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Improve your least favorite character.

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Hmm...I’d make Peri the boss of a Nohrian mercenary group, instead of a retainer. She’d be a boss on Birthright. You can either kill or recruit her, Shura style.


I’d also improve Rinkah’s strength, so she’d actually fit lore. Maybe I’d also allow us to meet more members of her tribe. As far as I know, she’s a delusional woman who claims she’s a member of a nonexistent tribe. 

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Why do I have the feeling Peri's going to get mentioned a lot here?

Fixing Peri would be a pretty easy thing to do. Her biggest flaw is how she drags other characters with her because they accept and tolerate her murder sprees. This can be addressed by making her the retainer of Garon instead of Xander. Since she's already so much like Hans and Iago she's part of their group and expresses the same glee every time they do something sadistic. Its only after team Garon leaves Peri for death after her defeat that Xander takes pity on the girl and takes her under his wings. This ensures Xander didn't go out of his way to hire an evil serial killer but is just being merciful and rather then being accepting of Peri's behavior he can try and learn her to be normal. 

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Fixing Ephraim: 

  • How I would fix him is by making him not be a Lord at all. Rather, making him a later gained unit. 
  • Ephraim's character should not be so perfect and its him saving Eirika all the time. 
  • What should have happened is that after learning how his sister is missing as he doesn't know her whereabouts, his kingdom fallen, and his father dead, Ephraim is out for blood. He wants to make Grado suffer for what it did to him. It makes him more daring, bold, and most of all, reckless. This comes to bite him in the ass, as he ends up causing a major catastrophe, and nearly gets killed in the process. 
  • Eirika saves him. Not only from getting killed, but also reminding him that there are two sides to every war. Eirika is naive, but it was her more positive outlook on life that helped her understand that not everyone on Grado was bad and that they had to look beyond hatred. Eirika reminds Ephraim of the goodness in people, and saves him from his own rage that was consuming him. Ephraim and Eirika are meant to fulfill what the other lacks, being two halves of one whole (No, I don't ship them!). They are meant to help each other out, in both physical battles and emotional ones. 

Fixing Faye: 

  • Get over Alm. 
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I would fix faye by just expanding on her love for alm like explain why she’s so infatuated with him and also delve more into how the war itself affects her mental state. Like explain how she was before the war started and in her supports show off the hidden crazy obsessive side and make it clear that the war is mostly the cause 

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Fix Ike: Just remove his presence from the plot of FE10.  FE9 Ike is more or less okay.

Fix Peri: Make her not Xander's retainer, the problem with Peri is less Peri herself and more how the other characters treat her (which is often OOC).  Put her in a position more understandable for a crazy serial killer, a random outlaw or something.

Fix Tharja: Give a reason for her to be fixated on Robin, and just ax the cursing of Noire.  

Fix Corrin: you'd have to basically rewrite all of Fates.  

Fix Robin: No spotlight hijack in the Grimleal arc.  Poor Chrom just gets really shoved aside there, he feels like an accessory to Robin's story rather than the other way around.

Fix Kris: Tbh, just put Kris in a game that's not a remake.  Kris is actually much less intrusive than Robin, it's just he's intruding on an already existent story, and that makes it feel worse.  And maybe work the past/present/future stuff into supports more.  That'd be neat.

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Guest Dreamyboi

Fix Corrin and Anankos: Just remove Anankos and Valla from the plot entirely, then rewrite Fates from the ground up while making it slightly more grounded in reality. The rewritten plot will fix Corrin's stupidity and mary sueness on it's own.

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Fix 'milla: Less lovey-dovey for Corrin, more focus on her tragic upbringing.

Fix Garon/Iago/Validar: Do away with that Sat AM cartoon villain BS and make them have actual characters beyond simply wanting chaos and strife for the heroes.

Fix Ricken: Here's a twist, actually have him act like an adult and stop whining about looking/being treated like a kid.  I'm tired of this dumb trope of short people with self-esteem issues.

Fix Corn: Make him/her a side character instead of the main protagonist.

Fix Anankos: Do anything else besides that old tired "evil dragon" trope.  Beyond the design and his unique nature as a hidden final boss, he's no different from any other evil dragon in the series.  Also, make him have less of an impact on the story.  He can still be a final boss, but he shouldn't be the root of all the problems in the world of Fates.

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Corrin: Making them the sidekick to Ryouma/Xander/Azura depending on the route. Also have people point out their flaws and mistakes amd don't show them as being in wrong about it.

Soleil: Either remove the harassment or have it be treated as the serious thing that it is. Oh and also have her show attraction to girls that isn't based on a superficial obsession, so I can actually believe she is into them as people and not as objects. 

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Fix Lyon: you would basically have to rewrite all of Sacred Stones.

