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Which of these would you rather do?


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Bad by nature, because I want to be a bad boy and burn the world for Edelgard's enjoyment.

WYR see cockroaches crawling out of your toilet or shower?

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Edelgard live in all routes. Hubert living is a bonus I guess.

WYR poop in a pot of flower or pee in a vegetable patch.

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Dimitri and Dedue. This was a hard choice, but it seems like they've suffered a bit more? Idk.


Pee in a vegetable patch.

WYR have a pet giant bird/wolf demonic beast or turn Seteth, Flayn, and Rhea into their dragon forms and keep them as pets?


Edited by Dragoncat
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Stripper. Sounds so much easier and fun.

WYR save all animals in the world or all innocent humans in the world? I lean towards saving all animals. Sorry humans.

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Insects. Crickets and scorpions taste pretty good when made a certain way.

WYR be ninja'd or pirated?

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Pirate captain. Both are dangerous jobs, but pirates sound like they have more freedom. Plus, I can be like Robin Hood but out at sea bringing liberty to slave ships and plunder galleons and give the silver and gold back to the Indians.

WYR have Skynet on your side or the Xenomorphs on your side?

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Given that Anankos was not mad once, whereas Grima has been portrayed as consistently evil (unless Heroes has done something else), I'd say I'd fix Anankos.

WYR accidentally kick the concrete so hard that it breaks (barefooted), or punch a brick wall until it breaks? Assume this will be painful for some time...

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Punch with my right fist. Even though I am right handed for most things, I use my left hand for certain important things like picking my nose, steering the car with one hand, riding a bike with one hand, playing Heroes, and some other things I should not talk about.

WYR sleep with a pile of lions or wolves? Assuming they are friendly, of course.

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Both. At the end of the day, lions are big cats and wolves are dogs. If they're friendly to you, you'd have nothing to fear at all.
Though if I had to pick, I'd say wolves if only I love them a bit more than I do lions.

WYR have a boyfriend/girlfriend who's constantly molesting people for "research" or one that gets off on you insulting them?

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If Edelgard is only molesting other waifus, then I would go with that. If molesting includes males, then I rather have Edelgard get off by me insulting her.

WYR have an older waifu/husbando or younger waifu/husbando than you? I lean towards a slightly older waifu than me.

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Duma. Milla is hot. I do not think gods have a taboo against incest.

WYR own a flying city or a have a huge dragon the same size as the flying city as a pet?

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Swimming sounds easier.

WYR be able to launch your poo or pee with such explosive force that they become deadly projectiles, or scream very loud that can shatter glass and cause people to go deaf?

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