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Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer


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I was not aware of this. I don't particularly care for fanfiction but this is the funniest thing I have heard in awhile. Thank you, good sir.


Isn't it unrealistic that we're supposed to drink eight cups of water a month?




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You used a double negative. Of course it is realistic to drink eight cups of water a month. There are enough days  in a month that you can alternate between drinking water and milk every few days and still meet the benchmark.

What's the difference between being warm or cold blooded? (Funny and Serious, if you don't mind).

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It's a common misconception, but warm-blooded means endothermic, or able to regulate internal body temperature, and coldblooded means ectothermic, in other words, unable to regulate body temperature. Or something like that, my biology is a little rusty.

How is Timmy an average kid if no one understands him?

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1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

You used a double negative.

Technically yeah, I had two negatives, "isn't", and "unrealistic". But it's not what you would typically think of as a double negative like "I didn't do nothing". I was using it to switch tones. Insinuating that I already had a point of view on the matter and was looking for confirmation or rejection. As opposed to "Is the fact unrealistic", which would make it seem as though I have no clue and am genuinely trying to figure it out.

 Perhaps a clearer wording would have been "Isn't the fact that we have to drink eight cups a month(it's eight a day actually) unrealistic?"  I also think it's a little different if it's a question as opposed to a statement but I'm not 100 on that. 


dou·ble neg·a·tive
ˈdəbəl ˈneɡədiv/
  1. a negative statement containing two negative elements (for example didn't say nothing ).
    • a positive statement in which two negative elements are used to produce the positive force, usually for some particular rhetorical effect (for example there is not nothing to worry about! ).
      10 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

      Si vous voulez manger mon gâteau, vous demandiez?

      Sure I'll ask you before I eat your cake?


      Aviators or wayfarers?

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Are the fairies in The Fairly Oddparents magic seahorses in disguise? COSMO GAVE BIRTH TO POOF. Cosmo. A male fairy. Male seahorses also give birth.

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Because they're lazy or just trying to be overly tragic or both.

If somebody offered you a million dollars to walk down the street butt naked, where is that million dollars coming from?

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3 hours ago, Purple Mage said:

It's a common misconception, but warm-blooded means endothermic, or able to regulate internal body temperature, and coldblooded means ectothermic, in other words, unable to regulate body temperature. Or something like that, my biology is a little rusty.

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

Can you believe that the question came about because the online DOS emulator site I visited constantly adds new games and one of them was one of those "Living Books" games and I had some time to spare so I decided "sure, why not" and I ended up spending an hour on it. The book in question was Stellaluna, and it was surprisingly good. Heartwarming even. Anyway, it had this quiz about bats, and one of the questions was "Are bats warm-blooded?" and I was kind of curious what the difference between being cold and warm blooded meant, so I decided to ask here. You may or may not be getting a bunch of bat/animal related questions in the following days.

I'm not certain why I just shared that. I guess I had a busy and emotional (in a good way) day, and this small thing kind of contributed to it.

2 hours ago, ProfImpossible said:

Technically yeah, I had two negatives, "isn't", and "unrealistic". But it's not what you would typically think of as a double negative like "I didn't do nothing". I was using it to switch tones. Insinuating that I already had a point of view on the matter and was looking for confirmation or rejection. As opposed to "Is the fact unrealistic", which would make it seem as though I have no clue and am genuinely trying to figure it out.

 Perhaps a clearer wording would have been "Isn't the fact that we have to drink eight cups a month(it's eight a day actually) unrealistic?"  I also think it's a little different if it's a question as opposed to a statement but I'm not 100 on that. 

So I was technically correct... (Sorry, but that was too great an opportunity to pass up. I don't even watch the show, but I still like the meme).

Anyway, thanks for clearing that up. Admittedly, I was confused by what the question specifically asked the first and second time I read it, and came to that conclusion the third. It didn't help that I was going to leave soon and wanted to answer quickly.

13 minutes ago, ProfImpossible said:

Who are the chips saying ahoy to?

Their Final Destination.

Seriously, though, they wanted to make a pun on the phrase "ships ahoy."


Is there a practical use for holding a weapon by the backhand/with a reverse grip?

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I had to look it up too, it means invade and conquer, basically.

On a scale of 1 to invade Russia in the winter, how bad of an idea is it to wake up Haar with an air horn?

@Hawkwing OMG my little brother had that exact Living Book on a CD when he was littler. Cute story, yes. I remember reading it in elementary school and I loved how the birds got more personality in the Living Book than they had originally.

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I'd give it a "Hey, tasty forest mushrooms"


1 hour ago, Zawisza Czarny said:

What's all this about an Anschluss?

It originally means "joining". It's the term used for the "joining" of Germany and the short-lived Federal State ofAustria right before WWII. It was really more of an annexation though, which is more what the word means now.


1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:

Sorry, but that was too great an opportunity to pass up

No problem, Futurama's great. 

I thought it was a pretty common way of phrasing things but I guess it's pry just a regional dialect type thing.


Do you own a slide whistle?

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1 hour ago, ProfImpossible said:

It originally means "joining". It's the term used for the "joining" of Germany and the short-lived Federal State of Austria right before WWII. It was really more of an annexation though, which is more what the word means now.


I'm aware of the real-life meaning (I study Central and Eastern European history in my spare time). What I meant was "in what context [was] Anschluss being used in this thread?".

@Purple Mage: I don't know for sure. One of the older definitions of brick is "a good guy", so perhaps that could be it.

I accidentally 93MB of .rar files. What should I do? Is this dangerous?

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Depends on what action was taken on these files. Don't worry, their bark is worse than their bite.


34 minutes ago, Zawisza Czarny said:

I'm aware of the real-life meaning (I study Central and Eastern European history in my spare time). What I meant was "in what context [was] Anschluss being used in this thread?"

Ah I see, very cool, my bad.


What does Tarragon taste like?

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Gotta have something to complain about.


How come no one's never been arrested for painting the town red? I guess they're doing labor for free, which could be beneficial to the city's economy but still,                                                        those could be good paying jobs!

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