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Potential Tauroneo Stats/Skills?


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If he were to get released in Heroes, what do you think will fit him? 

I'd give him the wishblade which will have built in distant counter. I justify this because of his relation to general Bryce who was its original wielder and a fellow Rider of Daein. 

The weapon will have distant counter because it has 1-2 range much like Alondite and Ragnel. It will have 16 might and no other effects because that's the standard DC weapon type. 

I'll give him a new resolve skill that activates in combat when he's at or below half health. This will boosts his attack and speed by 5 (2 less than  brazen attack/speed skill). However unlike the brazen skill, it will also accelerate cooldown by 1 whenever the unit strikes regardless of enemy phase or ally phase. However, enemy hits won't accelerate cooldown. This is a testament to resolve increasing the chance of proccing a skill in the Tellius games by 1.5 times.   

Tauroneo's special will be luna just like in the Tellius games to stay true to the source material. 

I'd give him desperation in his B skill because of its synergy with resolve as well as it being thematically fitting because Tauroneo fought in desperate conditions after all. Furthermore, he also came to despair in the past where his family abandoned him due to being obsessed with the army and sending his own sons to harms way. 

I don't want to get into specific stat details but in RD, he had balanced stats with slightly below average str and hp for a general and slightly above average resistance and speed. 

Maybe 45 HP, 33 Str, 33 speed, 32 res and 30 def for a grand total of 173 BST? 

His lack of defense for an armour knight synergies well with being able to get into resolve range.  

Edited by Icelerate
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If Titania doesn't get Urvan due to her close relationship to Greil (much closer than Tauroneo to Bryce), I see no reason for Tauroneo to get the Wishblade.

If anything, Nephenee should have gotten the Wishblade. Most players would naturally give her the weapon in a Radiant Dawn playthrough. 

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18 minutes ago, Etheus said:

If Titania doesn't get Urvan due to her close relationship to Greil (much closer than Tauroneo to Bryce), I see no reason for Tauroneo to get the Wishblade.

If anything, Nephenee should have gotten the Wishblade. Most players would naturally give her the weapon in a Radiant Dawn playthrough. 

Ike got Urvan though. He's much closer to Griel than Titania is.

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3 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Ike got Urvan though. He's much closer to Griel than Titania is.

Obviously. But the Brave heroes aren't canon. They're basically "what if" creations.

If any character canonically deserves to inherit Urvan during the Radiant Dawn final act, it is Titania. Ike was technically closer to Greil, but it can also be said that he has no need of the weapon, because he already has his iconic Ragnell, and hasn't been shown to receive advanced axe training in the same way that he was trained with the sword.

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7 hours ago, Etheus said:

If any character canonically deserves to inherit Urvan during the Radiant Dawn final act, it is Titania. Ike was technically closer to Greil, but it can also be said that he has no need of the weapon, because he already has his iconic Ragnell, and hasn't been shown to receive advanced axe training in the same way that he was trained with the sword.

Ike is the only playable character capable of reaching SS rank in more than one physical weapon type (other than the Black Knight, who is only playable in part 1) and can therefore use Urvan for a short while before the game forces him to use Ragnell and only Ragnell.


And Jill or Haar gets Urvan after that.


14 hours ago, Icelerate said:

I'll give him a new resolve skill that activates in combat when he's at or below half health. This will boosts his attack and speed by 5 (2 less than  brazen attack/speed skill). However unlike the brazen skill, it will also accelerate cooldown by 1 whenever the unit strikes regardless of enemy phase or ally phase. However, enemy hits won't accelerate cooldown. This is a testament to resolve increasing the chance of proccing a skill in the Tellius games by 1.5 times.   

I personally see zero reason to implement Resolve as a new skill when Brazen Atk/Spd already exists.


Also, the create a hero thread does already exist for this purpose.

