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Which Lord has the harshest backstory?

Jingle Jangle

Which lord?  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Lord

    • Marth
    • Celica
    • Alm
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Lyn
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Ephraim
    • Eirika
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
    • Chrom
    • Lucina
    • Corrin

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18 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

He did no such thing as brainwash her. Manfroy erased Deirdre's memories so that she would be found by Arvis. Brainwash is to force someone to adopt radical beliefs through systematic and forceful pressure. And Deirdre was in fact never forced into marriage. She had a choice, and she accepted Arvis marriage proposal.

Yea, everyone said that already, so you don't have to clear that up. I already said I misunderstood the what actually occurred.

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Yeah I do wonder how the Awakening kids had food, though none of them mention going hungry in any of their supports.  I guess Naga was able to give them food maybe?  I agree with people saying Finn suffered more then Leif and Nanna, but I still think Leif had a harder childhood then anyone else.  Like I said before, while Grima does destroy Lucina's world it sounds like from her supports that her childhood was fairly good ( a fair bit better then some of the other kids whose parents were commoners), she had a loving father who was able to teach her how to fight, which takes time so she had Chrom in her life for a fair bit of time, unlike Leif who never knew his parents.  Don't get me wrong I think Lucina's backstory is very bad and she had her share of pain.  I just feel like dealing with bad things as a child is worse then dealing with them when you can take care of yourself, because as a child you can't take care of yourself and are helpless. 

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1 hour ago, omegaxis1 said:

Actually, this brings up a very good point. If Grima laid waste to the world and the land in the future world, how exactly where they getting food from anyways? I imagine that most animals were killed and a lot of the land became barren with little crops. 

In mRobin's support with Lucina, she says that there is still one corner of the world that isn't overrun with the Risen. I guess there people can still grow crops there.



Ah, Robin. I was just thinking about the future again. My future, I mean. I wonder how everyone is managing now. Do they still live, or...?

I can scarce imagine what horrors you experienced in such a hard, cruel world. A future that was lost... That we could not save... Tell me, are there others like you there? People who fight against the Risen?

Of course. Remnants of armies from the old dynasts survived here and there. We gathered in the last safe corner of the land and united to fight against the tide. But we knew that one day even that final refuge would be overrun...

Then the future of humanity depends on what we do in the here and now.

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41 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Yeah I do wonder how the Awakening kids had food, though none of them mention going hungry in any of their supports.  I guess Naga was able to give them food maybe?  I agree with people saying Finn suffered more then Leif and Nanna, but I still think Leif had a harder childhood then anyone else.  Like I said before, while Grima does destroy Lucina's world it sounds like from her supports that her childhood was fairly good ( a fair bit better then some of the other kids whose parents were commoners), she had a loving father who was able to teach her how to fight, which takes time so she had Chrom in her life for a fair bit of time, unlike Leif who never knew his parents.  Don't get me wrong I think Lucina's backstory is very bad and she had her share of pain.  I just feel like dealing with bad things as a child is worse then dealing with them when you can take care of yourself, because as a child you can't take care of yourself and are helpless. 

I believe Nah does mention the food issue to male Robin.

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1 minute ago, Jingle Jangle said:

In mRobin's support with Lucina, she says that there is still one corner of the world that isn't overrun with the Risen. I guess there people can still grow crops there.


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Ah, Robin. I was just thinking about the future again. My future, I mean. I wonder how everyone is managing now. Do they still live, or...?

I can scarce imagine what horrors you experienced in such a hard, cruel world. A future that was lost... That we could not save... Tell me, are there others like you there? People who fight against the Risen?

Of course. Remnants of armies from the old dynasts survived here and there. We gathered in the last safe corner of the land and united to fight against the tide. But we knew that one day even that final refuge would be overrun...

Then the future of humanity depends on what we do in the here and now.

True, but Nah's support actually does confirm that food was much more scarce than one realizes:


C Support
Nah: Ooo! Look at all those berries!
Avatar: Do you know if they're edible?
Nah: Yup, they're safe to eat! Really sweet, too!
Avatar: Mmm, we'll have to pick a few, then.
Nah: The leaves are a little bitter, but they're not half bad, either.
Avatar: The, uh... The leaves?
Nah: Oh, and if you chew on the roots enough, they make a juice that's pretty okay. Plus it keeps you from feeling hungry, so that's convenient for long marches.
Avatar: No kidding...
Nah: I don't think I've ever seen this many berries at once, though. This is great! Whoa, and there's a ton more over there!
Avatar: ...Just what sort of diet did she grow up on, anyway?


