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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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2 minutes ago, Fable said:

What do you think about Orihime? 

Not finished her ISO so I don't know if it's changed but her V reading naana and AM given the current wagons is interesting and haven't found any reasons for it as of yet. Means much less IMO if AM is a villager but I want your take on it. 

@Fable Ori was the one who called out the discord dark theme bit with AM

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1 minute ago, Alpha Male said:

explain why they're in the middle

They haven't done anything that villagery but they haven't done anything that scummy either. Your case and stuff is mostly located in stuff I didn't read so you can't really expect me to acknowledge that.

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2 minutes ago, Ichigo said:

I gave my stance, I think they feel town tonally. If they keep playing in a way where they're giving up then yeah I'll assume they're scum and vote them, not sure what the cause for concern is

I'll give you more benefit of the doubt than Evan in this regard

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5 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Naana should be lynch tomorrow imo.  The hop they made on to AM is terrible and everything else in the case against them still stands.  Some of it is stronger based on a scum AM flip.

oh please.  I've been preparing to switch to am for hours.  I have played with her enough to know when she is scum getting rung up at eod.

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3 minutes ago, Alpha Male said:

@Fable Ori was the one who called out the discord dark theme bit with AM


I'll keep that in mind, first thing that comes to mind is she called it out but didn't move her vote?

Also can we not fucking hammer just yet? Like yeah I'm just ISOing right now but if I could talk about things I find while doing it that'd be nice. 


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