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When do you switch from mostly using Iron weaponry, to Steel, and then to Silver?


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Steel and Silver go into circulation when they're available. I never fully switch but Iron gets rotated out in the second half of the game outside of building weapon rank.

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Wait, there are other metal weapons than Steel? 

In reality though I do the first third of a game with Iron, then half way through the second third have hoarded enough steel to just use those, then forget Silver exists until like the last 5 chapters.

I'm really bad at actually using equipment at a decent pace.

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Not really a question for me, as soon as they're buyable.

Well for RD, I prefer Steel Blades/Greatlances/Poleaxes over Silver, since they're available sooner, much more economical, slightly stronger, and the accuracy loss isn't that big a deal. For Blazing, it depends on Ranked or not, no ranks, and it's as soon as buyable I use Silver, otherwise I try to avoid using it, and even Ranked I let myself use Steel freely. With characters with hit or AS loss issues, I'll pack multiple grades of a weapon, just to be on the safe side. For Fates, things are obviously different due to how the weapon system works there.

What I could afford to do more I think, is to use the early pre-purchase Killers and Silvers.

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Honestly I used to go Iron weapons most of the game, Steel when Iron wasn't enough to kill when I needed to, and Silver and Braves for the last few chapters. Then I stopped hoarding and basically just use whatever when it's available now.

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Bronze/Iron for beginning (obviously), then the rest depends on the availability of the weapons, their durabilities (if applicable), and how they affect combat.

In Fates, I always prefer going with steel unless it means my unit is incapable of doubling when they could with a different weapon.  Higher tier weapons are only used when it's a boss/tough enemy, as the stat debuffs are not worth it when I'm just fighting regular dudes.  Sometimes, I'll even use bronze weapons to mitigate crit chances, since they add +10 to Crit Evade.

In Awakening, I start using silver weapons as soon as they're available except for in Frederick's case.  Heroes only on those with Armsthrift and high luck.  Durability is the only reason that mitigates one's use of higher tier weapons in that game, and all weapon types are infinitely available in some form.

In older games, I go up to steel and save the silvers/heroes for when I need them.

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If I need a silver to kill a troublesome enemy at any point in the game I use it. I ditch iron weapons pretty fast in games where there's no weight or where the weight goes against strength. In games with con I ditch iron swords quick, but keep iron lances and axes around because their steel counterparts are awful and way too heavy.

In other words I use the weapon for the particular situation at hand, not the stage of the game I'm in. Hoarding strong weapons is silly.

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As soon as I get them with Fates being the exception because Silver doesn't exist there. 

Although I tend to prefer stocking up on Killer weapons instead of Steel/Silver, they aren't as expensive as Silver and they are plainly better than Steel, critting everything is the best.

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I don't really have a single method since the games are structured so differently.

GBA: I use mostly iron; steel is a sidegrade and I use it less than iron on average. Silver once it's available of course, but if I'm watching the Funds ranking I might still use lots of iron anyway.

PoR: I've mostly switched to steel by the Begnion arc and mostly switched to silver by Crimea.

Radiant Dawn: Forged iron rules the day in Part 1. Steel greatweapons (blades, etc.) are the order of the day in late Part 2 and Part 3 and honestly most of Part 4. Forged silver is nice for endgame.

Awakening: Mostly switch as they become available and I have the weapon ranks for them.

Fates: Mostly iron; forging iron is more accurate / has fewer downsides than steel/silver. I do use steel but mostly as a sidegrade option or for people who don't double much, silver I hardly use.

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For GBA FE, I mostly just use Iron throughout the whole game, maybe give some units Steel or Silver if I happen to procure some, but I rarely buy anything else. It's cheaper, more durable, and I need to save money for Javelins/Hand Axes. :v

Same kind of applies for my playthrough of Path of Radiance, I've been using Iron throughout most of the run due to no loss of speed from weapon weight as well as better accuracy. Some people can use it without major speed loss but the accuracy thing is still an issue.