B Support
Avatar: Hey, Nah?
Nah: Hmmm?
Avatar: Earlier, it sounded like you'd eaten roots and leaves and whatnot before, yes?
Nah: On the good days, anyway. But at least it was food!
Avatar: Well, of a sort, I suppose.
Nah: Oh! You can eat the leaves of these plants growing by the road, too! See? *Munch, munch, munch*
Avatar: Those are just weeds, Nah!
Nah: Yeah, but the un-poison kind! They're a lot tastier than you'd think. Wanna try a bite?
Avatar: No, I'm sure they're great. But, uh, Nah? We have food now, you know. Plenty of it tastier than weeds.
Nah: I think anything that keeps the walls of your belly from clanging together is good. Hey, look! Those fruity things over there are great, too! Once you get used to the sourness and the itchy tongue and the dizziness, anyway.
Avatar: There's got to be SOMETHING I can do for her...

If Nah has to rely on berries, roots, and weeds to keep starvation at bay, it stands to reason that they had to learn how to ration food on a much more extreme level.

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9 hours ago, Jotari said:

I'd actually say Leif (and Seliph) didn't really have it that rough. I mean, it's certainly not a fun way to be raised, but for the most part, it was him and Finn just travelling the country from one safe haven to the next, trying constantly to be one step ahead of their enemies. He didn't actually lose anyone precious to him or be forced to fight until the start of the game. He even expressly talks about how he happy we was during the period where Finn and Evyle were his parents. I mean, there's still a hell of a lot of fear and it's nothing compared to the pampered lives of like Sigurd or Eirkia, but it's also nothing compared to Lucina/Lyn/Celica. Really, the one who suffers the most in the Leif backstory is Finn, as he's the one that has all the responsibilities laid on him and has to basically beg for protection from people who are putting their lives at risk just by talking to them, plus the worst parts of Leif's story are all when he's a toddler.

Yes, he was a toddler at the time of his parents' death. However, he later became old enough to understand what had happened while  on the run. The people of the safe havens were brutally executed and Leif thinks it's his fault. It's really tough growing up without knowing the faces of your parents since they were murdered. Lyn/Lucina had parents who they spent time with. Leif will never have that since he knew Finn was just looking after him in his parents' place and his parents were dead. Leif grew up with the mentality that the reason why Finn has to starve, why the people who helped him died was all because of him. Witnessing all of this takes a heavy toll on a child's mind

It took a long time until Leif got to Fianna. What's interesting is that Leif was willing to give away his mother's Lightbrand to Eyvel just so Finn's life could be saved, showing that he's reached the point where he'd willingly give away the only thing left of his mother to save his foster father.

I see people mentioning Lucina and Lyn, but they had a good life before things went to hell. Leif was already in hell by the time he became aware of his surroundings. They had someone to blame for the suffering of the people closest to them. While this is also a similar case for Leif, it goes even further than that since people close to him are suffering because of him.

Edited by silveraura25
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I'm going to argue on a technicality that Lucina's not a proper "Lord", and therefore it's okay that I overlooked her. 

She doesn't cause a game over when she dies and she isn't a central character. 

She's more like a Lachesis or FE4 Gen 2 Leif. 

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3 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

Yes, he was a toddler at the time of his parents' death. However, he later became old enough to understand what had happened while  on the run. The people of the safe havens were brutally executed and Leif thinks it's his fault. It's really tough growing up without knowing the faces of your parents since they were murdered. Lyn/Lucina had parents who they spent time with. Leif will never have that since he knew Finn was just looking after him in his parents' place and his parents were dead. Leif grew up with the mentality that the reason why Finn has to starve, why the people who helped him died was all because of him. Witnessing all of this takes a heavy toll on a child's mind

It took a long time until Leif got to Fianna. What's interesting is that Leif was willing to give away his mother's Lightbrand to Eyvel just so Finn's life could be saved, showing that he's reached the point where he'd willingly give away the only thing left of his mother to save his foster father.

