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Because you don’t like her backstory.

Why am I the only one who thinks that Dimitri does the whole self loathing thing a million times better than Marianne?

Edited by Sooks1016
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I wouldn't say he does it better, but because he's a main lord, he gets the necessary development to make that character archetype work better than Marianne got since she's much less relevant to the story.

Who is your favorite S-support option?

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I’m assuming you mean actual S support wise, Edelgard’s is obviously great considering her relationship with Byleth but Annette’s is also fantastic. It’s so sweet. I haven’t actually seen that many S supports though, and I do concede that Lysithea’s seems like it will be good.

Why does my taste in three houses girls have to be so basic?

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Honestly, I can’t even tell you why I think so now.

Why are you telling me my three houses’ gal taste isn’t basic when my best girl is Edelgard and one of my second favorites is Dorothea?

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Because Edelgard is one of the best female characters in the entire series and Dorothea is also a good character in her own right.

Why do I create threads that make people get into heated discussions with each other even though it was just a simple question that I asked with the best of intentions?

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Because people have differing tastes and people inherently think that they're right.

Why do I have low motivation to S-support anyone because of how long the supports are?

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Because if we were to argue Berwick Saga vs. Path of Radiance, you'd believe that you are correct and I'd believe that I am correct.

EDIT: Ninja'd

Because I think he missed he Edelgard V Rhea discussions.

Why do I dislike arguing?

Edited by Benice
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Because I stupidly thought that users could be more respectful towards each other than they are. Although from what I've seen, it's mostly one user being somewhat antagonistic.

Why are all the characters in 3H actually pretty well-written by FE standards?

Edited by twilitfalchion
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Because it came (mostly, SoV didn't sell too much) after Fates, which had a very weak cast, and the voice acting is good. (tbh I think the cast is overrated, but that's just me.)

Why do I enjoy watching people play bad Mario Horror games?

Edited by Benice
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Because you (presumably) haven’t seen her Linhardt supports, her Ferdinand supports, her Sylvain supports, or her Hubert supports.

Why is Hanneman somewhat boring to me?

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Because sometimes the sheer amount of supports can make a character feel one-note as C supports generally start the same way.

EDIT: ninja'd

BECAUSE YOU HAVE BAD TASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!ONE!!

Why can't I get anyone else to join the FE9 draft?

Edited by Benice
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Because he is.

Why is Jeralt an underappreciated character?

I don't know. FE9 is a popular game, so I'd think that people would be likely to participate.

Why do I want to like Ingrid more than I do, but just can't?

Edited by twilitfalchion
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Because he's an FE dad, and only one fate awaits FE dads.

Oh bruh, I just got EDIT Ninja'd.

Because she's overrated as a unit? Maybe? I dunno...

Why do I want there not to be DLC for the next FE?

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You’re probably under the false impression that she’s racist. When I started up this azure moon file again, I accidentally unlocked Ashe and Ingrid’s B support like right after and it made me appreciate her a whole lot more (if it helps)

Why can’t the Ashen Wolves have more support?

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