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Why you should go F2P


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...or mostly F2P, like myself. I don't waste more than $13 a month, if even...


- When you finally get it, it matters more.
You didn't pay up hudreds of dollars to get your character...multiple times. You got them once, and it meant a lot in it's own right. You don't place their worth on the money you spent; but rather the hours of hard work and saving up.

- You never really run out of things to do.
If you're like me and a couple of others, it may be unlikely that you'll rarely ever run out of things to do. There's always something to do, some character to train and grind for HM and the like...unless you don't appreciate variety and only like 3 characters out of 200+.

- You won't hate yourself for downing hundreds of dollars on a celphone game.
When you rant online about how you got a +10 Jakob instead of Sakura...yeah. I'm sorry if I can't relate.

- Everything you did just feels worth it.
You didn't pay your way into T20, and you may not even feel paying to stay there is worth it- or having to sell yourself to a very F2P-friendly Dragon team.
And when other paying players scoff at 5 orbs? That's godsent to you. Every bit of orbs and feathers count.



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This post speaks to me on a spiritual level, I'm not playing to be the best, I just want who I want, and wanna have fun with them. And given my team is kinda weak, there's a lot of the lunatic and some later hard levels they just can't do.

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17 minutes ago, NeoMasterZX said:

This post speaks to me on a spiritual level, I'm not playing to be the best, I just want who I want, and wanna have fun with them. And given my team is kinda weak, there's a lot of the lunatic and some later hard levels they just can't do.

Don't see the merit in being the "best" when you've had to pay for it.

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There's also the fact that money spent on the game could have gone to better investments, like college, charity, etc. Quite frankly, I'm completely satisfied with all of the units that I have, even though the 30 or so 5 star characters I have is almost nothing to the +10 fanatics out there. But I don't really care. My units each contribute something, and I like them as both units and characters, even if their IVs aren't perfect (atleast workable).

To be honest, it's kind of sad to see that some people have invested so much into a game that most likely won't be too relevant anymore within the next few years.

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I've been ftp from the start, though, it isn't like I've had the financial stability to be able to set any aside every month for orbs.

there are downsides to FTP though, it does require quite a bit of effort, and you can't do well in the arena unless you use a select few units but aside from that, I feel very accomplished when I win harder maps because I know that I haven't put any in and I am getting plenty out.

@indigospace I really don't appreciate shaming people for what they spend on, it makes you look like a holier than thou jerk, I would say the same about movies or going out to eat, we waste money every day that could have gone somewhere far more productive.

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I actually could buy other new games with that money :o

And yeah... When you finally get a character with all the effort of grinding orbs, it feels more rewarding

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1 hour ago, Junkhead said:

or mostly F2P, like myself. I don't waste more than $13 a month, if even...

People should spend whatever amount they are comfortable with to support the developers. If you cannot support the developers, that is fine too, but I would not call spending this money a waste when developers have to eat and may have a family to feed too.

1 hour ago, Junkhead said:

- When you finally get it, it matters more

This depends on the player and I certainly do not see it this way. The sooner I can get more powerful units, the sooner I can get all the rewards without feeling I missed out on something. 

1 hour ago, Junkhead said:

- You never really run out of things to do.

You never run out of things to do as a whale either. There is always something to spend more money on.

1 hour ago, Junkhead said:

- You won't hate yourself for downing hundreds of dollars on a celphone game

The only time I regretted something when playing this game was when I did not spend enough money to get SF!Camilla when she first came around. I got her the second time around when I spent more money and I felt much, much better.

1 hour ago, Junkhead said:

- Everything you did just feels worth it.

Again, that is subjective. Being free to play does not feel good at all. As a former dolphin who spent a lot more last year than this year, spending less this year feels worse. When I spent nearly $0 earlier this year, it feels pretty shitty to not get what you want, as I missed out on LA!Lilina. I also have so much more constraints due to a lack of resources. I cannot merge ASS!Takumi, SA!Tana, and HNY!Azura to 5*+10 to create a new Arena team that is more fun to use than BH!Lyn, Reinhardt, and Olivia.

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I mean, I did actually drop money on the 'free' Black Knight, and once when Brave Roy came out, but for the most part I've been F2P. There's one problem, though: every Fire Emblem guy I hang out with either drops cash for +10s or else has absolutely unreal luck - one guy(basically our only other actually F2P) managed THREE Bridal Tharjas in ONE FIVE-ORB RING, plus a 5S regular Tharja in the same ring(this was at 3.25% btw, so no, he didn't have to farm to like 10% for that). Meanwhile, I got kicked in the balls by a second Alm(I didn't even want the first one) trying for a recent Banner, and I lost my third chance at a Bridelia last time that Banner happened thanks to Priscilla(the only reason I wasn't really really upset was because I actually had been trying to get a 5S Priscilla as well, but I still definitely wanted Bridelia 100x more). While you may say I'll be happier whenif I do pull a Bridelia, it's definitely not fun listening to your pals talk about how they're so frustrated that they can't seem to get that eleventh Sothe while you're trying to scrape Feathers and Orbs as a mere Tier 13-14 player so you can Summon the duplicates you need to get your regular Roy to +4...and also try to 5S+0 all the GHB and TT Units you have so you can see their LV40 Conversations. I will admit, I was happy that I did get Summer Cordelia, but at the same time I'm still kind of sad because I don't have the resources to put all the love into her I would like to, plus as an F2P I have to make do with the IVs I get, which usually also ends up bad.