Fix Riev/Caellach/Valter: Drop the Saturday morning cartoon villain crap and give them actual reasons for their actions. 

Fix Makalov: Have him clean up his act and recognize the trouble his gambling is causing for others, and himself.

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37 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Fix Tharja: Give a reason for her to be fixated on Robin, and just ax the cursing of Noire.  

Actually, there is a fairly well-evidenced reason for Tharja being infatuated with Robin. As a dark mage, she can sense dark powers nearby, such as the Fell Dragon itself standing right next to her. It has been canon for a long time now that mages are good at sensing the ether around them, especially in their own element. (In the most extreme cases, it can even allow illiterate people like Nino to use tomes, solely by interacting with the natural magic around them!) Also, she would be attracted to said dark powers, as she is obsessed with mastering the dark arts. So, she is less attracted to Robin as she is attracted to the Grima's aura. In fact, I'd even go as far as to say that Tharja's whole schtick with Robin is some expert foreshadowing of the Grima plot twist in a relatively bland story.

Cordelia, Frederick, Camilla, Rhajat and Faye, however, have no such excuse.

PS: I believe the reason why Henry isn't obsessed with Robin like Tharja is is due to the fact that Henry has interests outside of dark magic, and isn't obsessed with the pursuit of power. As such, his other personality aspects prevent the temptation to interact with the Fell Dragon's power from showing though.


Anyway, fixing characters.

Fix Celica: Cut the Duma rubbish, and make her more intelligent while we're at it. She's supposed to be a master-tactician princess, not a total dunce!

Fix Xander: Make him less stubborn, especially when talking about Garon.

Fix Nergal: Make more mentions of Ninian and Nils in his arc. It was his only redeeming factor, and it came out of nowhere!

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Peri: Remove her killing obsession. Either that or just make her a villain.

Tharja: If she's gonna be a stalker, make it so she doesn't do immoral things like cursing Robin just to have an excuse to take care of him. And give us a reason as to why she's so infatuated with him. For all the crap Faye gets, at least she has an actual reason.

Rhajat: Make her more original and not just Tharja 2.0

Sigurd: Literally just replace his game incarnation with his manga incarnation and the series' most boring Lord's problems are solved.

1 hour ago, Otts486 said:

I would fix faye by just expanding on her love for alm like explain why she’s so infatuated with him and also delve more into how the war itself affects her mental state. Like explain how she was before the war started and in her supports show off the hidden crazy obsessive side and make it clear that the war is mostly the cause 

This. I don't actually hate Faye, i actually do like her quite a bit, but there was just a lot of missed opportunities with her, mainly as a result of the game's small number of Supports.

If you recruit Faye with Celica, Faye is genuinely pleased to see her again and if the two had Support conversations expanding on this friendship, i guarantee that people's perceptions of Faye would be a lot different than what they currently are.

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Fix Cordelia: Have people call out her self-deprecation.  I think her support with Frederick shows off her actual motives.
Fix Severa: Instead of having her resent her mother for being perfect, resent her for being overly strict with her due to the aforementioned change above.

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31 minutes ago, The_antithesis said:

Actually, there is a fairly well-evidenced reason for Tharja being infatuated with Robin. As a dark mage, she can sense dark powers nearby, such as the Fell Dragon itself standing right next to her. It has been canon for a long time now that mages are good at sensing the ether around them, especially in their own element. (In the most extreme cases, it can even allow illiterate people like Nino to use tomes, solely by interacting with the natural magic around them!) Also, she would be attracted to said dark powers, as she is obsessed with mastering the dark arts. So, she is less attracted to Robin as she is attracted to the Grima's aura. In fact, I'd even go as far as to say that Tharja's whole schtick with Robin is some expert foreshadowing of the Grima plot twist in a relatively bland story.

That's always been my theory on the matter as well but since the game never goes into detail about this it does veer closer to the territory of headcanon then it does cannon. Its certainly possible and perhaps even likely but Tharja is a fanservice character so its also possible we are putting more thought into it than the developers did. Its a case where more development for both Plegia and Tharja would definitely have helped. 

As for Nergal. I kinda like it how his relation with the dragon siblings isn't brought up. Nergal having declined so much that none of the family can recognize each other and their bond makes it more tragic since it shows just how far gone Nergal is. I think none of them finding out works better than them realizing it at the end and feeling sorrow about it. 

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Kris-Honestly remove him. Katarina would work just fine on her own. In the prologue, have us play as Katarina as the main MC so we get attached then, pull the rug from under us by going, oh BTW she's an assassin trying to kill Marth. Though prologues 1 and 2 would need to removed and you would have to have her and Marth interact more so they become close friends.

Corrin-Make them less stupid and have characters point out their flaws. I think AgahnimD's GGG patch for Conquest does a good job of fixing Corrin.

