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So Here's What's Going Down


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Due to people telling me to give them a warning next time I leave, I figured I'd say what's going on.

Kayla told Brad that she didn't want to see him about two days ago, however he cried for her to give him another chance. Before she could say no though, he once again made an excuse so he didn't have to hear it, and of course came back the next day.

Yesterday she called me and told me what happened. Apparently they were sitting there watching a movie, and Brad did possibly the most noble thing I ever heard from him. If I didn't like anything he had ever done, this would be the one thing I did. He told Kayla that if he couldn't make her happy that he didn't deserve her, and that he wanted her to do what makes her happy.

That in itself gave me a deeper found respect for him, and of course makes me believe even though it didn't work out between the two, he learned something.

Of course I apologized for being so involved and being a possible cause that lead to this. Kayla however assured me it was going to happen sooner or later, and she was glad I was there, as she couldn't have gotten through this without me.

Knowing how tired she sounded I told her to go to bed, and we'd talk about it more tomorrow.

She as always picks on me in my insomniac habits, and says I have no room to talk about getting sleep, and of course, I don't. So I talked a little longer.

I recall the last thing I said being that I loved her no matter what happens, and I wanted what was best for her, and would make her happy.

She responded by saying her heart melted into a puddle, which made me blush probably as much as her.

So after that conversation she said she looks forward to seeing me again on Wednesday, and I did likewise.

What does this mean? Well it means I'm going to be spending a lot less time here, and possibly not coming on for a few days or even weeks. It all depends on my schedule.

I know I'm one to say not to leave friends for relationships, however this isn't leaving, it's just saying I won't be around as much. Of course I have known Kayla a long time, and we have been friends for a large deal of time as well, I even used to go to class with her brother Eric. I love Kayla, and we both agree on a serious relationship, which of course is the only way I go.

So come Wednesday if I'm not here as much, if at all, you all know where I am. I'll still check in if I am really inactive however, as I did promise Bizz I'd be a part of this community with her, and I keep my promises when I can.

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Real life relationships... I haven't touched one for a long time. It feels nice to be able to go into a serious relationship with the person you love, but it's worse to come out of one. All you gain is knowledge of how not to fuck the next relationship up.

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Have fun yo kids XD

In all seriousness good luck to you I hope everything turns out well for you

gl (just woke up and is too lazy to type good luck even though this takes longer to type out than good luck. wao im a idiot XD)
You typed a shitload more than Good luck in there...
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My gender is irrelevant to the situation. Two people may love each other unconditionally, and that means UNCONDITIONALLY. Whether we be male or female, homosexual, or straight, it doesn't change who we are.

I love all of you, however I have personal reasons for not revealing a lot about myself, reasons that go deeper than Serenes Forest. One day I shall tell my tale, but not now, for there are more important matters than myself. I hold my tongue until then.

Edited by Cynthia
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My gender is irrelevant to the situation. Two people may love each other unconditionally, and that means UNCONDITIONALLY. Whether we be male or female, homosexual, or straight, it doesn't change who we are.

I love all of you, however I have personal reasons for not revealing a lot about myself, reasons that go deeper than Serenes Forest. One day I shall tell my tale, but not now, for there are more important matters than myself. I hold my tongue until then.

you sound like a epic mysterious entity..........XD

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My gender is irrelevant to the situation. Two people may love each other unconditionally, and that means UNCONDITIONALLY. Whether we be male or female, homosexual, or straight, it doesn't change who we are.

I love all of you, however I have personal reasons for not revealing a lot about myself, reasons that go deeper than Serenes Forest. One day I shall tell my tale, but not now, for there are more important matters than myself. I hold my tongue until then.

Indeed, I'm not against love of any sort.

I'm also sure those who are intrigued by your hidden true identity are patient, and once it's revealed, will be understanding and will not ridicule you in any way.

Once again, good luck with your love.

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Indeed, I'm not against love of any sort.

I'm also sure those who are intrigued by your hidden true identity are patient, and once it's revealed, will be understanding and will not ridicule you in any way.

Once again, good luck with your love.

Thank you, and I apologize for my presence as such. Surely it is another burden to be carried, however I make it a point to carry my own weight.

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