I see people mentioning Lucina and Lyn, but they had a good life before things went to hell. Leif was already in hell by the time he became aware of his surroundings. They had someone to blame for the suffering of the people closest to them. While this is also a similar case for Leif, it goes even further than that since people close to him are suffering because of him.

Yes, Leif didn't know his parents and grew up with an awful lot of fear. But he did have Finn. Finn was his father figure, Finn loved him and cared for him and helped him just as much as any blood relation would. Fin sheltered Leif from the worst of their hell. Leif knew who he was, but Finn still etched out the closest thing to a normal childhood he could possibly have. It's not just Fianna either, Leaf clearly has a love of Tara too. And while he does feel guilty for what happened bro the people who sheltered him, I believe that only happens during the game as he confesses to Linoan and Miranda that he had no idea how bad things had been for them.

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1 minute ago, Jotari said:

Yes, Leif didn't know his parents and grew up with an awful lot of fear. But he did have Finn. Finn was his father figure, Finn loved him and cared for him and helped him just as much as any blood relation would. Fin sheltered Leif from the worst of their hell. Leif knew who he was, but Finn still etched out the closest thing to a normal childhood he could possibly have. It's not just Fianna either, Leaf clearly has a love of Tara too. And while he does feel guilty for what happened bro the people who sheltered him, I believe that only happens during the game as he confesses to Linoan and Miranda that he had no idea how bad things had been for them.

While Fin is indeed is his father figure and looks up to him as well as Lachesis being his foster mother, Leif doesn't have that many memories of his parents along with Seliph. He barely has any memory of what they possibly looked like. His sister was also missing so there's that.

While he might have not known it was that bad, he definitely would've known that when a safe haven was compromised, dire consequences would follow since Leif is considered an enemy of Bloom's Thracia and Travant's Thracia and is sought out to be executed by them

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13 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

While Fin is indeed is his father figure and looks up to him as well as Lachesis being his foster mother, Leif doesn't have that many memories of his parents along with Seliph. He barely has any memory of what they possibly looked like. His sister was also missing so there's that.

While he might have not known it was that bad, he definitely would've known that when a safe haven was compromised, dire consequences would follow since Leif is considered an enemy of Bloom's Thracia and Travant's Thracia and is sought out to be executed by them

Well that's exactly my point. He never knew his parents. There's a sense of loss there, but you also can't miss what you don't have. Never having parents, I argue, is better than having them suddenly and violently ripped away from you one day. I think the fact that he was willing to give up the Light Sword says it all.

And yes, Leif probably did have a lot of worry for the friends he left behind on each move, its no way to live a life, but I still reckon having anyone you ever knew murdered in front of your eyes would trump that.

Edited by Jotari
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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

Well that's exactly my point. He never knew his parents. There's a sense of loss there, but you also can't miss what you don't have. Never having parents, I argue, is better than having them suddenly and violently ripped away from you one day. I think the fact that he was willing to give up the Light Sword says it all.

And yes, Leif probably did have a lot of worry for the friends he left behind on each move, its no way to live a life, but I still reckon having anyone you ever knew murdered in front of your eyes would trump that.

I think it's worse if you never met your parents. You don't have any memories of the people who brought you into this world. I never met one of my grandfathers because he died before I was born. To this day I feel a gnawing pain inside for never meeting the man. When my great grandfather, who I met several times in my youth, passed I was sad, but I was able to move on.

The lightbrand example was to show that Leif had already lost enough people he cared for. He did it with great reluctance though as he was glaring at Eyvel while Nanna was begging in tears for help.

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4 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I think it's worse if you never met your parents. You don't have any memories of the people who brought you into this world. I never met one of my grandfathers because he died before I was born. To this day I feel a gnawing pain inside for never meeting the man. When my great grandfather, who I met several times in my youth, passed I was sad, but I was able to move on.

The lightbrand example was to show that Leif had already lost enough people he cared for. He did it with great reluctance though as he was glaring at Eyvel while Nanna was begging in tears for help.

Well that's just down to personal perspective then. I never met any of my five grandparents, and I've never felt any loss about that, even when people post things on facebook about how granparents are some of the most wonderful things in the world.