As for Awakening, I just swap to a tier above when available. That's about it.

Fates... I sort of just give everyone both forged Iron and Steel to work with ASAP so long as I can afford it. Silver's kind of garbo, and at the very least expensive, so I rarely buy it.

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Depends on the game/difficulty mode. For the most part, I utilize Iron weapons and reliable 1-2 weapons (hand axes and javelins) to take care of most of my needs. Steel comes in when my units have the Con/Str and Spd to reliably double enemies with them. I usually almost never use Steel Axes, though, except in the Tellius games, where many axe users have good enough skill to use them with little issue.

On higher difficulties, I will use silver weapons when needed, particularly the Silver Lances many Jeigan-types tend to come with, to kill bosses or troublesome enemies. If a unit I'm intent on using has bad offense but good weapon ranks, I will devote resources into giving them the best weapons possible to shore up their combat. I remember having a particularly Str-screwed Noah in my last FE6 playthrough (like, 13 str as a 20/5 Paladin), who pretty much exclusively used Silver Weapons in the endgame since he couldn't 1RKO anything otherwise. 

I'm more cautious in using effective weaponry or special weapons (Killers, Braves, Reavers, etc.) until the final stretch of the game, when I mostly want to be done with it and wreck the map. 


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I pretty much grew out of my hoarding phase in RPGs so now I use whatever items or equipment I can to beat the game the way I want.

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Iron and Steel throughout the game and the last couple of chapters I use the Silver weapons (and forges) to make it super easy. Feels good to smash the endgame with powerful weapons.

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I normally will always use Iron and Steel throughout the whole game. It's just availability and money reasons for that. Unless there is an arena then I go all out after a 4 hour grind. 

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For FE6, 7 and 8, I just use Iron for literally the whole game because they're lightweight and so my units don't get speed screwed or anything. I have some units use Silver, but due to its very low uses I don't really switch to them. I never use Steel since they're heavy.

For FE4, I switch from Iron to any other weaponry immediately, as Iron weaponry is the worst in this game for being heavy and doing the least damage. 

For FE3, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery, I constantly switch weaponry.

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Can't really say I have a time. Basically the least necessary to regularly deal with enemies. Like if Boyd's still ORKOing people in endgame with an iron axe, I don't see much point in giving him anything else, but if Oscar wants a steel lance to deal with some enemies in chapter 12, then again, don't really see a point not to unless I'm really pressed for resources.

The exception is FE4 because of the whole building kills on weapons. Then it's the strongest one I can afford to use.

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As the games tend to be structured differently, I do not have a single method.

GBA: I mostly use iron since steel is too heavy, other than swords and bows.

Tellius: Once the characters become strong enough to use steel with minimal speed loss.

Awakening: Immediately once they become available.

Fates: Pretty much immediately, but silvers rarely see use.

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5 hours ago, DemolisherBPB said:

Wait, there are other metal weapons than Steel? 

In reality though I do the first third of a game with Iron, then half way through the second third have hoarded enough steel to just use those, then forget Silver exists until like the last 5 chapters.

I'm really bad at actually using equipment at a decent pace.

Basically this.

If someone comes equipped with Silver equipment, that's gone when it breaks.

Personal weapons, Killer weapons, and Steel Weapons are typically what I use long-term.

Though I get the higher grade tomes far more often...

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Once things become available I begin circulating them through my army, A resource unexploited is of far less value than a resource exploited to extinction.

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Never. But I buy a few Killer Weapons when available. And 1-2 Range as well (Javelin, Hand Axe...)

If I have Steel/Silver weapons form chest/Charatcers they will be used if neded, but otherwise, no.

Well, in games with Bronze Weapons, I switch to Iron ASAP. And in FE4, I use whatever is the most usefull at any given moment.

Steel are generally too heavy, and Silver aren't that much worth the high cost usually. In GBA games they're even less usefull, since Silver are A Rank and Steel generally deals less damage (unless it's on  a Knight or something.)

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