Peri-Make her learn when others try to teach her how to be normal. Like in her endings, it should state over time Peri became more normal and got over her murderous tendencies. Also I would appreciate if she couldn't change characters personalities and morals like Xander, who already has enough personality swapping between story and supports. Or just remove her from being Xander's retainer since he would never hire her and have her be someone Garon appointed to fight with Xander and have Xander be extremely uncomfortable about. Then just remove Kagero from being Ryoma's retainer and have her just work  with Yukimura and Orochi so the sibling/retainer ratio is balanced (Cause OCD).

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  • Dial back Arthur's modern superhero shtick.  Obviously he's not terrible like Peri, but he still feels badly out of place.
  • Give Nyx actual good growths befitting a unit who starts unpromoted.
  • Give a half-decent explanation as to why Surtr wants to burn everything to the ground.
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1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

As for Nergal. I kinda like it how his relation with the dragon siblings isn't brought up. Nergal having declined so much that none of the family can recognize each other and their bond makes it more tragic since it shows just how far gone Nergal is.

I agree with this but the problem is that you would never find this out unless you go out of your way in Hector's Tale. It's such a crucial detail that most people won't find out because the unlock requirements for Ch.19xx are so cryptic. 

53 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

Give a half-decent explanation as to why Surtr wants to burn everything to the ground.

Same here though i do think it's a bit unfair to criticize Surtr for this at the moment, as Book II of FEH isn't done yet.

That said, i hate that they gave Surtr the obviously evil design. Like, Laegjarn, Laevatein and Loki all have human designs but Surtr looks like he went to the same school as Garon. IS needs to learn the difference between intimidating designs and designs that scream "I'M EVIL" off the top of their lungs.

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Make Gaius a one-off bandit who happens to like candy. That's the only way I can see how to improve him without just erasing him, killing him, or changing him into a different character entirely. "Candy" might be the single dumbest character gimmick possible(Scratch that, writing yaoi slashfiction about your comrades might be the dumbest, but at least it didn't come with an awful pun every 3 syllables), and giving it to a recruitable character(FOR TWO GAMES) is baffling. 

Make Tharja a villain. An awful person obsessed with the main character would make for a much better villain than hero, and Tharja might actually be tolerable as a recurring villain like Aversa. 

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21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Same here though i do think it's a bit unfair to criticize Surtr for this at the moment, as Book II of FEH isn't done yet.

Understandable.  I'm pretty sure they'll do something with Surtr eventually, but I don't expect it to happen for a while.

However, judging from his in-game unit description, I expect it will have something to do with a dragon.  *groan*

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

but there was just a lot of missed opportunities with her, mainly as a result of the game's small number of Supports.

Agreed. My issue with faye(and pretty much echoes’ entire cast) is that she isn’t  a very well developed character. I mean her entire character can summed up in two words “Loves alm” and that’s it. Now to be clear I like the idea that she doesn’t actually get over and move on as it acts as a subversion to the catria/Cordelia archeatype and it’s refreshing to see that. However my issue is that that unrequited love is never expanded on or at the very least called out on. It would be very interesting to see a support where someone calls her out on her alm obsession and she is forced to explain herself or like you said a support with celica where both just sort of fangirl over the guy. These would have been great as they would’ve provided great insight into her character.

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4 minutes ago, Otts486 said:

Now to be clear I like the idea that she doesn’t actually get over and move on as it acts as a subversion to the catria/Cordelia archeatype and it’s refreshing to see that.

Sorry.  Don't you mean "does" actually get over it?

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3 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

Sorry.  Don't you mean "does" actually get over it?

Nope in her ending it clearly states that she never really let go of her feelings for alm and she is seen disappearing from her family likely to grieve or something over the fact that he chose not to be with her

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2 minutes ago, Otts486 said:

Nope in her ending it clearly states that she never really let go of her feelings for alm and she is seen disappearing from her family likely to grieve or something.

Huh.  I recalled every Catria ending being the exact opposite of what they actually were.


Why do I always seem to have wrong or bad ideas around here?

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2 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

Huh.  I recalled every Catria ending being the exact opposite of what they actually were.


Why do I always seem to have wrong or bad ideas around here?

Well to be fair I’ve yet to finish Shadow dragon and new mystery as of yet so I don’t know too much about Catria but my point still stands in the case of Cordelia 

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1 minute ago, Otts486 said:

Well to be fair I’ve yet to finish Shadow dragon and new mystery as of yet so I don’t know too much about Catria but my point still stands in the case of Cordelia 

Really, only her Shadow Dragon ending fits with those, but it's something:


"Catria returned to Macedon to rebuild. Love for a certain man flared in her heart... then flickered when it went unrequited."

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