Edited by SoulWeaver
accidental early post
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10 minutes ago, XRay said:

People should spend whatever amount they are comfortable with to support the developers. If you cannot support the developers, that is fine too, but I would not call spending this money a waste when developers have to eat and may have a family to feed too.

Well then, in that case, they shouldn't have to market the game as if a perfectly fine free game. If it goes down hill because they don't have people to prey on, then should've thought through it, better.

10 minutes ago, XRay said:

Again, that is subjective. Being free to play does not feel good at all.

It does feel good when the pain balances it out with the reward. I'd feel a lot better on years of hard work at the gym than taking expensive steroids to get all that hard work in weeks.

10 minutes ago, XRay said:


I really, really want to say something here.

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I don't consider myself whale, but I do spend money on FEH and I never regreted. My most reliable units units are fully made from (originally) 3 and 4 stars I raised promoted, merged. By paying I didn't loose any of perks F2P get, but on top of that I can admire full set of Lyns and Hectors which is "my reward", if I didn't pay I wouldn't have them and I know I would be GREATLY bothered by it. If money wouldn't be able buy even peace of mind what good they would be and what is more valuable then that?

So will you still say that I would be happier if I didn't spent money on "mere" mobile game? That's not up to you decide though. Every invidual have their own priorities. F2P and P2W are both equally valid approaches to FEH any other game of this kind. So you really need deal that this is "each of their own" case. In the end it's not any different then buying book,  movie or any other kind of entertainment..

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2 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

Well then, in that case, they shouldn't have to market the game as if a perfectly fine free game. If it goes down hill because they don't have people to prey on, then should've thought through it, better.

It is perfectly fine as a free game. The beauty of the gacha model is that it can cater to all types of audiences no matter what their spending level is.

They have thought through it, that is why Heroes is generating more revenue than Super Mario Run.

5 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

It does feel good when the pain balances it out with the reward. I'd feel a lot better on years of hard work at the gym than taking expensive steroids to get all that hard work in weeks.

Pain feels like shit. I do not want to feel pain. I rather work hard at my job and pay to skip the grind.

As long as you are not doing competitive events, there is nothing wrong with steroids in my opinion when used in moderation.

7 minutes ago, Junkhead said:

I really, really want to say something here.

It stands for A Sketchy Summer. I prefer to use the acronym of the Focus to differentiate units to reduce confusion.

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6 minutes ago, XRay said:

Pain feels like shit. I do not want to feel pain. I rather work hard at my job and pay to skip the grind.

We need pain.

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How about you (generic you, not Soul in particular) stop sticking your hands inside others’ pockets and wallets?

How about you stop deciding for others what is and what isn’t a valid application of money and effort?

How about you stop deciding for others whether what they do or don’t do is worth it for them?

How about you stop regulating the fun of others that completely doesn’t affect you in any way, shape or form?

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We need pain as concept, but we don't need be in pain. If we feel pain it means something is wrong, if we don't it means everything is alright. There is no point being in pain over mobile game. In first place why  do you consider  playing mobile game worthwile as long as it's for free? Regardless whether you pay or not  it isn't "productive" way spending your time either way. You should go feed children in Africa or something instead if you look for valuable experience.


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8 minutes ago, Tenzen12 said:

We need pain as concept, but we don't need be in pain. If we feel pain it means something is wrong, if we don't it means everything is alright. There is no point being in pain over mobile game. In first place why  do you consider  playing mobile game worthwile as long as it's for free, if it isn't "productive" either way. You should go feed children in Africa or something instead.

I don't know if you're taking "pain" as literal as it sounds, but hard work is part of it.

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So you think people capable spending thousand dolars on FEH can afford it without working hard? People who work hard in RL can take it easy in game (or not that's up to them). People who don't work hard in RL have no choice but grind and brag about being F2P.

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Heh... I was tempting to start a similar topic since I had a little discussion yesterday.

As for me I will not spend one single cent in Heroes or any other gacha simply because it'd be basically the same as spending money in gambling game when I'd get frustrated.

The prices for orbs are ridiculously expensive and totally unjustified. With the current bonus orbs I'd buy about 0,60 € for one orb, means 12 € for one complete pull. Just for five units! I got several digital games for that price. 140 orbs cost 80 €. For that price I could get two new games for the latest console generation. I don't want to calculate without the bonus...

Sure, people can do with their money what they want, but I'll use my money for other  things which have a better price-perfomance-ratio and I can make better use from.

