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How's that, better than what you expected? I'd like to think I did pretty good for a character most agree is inferior.

Edited by MightyZagaro
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Do you two seriously believe anyone with half a brain would do that? It would be over after one or two posts.

No, I didn't, but I didn't mind proving a point either so I took that low chance.

There might always be a fanboy/girl like that.

Look at the other thread.

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I really hope you have more at the ready than a mechanical falseclaim and "they're even!!!".

What do you expect me to do, claim that Lakche's breasts give her the win? I'm using all I can, here. He's smart enough not to fall for any bullshit, so making up shit sure as hell isn't going to work. So on factual evidence, I have VERY little to work with, here.

Edited by MightyZagaro
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I guess I'm not really seeing the point of the debate then.
Now get out there and rip me apart. But I'm not going down without a fight. Besides, the proof gets that much more solid if you kick my ass without me holding back.

He wants to prove that Shanan>Lakche to fanboys.

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I'm really not seeing the point of these debates... some people are saying "these guys are so much better overall, but my character can be useful too!" (unless I'm misinterpreting) or something to that extent. Why...? Isn't the point of a debate to prove that A > B?

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God damnit, I'm doing what I can here. If I try to argue Lakche>Shanan rather than =Shanan, it's not going to work. You can only argue an inferior character so far.

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I'm really not seeing the point of these debates... some people are saying "these guys are so much better overall, but my character can be useful too!" (unless I'm misinterpreting) or something to that extent. Why...? Isn't the point of a debate to prove that A > B?

Sigh, man. Did you read his first post?

He wants to prove that Shanan>Lakche to fanboys.

He WANTED me to win.

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Not only did you say "debates", our debate also consisted of "my character is useful too".

You can't blame me for thinking of my debate after mentioning it in that way.

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I'm really not seeing the point of these debates... some people are saying "these guys are so much better overall, but my character can be useful too!" (unless I'm misinterpreting) or something to that extent. Why...? Isn't the point of a debate to prove that A > B?

If you're talking about the FE10 debates, determining who is best when comparing characters on different teams can be very tough, almost like comparing characters in different games since they have different allies and face different enemies. If you're talking about Tibarn vs. Elincia specifically, I tried to use what I could to show that Elincia had more overall use despite being much worse in combat. It didn't work.

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It's not your fault, vykan has FE10 debate practice rounds against Prog and smash and whoever else every day of the year.

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Hey Mekkah, my post is finished. You can now tear it to pieces.

I think it's kinda sad how he doesn't realize that he already lost... I can't wait for the reply on monday. I also think that it's sad that you actually are so good that you make him look good for being a fool.... yeah something like that.

Edited by Legault
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It's not your fault, vykan has FE10 debate practice rounds against Prog and smash and whoever else every day of the year.

You didn't know that I'm prognosis 4? I can't really prove it unless someone checked my IP adress or something, though you'll notice in my gfaqs sig that it has the link to my youtube page.

Edit: Here, this should be a little more convincing. You can see on my SDA account that my sig explicitly says "I usually go by the username of Vykan12".

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