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I sometimes choose names from mythology or make up my own to fit my headcanon(s). Like, I would give Kana Hana's Katana and name it "Mama's Blessing" or something to that effect.

Sometimes, I choose funny names, too. Or a name that totally does not fit the weapon at all. I once named a Frying Pan "Godslayer" and used it to kill Anankos, for example.  And there was that one time I named a forged Takumi's Shinai the "Pansy Sword", because you can't kill anyone with it.
If I get Inigo, he absolutely MUST have a forged weapon named "Lady Killer". That just has to be a thing for me in Awakening.

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