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I'm so bored of everything


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There's nothing entertaining, everything's boring me.

I sit here waiting for something I know isn't going to happen.

The curtains are closed; outside is dark. May as well leave them open.

There's only two others in my corridor of a possible eight; we're all equally as bored. The other six have gone home but should be back soon for tomorrow.

One of them is playing "Krank Dat" by Soulja Boy quite loudly with his door open. I feel like cranking my fist through his face for it, and remind him it's a shit song.

Life burns!

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This is how I felt last week. Remember? That whole: "I'm in a rut." topic.

Write a story! You started the first chapter of that one, and then you gave up. Come on Raven! GRARGH!!!

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I'm so bored, I can't even be bothered to get into anything. I just feel like... I don't know to be honest. Anything but everything.

Try playing a game. You have RD right? Do that. Or play some brawl.

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I'm so bored, I can't even be bothered to get into anything. I just feel like... I don't know to be honest. Anything but everything.

I've felt that way before


I didn't know anyone else felt the same ;`;

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I'm so bored, I can't even be bothered to get into anything. I just feel like... I don't know to be honest. Anything but everything.

If your extremely bored....go to sleep. It usually works for me.

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I've felt that way before


I didn't know anyone else felt the same ;`;

It happens to alot, you're not alone.


Who knows... I want to do something, but I also want to do nothing, because it all bores me.

Eg. I'm bored right now counting this money.

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I wasn't expecting the numbers on paper and the physical money I hold in my hand to add up, but it does.

All £215... And only £3 of it is mine (The cost of the membership card).

I may Brawl a bit later if my mate I'm working through Subspace with comes back.

I could always do some work, but there's always tomorrow for that. I should have learnt that's not the way to go, but whatever.

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I know EXACTLY how you feel

Sucks, doesn't it...

I'm still waiting for something to happen. Something that will change everything. But I don't think it's gonna happen.

Hmm, there's a nice scar down the knuckle on my finger from where I was cut to the bone by a tuna can. Sweet.

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Sucks, doesn't it...

I'm still waiting for something to happen. Something that will change everything. But I don't think it's gonna happen.

Hmm, there's a nice scar down the knuckle on my finger from where I was cut to the bone by a tuna can. Sweet.

WTF :blink:

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