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What character did you want to like so much, but couldn't?

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10 minutes ago, Jotari said:

And that's why it would matter if they didn't waste Mikoto as a character and kept her alive. But without her, it's people you spend two or three years with as a toddler, vs people you've spent fourteen or fifteen years with.

Corrin's main reason for joining Hoshido is to avenge Mikoto's death, not based on family ties (not that they don't view the Hoshidan royals as family). Not to mention that Corrin doesn't care much about blood relationships to begin with and will basically adopt anyone into their "family" if they spend a significant amount of time together.

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3 hours ago, Jotari said:

Those chapters completely pale in comparison to the hypocrisy he retroactively shows by lying to Corrin about their birthright to try and get them to join Hoshido. I know "Don't join them, they're not your real family. We're you're real family, because you spent a weak with us when you were six," wouldn't be the best argument to get someone on your side, but the fact remains that Ryoma actively lied about the connection Corrin has to Hoshido and only ever thinks to bring it up if things start getting too incestuous.

I don't think Ryoma lying to you is really part of his character by design. It's just convient excuses for gameplay that shits on the writing. The writers probably didn't mean for the entire cast to be horrible parents either, but here we are with the Deeprealms.


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@Slumber Perhaps.  But that whole "Marth angle" is something I like a lot better when there is that tragic backstory.  I haven't played Thracia 776, but I also like Leif quite a bit.  There's just something I like about the lords that have actually been through a lot, as opposed to someone like Ryoma or Ephraim having lived fairly comfortable lives up until the story happens.

I do like Sigurd though, and for the reasons I stated.  He stands out in a way no other protagonist in the series does.  I find him more compelling than a lot of the Fates royals, that's for sure.  Speaking of, Xander is the most obvious answer to the topic's question, and for all the obvious reasons.

2 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

I don't think Ryoma lying to you is really part of his character by design. It's just convient excuses for gameplay that shits on the writing. The writers probably didn't mean for the entire cast to be horrible parents either, but here we are with the Deeprealms.

Every bad plot point could be attributed to the fact that they needed to pad out a game.

Though the issue with Ryoma stems mostly from the fact that they wanted to have this conflict with two sets of siblings, but they didn't want to be scrutinized internationally for including voluntary blood-sibling incest.  And the biggest betrayer of this fact is that it's only ever mentioned in the S-rank supports, and everywhere else apart from the DLC/Revelation (which is honestly just them going like, "oh yeah, and by the way" last minute) treats it as if they are your actual siblings.

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1 hour ago, Ertrick36 said:

Though the issue with Ryoma stems mostly from the fact that they wanted to have this conflict with two sets of siblings, but they didn't want to be scrutinized internationally for including voluntary blood-sibling incest.  And the biggest betrayer of this fact is that it's only ever mentioned in the S-rank supports, and everywhere else apart from the DLC/Revelation (which is honestly just them going like, "oh yeah, and by the way" last minute) treats it as if they are your actual siblings.

I suspect the sibling romance and the required retcon came extremely late in development. Ryoma was never meant to be such a liar because at the time those scenes were written he probably really was Corrin's biological brother, but then ''team B'' started going wild and started thinking people would really want to romance the Hoshidan siblings. Thus they needed an excuse to make this possible and Ryoma just had to take the hit for the team

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On ‎2018‎-‎05‎-‎11 at 12:19 PM, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

Hope you don't mind me snipping, but yes! This!

Alm was so insanely boring that his whole path became a slog and I didn't finish the game. Purely because I didn't want to deal with Alm.

I don't understand; snipping? I don't know what you mean by that. 


On ‎2018‎-‎05‎-‎13 at 8:42 PM, Book Bro said:

*sigh* Yeah, Alm is another one. At first I really liked him, after all he's a nice guy and the game really does a good job of introducing you to him. Unfortunately that's about all the game does with him. Your analysis is spot on. It's why Celica is by far my preferred lord in SoV. Yes, she makes a dumb decision late in the plot, but at least she has actual moral struggles and faces challenges in the story. It felt like Alm just got everything handed to him, including Celica being the one who had to mess up so Alm could swoop in with the "I don't wanna say I told you so, but..." in the end. I don't hate the guy but he's pretty unremarkable all things considered. And so much potential, like you said. 

Thanks. Yeah; I don't understand why they did that. Everything in the game, from its symbolism and imagery to the use of Mila and Duma as tragic figures, certainly made it seem like both Alm and Celica would mess up, and both would pull each other out of it. It even seemed like they were going to go for Rudolf and Jedah as fanatic villainous counterparts to Alm and Celica respectively. But no. And I still don't understand why they did that. 

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1 hour ago, vanguard333 said:

I don't understand; snipping? I don't know what you mean by that.

Probably editing down your quote so as to limit the amount of text that appears in their post.  So that way people still know that they're referring to that particular post without having to look at a big wall of text.  Not saying your post is a wall of text, but I don't think I'd want to see the whole thing twice in a single page.

13 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

I suspect the sibling romance and the required retcon came extremely late in development. Ryoma was never meant to be such a liar because at the time those scenes were written he probably really was Corrin's biological brother, but then ''team B'' started going wild and started thinking people would really want to romance the Hoshidan siblings. Thus they needed an excuse to make this possible and Ryoma just had to take the hit for the team

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it happened, tbh.  And I suppose to that end it kind of does tie back to the whole "this is meant to be a game" point.  Which also proves the point that just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should.  The fact that you're able to romance the siblings at all kind of ruins the sibling dynamic, especially since they all seem to want to distance themselves from the sibling notion in the first place when it gets to that point.  This goes for the Nohrian siblings as well.

In any case, it resulted in bad writing in the end that undermines the very point of the familial struggle.

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57 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

Probably editing down your quote so as to limit the amount of text that appears in their post.  So that way people still know that they're referring to that particular post without having to look at a big wall of text.  Not saying your post is a wall of text, but I don't think I'd want to see the whole thing twice in a single page.

Ah; that makes sense. Thanks. 

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Reading a few pages back, I feel like starting a list of people saying "Have you seen Ghast's support science video?" to defend a character. 

As much as he goes into detail on characters, he also kind of just interprets characters in ways I don't think they were ever meant to be interpreted(IE Olivia is a narcissist). As fun as it is to read characters in different ways, Ghast's videos aren't the end-all, be-all for whether a character is good or bad, deep or shallow, marshmallow or Jolly Rancher... And I don't think he even really intends on it being that way.

And don't get me wrong. They're good videos and he puts in plenty of work(I certainly don't want to read through hundreds of conversations for a bunch of characters like he does). His support science videos are how HE interprets characters to a certain degree. 

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I think this is a good point.

To be honest, all our interpretations of characters and how we react to them are unique to ourselves anyway. It's a pretty interesting thread as a whole, I reckon, but it is nice to see people give their own interpretations and reasons rather than just point to someone else's video, though it can be used as a guide as to how they go about interpreting the character themselves (or makes them view them in a different way).


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