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9 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

I see people mentioning Lucina and Lyn, but they had a good life before things went to hell. Leif was already in hell by the time he became aware of his surroundings. They had someone to blame for the suffering of the people closest to them. While this is also a similar case for Leif, it goes even further than that since people close to him are suffering because of him.

Lyn apparently only had to deal with it six months prior to the game, but Lucina was in a post apocalyptic wasteland for years. At least Lief had a living world and protector. Lucina had to lead a hopeless battle and had the responsibility of keeping humanity alive. Most lords deal with the loss of family (Lief didn't even know the parents he lost though, but Lucina did. You say that makes Lucina's easier, but she knew what she lost) and/or country, but Lucina had to deal with the loss of the world.

Edited by Arthur97
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I would say a tie between Leif and Lucina (if she really counts). Leif lived his life being told he was a prince who was on the run in his own kingdom and watched loved ones sacrifice themselves for him in the hopes that he would one day rise up with a rebellion to save their home. Lucina watched her world be torn apart by monsters and a giant dragon god thing. They both were forced to fight what was ultimately a losing battle and could only stand strong in the face of adversity for their people until the real hero (Seliph for LEif and alternate past Chrom for Lucina) could come along and save the day.

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20 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

Lyn apparently only had to deal with it six months prior to the game, but Lucina was in a post apocalyptic wasteland for years. At least Lief had a living world and protector. Lucina had to lead a hopeless battle and had the responsibility of keeping humanity alive. Most lords deal with the loss of family (Lief didn't even know the parents he lost though, but Lucina did. You say that makes Lucina's easier, but she knew what she lost) and/or country, but Lucina had to deal with the loss of the world.

While indeed Lucina's world was ruined, it seems as if it doesn't mean anything if she just got to go back to the past and fix things. She did lose her parents, but she also got to spend more time with them in the past. Her whole point along with the rest of the children is that their world was destroyed and it's super tragic, but it's redundant cause they can just chill out with their parents in the past.

I would call Future Past Lucina super tragic, but it's not canon so...

If Awakening didn't have that stupid time travel plot and was more like the generation gap in Genealogy, then Lucina is the most tragic lord

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12 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

While indeed Lucina's world was ruined, it seems as if it doesn't mean anything if she just got to go back to the past and fix things. She did lose her parents, but she also got to spend more time with them in the past. Her whole point along with the rest of the children is that their world was destroyed and it's super tragic, but it's redundant cause they can just chill out with their parents in the past.

I would call Future Past Lucina super tragic, but it's not canon so...

If Awakening didn't have that stupid time travel plot and was more like the generation gap in Genealogy, then Lucina is the most tragic lord

1) No, she still feels the pain of abandoning her world to the past, and they all seem to have understood then or later on that actions of going back in time will only create a new timeline. Their timeline will still be in hell. Well, until they get Anankos to bless the land so that it can recover, but that was pure luck and only 3 people know this.

2) Just because they went back in time and have met their parents, they are all acutely aware that they aren't the same. They will never forget the fact that their original parents are dead. So no, that pain will never cease. 

3) The Future Past is heavily canon, or rather heavily implied to be real. This is because Morgan that we can recruit is implied to be from that future from the Hot Spring Scramble, and we already know that Harvest Festival and Hot Spring Scramble also happened by what the supports with Selena/Odin and Laslow/Odin had. 

4) The time travel actually makes her even MORE tragic. Because this means that Lucina FAILED. Her world is in hell, and she will forever carry the guilt in the fact that she never managed to meet the people's expectations. They all died in the end for nothing, and she had to abandon that world in the end. 

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30 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

While indeed Lucina's world was ruined, it seems as if it doesn't mean anything if she just got to go back to the past and fix things. She did lose her parents, but she also got to spend more time with them in the past. Her whole point along with the rest of the children is that their world was destroyed and it's super tragic, but it's redundant cause they can just chill out with their parents in the past.

I would call Future Past Lucina super tragic, but it's not canon so...

If Awakening didn't have that stupid time travel plot and was more like the generation gap in Genealogy, then Lucina is the most tragic lord

It's already been mentioned that they aren't her real parents, but let's also remember that this is about backstory. Also, there is a case to be made about having something, about having parents who she loved and loved her, only to have those ripped away at a young age as opposed to not having them at all like Lief who did not have that so how would he know what he was lacking? 

