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World of Dragons OoC/Signups


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Just throwing this out there: I did see the replies, and the crystal spell has been changed to not being so easily broken. Depending on the strength and willpower of the victim, it could take maybe weeks to a month, or days, to break free. You'll see where I'm going with this when I start. Should be tomorrow afternoon.

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  • Dragoncat changed the title to World of Dragons OoC/Signups

Alright. All that is left of e3 is Nintendo and then i'll post. By the way dragon, mind if i ask for a character limit per post? i'd hate to be the guy who types too much and people start going tl;dr

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Ok. I"m keeping my eyes on the thread. I'm just sitting back right now though. I'm getting pumped up waiting for the nintendo conference to start. I'll jump in after that (sometime today for sure)

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Ahh...its been so long since i've RP-ed. I'm kinda anxious. Well here is to the start of hopefully an eventful RP session. I posted not too long ago. Sorry i took so long. I'll try to get more involved.

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51 minutes ago, Tediz64 said:

Ahh...its been so long since i've RP-ed. I'm kinda anxious. Well here is to the start of hopefully an eventful RP session. I posted not too long ago. Sorry i took so long. I'll try to get more involved.

No problem! I don't expect this to move really fast.

I'll let the other people post before I post again.

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39 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

For future reference, if I were to want to add a character to the RP would that be alright?

And if so would I just make a post here?

Yes, you may do as many signups as you want and post them here!

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Finally made a post. Pardon the delay, but I wasn't sure on how to start, plus I was waiting for the others to start first.

By the way, just what exactly is the meeting place? Only watchtowers were mentioned, so I'm guessing it's an actual building like a fort or castle...? Something like that...?

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9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

By the way, just what exactly is the meeting place? Only watchtowers were mentioned, so I'm guessing it's an actual building like a fort or castle...? Something like that...?

It's just a clearing with makeshift watchtowers. Sorry for not clarifying.

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3 hours ago, Tediz64 said:

So uhm....are we taking turns? Or going in whatever order? Do we wait at least one post before posting again? Our thread went quiet. 

Sorry about that, I've been busy with the interview and stuff. Taking turns is good, I'll post soonish and then we can continue. But honestly I'm having a bit of writers' block on it right now, so bear with me.

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Would you guys rather:

The council decides to go to the Dream Weavers World to help them, where they fight Jacques, the Dream Weavers boss


The council is interrupted by an attack led by Toasty (Artisans boss) and Doctor Shemp (Peace Keepers boss)

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23 minutes ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

Just letting everyone know, my RP replies might be slow. I'm still here though!

We had to carry my grandfather to the hospital so I might be busy but I'll definitely make time to reply.

Oh no that sounds bad!

I plan on posting sometime today.

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