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The ^ < v game


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^ say something about the person who posted above you

< say something about yourself

v ask a question or make an assumption about the person who will post below you

Get it? Good.


^ Is a forum (nobody posted above me)

< has slippers that look like her cat, only with white on them

V also has cool slippers?

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^ Would be correct, but that's more because the person has none

< Has got a pile of books that need to be read.

V Recently repaired something?

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I repaired my headphones with duct tape! But how recently was that...

^ has a very dapper fell dragon as an avatar

< Needs to stop procrastinating and do the stuff I need to do so Voc Rehab will buy her a new laptop

V also has a procrastination problem?

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^ Cheap person (She fixed her headphones with duct tape)

<Guy who try being funny but end up being the subject of jokes (Currently going to college)

V Probably going to answer this topic (Duh!)

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^ Hey duct tape is like the force! It has a light side and a dark side and it HOLDS THE WORLD TOGETHER.

< Went to college once. Failed epicly at it because she was still burned out from highschool.

V has any pets?

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^ I can totally relate to the college thing. The exact same happened to me this very year. Anyhow, you're not a very disciplined person, since you can't stop replying to this thread and get not-procrastinating.

< I wear glasses, and I am currently listening to this. I also can't follow rules, and instead of one thing, I've said three things about myself! Can you believe it?

v Most certainly does not find the person in my profile picture attractive.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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You kidding? Look at that refined chin - Maribelle would swoon!

^ This fine fellow is unfortunately trapped by our beloved Forum's rules. Forced to choose between two of his most favorite games in the Fire Emblem franchise, he attempts to soothe the raging flames of Binding Blade by stating he will swap between it and its rival, New Mystery of the Emblem, Heroes of Light and Shadow, as time goes on, but has yet to alter his registered Favorite Fire Emblem in all the time I have seen him on here. Only time will tell how much longer he can keep the charade up before the inevitable 'snap' comes, and he finds himself discovering just how hot the flames of Lilina's Bolganone burn.

< Can't seem to take things seriously enough for the situation he's in…or is too serious because…uh…you know what, let me confer with the people in my head and get back to you guys about why that is.

v Is quite possibly wondering who the crap I am.

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I am wondering who you are; but that's because I'm new!

^ Probably likes characters with Red hair, and prefers the lords with it as well.

< Is eternally tired/hungry

v Dislikes the 3DS Fire Emblems?

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I enjoyed Awakening, and think that any strategy game fan that owns a 3DS should get it. It's a solid, if flawed, game (and overhated, though not without good reason). Shadows of Valentia is my favorite Fire Emblem game at the moment. I haven't played Fates, and might not until the game is old enough to be bought cheap (although I did miss out on an opportunity to get Conquest for free, as my cousin sold the game before I could ask, but I don't mind since It led to me being able try out Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild).

^Is new here, and doesn't how to add signatures yet.

<Has posted the Killer Instinct Ultra Combo video enough times that, if I condoned drinking, someone could make a drinking game out of it. I also haven't actually played the game either; the gameplay is just that fun to watch (and the plot and characters are surprisingly well-written and enjoyable).

v Has posted in the FE Nonsense Story Thread at least once.

(A question about this game; is it a "one reply per person" or can we respond again after enough time has passed?)

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^ is entirely wrong about him.

< Has become addicted to Kerbal Space Program

v Is most definitely not a Fire Emblem Fates fan.

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^Is incorrect, I've never really gotten into them.

>Am super embarrassed about not reading ruben.io's Let's Plays recently.

vLikes Pokemon...?

Edited by KnightOfNohr
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^ Now, that was just bait. How can I not respond to that? You're a baiter! That's the thing about you! Now go give me views!

< Is just kidding. Also, does not like Pokemon, actually. I beat emerald many years ago, and that's it.

v Knows of a game called Live a Live.

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Surprisingly, yes, I've heard of the game and even know a little bit about it. I'm debating whether or not I'd actually enjoy playing it, though.

^ Is somehow making it through an Ironman let's play of Binding Blade without using any of the top tier units, and despite the blood and tears that have bent spilt, still presses on. Seriously though, despite how much you call yourself a bad player, I'm still amazed and impressed on how you're making it through one of the hardest games in the series without using any of the units considered needed for the hard mode, and It's been a great joy to read through your misadventures, struggles, and victories (I've actually been meaning to comment on the let's play for a while, but sadly never got around to it. One of these days, though, I'll say something).

<Has beaten Time Crisis 2 (twice) and 3 in the arcades, and I set a high score on Silent Scope 2. Both times I've visited Florida, I've won the jackpot on one of those "meteor drop" games.

V Owns a Youtube channel and has posted at least one video worth watching.

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Actually, yes. At one point, I posted an (honestly hilarious) game show spoof that I made with my cousins. It's awful, but it's also comedy...bronze.

^May realize that each arrow used on thus thread corresponds to a different phrase.

<Decided that those phrases are "The person above" for ^, "This person" for <, and "Maybe, the person below" for v.

vRealized this before I posted this reply.