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1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

While indeed Lucina's world was ruined, it seems as if it doesn't mean anything if she just got to go back to the past and fix things. She did lose her parents, but she also got to spend more time with them in the past. Her whole point along with the rest of the children is that their world was destroyed and it's super tragic, but it's redundant cause they can just chill out with their parents in the past.

I would call Future Past Lucina super tragic, but it's not canon so...

If Awakening didn't have that stupid time travel plot and was more like the generation gap in Genealogy, then Lucina is the most tragic lord

Regardless how much ground this does or doesn't hold, Lucina gets to meet and spend time with her parents during the game. This thread is about their various backstories. Who has a worse life overall is an entirely different subject (and the answer there is probably Sigurd, who despite probably having the best child hood, meets the worst end).

Edited by Jotari
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14 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Regardless how much ground this does or doesn't hold, Lucina gets to meet and spend time with her parents during the game. This thread is about their various backstories. Who has a worse life overall is an entirely different subject (and the answer there is probably Sigurd, who despite probably having the best child hood, meets the worst end).

Yeah, definitely hard to argue that, since the guy died after fighting so long, only to be ultimately backstabbed and the guy that did so also has his wife.

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44 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

1) No, she still feels the pain of abandoning her world to the past, and they all seem to have understood then or later on that actions of going back in time will only create a new timeline. Their timeline will still be in hell. Well, until they get Anankos to bless the land so that it can recover, but that was pure luck and only 3 people know this.

2) Just because they went back in time and have met their parents, they are all acutely aware that they aren't the same. They will never forget the fact that their original parents are dead. So no, that pain will never cease. 

3) The Future Past is heavily canon, or rather heavily implied to be real. This is because Morgan that we can recruit is implied to be from that future from the Hot Spring Scramble, and we already know that Harvest Festival and Hot Spring Scramble also happened by what the supports with Selena/Odin and Laslow/Odin had. 

4) The time travel actually makes her even MORE tragic. Because this means that Lucina FAILED. Her world is in hell, and she will forever carry the guilt in the fact that she never managed to meet the people's expectations. They all died in the end for nothing, and she had to abandon that world in the end. 

I haven't played future pasts or any of the DLCs, because dlc=money so my knowledge of it is iffy. Same goes for Anankos schenanigans. Only until yesterday I managed to get Fates DLC which I now regret, because all I needed was actually the exp map after playing most of the dlc maps

Their parents are dead, but at least they got to be with them in their childhood. A huge chunk of gen 2 Genealogy would be green with envy.
I don't want to rely on the in-game events, but time travel cheapens their tragedy for me.
Sure, they abandoned a world that died, but they didn't fail if they couldn't do anything to stop it. But that's just my opinion.

27 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

It's already been mentioned that they aren't her real parents, but let's also remember that this is about backstory. Also, there is a case to be made about having something, about having parents who she loved and loved her, only to have those ripped away at a young age as opposed to not having them at all like Lief who did not have that so how would he know what he was lacking? 

Sorry about derailing. My bad.

Leif knew he lacked it simply because they were dead and he'll never meet them. He'll never have a memory of his real parents because he was too young when they were still alive. It'll forever gnaw at him from the inside of his heart. Lucina at least got to feel the luxury of having memories of her real father and mother. They'll live on inside her despite being dead. Besides, she ain't seen her own father figure starve himself to keep you alive. Guilt can be quite heavy

Just now, Jotari said:

Regardless how much ground this does or doesn't hold, Lucina gets to meet and spend time with her parents during the game. This thread is about their various backstories. Who has a worse life overall is an entirely different subject.

Apologies for derailing. I should punch myself in the face. 