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29 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

managed THREE Bridal Tharjas in ONE FIVE-ORB RING, plus a 5S regular Tharja in the same ring(this was at 3.25% btw, so no, he didn't have to farm to like 10% for that). Meanwhile, I got kicked in the balls by a second Alm(I didn't even want the first one) trying for a recent Banner, and I lost my third chance at a Bridelia last time that Banner happened thanks to Priscilla(the only reason I wasn't really really upset was because I actually had been trying to get a 5S Priscilla as well, but I still definitely wanted Bridelia 100x more).

Neither regular Tharja or Priscilla are in the general 5* pool anymore. She was in the TT banner that ran around that time though. The only time 5* Priscilla could have appeared alongside Bridelia was during her launch banner last year, second time Bridelia ran was in a legendary banner so no off-focus units, and by the third, Priscilla had been demoted.


As for the topic, eh, I've been F2P since the starter pack and my total spending is still in the double digits, but I can't say I feel I've earned any of the heroes I've gotten. I'm pleased if I get a good unit, of course, but that's just getting lucky. Even then it can still feel pretty crappy summoning as F2P. A whale who just got a copy of Bride Tharja is probably going to be happier than I was than I got mine, who is inferior to regular Tharja unless you're doubly lucky with natures, and for whom a merge project is not at all practical.

Essentially, the notion of feeling Pride and Accomplishment (TM) for hard work or whatever doesn't ring true for me. I don't look for stuff to do in this game. In fact, I'm rather happy during weeks like this where there's basically very little to do. I'd be perfectly fine if IS abolished all the extraneous modes like VG and GC and just mailed the equivalent rewards to me so I could spend them with no effort involved. The game is an amusing diversion at best, but given the opportunity (i.e. when I'm at home) I'd rather be doing something else, almost always.

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33 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

(...) I'm pleased if I get a good unit, of course, but that's just getting lucky. (...)

Essentially, the notion of feeling Pride and Accomplishment (TM) for hard work or whatever doesn't ring true for me. (...)

I was just going to say that and you beat me to it. It would be hard work vs pay to win if you could buy specific characters, stronger skills etc. But the only thing you are buying is another chance to gamble. Lucky f2p can be as powerful as unlucky dolphin and it has nothing to do with hard work. Maybe being a whale can really make a difference, but I understood that this topic is about if to pay at all.

And there is another problem. If you are a f2p from the beginning you would be able to get up to 4796 orbs. If someone starts now, that is a gap that is hard to fill.

I started playing in April and it was very frustrating to me. I paid some money to speed up my progress and it actually made me happy. Even if I didn't get all the characters I wanted, the fodder was also very precious for me. Now I'm only paying for monthly deals, because that feathers/coins are very valuable to me - because I missed on free distribution of them earlier. But it is because I am comfortable with spending that money. And my teams are still way weaker than teams of someone who is f2p, but started earlier.

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3 hours ago, Junkhead said:

You don't place their worth on the money you spent; but rather the hours of hard work and saving up.

It's always nice when people belittle the hours of hard work and saving up I do to earn the money that I spend on this game.

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's always nice when people belittle the hours of hard work and saving up I do to earn the money that I spend on this game.

Well, I don't know you. But I did enjoy your comments on my Henry topic, so there's that.


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7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It's always nice when people belittle the hours of hard work and saving up I do to earn the money that I spend on this game.

I love that approach. <3

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28 minutes ago, Aislin said:

I started playing in April and it was very frustrating to me. I paid some money to speed up my progress and it actually made me happy. Even if I didn't get all the characters I wanted, the fodder was also very precious for me. Now I'm only paying for monthly deals, because that feathers/coins are very valuable to me - because I missed on free distribution of them earlier. But it is because I am comfortable with spending that money. And my teams are still way weaker than teams' of someone who was f2p, but started earlier.

I certainly get that - I've played since launch but had horrendous luck (plus the lack of awareness to reroll for good units) early on. Sorting my 5-stars by order obtained, the summoned ones are Maria, Hawkeye and Lachesis before Xander's GHB. That's two healers and a very mediocre infantry in two full months of summons essentially (and thus constitutes what my two month headstart over you gave me). Glad that it's much better these days, but it also means any desire I have to buy orbs have vanished entirely.

The last time I spent any meaningful amount of money on the game was during the overlap between Hero Fest 2 and Nohrian Summer, where I spend 250 orbs to get Summer Corrin and only got her right at the end, with zero pity breakers (the actual number of paid orbs was more like 90). I was happy to get her and she's still one of my core units, probably one of my best five overall, but it was also a lesson in the fickleness of gacha. So no regret, but also no reason to ever do it again because my barracks is functionally complete these days.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

How about you (generic you, not Soul in particular) stop sticking your hands inside others’ pockets and wallets?

How about you stop deciding for others what is and what isn’t a valid application of money and effort?

How about you stop deciding for others whether what they do or don’t do is worth it for them?

How about you stop regulating the fun of others that completely doesn’t affect you in any way, shape or form?


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