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1 hour ago, Ice Dragon said:

Ike is the only playable character capable of reaching SS rank in more than one physical weapon type (other than the Black Knight, who is only playable in part 1) and can therefore use Urvan for a short while before the game forces him to use Ragnell and only Ragnell.


And Jill or Haar gets Urvan after that.


I personally see zero reason to implement Resolve as a new skill when Brazen Atk/Spd already exists.


Also, the create a hero thread does already exist for this purpose.

Ike's never forced to use Ragnell. He's forced to keep it in his inventory right from the get go, but aside from the final attack against Ashera, he's free to ignore it completely and only use axes throughout part 4.

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9 hours ago, Jotari said:

Ike got Urvan though. He's much closer to Griel than Titania is.

If Raven and Linus can both get Basilikos, Titania could also get Urvan.

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4 hours ago, Thane said:

Most important question: will his title be "King Killer"?

Ah yes, his Ashnard battle conversation:


Ashnard vs Tauroneo

Ashnard: Is that you, Tauroneo? As I thought… You betrayed me after all.

Tauroneo: …In my father’s time, there was a man who was one of the Four Steadfast Riders. That man grew old and useless, and retired from the front lines. How does his story end, you ask? Come, let us write it together.

Tauroneo: Oh, my king… In all of Daein’s history, perhaps no other ruler has used the talents at his command to the degree you have… But all the same, no other king has chosen a path so incredibly stupid.

Ashnard: Heh heh heh… Will history judge me to be just or evil? We will not know until all of this is finished.

Tauroneo: …Now that I’ve confronted you and traded words with you, I have come to a decision. Throughout Daein, I, Tauroneo, will be known as the king killer. Come! Let me earn my name!

Ashnard is so wonderfully talkative, as is every not-Ashera final boss in RD. I wish the more recent games had as many conversations.

As for Tauroneo's title, his RD title is "Steadfast Rider", he is the only surviving Four Steadfast Rider, or any Four Rider at all, at the end of RD. Then again, Mist and Soren had their titles changed from their RD ending ones, so who knows?


@Ice Dragon Quick question, is "Steadfast Rider" a localization of "Shitenno" here?

If so, I can see NoA opted to go for a Biblical equivalent of the Four Heavenly Kings, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are sometimes used in an epic adjectival form like the Shitenno. But the issue that arises from this choice is "Rider" applies only to half of the Ashnard Four Riders (Bertram and Petrine, BK and Bryce are Generals), and maybe Lanvega (we have no idea), one out of the Four Steadfast Riders (the other three being two Generals and a Hero) rode anything. Thus the term "Rider" is a little odd. Wonder what else NoA might have considered calling them- if the Japanese is Shitenno at all.

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32 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Quick question, is "Steadfast Rider" a localization of "Shitenno" here?

I'm so glad that I have the Tellius Memorial Books to look this stuff up instead of having to scour the interwebs for transcripts.

The Steadfast Riders of Daein are called "不動の四駿" (fudou no shishun) in Japanese, which translates roughly as "steadfast four horses". The 駿 (shun) actually just means a "good horse", presumably metaphorically pulling the chariot that is Daein.

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9 hours ago, Lost Impact said:

How about giving Levail the Wishblade? Would like to see him added to Heroes, as unlikely as it may be.

Levail never even made it on either of the CYL polls. Shows how much Intsys cares. Consider that the whole bloody merchant caravan made it. Consider that Amy made it, but not Levail or Lekain.

9 hours ago, Jotari said:

Geoffrey's another big character that could potentially get it.

Geoffrey is to the brave lance what Finn is to the brave lance.

Edited by Vaximillian
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2 hours ago, Jotari said:

Ike's never forced to use Ragnell. He's forced to keep it in his inventory right from the get go, but aside from the final attack against Ashera, he's free to ignore it completely and only use axes throughout part 4.

I have vague recollections that starting with part 3 of the final chapter, Ike is not allowed to de-equip Ragnell.

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46 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I'm so glad that I have the Tellius Memorial Books to look this stuff up instead of having to scour the interwebs for transcripts.

