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Pre*ten*tious: Adjective: attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

I miss my old computer dictionary. The internet just isn't the same.

What determines if a piece of music is "good" or "bad"?

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Beats me. Maybe when Carlin rises from his grave (except he was cremated. And HIGH FIVE for referencing that old f*** from New York XD )

Does a supernatural being really play dice with the universe?

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I haven’t gotten the true ending yet, but I’d say Alan.

What would you do if a perverted Summon Creature asked you to talk dirty to him like a sexy woman so you can get past him? (this happens in Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2)

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As a woman myself I'd feel very unsafe and probably attack him. No thanks, I don't do interspecies, sir. I assume these creatures aren't humanoid? Or demons or something? Regardless...yeah.

Why does "chicken" mean "coward"? Chickens can fuck you up, man.

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Because you don't have to be an actual "Geek" to be able to bite off their heads.  Fact is their neckbones are weak enough for human teeth to bite the head off of.  Thus if they even try to fight back as hard as they can, there is no better way that a bigger creature can confirm the chicken's cowardice by definitively having their head.  What you do afterwards... That's your business.

What is love?

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1 hour ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:

Because you don't have to be an actual "Geek" to be able to bite off their heads.  Fact is their neckbones are weak enough for human teeth to bite the head off of.  Thus if they even try to fight back as hard as they can, there is no better way that a bigger creature can confirm the chicken's cowardice by definitively having their head.  What you do afterwards... That's your business.

What is love?

Love is feeling like floating leaves, but being scared of the air blowers which I never saw one in real life and only on SpongeBob. Also I'm sure Cupid listens to the song where this question appears.

Why is pizza made of dough and not from mashed potatoes? 

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1 hour ago, 1% Critical Hit said:

Why is pizza made of dough and not from mashed potatoes? 

Because mashed potatoes are nasty. Ok not really but they are nasty on a pizza.

Why does my internet keep crashing

Edited by This boi uses Nino
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Because *evillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll*

Why do some days I lay wide awake 'til the sun hits my face and I fade?

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Because you want to.

Why is it people believe there are an infinite amount of stars in the sky, but if a sign says "wet paint" they have to touch it to see for themselves?

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