I'll go with it this way. Boy it sure looks like I'm just trying to weasel myself out of this. One person can only do so much against three. Lucina only experienced hardship only in the later parts of her life. She could have been considered to have a decent childhood.
This is somewhat the reverse case for Leif. Hard early life, after a while he managed to settle down. But this is where it's different from the reverse case, he's still gripped by hatred as well as fear of his enemies. The sorrow of his parent's death still lingers despite never properly knowing them. His death quote in Genealogy is “Father... ...Mother...”. He cares about the people he never met

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14 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

I haven't played future pasts or any of the DLCs, because dlc=money so my knowledge of it is iffy. Same goes for Anankos schenanigans. Only until yesterday I managed to get Fates DLC which I now regret, because all I needed was actually the exp map after playing most of the dlc maps

Their parents are dead, but at least they got to be with them in their childhood. A huge chunk of gen 2 Genealogy would be green with envy.
I don't want to rely on the in-game events, but time travel cheapens their tragedy for me.
Sure, they abandoned a world that died, but they didn't fail if they couldn't do anything to stop it. But that's just my opinion.

Sorry about derailing. My bad.

Leif knew he lacked it simply because they were dead and he'll never meet them. He'll never have a memory of his real parents because he was too young when they were still alive. It'll forever gnaw at him from the inside of his heart. Lucina at least got to feel the luxury of having memories of her real father and mother. They'll live on inside her despite being dead. Besides, she ain't seen her own father figure starve himself to keep you alive. Guilt can be quite heavy

Apologies for derailing. I should punch myself in the face. 

I'll go with it this way. Boy it sure looks like I'm just trying to weasel myself out of this. One person can only do so much against three. Lucina only experienced hardship only in the later parts of her life. She could have been considered to have a decent childhood.
This is somewhat the reverse case for Leif. Hard early life, after a while he managed to settle down. But this is where it's different from the reverse case, he's still gripped by hatred as well as fear of his enemies. The sorrow of his parent's death still lingers despite never properly knowing them. His death quote in Genealogy is “Father... ...Mother...”. He cares about the people he never met

You know, in the end, the majority of your argument ultimately goes to this being a matter of perspective. To you, Lucina having been able to know her parents, but ultimately losing them, is better than Leif who didn't know his parents, but already have parental  figures in his life still that kept it fulfilled. It's all a matter of perspective on who had it worse. Because despite the saying that it's "better to be loved and to have lost than to never have loved at all", there are people that state that the saying should be reversed. 

For me, I think that Lucina had the must worse life before, because despite how she did go back in time and prevent the cataclysm of Grima, she will never forget how she watched Ylisstol burn to the ground in the Drama CDs, how she failed her father, her people, and her world. 

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22 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Leif knew he lacked it simply because they were dead and he'll never meet them. He'll never have a memory of his real parents because he was too young when they were still alive. It'll forever gnaw at him from the inside of his heart. Lucina at least got to feel the luxury of having memories of her real father and mother. They'll live on inside her despite being dead. Besides, she ain't seen her own father figure starve himself to keep you alive. Guilt can be quite heavy

Apologies for derailing. I should punch myself in the face. 

I'll go with it this way. Boy it sure looks like I'm just trying to weasel myself out of this. One person can only do so much against three. Lucina only experienced hardship only in the later parts of her life. She could have been considered to have a decent childhood.
This is somewhat the reverse case for Leif. Hard early life, after a while he managed to settle down. But this is where it's different from the reverse case, he's still gripped by hatred as well as fear of his enemies. The sorrow of his parent's death still lingers despite never properly knowing them. His death quote in Genealogy is “Father... ...Mother...”. He cares about the people he never met

No, she only saw the world slowly starving to death as well as being hunted by the undead and being responsible for trying to keep them alive. And you don't know how young she was. She mentions having memories of Chrom in a manner that seems to indicate that she was rather young when he died and everything came crashing down.

And really, how could it possibly be as painful to lose someone you never knew compared to someone you did? I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt, but faceless individuals usually hurt less than those who you knew and loved.

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56 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

No, she only saw the world slowly starving to death as well as being hunted by the undead and being responsible for trying to keep them alive. And you don't know how young she was. She mentions having memories of Chrom in a manner that seems to indicate that she was rather young when he died and everything came crashing down.

And really, how could it possibly be as painful to lose someone you never knew compared to someone you did? I'm not saying it wouldn't hurt, but faceless individuals usually hurt less than those who you knew and loved.

