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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer


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Uh... what were you expecting from a dynasty warriors games that has characters from... Toukiden? ...Atelier? ...Oppona? ...Nobunyaga no Yabou? Dead or Alive is here? Ninja Gaiden?!
I don't even know how to pronounce some of these, much less know what they are, but the visuals tell me enough. What else were you expecting from a warriors game that mixes realistic characters with cartoony ones? They'll never run out of ideas for this series, will they?

13 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

To what extent can you give your protagonist special abilities without them immediately crossing into Mary Sue territory?

Make sure that their abilities make sense for the story in question, and the crisis they face requires said abilities. You can have someone win the superpower lottery, but people won't complain if they're facing galactic conquer level threats where they have to use all their powers to defeat it. They would, however, complain if the most interesting thing the character does is fight crime, as it's squandering their potential and not giving them a challenge. Also, people will complain more about a characters, well, character, than their abilities, although being extremely powerful highlights how interesting a character is depending on how they use them.

Why does James McCloud have a notch on his left ear in Star Fox 64 3D?

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Probably. I've never tried it before.

9 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Uh... what were you expecting from a dynasty warriors games that has characters from... Toukiden? ...Atelier? ...Oppona? ...Nobunyaga no Yabou? Dead or Alive is here? Ninja Gaiden?!
I don't even know how to pronounce some of these, much less know what they are, but the visuals tell me enough. What else were you expecting from a warriors game that mixes realistic characters with cartoony ones? They'll never run out of ideas for this series, will they?

To be honest, I got the game just because I heard Arnice and Christophorus from Nights of Azure were in it. I love the other characters as well, though, even without having played their home series.
One thing's for sure, though: Nothing will ever be more hilarious than putting Arnice, Lu Bu, Honoka, Nobunyaga Oda, Sophie and Ryu Hayabusa in the same party.
And I am now officially interested in the Atelier games. When I'm done with this one, I think I'll give that series a try.

9 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Make sure that their abilities make sense for the story in question, and the crisis they face requires said abilities. You can have someone win the superpower lottery, but people won't complain if they're facing galactic conquer level threats where they have to use all their powers to defeat it. They would, however, complain if the most interesting thing the character does is fight crime, as it's squandering their potential and not giving them a challenge. Also, people will complain more about a characters, well, character, than their abilities, although being extremely powerful highlights how interesting a character is depending on how they use them.

Yup, will keep this in mind! Thanks!

Why is it that people complain when it gets warm during summer and when it gets cold during winter?

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Depends on your Dungeon Master and / or circle of friends. I once played as Owain for a D&D campaign with a few friends some years ago and they were cool with it, since we also had Master Chief, Dragonborn, Ezio and Commander Shepard (our theme was video game characters we like). Let me tell you, it was hilarious.

How do you close a window?

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Nani counter: 5

If someone already knew the answer to a question, but asks it anyway to see how others respond, does it count as a stupid question?


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I own a box cutting knife from work. Does that count?

Is the reason Expert mode of Star Fox 64 (3D) is so hard is because Fox is wearing sunglasses... in space?

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The relative frequency of the letter D in the English language is 4.253%.

...I have no idea what you're supposed to make of that, so I'll just say coincidence.

Why is being able to talk to fish considered a lame superpower?

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A pickle that says "doh" like Homer Simpson.

Real answer:


A sex toy meant to replace an erect penis for penetration. Some vibrate.

If you give a mouse a cookie, then what?

Edited by Dragoncat
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