The Steadfast Riders of Daein are called "不動の四駿" (fudou no shishun) in Japanese, which translates roughly as "steadfast four horses". The 駿 (shun) actually just means a "good horse", presumably metaphorically pulling the chariot that is Daein.

So not a shitenno instance, well that makes it less generic in Japan.

This makes it apparent to me that the localizing of "horse" to "rider", if not an outright error, was done to make things less awkward I think. Calling a group of humans the "Four Steadfast Horses of Daein" sounds really bizarre in English, and I'm not quite even sure how to joke about Gawain being a horse.

"Rider" is an okay localization, but only okay, for several reasons. The first owing to the fact Cavalry classes exist in FE, and as I stated before, very few of the Riders ride horses. There is the second issue of the greater metaphor you point out being lost, since a rider does not necessarily drive a chariot.

If we tried something more accurate to reflect on the greater metaphor, we could call them the "Four Steadfast Drivers of Daein", since they drive the chariot that is the kingdom. The problem here is that in modern parlance, "driver" automatically means driver of a car, and not even TMS featured cars! Suddenly, I can imagine the Black Knight putting the petal to the metal of his ebon armored BMW and sticking the Alondite out the driver side window and lopping someone's head off- ridiculous. Still, if I absolutely need someone drunk to drive me somewhere, Tauroneo, I think I'll trust my finite life with you.

We could therefore make it clearer and localize it as "Four Steadfast Chariot Drivers of Daein", this makes the metaphor almost perfectly understood. But there are new issues. One, FE doesn't have chariots almost anywhere really, which is a little strange if suddenly we're calling people them. This is five titular words, all but one with multiple syllables, and an "of" tossed in, which is a little too long for me. A good title has to balance description with conciseness, which this choice lacks.

I honestly don't know if there is a perfectly good way to handle the Japanese in English here. Direct translation I don't like, and the obvious localization choices are just as flawed.


14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Levail never even made it on either of the CYL polls. Shows how much Intsys cares. Consider that the whole bloody merchant caravan made it. Consider that Amy made it, but not Levail or Lekain.

Levail was present, you just didn't notice him because he was laying flat beneath Zelgius, keeping the lone remaining true knight of Begnion's boots from getting muddy. He's a just a Zelgius fanboy ultimately, but not a terrible character.

As for Lekain, given he is the villain that drives Sephiran off the edge into "Life is hopeless suffering, Ashera is going to nuke it all later, so let's just get it over with now out of pity", his absence is odd. Plus Astrid needs her arranged husband, he's only 50 you know, still suave and young.


2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I have vague recollections that starting with part 3 of the final chapter, Ike is not allowed to de-equip Ragnell.

When the time comes for Yune's Blessings, he MUST have Ragnell equipped to bless it, for the sake of the Ashera kill later. But I think it is perfectly possible to swap after the blessing is applied to anything you want, like a Wyrmslayer.

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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Levail never even made it on either of the CYL polls. Shows how much Intsys cares. Consider that the whole bloody merchant caravan made it. Consider that Amy made it, but not Levail or Lekain.

Geoffrey is to the brave lance what Finn is to the brave lance.

Oh wow. Whatever about Levail, Lekain definitely should have been an option. He's essentially the main villain of the game 

hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

I have vague recollections that starting with part 3 of the final chapter, Ike is not allowed to de-equip Ragnell.

I distinctly remember giving him a blessed Wyrmslayer to take down Deghinsea.

Edited by Jotari
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On ‎07‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 5:36 AM, Jotari said:

Oh wow. Whatever about Levail, Lekain definitely should have been an option. He's essentially the main villain of the game 

I distinctly remember giving him a blessed Wyrmslayer to take down Deghinsea.

You could have given someone else a Wyrmslayer to bless (like Mia, Mist, Zihark, etc) and then traded it to Ike. But Ike must always have Ragnell blessed so he can deal damage to Ashera

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