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I'll go with Guinevere. Hero x princess and plus Roy's also a prince so yeah.

(the answer to the Tigger question was "he was looking for poo(pooh)" btw)

Is there any circumstance in which shoplifting would be acceptable?

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1 minute ago, Purple Mage said:

Because of those damn liberals.

@Kubson do you know what happened when I asked COOKIECHEESEMAN if I could make an AGOH spinoff?

I don't know I haven't been around here (this forum) for a long time. What happened?

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7 minutes ago, Purple Mage said:


What's an Oedipus complex? I think I remember that name from Greek mythology somewhere...

It’s based off a great play by Sophocles. Basically, Oedipus inadvertently murders his father and marries his mother.

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Sure Bert.

How did Mr. and Mrs Incredible know what powers their kids would have and name them accordingly? Dash for super speed, Violet for ultra violet light that's invisible, and Jack Jack, the jack of all trades?

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What do- MY TOE! Ouch that hurts! :cry:    No. That door was certainly not there before.

Should I manually count each and every bit of sand to verify NASA's assertion that there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand in all of the beaches on Earth combined?

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If you want to end up in a straitjacket, sure.

Did my cat eat a bunch of Mexican food? I can smell the poop he just did!

Edited by Dragoncat
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