I'm not really that big on knowing what age she was when Chrom died, but she old enough to learn the sword and somewhat pick up a lot of the things that make Chrom's style unique

The fact that you're supposed to love them and they're faceless individuals is what's painful

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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Regardless how much ground this does or doesn't hold, Lucina gets to meet and spend time with her parents during the game. This thread is about their various backstories. Who has a worse life overall is an entirely different subject (and the answer there is probably Sigurd, who despite probably having the best child hood, meets the worst end).

Sigurd is the only Lord in the series that never gets to see a happy ending. And his last moments are some of the worst/most tragic of any character in the franchise period. 

Gen 2 implies that he's happy with Deirdre in the afterlife(Gonna be real awkward when Arvis shows up), but man his life sucked near the end. He had to sit by helplessly as his sister and brother-in-law were slaughtered pretty much in front of him, his father dies to make sure Sigurd gets the Tyrfing, Arvis, who he thought was his friend, betrays him and reveals that he's(Unwittingly) the one who kidnapped his wife and that Deride doesn't even remember who Sigurd is, and then Sigurd and most of his army are roasted alive after finding out that ALL of their heroic deeds will be portrayed as villainous and an attempt to cause civil unrest across Jugdral. 

Probably the single worst day that anybody in FE has. 

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2 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

I haven't played future pasts or any of the DLCs, because dlc=money so my knowledge of it is iffy. Same goes for Anankos schenanigans. Only until yesterday I managed to get Fates DLC which I now regret, because all I needed was actually the exp map after playing most of the dlc maps

Their parents are dead, but at least they got to be with them in their childhood. A huge chunk of gen 2 Genealogy would be green with envy.
I don't want to rely on the in-game events, but time travel cheapens their tragedy for me.
Sure, they abandoned a world that died, but they didn't fail if they couldn't do anything to stop it. But that's just my opinion.

Sorry about derailing. My bad.

Leif knew he lacked it simply because they were dead and he'll never meet them. He'll never have a memory of his real parents because he was too young when they were still alive. It'll forever gnaw at him from the inside of his heart. Lucina at least got to feel the luxury of having memories of her real father and mother. They'll live on inside her despite being dead. Besides, she ain't seen her own father figure starve himself to keep you alive. Guilt can be quite heavy

Apologies for derailing. I should punch myself in the face. 

I'll go with it this way. Boy it sure looks like I'm just trying to weasel myself out of this. One person can only do so much against three. Lucina only experienced hardship only in the later parts of her life. She could have been considered to have a decent childhood.
This is somewhat the reverse case for Leif. Hard early life, after a while he managed to settle down. But this is where it's different from the reverse case, he's still gripped by hatred as well as fear of his enemies. The sorrow of his parent's death still lingers despite never properly knowing them. His death quote in Genealogy is “Father... ...Mother...”. He cares about the people he never met

Nobody's really arguing that Leif had a rosey life. Bieng an orphan is baggage, even if you have well adjusted and loving foster parents...It's just that having all your loved ones violently (and I stress violently) ripped away from you is worse, in my and (I assume) several other people's opinion.

10 minutes ago, Slumber said:

Sigurd is the only Lord in the series that never gets to see a happy ending. And his last moments are some of the worst/most tragic of any character in the franchise period. 

Gen 2 implies that he's happy with Deirdre in the afterlife(Gonna be real awkward when Arvis shows up), but man his life sucked near the end. He had to sit by helplessly as his sister and brother-in-law were slaughtered pretty much in front of him, his father dies to make sure Sigurd gets the Tyrfing, Arvis, who he thought was his friend, betrays him and reveals that he's(Unwittingly) the one who kidnapped his wife and that Deride doesn't even remember who Sigurd is, and then Sigurd and most of his army are roasted alive after finding out that ALL of their heroic deeds will be portrayed as villainous and an attempt to cause civil unrest across Jugdral. 

Probably the single worst day that anybody in FE has. 

Well he received word of Quan and Ethlin's death as he can't see for several hundred miles across desert, and a few weeks or months probably passed between Byron dying and his own roasting...but yeah, pretty shit set of circumstances. Hard to conceive a worse chain of events without going overboard and seeming unrealistic (which I actually Lucina kind of passess into, really, how are any of us possible meant to emphatise with the sheer gravity of the entire world being destroyed. It's kind of outside of the scope of the average person).

Edited by Jotari
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