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You forgot the question. And Duke Nukem has been dead (except to LGR) ever since shooter game protagonists got likable personalities.

Why/How do Kirby's animal buddies keep getting kidnapped in Kirby's Dream Land 2?

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I was trying to make a but it was me dio reference.. :P

And no..Duke shall never die!


They're like Peach, they let the Antagonist capture them because they know they're in a video game that is in dire need of plot.

Who would be the perfect cavalier duo of SF? For example Sain and Kent, but with SF users, obviously.

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Situational communication.

Why are there 2D and 3D waifus, but no 1D or 4D waifus?

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Because 1D is boring and the human mind can't imagine anything beyond 3D, since we are three-dimensional beings. Likewise, a two-dimensional being couldn't imagine a third dimension.

9 minutes ago, Hawkwing said:

What does sitcom stand for?

Situational comedy. As in a form of joke that is considered funny within the context of the situation the joke is made in, usually spontaneous. Which of course also means that the joke ceases to be funny outside of that context. Which is why most memes fail to be funny for me. At least that's how I always understood it.

What situation would you need to be in to even consider doing your least favourite thing to do?

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Life or death situation.

What is the difference between bathrooms and restrooms?

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Narrating your own pooping actions out loud for all to hear.

Why are poop jokes so fun to talk about?


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To see if it is alive.

Why did the chicken peck the road?

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To watch anime.

Why do weapon triangle, magic triangle, anima triangle, color triangle, triangle attack, and other triangles exist in Fire Emblem?

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People are into weird things.

5 hours ago, XRay said:

To watch anime.

They don't show anime on NHK.

I'm going to put this in a spoiler due to Endgame spoilers.


Why do I get the feeling that GOTG 3 is going to be about everyone trying to find Gamora?


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You do not eat enough to feel full.

I ate the Impossible burger yesterday for the first time. It was pretty good! So, why does the Impossible burger taste like a meat burger even though the Impossible burger is completely vegan?

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Cooks that are good at their jobs can do wonders.

That, or they finally developed flavorings that make anything taste like meat.


What exactly is Serenes Forest updating, and why do some things look so...off?

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