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Gonna break the game's rules a little now to tell this good man to...

18 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

I'm debating whether or not I'd actually enjoy playing (Live a Live), though.

Dew it.

 ^ His spoof may or may not actually be comedy bronze. I'd need to see it in order to know. Eh? Eh? Get the hint?

Also, yes, I'd figured that one out before you. What's my prize?

< Finds it cool to find a silent reader of his crappy Let's Plays in this completely unrelated thread, and urges the aforementioned person to go ahead and comment something.

v Wears glasses.

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^ that guy whose FE12 Ironman I'm reading as I conduct my own (I finish a chapter, read the equivalent, rinse, repeat)
< conducting an FE12 Ironman as of yesterday
v is probably not conducting an FE12 Ironman but should consider it to make three consecutive ones
Also, no. My vision's 20/20

Edited by Mad-manakete
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Have fun and good luck with your run! If you get to the end with less deaths than me (shouldn't be too hard), please, do let me know.

To answer the v prediction, I actually was conducting an FE12 Ironman at the same time as my current FE6 Ironman. However, I dropped it in chapter 15 because I didn't have the heart to face the difficulty spike, and I lost so many people, I had to deploy Arran. Arran.

^ *Notices "location" listed* Oooooooooooooooooooohh who lives in an island over the sea? MAAAAAAD MANAKEEETEEE.

< Realises that was highly stupid, and not even related to the source material, but regrets nothing.

v Will most likely stop talking about FE12 Ironman runs.

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Something I said on here has been added to someone's signature…another life goal crossed off the list! /fistpump

On March 22, 2018 at 5:57 PM, Harmonii said:

^ Probably likes characters with Red hair, and prefers the lords with it as well.

Whaaaat, no, what makes you say - *checks own list of favorite characters* - …uh…let's see…Roy, Cordelia, Severa, Eliwood, Caeldori, Sakura, Gravelyn…NOT CHLOE, HAH! FUUKO SAVES THE wait pink is a red. Dangit.

^ Has no idea how often I hear that.

< Needs to rant about Smash Bros. for a bit so I advise just leaving to the main forum now and not reading this next bit.
…Alright, but I warned you.
I can't stand player-made what-if 'movesets' - the number of people who think you can just throw a list of Specials that only loosely fit the character involved due to being from characters in the same series plus a Final Smash and call that a full moveset is absolutely abominable. Such people(and by that I mean LITERALLY EVERYONE I'VE EVER SEEN MAKE UP A MOVESET FOR THE CHARACTER THEY WANT IN SMASH BROS) bypass the Jab, Tilts, Aerials, Grab, Pummel, Throws, Ledge/Getup Attacks, Weight, Falling/Walking/Running Speed, Gravity, Hurtbox/Hitbox Placement, Height, Traction, Roll Time/Distance, Spotdodge Timing, Shield Size, Sweetspot Gimmicks and sometimes Character Gimmicks(along with probably several other properties that I don't know about but that Sakurai would mention were he here and interested) and think that because they managed to think up four inputs of moves and a move that almost nobody actually serious about playing Smash will ever even see they've somehow proven their chosen character would fit into Smash and - in most cases I've seen - should therefore be added in with the next DLC update or entry in the series, and quite frankly this infuriates me almost to no end. Just because you can say Alm has a Bow and could therefore use Link's Neutral-B, throw random attacks from various SoV characters not even related to Alm, and add him summoning Celica to have her use Ragnarok for the Final Smash doesn't mean you have a full Alm moveset - far from it. How fast would he move? Would his left-handedness allow you to give him some kind of unique spin on the average Fire Emblem moveset? Would he play as more of a spacing character like most Fire Emblem fighters, or would we attempt to showcase his supposed representation of Duma's ideals and make him a more rushdown-oriented fighter? The sheer lack of thought that the average Smash player puts into their wishlist movesets is quite frankly offensive to the amount of work Sakurai puts into the actual games, and makes me VERY glad that he's the one making the game, not one of those average Joes.

v Probably thinks I need help at this point.

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^ Doesn't seem to like the idea of people being creative and wanting characters in smash. Our made up movesets don't get put in the game, so we can have fun on our own, right? Besides, Sakurai can be almost as bad as us sometimes, just look at Ganondorf!

< Really needs a new avatar...

V Is about to make fun of me for having a terrible avatar.

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^ I never saw the point judging of someone based appearance, and thus won't make fun of you. Although if I must be honest, having your avatar be a tower of checkboxes all marked up with an X is a perplexing, if unique, choice (and this comment runs the risk of becoming irrelevant the moment you change it).

< Despite being in an XCOM base, battling for Wesnoth, and plotting to become a Master of Orion, I haven't played any of those games as much as I'd like.

V Reads Darths & Droids.

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Yes, I'm a big fan of Darths and Droids.

^Also likes TvTropes a lot.

<Is an amateur Grammar Nazi who stubbornly insists that "alot" is not a word.

vNeeds to know that "allright" is not a word either.

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