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Yes. Assuming humans last another ~300 years.

About 10 generations down the line, with all the interracial marriages, skin tones will fade. Black people wouldn't exist in the times of Star Trek or Star Wars, for example.

Yes. but you have to count Asians and other races, because that might take longer.

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Yes. Assuming humans last another ~300 years.

About 10 generations down the line, with all the interracial marriages, skin tones will fade. Black people wouldn't exist in the times of Star Trek or Star Wars, for example.

You watch too much science fiction :lol:

Just kidding....

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We must always be racist to the Americans, always, no questions asked, always.

Racism will exist forever, but we can atleast try and rid us of hate crimes.

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Racism can't be comprehend. No matter how much people try there best to prevent Racism there always will be racism in some small community like the KKK, or individuals.


Racism won't dissappear but I think now a days people are more aware of it...

Edited by Luxord
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No, the numbers are general.

Interracial mariages account for 1 of every 20 weddings in both the US and Japan.

And it's 1 in 50 in the UK.

10 generations is an early estimate, which is more likely to lead to error, but it's not that far down the line. 500 years at most.

Edited by bunny
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No, I am saying that people make fun of them (like their eyes). Eyes can't really go away. @Luxy: Lol


We must always be racist to the Americans, always, no questions asked, always.

Racism will exist forever, but we can atleast try and rid us of hate crimes.


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I hate nobody, but I do hate it when somebody is racist against me, and believe me, I've been a victim of that sorta thing a few times, both online and offline. ^^

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Racism will always be alive and kicking. "Nigger," anyone?

Hey! That's politically incorrect! According to politically correctness, only I can say that because I'm black!

But that's for another topic.

Honestly, somebody, give me a reason why ANYONE should be prideful of what race or ethic group I came from? Why should I be "proud" to be black? To me, meaning prideful of a skin tone is one step closer to racism. You get this mindset that your race is better than somebody else race and you try to prove it so.

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Hey! That's politically incorrect! According to politically correctness, only I can say that because I'm black!

But that's for another topic.

Honestly, somebody, give me a reason why ANYONE should be prideful of what race or ethic group I came from? Why should I be "proud" to be black? To me, meaning prideful of a skin tone is one step closer to racism. You get this mindset that your race is better than somebody else race and you try to prove it so.

Who said I wasn't black? ;)

But I think it's totally relevant to this topic. The idea that there are certain words which you're allowed to say because of your race is morally bankrupt. It's sad how readily people who don't think of themselves as racist accept this, too.

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